Plot Customisation with doped
All the plotting functions in doped
are made to be as customisable as possible, and also return the Matplotlib
object, so that you can further customise the plot as you see fit.
You can run this notebook interactively through Google Colab or Binder – just click the links!
If running on Colab, then you’ll need to run !pip install doped
in a cell to install the package, and !git clone
to download the example data (and update paths in the code cells accordingly).
Defect Formation Energy Plotting
%matplotlib inline
from monty.serialization import loadfn
CdTe_thermo = loadfn("CdTe/CdTe_thermo_wout_meta.json.gz") # load our DefectThermodynamics object
Basic formation energy plot:
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich") # plot at the Te-rich chemical potential limit
# run this cell to see the possible arguments for this function (or go to the python API documentation)
In the above plot, we see doped
classified Te interstitials into having two separate defect sites. This is dictated by the dist_tol
parameter in DefectThermodynamics
(= 1.5 Å by default), which groups together defects which have distances between equivalent defect sites within this tolerance.
In this case, this is because Te interstitials adopt split-interstitial dimer structures for the +1 and neutral charge states, but a different conventional interstitial type structure for the +2 charge state.
Let’s increase it to 2 Å here to group these Te interstitials together:
CdTe_thermo.dist_tol = 2
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich")
If we had many inequivalent defects in a system (e.g. in low-symmetry/complex systems such as Sb₂Se₃), we can set dist_tol
to a high value to merge together these many inequivalent defects so that our formation energy plot just shows the lowest energy species of each defect type. Let’s quickly look at monoclinic Sb₂O₅ (a promising Sb(V)-based transparent conducting oxide, with several inequivalent sites) as an example case of this:
sb2o5_thermo = loadfn("../tests/data/Sb2O5/sb2o5_thermo.json.gz") # load our pre-computed Sb2O5 DefectThermodynamics
fig = sb2o5_thermo.plot(limit="O-poor")
Let’s set dist_tol
to a large value, which will merge all inequivalent O vacancies/interstitials and Sb interstitials so that only the lowest energy states are shown:
sb2o5_thermo.dist_tol = 10
fig = sb2o5_thermo.plot(limit="O-poor")
We can set all_entries = True
to show the full formation energy lines for all defect species, not just the lowest energy charge states. This can be useful for analysing metastable defect states, but can also be quite messy when we are plotting many defects at once.
For this case, let’s trim down to just the Cd vacancy defects:
from doped.thermodynamics import DefectThermodynamics
v_Cd_thermo = DefectThermodynamics(
[entry for entry in CdTe_thermo.defect_entries if "v_Cd" in],
) # only Cd vacancy defects
fig = v_Cd_thermo.plot(all_entries=True, limit="Te-rich")
We can instead set all_entries = "faded"
to show the full formation energy lines for all defect species, but with all metastable states faded out in grey:
fig = v_Cd_thermo.plot(
xlim=(-0.5, 2.1),
ax = fig.gca()
ax.axvline(0.47, ls="--", c="C4", alpha=0.4, zorder=-1) # add a vertical line at the transition level
& el_refs
We can also set the chemical potentials to be used in the plot directly in the plotting function (or can of course adjust DefectThermodynamics.chempots/el_refs
# we can always set/overwrite `chempots` in the plotting/tabulation functions like this too:
fig = v_Cd_thermo.plot(
chempots = {"Cd": -0.6255, "Te": -0.625}, # midpoint between Te/Cd-rich
The limit
parameter specifies the chemical potential limit for which to
plot formation energies. This can be either:
, in which case plots are generated for all limits inchempots
.“X-rich”/”X-poor” where X is an element in the system, in which case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. “Li-rich”).
A key in the
The latter two options can only be used if chempots
is in the doped
format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
# print the chemical potential limits
dict_keys(['Cd-CdTe', 'CdTe-Te'])
In this case, we can plot the Cd-rich limit by setting limit="Cd-rich"
, limit="Cd-CdTe"
(the Cd-rich limit here) or by just manually setting the chemical potentials to this limit:
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Cd-CdTe")
# manual Cd-rich chempots:
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(
We can set different (qualitative) colour maps for the plots. This can be a string name of a Matplotlib
colormap (see here), or a Colormap
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", colormap="Accent")
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
custom_cmap = ListedColormap(["#D4447E", "#E9A66C", "#507BAA", "#5FABA2", "#63666A", "#A3A3A3", "#FFD700"])
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", colormap=custom_cmap)
(and dist_tol
, colormap
In this example, we plot the formation energies of impurity elements as interstitials in trigonal Selenium – a promising candidate for indoor and tandem PV, investigated using doped
& ShakeNBreak
from doped.thermodynamics import DefectThermodynamics
Se_extrinsic_thermo = DefectThermodynamics.from_json(
) # load our DefectThermodynamics object
# interstitials only first:
from doped.core import Interstitial
Se_extrinsic_interstitials_thermo = DefectThermodynamics(
defect_entries=[entry for entry in Se_extrinsic_thermo.defect_entries
if isinstance(entry.defect, Interstitial)],
chempots = Se_extrinsic_thermo.chempots,
fig = Se_extrinsic_interstitials_thermo.plot()
Here, we have two nearby-but-distinct interstitial sites for hydrogen and oxygen interstitials. For now, let’s increase dist_tol
to merge these together, and just show the lowest energy state for each distinct defect type:
Se_extrinsic_interstitials_thermo.dist_tol = 2
fig = Se_extrinsic_interstitials_thermo.plot(chempot_table=False)
Here, we have a number of consistent trends in behaviour for the impurities, as a function of periodic group and row (hydrogen vs pnictogens vs chalcogens vs halogens), so it would aid our analysis to group the defects together in this way. We can use the colormap
and linestyles
option to do this:
By default, defect entries in DefectThermodynamics.defect_entries
(and thus plotting) are ordered by defect type (vacancies, substitutions, interstitials), then by order of appearance of the elements in the host composition, then by periodic group, then by atomic number (and then by charge state).
This is seen above, where the defects are ordered: H (group 1), N, P, As, Sb (group 15, descending), O, S, Te (group 16, descending), F, Cl, Br (group 17, descending). This makes plotting customisation based on periodic table positioning nice and easy, as shown below.
# order of defects in plot: H, N, P, As, Sb, O, S, Te, F, Cl, Br
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import as cmc
# choose our colours for each periodic group:
colors = cmc.cmaps.get("batlowS").colors # choose colormap (
H_color, pnict_color, chalc_color, halogen_color = colors[1:5] # choose colors
H_pnict_chalc_halogen_colormap = ListedColormap(
[H_color, # RGB color
# here we also adjust the alpha value to decrease the opacity of each line as we
# move down the periodic group:
*[(*pnict_color, 1 - 0.2 * i) for i in range(4)], # RGBA color (RGB + alpha)
*[(*chalc_color, 1 - 0.3 * i) for i in range(3)],
*[(*halogen_color, 1 - 0.3 * i) for i in range(3)],]
# choose linestyles
linestyles = [ # solid for first of each group, then dashed, dotted, dashdot
"-", "--", ":", "-.",
"-", "--", ":",
"-", "--", ":"
fig = Se_extrinsic_interstitials_thermo.plot(
Cool. Let’s plot the substitutions like this too:
from doped.core import Substitution
Se_extrinsic_substitutions_thermo = DefectThermodynamics(
defect_entries=[entry for entry in Se_extrinsic_thermo.defect_entries
if isinstance(entry.defect, Substitution)],
chempots = Se_extrinsic_thermo.chempots,
fig = Se_extrinsic_substitutions_thermo.plot(
) # same number of defects to plot, so can use same colormap and linestyles
We can adjust the overall style of the plot by using a custom matplotlib
style (mplstyle
) file:
with open("custom_style.mplstyle", "w") as f:
f.write("ytick.right : True\ : True\nfont.sans-serif : Helvetica")
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", style_file="custom_style.mplstyle")
We can include automatic labels for the transition levels: (as you can see, these get very messy when we are plotting many defects, so usually best to use only with a small number of defects)
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", auto_labels=True)
We can control whether or not to show the chemical potentials above the plot:
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", chempot_table=False)
& ylim
We can adjust the axis limits:
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", xlim=(-0.5, 2.1), ylim=(-0.5, 4.0))
We can show a vertical line at the predicted Fermi level position (see the doped
thermodynamics tutorial for details on how we might go about doing this):
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", fermi_level=0.4)
We can set filename
to save the plot to file:
fig = CdTe_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich", filename="CdTe_defects_plot.png")
Finite-Size Charge Correction Plots
Both the Freysoldt (FNV) and Kumagai (eFNV) charge correction plots in doped
are also quite customisable, and as always return the Matplotlib
object to allow further customisation.
eFNV (Kumagai) Correction
As shown in the doped
docs Tips page, we can set defect_region_radius
and/or excluded_indices
with the eFNV correction (get_kumagai_correction()
) to control which sites away from the defect site are used to determine the potential alignment – which we may want to do with e.g. low-dimensional materials.
te_cd_entry = [entry for entry in CdTe_thermo.defect_entries if == "Te_Cd_+1"][0]
correction, fig = te_cd_entry.get_kumagai_correction(plot=True)
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 0.238 eV
As with the defect formation energy plots, because this function also returns the Matplotlib
object, we can further customise the plot as we see fit. To illustrate, here we remove the legend from the plot and shade the region where the potential is positive in yellow:
correction, fig = te_cd_entry.get_kumagai_correction(plot=True)
ax = fig.gca() # get axis object
ax.get_legend().remove() # remove legend
ax.axhspan(0, 100, alpha=0.2, color="yellow")
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 0.238 eV
As with the defect formation energy plots, we can adjust the overall style of the plot by using a custom matplotlib
style (mplstyle
) file:
with open("custom_style.mplstyle", "w") as f:
f.write("ytick.right : True\ : True\nfont.sans-serif : Helvetica")
correction, fig = te_cd_entry.get_kumagai_correction(plot=True, style_file="custom_style.mplstyle")
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 0.238 eV
FNV (Freysoldt) Correction
Remember, the Freysoldt (FNV) correction is only valid for isotropic systems!
v_cd_entry = [entry for entry in CdTe_thermo.defect_entries if == "v_Cd_-2"][0]
correction, fig = v_cd_entry.get_freysoldt_correction(plot=True)
Calculated Freysoldt (FNV) correction is 0.738 eV
For the FNV correction, it calculates the electrostatic potential alignment along the a, b and c axes and then computes the average. We can focus on just one axis at a time by setting axis
correction_a, fig_a = v_cd_entry.get_freysoldt_correction(plot=True, axis=0)
Calculated Freysoldt (FNV) correction is 0.738 eV
Again, because this function also returns the Matplotlib
object, we can further customise the plot as we see fit. To illustrate, here we remove the legends from each plot and shade the region where the potential is positive in yellow:
correction, fig = v_cd_entry.get_freysoldt_correction(plot=True)
for ax in fig.get_axes():
ax.get_legend().remove() # remove legend
ax.artists[0].remove() # shade the region where the potential is positive
ax.axhspan(0, 100, alpha=0.2, color="yellow")
Calculated Freysoldt (FNV) correction is 0.738 eV
As with the defect formation energy plots, we can adjust the overall style of the plot by using a custom matplotlib
style (mplstyle
) file:
with open("custom_style.mplstyle", "w") as f:
f.write("ytick.right : True\ : True\nfont.sans-serif : Helvetica")
correction, fig = v_cd_entry.get_freysoldt_correction(plot=True, style_file="custom_style.mplstyle")
Calculated Freysoldt (FNV) correction is 0.738 eV
Site Displacement / Strain Plots
As shown in more detail in the advanced analysis tutorial, the DefectEntry.plot_site_displacements()
method and functions in doped.utils.displacements
can be quite useful for analysing the lattice response (site displacements) and local strain for a relaxed defect structure.
Again, these functions return the Matplotlib
object to allow further customisation (more examples shown in the advanced analysis tutorial):
te_cd_entry = [entry for entry in CdTe_thermo.defect_entries if == "Te_Cd_+1"][0]
fig = te_cd_entry.plot_site_displacements()
ax = fig.gca(); ax.set_xlim(2, 11); ax.set_ylim(0, 0.22); # adjust x/y-lims
Eigenvalue Plots
As shown in more detail in the advanced analysis tutorial, the DefectEntry.get_eigenvalue_analysis()
method and functions in doped.utils.eigenvalues
can be quite useful for analysing the electronic structure of our defect calculations.
Again, these functions return the Matplotlib
object to allow further customisation:
te_cd_entry = [entry for entry in CdTe_thermo.defect_entries if == "Te_Cd_+1"][0]
bes, fig = te_cd_entry.get_eigenvalue_analysis()
# adjust ylim and add line around defect level:
ax = fig.axes[0]; ax.set_ylim(-0.2, 1.8), ax.axhline(1.1)
INFO: The eigenvalues are shifted by -1.65
INFO:pydefect.analyzer.band_edge_states:The eigenvalues are shifted by -1.65