Full Defect Workflow Example (w/GGA)


You can run this notebook interactively through Google Colab or Binder – just click the links! If running on Colab, then you’ll need to run !pip install doped in a cell to install the package, and !git clone https://github.com/SMTG-Bham/doped to download the example data (and update paths in the code cells accordingly).


For illustration purposes with this tutorial, we’ll use semi-local DFT (GGA) to speed up the calculations. But note that for a quantitative study, you should use accurate electronic structure methods such as hybrid DFT!

# Show versions of doped and shakenbreak
from importlib_metadata import version
print("Version of doped:", version('doped'))
print("Version of shakenbreak:", version('shakenbreak'))
print("Version of pymatgen:", version('pymatgen'))
print("Version of spglib:", version('spglib'))
Version of doped: 2.3.2
Version of shakenbreak: 3.3.1
Version of pymatgen: 2024.2.8
Version of spglib: 2.0.2

1. Parse host structure


Currently doped uses the legacy MP API, and so we’ll use this version here as well. To access the legacy API, you need your legacy key, which you can find here. It should be within 15 and 20 characters long.

import os

# Load your MP_API_KEY from your environment variables
MP_API_KEY = os.environ.get("MP_API_KEY")
# Or set it directly
# MP_API_KEY="your-api-key"
# Note that this syntax will only work if you have set the legacy API key!
from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester # Legacy API used by doped
# from mp_api.client import MPRester

# Here we query with the explicit formula
mpr = MPRester() # MP_API_KEY
results = mpr.query(
    criteria={"pretty_formula": "MgO", "e_above_hull": {"$lte": 0.01}},
    properties=["material_id", "pretty_formula", "e_above_hull", "structure", "spacegroup"]
print(f"Number of parsed structures: {len(results)}")
/home/ireaml/miniconda3/envs/doped/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymatgen/ext/matproj_legacy.py:164: UserWarning: You are using the legacy MPRester. This version of the MPRester will no longer be updated. To access the latest data with the new MPRester, obtain a new API key from https://materialsproject.org/api and consult the docs at https://docs.materialsproject.org/ for more information.
Number of parsed structures: 1


Note that the syntax for the MPRester() class varies depending on the pymatgen version. Here we’re using pymatgen=2023.11.12.

[{'material_id': 'mp-1265',
  'pretty_formula': 'MgO',
  'e_above_hull': 0,
  'structure': Structure Summary
      abc : 3.0097887004120407 3.0097887004120407 3.0097887004120407
   angles : 60.00000000000001 60.00000000000001 60.00000000000001
   volume : 19.2793782653415
        A : 0.0 2.128242 2.128242
        B : 2.128242 0.0 2.128242
        C : 2.128242 2.128242 0.0
      pbc : True True True
  PeriodicSite: Mg (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  PeriodicSite: O (2.128, 2.128, 2.128) [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
  'spacegroup': {'symprec': 0.1,
   'source': 'spglib',
   'symbol': 'Fm-3m',
   'number': 225,
   'point_group': 'm-3m',
   'crystal_system': 'cubic',
   'hall': '-F 4 2 3'}}]
prim_struc = results[0]["structure"]
Structure Summary
    abc : 3.0097887004120407 3.0097887004120407 3.0097887004120407
 angles : 60.00000000000001 60.00000000000001 60.00000000000001
 volume : 19.2793782653415
      A : 0.0 2.128242 2.128242
      B : 2.128242 0.0 2.128242
      C : 2.128242 2.128242 0.0
    pbc : True True True
PeriodicSite: Mg (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
PeriodicSite: O (2.128, 2.128, 2.128) [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]


Note that if you use the new API, you’ll get a structure with slightly different lattice parameters as the computational setup differs a bit from the old API! If you want to use the exact same structure as in this tutotial, you can load it from:

from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure prim_struc = Structure.from_file(filename=”MgO/Input_files/prim_struc_POSCAR”)

# Save to Input_files for reproducibility
'Mg1 O1\n1.0\n   0.0000000000000000    2.1282420000000002    2.1282420000000002\n   2.1282420000000002    0.0000000000000000    2.1282420000000002\n   2.1282420000000002    2.1282420000000002    0.0000000000000000\nMg O\n1 1\ndirect\n   0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000 Mg\n   0.5000000000000000    0.5000000000000000    0.5000000000000000 O\n'

2. Relax bulk structure

Before relaxing the structure, we need to find a converged k-point mesh and pseudopotential energy cutoff. This can be done by using vaspup2.

2.1 Convergence

Generate inputs for convergence tests

from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Potcar, Kpoints, Incar, Poscar, VaspInput
from monty.serialization import loadfn

potcar_yaml = "../doped/VASP_sets/PotcarSet.yaml"
potcar_dict = loadfn(potcar_yaml)

poscar = Poscar(prim_struc)
print(f"Default PBE pseudopotentials:")
potcar_names = []
for el in prim_struc.elements:
    print(f"Element {el}: {potcar_dict['POTCAR'][str(el)]}")
# Create POTCAR
potcar = Potcar(symbols=potcar_names, functional="PBE")
Default PBE pseudopotentials:
Element Mg: Mg
Element O: O
# Incar file for convergence
incar_convergence = Incar.from_dict(
        'ALGO': 'Normal',
        'EDIFF': 1e-07,
        'ENCUT': 300,
        'GGA': 'Ps',
        'IBRION': -1,
        'ISMEAR': 0,
        'ISPIN': 2,
        'LORBIT': 11,
        'LREAL': False,
        'NEDOS': 2000,
        'NELM': 100,
        'NSW': 0,
        'PREC': 'Accurate',
        'SIGMA': 0.05,
        'KPAR': 2,
        'NCORE': 8,

To run the next cells, we need to first install kgrid, which can be done by running

! pip install kgrid
from kgrid.series import cutoff_series
from kgrid import calc_kpt_tuple
import numpy as np

def generate_kgrids_cutoffs(
    structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure,
    kmin: int = 4,
    kmax: int = 20,
) -> list:
    """Generate a series of kgrids for your lattice between a real-space cutoff range of `kmin` and `kmax` (in A).
    For semiconductors, the default values (kmin: 4; kmax: 20) are generally good.
    For metals you might consider increasing a bit the cutoff (kmax~30).
    Returns a list of kmeshes.
        atoms (ase.atoms.Atoms): _description_
        kmin (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 4.
        kmax (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20.

        list: list of kgrids
    # Transform struct to atoms
    aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor()
    atoms = aaa.get_atoms(structure=structure)
    # Calculate kgrid samples for the given material
    kpoint_cutoffs = cutoff_series(
    kspacing = [np.pi / c for c in kpoint_cutoffs]
    kgrid_samples = [
        calc_kpt_tuple(atoms, cutoff_length=(cutoff - 1e-4))
        for cutoff in kpoint_cutoffs
    print(f"Kgrid samples: {kgrid_samples}")

    return kgrid_samples
kgrids = generate_kgrids_cutoffs(prim_struc)
# Avoid duplicates
kgrids = list(set(kgrids))
# Sort
Kgrid samples: [(4, 4, 4), (5, 5, 5), (6, 6, 6), (7, 7, 7), (8, 8, 8), (9, 9, 9), (10, 10, 10), (11, 11, 11), (12, 12, 12), (13, 13, 13), (14, 14, 14), (15, 15, 15), (16, 16, 16)]
# Mid entry of kpoints for the ENCUT convergence test
mid_kgrid = kgrids[len(kgrids)//2]
kpoints = Kpoints(kpts=(mid_kgrid,))
vasp_input = VaspInput(poscar=poscar, incar=incar_convergence, kpoints=kpoints, potcar=potcar)
# Write to Bulk_convergence
# As string, to copy to vaspup2.0 CONFIG file
kpoints_string = ""
for k in kgrids:
    kpoints_string += f"{k[0]} {k[1]} {k[2]},"
'4 4 4,5 5 5,6 6 6,7 7 7,8 8 8,9 9 9,10 10 10,11 11 11,12 12 12,13 13 13,14 14 14,15 15 15,16 16 16,'
config=f"""# vaspup2.0 - Seán Kavanagh (sean.kavanagh.19@ucl.ac.uk), 2023
# This is the default config for automating convergence.
# Works for ground-state energy convergence and DFPT convergence.

conv_encut="1"		# 1 for ON, 0 for OFF (ENCUT Convergence Testing)
encut_start="300"	# Value to start ENCUT calcs from.
encut_end="900"		# Value to end ENCUT calcs on.
encut_step="50"		# ENCUT increment.

conv_kpoint="1"		# 1 for ON, 0 for OFF (KPOINTS Convergence Testing)
kpoints="{kpoints_string}" # All the kpoints meshes
# you want to try, separated by a comma

run_vasp="1"		# Run VASP after generating the files? (1 for ON, 0 for OFF)
#name="Bulk_Convergence" # Optional name to append to each jobname (remove "#")
# Save it to input directory
with open("./MgO/Bulk_convergence/input/CONFIG", "w") as f:

We copy the input directory to the computer cluster where we will run the convergence calculations. Then run vaspup2 to generate the inputs for all the convergence calculations and run them by running the command generate-converge from the directory above the input folder.

Get converged values

After using vaspup2.0 to run the calculations (with the command generate-converge) and parse the results (with data-converge), we get the following results:

Output from running vaspup2.0 `data-converge` in the `cutoff_converge` directory:

Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
e300            -12.66773427    -6.3338671
e350            -12.56221754    -6.2811087        -52.7584                  0.0000
e400            -12.51904641    -6.2595232        -21.5855                  0.0000
e450            -12.50729263    -6.2536463        -5.8769                   0.0000
e500            -12.50319088    -6.2515954        -2.0509                   0.0000
e550            -12.50398209    -6.2519910        0.3956                    0.0000
e600            -12.50603059    -6.2530152        1.0242                    0.0000
e650            -12.50759882    -6.2537994        0.7842                    0.0000
e700            -12.50876680    -6.2543834        0.5840                    0.0000
e750            -12.50912904    -6.2545645        0.1811                    0.0000
e800            -12.50945676    -6.2547283        0.1638                    0.0000
e850            -12.50950670    -6.2547533        0.0250                    0.0000
e900            -12.50951238    -6.2547561        0.0028                    0.0000
Output from running vaspup2.0 `data-converge` in the `kpoint_converge` directory:

Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
k4,4,4          -12.58620794    -6.2931039
k5,5,5          -12.66431702    -6.3321585        39.0546                   0.0000
k6,6,6          -12.66659966    -6.3332998        1.1413                    0.0000
k7,7,7          -12.66180056    -6.3309002        -2.3996                   0.0000
k8,8,8          -12.64832289    -6.3241614        -6.7388                   0.0000
k9,9,9          -12.65998187    -6.3299909        5.8295                    0.0000
k_10,10,10      -12.66773427    -6.3338671        3.8762                    0.0000
k_11,11,11      -12.66360626    -6.3318031        -2.0640                   0.0000
k_12,12,12      -12.65463699    -6.3273184        -4.4847                   0.0000
k_13,13,13      -12.65957706    -6.3297885        2.4701                    0.0000
k_14,14,14      -12.66096859    -6.3304842        0.6957                    0.0000
k_15,15,15      -12.65856041    -6.3292802        -1.2040                   0.0000
k_16,16,16      -12.65562228    -6.3278111        -1.4691                   0.0000


Typically, you converge these parameters to 1 meV/atom for high accuracy (highly recommended) and 5 meV/atom for moderate accuracy. For this qualitative example, we’ll use a convergence threshold of 5 meV/atom. As shown in the plots below, this corresponds to a k-point mesh of 7x7x7 and a cutoff of 450 eV.

Convergence Plots
# Output from running vaspup2.0 `data-converge`
encut_results = """Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
e300            -12.66773427    -6.3338671
e350            -12.56221754    -6.2811087        -52.7584                  0.0000
e400            -12.51904641    -6.2595232        -21.5855                  0.0000
e450            -12.50729263    -6.2536463        -5.8769                   0.0000
e500            -12.50319088    -6.2515954        -2.0509                   0.0000
e550            -12.50398209    -6.2519910        0.3956                    0.0000
e600            -12.50603059    -6.2530152        1.0242                    0.0000
e650            -12.50759882    -6.2537994        0.7842                    0.0000
e700            -12.50876680    -6.2543834        0.5840                    0.0000
e750            -12.50912904    -6.2545645        0.1811                    0.0000
e800            -12.50945676    -6.2547283        0.1638                    0.0000
e850            -12.50950670    -6.2547533        0.0250                    0.0000
e900            -12.50951238    -6.2547561        0.0028                    0.0000"""
([300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900],

We can parse the results using the following function parse_encut, which will return a plot of the convergence results.

def parse_encut(encut):
    """Parse and plot the ENCUT convergence results, generated by vaspup2.0 `data-converge` command.
    # Get values from 3rd column into list
    encut_energies_per_atom = [float(line.split()[2]) for line in encut.split("\n")[1:]]
    # Get encut values from 1st column into list
    encut_values = [int(line.split()[0][1:]) for line in encut.split("\n")[1:]]
    # return encut_values, encut_energies_per_atom

    # Plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5))
    ax.plot(encut_values, encut_energies_per_atom, marker="o", color="#D4447E")
    # Draw lines +- 5 meV/atom from the last point (our most accurate value)
    for threshold, color in zip([0.005, 0.001], ("#E9A66C", "#5FABA2")):
            y=encut_energies_per_atom[-1] + threshold,
            xmin=encut_values[0], xmax=encut_values[-1],
            color=color, linestyles="dashed",
            label=f"{1000*threshold} meV/atom"
            y=encut_energies_per_atom[-1] - threshold,
            xmin=encut_values[0], xmax=encut_values[-1],
            color=color, linestyles="dashed",
        # Fill the area between the lines
            encut_energies_per_atom[-1] - threshold,
            encut_energies_per_atom[-1] + threshold,
            color=color, alpha=0.08,
    # Add laels
    ax.set_xlabel("ENCUT (eV)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Energy per atom (eV)")
    return fig
fig = parse_encut(encut_results)

Idem for the kpoints:

kpoint_results = """Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
k4,4,4          -12.58620794    -6.2931039
k5,5,5          -12.66431702    -6.3321585        39.0546                   0.0000
k6,6,6          -12.66659966    -6.3332998        1.1413                    0.0000
k7,7,7          -12.66180056    -6.3309002        -2.3996                   0.0000
k8,8,8          -12.64832289    -6.3241614        -6.7388                   0.0000
k9,9,9          -12.65998187    -6.3299909        5.8295                    0.0000
k_10,10,10      -12.66773427    -6.3338671        3.8762                    0.0000
k_11,11,11      -12.66360626    -6.3318031        -2.0640                   0.0000
k_12,12,12      -12.65463699    -6.3273184        -4.4847                   0.0000
k_13,13,13      -12.65957706    -6.3297885        2.4701                    0.0000
k_14,14,14      -12.66096859    -6.3304842        0.6957                    0.0000
k_15,15,15      -12.65856041    -6.3292802        -1.2040                   0.0000
k_16,16,16      -12.65562228    -6.3278111        -1.4691                   0.0000"""
def parse_kpoints(kpoints):
    """Function to parse kpoints convergence results from the string produced by vaspup2.0
    and plot them."""
    # Get values from 3rd column into list
    kpoints_energies_per_atom = [float(line.split()[2]) for line in kpoints.split("\n")[1:]]
    # Get encut values from 1st column into list
    data = [line.split() for line in kpoints.split("\n")[1:]]
    kpoints_values = [line[0].split("k")[1].split("_")[-1].split()[0] for line in data]
    # print(kpoints_values)
    #return kpoints_values, kpoints_energies_per_atom
    # Plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5))
    ax.plot(kpoints_values, kpoints_energies_per_atom, marker="o", color="#D4447E")
    # Draw lines +- 5 meV/atom from the last point (our most accurate value)
    for threshold, color in zip([0.005, 0.001], ("#E9A66C", "#5FABA2")):
            y=kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] + threshold,
            label=f"{1000*threshold} meV/atom"
            y=kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] - threshold,
        # Fill the area between the lines
            kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] - threshold,
            kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] + threshold,
    # Add axis labels
    ax.set_ylabel("Energy per atom (eV)")
    # Rotate xticks
    ax.set_xticklabels(kpoints_values, rotation=90)
    return fig
fig = parse_kpoints(kpoint_results)
/tmp/ipykernel_30114/2958063517.py:43: UserWarning: set_ticklabels() should only be used with a fixed number of ticks, i.e. after set_ticks() or using a FixedLocator.
  ax.set_xticklabels(kpoints_values, rotation=90)

Converged values to 5 meV/atom: # Note that in a proper defect study, you’d converge to 1 meV/atom!

  • kpoints: 7x7x7

  • cutoff: 450 eV

2.2 Bulk Relaxation

Generate input files

We generate the VASP input files to relax the primitive structure:

For the POTCAR, we use the default VASP PBE pseudopotentials, which we read from doped:

from monty.serialization import loadfn
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

potcar_yaml = "../doped/VASP_sets/PotcarSet.yaml"
potcar_dict = loadfn(potcar_yaml)

if not prim_struc:
    prim_struc = Structure.from_file("MgO/Input_files/prim_struc_POSCAR")
print(f"Default PBE pseudopotentials:")
potcar_names = []
for el in prim_struc.elements:
    print(f"Element {el}: {potcar_dict['POTCAR'][str(el)]}")
Default PBE pseudopotentials:
Element Mg: Mg
Element O: O
# Generate input files for VASP
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Incar, Poscar, Potcar, Kpoints, VaspInput

poscar = Poscar(prim_struc)
kpoints = Kpoints(kpts=((7,7,7),)) # Using converged kgrid from previous section
potcar = Potcar(
    potcar_names # Recommended VASP pseudopotentials for Mg, O

Finally, we load the INCAR file and update the ENCUT value. Note that because we’re relaxing the volume of the structure, we need to increase our converged ENCUT by 30% (see discussion of Pulay stress).

incar = Incar.from_file("./MgO/Input_files/INCAR_bulk_relax")
        "ENCUT": 450 * 1.3, # Increase ENCUT by 30% because we're relaxing volume (Pulay stress)
        # Paralelisation
        "KPAR": 2,
        "NCORE": 8, # Might need updating for your HPC!
        # Functional
        "GGA": "PS",
        # Relaxation
        "IBRION": 2,
        "ISIF": 3, # Relax cell
        "NSW": 800, # Max number of steps
        # Accuracy and thresholds
        "ISYM": 2, # Symmetry on
        "PREC": "Accurate",
        "EDIFF": 1e-6, # Electronic convergence
        "EDIFFG": 1e-5, # Ionic convergence
        "ALGO": "Normal",
{'GGA': 'PS',
 'ALGO': 'Normal',
 'EDIFF': 1e-06,
 'EDIFFG': 1e-05,
 'ENCUT': 585.0,
 'IBRION': 2,
 'ISIF': 3,
 'ISMEAR': 0,
 'ISPIN': 1,
 'ISYM': 2,
 'KPAR': 2,
 'LCHARG': True,
 'LHFCALC': False,
 'LWAVE': False,
 'NCORE': 8,
 'NELM': 60,
 'NELMIN': 5,
 'NSW': 800,
 'PREC': 'Accurate',
 'SIGMA': 0.1}

In the INCAR, remember to adapt the KPAR and NCORE to values that are appropriate for your computer cluster!

vasp_input = VaspInput(incar, kpoints, poscar, potcar)
# Write to folder

We know submit the bulk relaxation in a computer cluster. After the first relaxation is converged, we resubmit with the converged ENCUT value (without increasing it by 30%), as we need to use the same ENCUT value for the bulk and defect calculations:

sed -i 's/ENCUT = 585/ENCUT = 450/g' INCAR
qsub -N bulk_relax job # Update for your HPC!

After the relaxation is complete, we parse the resulting vasprun.xml and CONTCAR to the current directory.

# We can check the volume change upon relaxation like this:
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

s_poscar = Structure.from_file("MgO/Bulk_relax/POSCAR")
s_contcar = Structure.from_file("MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR")
s_poscar.volume, s_contcar.volume
(19.2793782653415, 18.521290988527692)
from pymatgen.io.vasp.outputs import Vasprun

# Can check if relaxation is converged by parsing the vasprun.xml
if os.path.exists("MgO/Bulk_relax/vasprun.xml"):
    vr = Vasprun("MgO/Bulk_relax/vasprun.xml")
elif os.path.exists("MgO/Bulk_relax/vasprun.xml.gz"):
    vr = Vasprun("MgO/Bulk_relax/vasprun.xml.gz")
    raise FileNotFoundError("No vasprun.xml found in the Bulk_relax directory")
print(f"Relaxation converged?", vr.converged)
Relaxation converged? True

3. Generate defects

Load the bulk relaxed structure:

import os
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

if not os.path.exists("./MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR"):
    print("Please run the bulk relaxation first!")
    prim_struc = Structure.from_file("./MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR")

We can generate all the intrinsic defects for that bulk structure by running the DefectsGenerator class:

from doped.generation import DefectsGenerator
# generate all intrinsic defects, enforcing the use of a cubic supercell in this example case:
defect_gen = DefectsGenerator(structure=prim_struc, supercell_gen_kwargs={"force_cubic":True})
Generating DefectEntry objects: 100.0%|██████████| [00:08,  11.75it/s]
Vacancies    Guessed Charges    Conv. Cell Coords    Wyckoff
-----------  -----------------  -------------------  ---------
v_Mg         [+1,0,-1,-2]       [0.000,0.000,0.000]  4a
v_O          [+2,+1,0,-1]       [0.500,0.500,0.500]  4b

Substitutions    Guessed Charges    Conv. Cell Coords    Wyckoff
---------------  -----------------  -------------------  ---------
Mg_O             [+4,+3,+2,+1,0]    [0.500,0.500,0.500]  4b
O_Mg             [0,-1,-2,-3,-4]    [0.000,0.000,0.000]  4a

Interstitials    Guessed Charges    Conv. Cell Coords    Wyckoff
---------------  -----------------  -------------------  ---------
Mg_i_Td          [+2,+1,0]          [0.250,0.250,0.250]  8c
O_i_Td           [0,-1,-2]          [0.250,0.250,0.250]  8c

The number in the Wyckoff label is the site multiplicity/degeneracy of that defect in the conventional ('conv.') unit cell, which comprises 4 formula unit(s) of MgO.
Note that Wyckoff letters can depend on the ordering of elements in the conventional standard structure, for which doped uses the spglib convention.

Note that you can check the documentation of this class by running DefectsGenerator?:

from doped.generation import DefectsGenerator
Init signature:
    structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure,
    extrinsic: Union[str, List, Dict, NoneType] = None,
    interstitial_coords: Optional[List] = None,
    generate_supercell: bool = True,
    charge_state_gen_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
    supercell_gen_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
    interstitial_gen_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
    target_frac_coords: Optional[List] = None,
    processes: Optional[int] = None,
Docstring:      Class for generating doped DefectEntry objects.
Init docstring:
Generates doped DefectEntry objects for defects in the input host
structure. By default, generates all intrinsic defects, but extrinsic
defects (impurities) can also be created using the ``extrinsic``

Interstitial sites are generated using Voronoi tessellation by default (found
to be the most reliable), which can be controlled using the
``interstitial_gen_kwargs`` argument (passed as keyword arguments to the
``VoronoiInterstitialGenerator`` class). Alternatively, a list of interstitial
sites (or single interstitial site) can be manually specified using the
``interstitial_coords`` argument.

By default, supercells are generated for each defect using the doped
``get_ideal_supercell_matrix()`` function (see docstring), with default settings
of ``min_image_distance = 10`` (minimum distance between periodic images of 10 Å),
``min_atoms = 50`` (minimum 50 atoms in the supercell) and ``ideal_threshold = 0.1``
(allow up to 10% larger supercell if it is a diagonal expansion of the primitive
or conventional cell). This uses a custom algorithm in ``doped`` to efficiently
search over possible supercell transformations and identify that with the minimum
number of atoms (hence computational cost) that satisfies the minimum image distance,
number of atoms and ``ideal_threshold`` constraints. These settings can be controlled
by specifying keyword arguments with ``supercell_gen_kwargs``, which are passed to
``get_ideal_supercell_matrix()`` (e.g. for a minimum image distance of 15 Å with at
least 100 atoms, use:
``supercell_gen_kwargs = {'min_image_distance': 15, 'min_atoms': 100}``). If the
input structure already satisfies these constraints (for the same number of atoms as
the ``doped``-generated supercell), then it will be used.
Alternatively if ``generate_supercell = False``, then no supercell is generated
and the input structure is used as the defect & bulk supercell. (Note this
may give a slightly different (but fully equivalent) set of coordinates).

The algorithm for determining defect entry names is to use the pymatgen defect
name (e.g. ``v_Cd``, ``Cd_Te`` etc.) for vacancies/antisites/substitutions, unless
there are multiple inequivalent sites for the defect, in which case the point
group of the defect site is appended (e.g. ``v_Cd_Td``, ``Cd_Te_Td`` etc.), and if
this is still not unique, then element identity and distance to the nearest
neighbour of the defect site is appended (e.g. ``v_Cd_Td_Te2.83``, ``Cd_Te_Td_Cd2.83``
etc.). For interstitials, the same naming scheme is used, but the point group
is always appended to the pymatgen defect name.

Possible charge states for the defects are estimated using the probability of
the corresponding defect element oxidation state, the magnitude of the charge
state, and the maximum magnitude of the host oxidation states (i.e. how
'charged' the host is), with large (absolute) charge states, low probability
oxidation states and/or greater charge/oxidation state magnitudes than that of
the host being disfavoured. This can be controlled using the
``probability_threshold`` (default = 0.0075) or ``padding`` (default = 1) keys in
the ``charge_state_gen_kwargs`` parameter, which are passed to the
``_charge_state_probability()`` function. The input and computed values used to
guess charge state probabilities are provided in the
``DefectEntry.charge_state_guessing_log`` attributes. See docs for examples of
modifying the generated charge states.

    structure (Structure):
        Structure of the host material (as a pymatgen Structure object).
        If this is not the primitive unit cell, it will be reduced to the
        primitive cell for defect generation, before supercell generation.
    extrinsic (Union[str, List, Dict]):
        List or dict of elements (or string for single element) to be used
        for extrinsic defect generation (i.e. dopants/impurities). If a
        list is provided, all possible substitutional defects for each
        extrinsic element will be generated. If a dict is provided, the keys
        should be the host elements to be substituted, and the values the
        extrinsic element(s) to substitute in; as a string or list.
        In both cases, all possible extrinsic interstitials are generated.
    interstitial_coords (List):
        List of fractional coordinates (corresponding to the input structure),
        or a single set of fractional coordinates, to use as interstitial
        defect site(s). Default (when interstitial_coords not specified) is
        to automatically generate interstitial sites using Voronoi tessellation.
        The input interstitial_coords are converted to
        DefectsGenerator.prim_interstitial_coords, which are the corresponding
        fractional coordinates in DefectsGenerator.primitive_structure (which
        is used for defect generation), along with the multiplicity and
        equivalent coordinates, sorted according to the doped convention.
    generate_supercell (bool):
        Whether to generate a supercell for the output defect entries
        (using the custom algorithm in ``doped`` which efficiently searches over
        possible supercell transformations and identifies that with the minimum
        number of atoms (hence computational cost) that satisfies the minimum
        image distance, number of atoms and ``ideal_threshold`` constraints
        - which can be controlled with ``supercell_gen_kwargs``).
        If False, then the input structure is used as the defect & bulk supercell.
        (Note this may give a slightly different (but fully equivalent) set of coordinates).
    charge_state_gen_kwargs (Dict):
        Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``_charge_state_probability``
        function (such as ``probability_threshold`` (default = 0.0075, used for
        substitutions and interstitials) and ``padding`` (default = 1, used for
        vacancies)) to control defect charge state generation.
    supercell_gen_kwargs (Dict):
        Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``get_ideal_supercell_matrix``
        function (such as ``min_image_distance`` (default = 10), ``min_atoms``
        (default = 50), ``ideal_threshold`` (default = 0.1), ``force_cubic``
        - which enforces a (near-)cubic supercell output (default = False),
        or ``force_diagonal`` (default = False)).
    interstitial_gen_kwargs (Dict, bool):
        Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``VoronoiInterstitialGenerator``
        class (such as ``clustering_tol``, ``stol``, ``min_dist`` etc), or to
        ``InterstitialGenerator`` if ``interstitial_coords`` is specified.
        If set to False, interstitial generation will be skipped entirely.
    target_frac_coords (List):
        Defects are placed at the closest equivalent site to these fractional
        coordinates in the generated supercells. Default is [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
        if not set (i.e. the supercell centre, to aid visualisation).
    processes (int):
        Number of processes to use for multiprocessing. If not set, defaults to
        one less than the number of CPUs available.

    defect_entries (Dict): Dictionary of {defect_species: DefectEntry} for all
        defect entries (with charge state and supercell properties) generated.
    defects (Dict): Dictionary of {defect_type: [Defect, ...]} for all defect
        objects generated.
    primitive_structure (Structure): Primitive cell structure of the host
        used to generate defects.
    supercell_matrix (Matrix): Matrix to generate defect/bulk supercells from
        the primitive cell structure.
    bulk_supercell (Structure): Supercell structure of the host
        (equal to primitive_structure * supercell_matrix).
    conventional_structure (Structure): Conventional cell structure of the
        host according to the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (BCS) definition,
        used to determine defect site Wyckoff labels and multiplicities.

    ``DefectsGenerator`` input parameters are also set as attributes.
File:           ~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-ImperialCollegeLondon/Bread/Projects/Packages/doped/doped/generation.py
Type:           type

Can check the dimensions of the generated supercell by calling the bulk_supercell method:

    abc : 12.599838 12.599838 12.599838
 angles : 90.0 90.0 90.0
 volume : 2000.298843632019
      A : 12.599838 0.0 0.0
      B : 0.0 12.599838 0.0
      C : 0.0 0.0 12.599838
    pbc : True True True

which corresponds to the following expansion of the primitive cell:

array([[-3,  3,  3],
       [ 3, -3,  3],
       [ 3,  3, -3]])

We can see the generated Defect objects by calling the defects method:

{'vacancies': [v_Mg vacancy defect at site [0.000,0.000,0.000] in structure,
  v_O vacancy defect at site [0.500,0.500,0.500] in structure],
 'substitutions': [Mg_O substitution defect at site [0.500,0.500,0.500] in structure,
  O_Mg substitution defect at site [0.000,0.000,0.000] in structure],
 'interstitials': [Mg_i interstitial defect at site [0.250,0.250,0.250] in structure,
  O_i interstitial defect at site [0.250,0.250,0.250] in structure]}

And the associated DefectEntry keys by calling the defect_entries method:

# Names of generated defects with their charges
dict_keys(['v_Mg_-2', 'v_Mg_-1', 'v_Mg_0', 'v_Mg_+1', 'v_O_-1', 'v_O_0', 'v_O_+1', 'v_O_+2', 'Mg_O_0', 'Mg_O_+1', 'Mg_O_+2', 'Mg_O_+3', 'Mg_O_+4', 'O_Mg_-4', 'O_Mg_-3', 'O_Mg_-2', 'O_Mg_-1', 'O_Mg_0', 'Mg_i_Td_0', 'Mg_i_Td_+1', 'Mg_i_Td_+2', 'O_i_Td_-2', 'O_i_Td_-1', 'O_i_Td_0'])

In this tutorial, we’ll only consider the Mg substitution (Mg_O in the table above):

defect_gen.defects = {
    "substitutions": [
    defect for defect in defect_gen.defects["substitutions"] if defect.name == "Mg_O"], # select Mg_O
defect_gen.defect_entries = {
    k: v for k, v in defect_gen.defect_entries.items() if "Mg_O" in k

If we wanted to manually add some extra charge states (e.g. some positive charge states for Mg_O), we can do so using the add_charge_states method:

defect_gen.add_charge_states("Mg_O", [-1, ])
# Check that now we only have the O interstitial
dict_keys(['Mg_O_0', 'Mg_O_+1', 'Mg_O_+2', 'Mg_O_+3', 'Mg_O_+4'])

And we can save it to a json file for later use:


Which we can later reload using the from_json method:

from doped.generation import DefectsGenerator
# Load from JSON
defect_gen = DefectsGenerator.from_json("MgO/defect_gen.json")

4. Determining the ground-state defect structures

At this point, it’s recommended that you use the ShakeNBreak approach to quickly identify the groundstate structures of your defects, before continuing on with the formation energy calculation workflow below. As detailed in the theory paper, skipping this step can result in drastically incorrect formation energies, transition levels, carrier capture (basically any property associated with defects). This approach is followed below, with a more in-depth explanation and tutorial given on the ShakeNBreak website.

4.1 Generate distorted structures

To generate our distorted defect structures with ShakeNBreak (SnB), we can directly input our DefectsGenerator object to the SnB Distortions class:

from shakenbreak.input import Distortions
Dist = Distortions(defect_entries = defect_gen)
Oxidation states were not explicitly set, thus have been guessed as {'Mg': 2.0, 'O': -2.0}. If this is unreasonable you should manually set oxidation_states


As with the doped functions, ShakeNBreak has been built and optimised to adopt reasonable defaults that work well for most host materials, however there is again a lot of customisation and control available, and you should carefully consider the appropriate settings and choices for your system. The ShakeNBreak workflow is shown in more detail in the\n”, SnB Python API tutorial on the SnB docs, and here we just show a brief example of the main steps.

Generating VASP input files for the trial distorted structures

defects_dict, distortion_metadata = Dist.write_vasp_files(
    # Update INCAR settings to not use GGA and NCORE according to your HPC cluster:
        # Functional:
        "GGA": "PS",
        "LHFCALC": False,
        "AEXX": 0.0,
        "HFSCREEN": 0.0,
        # Parallelisation:
        "NCORE": 8 # Might need updating for your HPC!
Applying ShakeNBreak... Will apply the following bond distortions: ['-0.6', '-0.5', '-0.4', '-0.3', '-0.2', '-0.1', '0.0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6']. Then, will rattle with a std dev of 0.21 Å 

Defect: Mg_O
Number of extra electrons in neutral state: 4

Defect Mg_O in charge state: 0. Number of distorted neighbours: 4

Defect Mg_O in charge state: +1. Number of distorted neighbours: 3

Defect Mg_O in charge state: +2. Number of distorted neighbours: 2

Defect Mg_O in charge state: +3. Number of distorted neighbours: 1

Defect Mg_O in charge state: +4. Number of distorted neighbours: 0

Our distorted structures and VASP input files have now been generated in the folders with names matching the doped naming scheme:

!cat ./MgO/SnB/Mg_O_0/Bond_Distortion_-10.0%/INCAR
# May want to change NCORE, KPAR, AEXX, ENCUT, IBRION, LREAL, NUPDOWN, ISPIN = Typical variable parameters
# ShakeNBreak INCAR with coarse settings to maximise speed with sufficient accuracy for qualitative structure searching = 
AEXX = 0.0
ALGO = Normal  # change to all if zhegv, fexcp/f or zbrent errors encountered (done automatically by snb-run)
EDIFF = 3e-05
EDIFFG = -0.01
ENCUT = 300
GGA = Ps
ICORELEVEL = 0  # needed if using the kumagai-oba (efnv) anisotropic charge correction scheme
ISIF = 2
ISYM = 0  # symmetry breaking extremely likely for defects
LASPH = True
LCHARG = False
LREAL = Auto
LVHAR = True
LWAVE = False
NEDOS = 2000
NELECT = 646.0
NELM = 40
NSW = 300
PREC = Accurate
ROPT = 1e-3 1e-3
SIGMA = 0.05

4.2 Send to HPCs and run relaxations

Can use the snb-run CLI function to quickly run calculations; see the Submitting the geometry optimisations section of the SnB CLI tutorial for this.

After the relaxations finish, you can use can parse the energies obtained by running the snb-parse -a command from the top-level folder containing your defect folders (e.g. Mg_O_0 etc. (with subfolders: Mg_O_0/Bond_Distortion_10.0% etc.)). This will parse the energies and store them in a Mg_O_0.yaml etc file in the defect folders, to allow easy plotting and analysis.

When can copy these files and the relaxed structures (CONTCARs) to our local PC with the following code:

shopt -s extglob # ensure extended globbing (pattern matching) is enabled
for defect in ./*{_,_-}[0-9]/; do cd $defect;
scp {remote_machine}:{path to ShakeNBreak folders}/${defect}${defect%?}.yaml .;
for distortion in (Bond_Distortion|Unperturbed|Rattled)*/;
do scp {remote_machine}:{path to ShakeNBreak folders}/${defect}${distortion}CONTCAR ${distortion};
done; cd ..; done

4.3 Analyse results

Plot final energies versus the applied distortion

To see if SnB found any energy-lowering distortions, we can plot the results using the functions in shakenbreak.plotting.

from importlib_metadata import version
from shakenbreak import energy_lowering_distortions, plotting
defect_charges_dict = energy_lowering_distortions.read_defects_directories(output_path="MgO/SnB")
low_energy_defects = energy_lowering_distortions.get_energy_lowering_distortions(defect_charges_dict, output_path="MgO/SnB")
Mg_O_+3: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.6 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.41 eV.
Energy lowering distortion found for Mg_O with charge +3. Adding to low_energy_defects dictionary.
Mg_O_+4: Energy difference between minimum, found with Rattled bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.41 eV.
New (according to structure matching) low-energy distorted structure found for Mg_O_+4, adding to low_energy_defects['Mg_O'] list.
Mg_O_+2: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.6 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.23 eV.
Low-energy distorted structure for Mg_O_+2 already found with charge states ['+3'], storing together.
Mg_O_0: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.4 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.02 eV.
Low-energy distorted structure for Mg_O_0 already found with charge states ['+3', '+2'], storing together.
Mg_O_+1: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.4 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -0.99 eV.
Low-energy distorted structure for Mg_O_+1 already found with charge states ['+3', '+2', '0'], storing together.

Comparing and pruning defect structures across charge states...
Ground-state structure found for Mg_O with charges [3, 2, 0, 1] has also been found for charge state +4 (according to structure matching). Adding this charge to the corresponding entry in low_energy_defects[Mg_O].
Ground-state structure found for Mg_O with charges [4] has also been found for charge state +3 (according to structure matching). Adding this charge to the corresponding entry in low_energy_defects[Mg_O].

Because the above cell takes a while to run, we can save the results in case we want to use them later on:

import pickle

# Save the low energy defects to a pickle file
with open("MgO/SnB/low_energy_defects.pkl", "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(low_energy_defects, f)

The low_energy_defects is a dictionary of defects for which bond distortion found an energy-lowering reconstruction (which is missed with normal unperturbed relaxation), of the form {defect: [list of distortion dictionaries (with corresponding charge states, energy lowering, distortion factors, structures and charge states for which these structures weren’t found)]}:

low_energy_defects.keys() # Show defect keys in dict
low_energy_defects["Mg_O"][0].keys(), low_energy_defects["Mg_O"][0]
(dict_keys(['charges', 'structures', 'energy_diffs', 'bond_distortions', 'excluded_charges']),
 [1, 2, 3, 0, 4])
figs = plotting.plot_all_defects(defect_charges_dict, output_path="./MgO/SnB", add_colorbar=False)
Energy lowering distortion found for Mg_O with charge +1. Generating distortion plot...
Trying to install ShakeNBreak custom font...
Copying /home/ireaml/miniconda3/envs/doped/lib/python3.11/site-packages/shakenbreak/../fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf -> /home/ireaml/miniconda3/envs/doped/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/Montserrat-Regular.ttf
Couldn't find matplotlib cache, so will continue.
Adding Montserrat-Regular.ttf font to matplotlib fonts.
Plot saved to Mg_O_+1/Mg_O_+1.png
Energy lowering distortion found for Mg_O with charge +2. Generating distortion plot...
Plot saved to Mg_O_+2/Mg_O_+2.png
Energy lowering distortion found for Mg_O with charge +3. Generating distortion plot...
Plot saved to Mg_O_+3/Mg_O_+3.png
Energy lowering distortion found for Mg_O with charge +4. Generating distortion plot...
Plot saved to Mg_O_+4/Mg_O_+4.png
Energy lowering distortion found for Mg_O with charge 0. Generating distortion plot...
Plot saved to Mg_O_0/Mg_O_0.png
_images/529df9e4506078182952480fe5819a8cb23944db60826a75fa0770281a78ba03.png _images/057bf19903f93612664cf5c38ace6d77f4dd74120af2dde9e7479b4302b95978.png _images/e14eba265899a64c9117264f5d4e01cc109e49661cd49dce6003a1409914246c.png _images/92552d35e5c9753efe1021e4a8da05bb86a836fc61eb2b2d119ec986a77674a3.png _images/c4a3f4e83fbb7f2cdf07834459204e5df4d7824cf4a5c50fc8894c2dc17b2247.png

From the plots above, we see that SnB finds energy lowering reconstructions for all charge states of Mg_O. Since the energy lowering is quite high (>0.5 eV), we expect some rebonding to be driving it. We can check this with the SnB function get_homoionic_bonds:

from shakenbreak.analysis import get_energies, get_structures, get_gs_distortion

# Check neutral charge state
energies_mg_0 = get_energies(defect_species="Mg_O_0", output_path="MgO/SnB")
structs_mg_0 = get_structures(defect_species="Mg_O_0", output_path="MgO/SnB")
energy_diff, gs_distortion = get_gs_distortion(energies_mg_0)
s_gs = structs_mg_0[gs_distortion]
s_unperturbed = structs_mg_0["Unperturbed"]
Mg_O_0: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.4 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.02 eV.

The initial ideal structure of the Mg antisite involves a Mg atom surrounded by 6 other Mg. We can check the bond lengths of these bonds in the Unperturbed structure and in the ground state:

from shakenbreak.analysis import get_homoionic_bonds

print("Unperturbed structure:")
unperturbed_bonds = get_homoionic_bonds(
print(f"Ground state structure:")
gs_bonds = get_homoionic_bonds(
Unperturbed structure:
Mg(46): {'Mg(108)': '2.39 A'} 

Mg(51): {'Mg(108)': '2.39 A'} 

Mg(52): {'Mg(108)': '2.39 A'} 

Mg(72): {'Mg(108)': '2.39 A'} 

Mg(73): {'Mg(108)': '2.39 A'} 

Mg(78): {'Mg(108)': '2.39 A'} 

Ground state structure:
Mg(46): {'Mg(108)': '2.24 A'} 

Mg(52): {'Mg(108)': '2.24 A'} 

Mg(73): {'Mg(108)': '2.24 A'} 

So the reconstruction involves replacing 6 Mg-Mg bonds of 2.39 Å by 3 shorter (2.24 Å) and 3 longer bonds. We can visualise the structures with CrystalMaker or Vesta to see the reconstruction:

Unperturbed: _images/Mg_O_0_Unperturbed.png

Ground state: _images/Mg_O_0_-0p4.png

where Mg is shown in yellow, O in red and the Mg antisite is shown in a different pattern.

This distortion likely lowers the electrostatic energy. We can quickly check this by calculating the Madelung energy with pymatgen:

# calculate Madelung energy with pymatgen
from pymatgen.analysis.energy_models import EwaldElectrostaticModel

ewald =  EwaldElectrostaticModel()
# Add oxidation states to structure
s_gs.add_oxidation_state_by_element({"Mg": 2, "O": -2})
s_unperturbed.add_oxidation_state_by_element({"Mg": 2, "O": -2})
ewald_E_gs = ewald.get_energy(s_gs)
ewald_E_unperturbed = ewald.get_energy(s_unperturbed)
print(f"Madelung energy of ground state structure: {ewald_E_gs:.1f} eV")
print(f"Madelung energy of unperturbed structure: {ewald_E_unperturbed:.1f} eV")
print(f"Energy difference (GS - Unperturbed): {ewald_E_gs - ewald_E_unperturbed:.1f} eV")
Madelung energy of ground state structure: -5156.2 eV
Madelung energy of unperturbed structure: -5140.7 eV
Energy difference (GS - Unperturbed): -15.5 eV

Indeed, the ground state structure has a significantly lower Ewald or electrostatic energy. We expect similar driving factors for the other charge states, but you can check them with a similar analysis.
Other functions that may be SnB useful for this analysis are compare_structures(), analyse_structure() and get_site_magnetization() from shakenbreak.analysis; see the distortion analysis section of the SnB Python API tutorial for more.

Below we show the ground state structures for the other charge states:

+1: _images/Mg_O_%2B1_0p4.png

+2: _images/Mg_O_%2B2_0p6.png

+3: _images/Mg_O_%2B3_0p6.png

+4: _images/Mg_O_%2B4_Rattled.png

For these example results, we find energy lowering distortions for all charge states of MgO. We should re-test these distorted structures for the other charge states where these distortions were not found, in case they also give lower energies.

The get_energy_lowering_distortions() function above automatically performs structure comparisons to determine which distortions should be tested in other charge states of the same defect, and which have already been found (see docstring for more details).

# generates the new distorted structures and VASP inputs, to do our quick 2nd round of structure testing:
energy_lowering_distortions.write_retest_inputs(low_energy_defects, output_path="MgO/SnB")
Writing low-energy distorted structure to MgO/SnB/Mg_O_+4/Bond_Distortion_40.0%_from_+1
Writing low-energy distorted structure to MgO/SnB/Mg_O_0/Rattled_from_+4
Writing low-energy distorted structure to MgO/SnB/Mg_O_+1/Rattled_from_+4
Writing low-energy distorted structure to MgO/SnB/Mg_O_+2/Rattled_from_+4
Writing low-energy distorted structure to MgO/SnB/Mg_O_+3/Rattled_from_+4

Again we run the calculations on the HPCs, then parse and plot the results either using the SnB CLI functions, or through the python API as exemplified here.

from shakenbreak import energy_lowering_distortions

# re-parse with the same `get_energy_lowering_distortions()` function from before:
defect_charges_dict = energy_lowering_distortions.read_defects_directories(output_path="MgO/SnB")
low_energy_defects = energy_lowering_distortions.get_energy_lowering_distortions(defect_charges_dict, output_path="MgO/SnB")
Mg_O_+3: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.6 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.41 eV.
Energy lowering distortion found for Mg_O with charge +3. Adding to low_energy_defects dictionary.
Mg_O_+4: Energy difference between minimum, found with Rattled bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.41 eV.
New (according to structure matching) low-energy distorted structure found for Mg_O_+4, adding to low_energy_defects['Mg_O'] list.
Mg_O_+2: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.6 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.23 eV.
Low-energy distorted structure for Mg_O_+2 already found with charge states ['+3'], storing together.
Mg_O_0: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.4 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -1.02 eV.
Low-energy distorted structure for Mg_O_0 already found with charge states ['+3', '+2'], storing together.
Mg_O_+1: Energy difference between minimum, found with 0.4 bond distortion, and unperturbed: -0.99 eV.
Low-energy distorted structure for Mg_O_+1 already found with charge states ['+3', '+2', '0'], storing together.

Comparing and pruning defect structures across charge states...
Ground-state structure found for Mg_O with charges [3, 2, 0, 1] has also been found for charge state +4 (according to structure matching). Adding this charge to the corresponding entry in low_energy_defects[Mg_O].
Ground-state structure found for Mg_O with charges [4] has also been found for charge state +3 (according to structure matching). Adding this charge to the corresponding entry in low_energy_defects[Mg_O].
from shakenbreak import plotting

figs = plotting.plot_all_defects(defect_charges_dict, output_path="./MgO/SnB", add_colorbar=False)
_images/ed39a7c0b35ec8ab9d36ac9cb0014c3b48d4188e97884b247737a1ed88e4e5f0.png _images/745057b2ef7318b5ab5e7a7167424d5651ce12070b7bab5a294d078816e9627c.png _images/f55443ac54c6b0f8886c147068873b89aebf06432f306a368248812be153888a.png _images/292ee178676bb46a95d9384f9544e05df6b53fc70fc2c35c04e57700f62556d1.png _images/da06fe4ccb89107bd14a06f5ce3076c85833db85f0cfac3cbed509674d3fb74c.png

We now continue our defect calculations using the ground-state CONTCARs we’ve obtained for each defect, with our fully-converged INCAR and KPOINTS settings (via the doped vasp.DefectsSet class below, to get our final defect formation energies (confident that we’ve identified the ground-state defect structure!)). The energy_lowering_distortions.write_groundstate_structure() function automatically writes these lowest-energy structures to our defect folders:



Usually we would use something like write_groundstate_structure(groundstate_folder="vasp_std", groundstate_filename="POSCAR") (or snb-groundstate -d vasp_std ... on the CLI) as shown in the main doped generation tutorial, which saves the ground-state POSCARs directly to the vasp_std defect subfolders to be used with our later calculations with doped. However here because we have separated our SnB calculations and doped defect calculations to different folders, we just use the default behaviour (which saves the ground-state structures to groundstate_POSCAR in each defect directory) and will later copy over these POSCAR files.

5. Prepare VASP calculation files with doped

We can estimate the kpoint grid needed for the supercell by calculating the ratio of the supercell lattice parameters to the primitive lattice parameters. For this, we load the DefectGenerator object that we saved earlier:

from doped.generation import DefectsGenerator

defect_gen = DefectsGenerator.from_json("MgO/defect_gen.json")
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
import numpy as np

prim_struc = Structure.from_file("MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR")
supercell = defect_gen.bulk_supercell
converged_kgrid = (7, 7, 7)

ratio = np.array(supercell.lattice.abc) / np.array(prim_struc.lattice.abc)
print(f"Ratio of supercell lattice to primitive lattice: {ratio}")
kgrid = tuple(np.array(converged_kgrid) / ratio) # Divide by supercell expansion to get kgrid for supercell
print(f"Kgrid for supercell:", kgrid)
# Round kgrid to next highest integer
print(f"Rounded kgrid for supercell:", [int(np.ceil(k)) for k in kgrid])
Ratio of supercell lattice to primitive lattice: [4.24264027 4.24264027 4.24264027]
Kgrid for supercell: (1.6499159830969252, 1.6499159830969252, 1.6499159830969252)
Rounded kgrid for supercell: [2, 2, 2]

To generate our VASP input files for the defect calculations, we can use the DefectsSet class in the vasp module of doped:

from doped.vasp import DefectsSet  # append "?" to function/class to see the help docstrings:
Init signature:
    defect_entries: Union[doped.generation.DefectsGenerator, Dict[str, doped.core.DefectEntry], List[doped.core.DefectEntry], doped.core.DefectEntry],
    soc: Optional[bool] = None,
    user_incar_settings: Optional[dict] = None,
    user_kpoints_settings: Union[dict, pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs.Kpoints, NoneType] = None,
    user_potcar_functional: Optional[Literal['PBE', 'PBE_52', 'PBE_54', 'LDA', 'LDA_52', 'LDA_54', 'PW91', 'LDA_US', 'PW91_US']] = 'PBE',
    user_potcar_settings: Optional[dict] = None,
An object for generating input files for VASP defect calculations from
doped/pymatgen ``DefectEntry`` objects.
Init docstring:
Creates a dictionary of: {defect_species: DefectRelaxSet}.

DefectRelaxSet has the attributes:

- ``DefectRelaxSet.vasp_gam``:
    ``DefectDictSet`` for Gamma-point only relaxation. Usually not needed if
    ShakeNBreak structure searching has been performed (recommended), unless
    only Γ-point `k`-point sampling is required (converged) for your system,
    and no vasp_std calculations with multiple `k`-points are required
    (determined from kpoints settings).
- ``DefectRelaxSet.vasp_nkred_std``:
    ``DefectDictSet`` for relaxation with a kpoint mesh and using ``NKRED``.
    Not generated for GGA calculations (if ``LHFCALC`` is set to ``False`` in
    ``user_incar_settings``) or if only Gamma kpoint sampling is required.
- ``DefectRelaxSet.vasp_std``:
    ``DefectDictSet`` for relaxation with a kpoint mesh, not using ``NKRED``.
    Not generated if only Gamma kpoint sampling is required.
- ``DefectRelaxSet.vasp_ncl``:
    ``DefectDictSet`` for singlepoint (static) energy calculation with SOC
    included. Generated if ``soc=True``. If ``soc`` is not set, then by default
    is only generated for systems with a max atomic number (Z) >= 31
    (i.e. further down the periodic table than Zn).

where ``DefectDictSet`` is an extension of ``pymatgen``'s ``DictSet`` class for
defect calculations, with ``incar``, ``poscar``, ``kpoints`` and ``potcar``
attributes for the corresponding VASP defect calculations (see docstring).
Also creates the corresponding ``bulk_vasp_...`` attributes for singlepoint
(static) energy calculations of the bulk (pristine, defect-free) supercell.
This needs to be calculated once with the same settings as the final defect
calculations, for the later calculation of defect formation energies.

See the ``RelaxSet.yaml`` and ``DefectSet.yaml`` files in the
``doped/VASP_sets`` folder for the default ``INCAR`` settings, and
``PotcarSet.yaml`` for the default ``POTCAR`` settings.

Note that any changes to the default ``INCAR``/``POTCAR`` settings should
be consistent with those used for all defect and competing phase (chemical
potential) calculations.

    defect_entries (``DefectsGenerator``, dict/list of ``DefectEntry``\s, or ``DefectEntry``):
        Either a ``DefectsGenerator`` object, or a dictionary/list of
        ``DefectEntry``\s, or a single ``DefectEntry`` object, for which
        to generate VASP input files.
        If a ``DefectsGenerator`` object or a dictionary (->
        {defect_species: DefectEntry}), the defect folder names will be
        set equal to ``defect_species``. If a list or single ``DefectEntry``
        object is provided, the defect folder names will be set equal to
        ``DefectEntry.name`` if the ``name`` attribute is set, otherwise
        generated according to the ``doped`` convention (see doped.generation).
        Defect charge states are taken from ``DefectEntry.charge_state``.
    soc (bool):
        Whether to generate ``vasp_ncl`` DefectDictSet attribute for spin-orbit
        coupling singlepoint (static) energy calculations. If not set, then
        by default is set to True if the max atomic number (Z) in the
        structure is >= 31 (i.e. further down the periodic table than Zn).
    user_incar_settings (dict):
        Dictionary of user INCAR settings (AEXX, NCORE etc.) to override
        default settings. Highly recommended to look at output INCARs or the
        ``RelaxSet.yaml`` and ``DefectSet.yaml`` files in the ``doped/VASP_sets``
        folder, to see what the default INCAR settings are. Note that any
        flags that aren't numbers or True/False need to be input as strings
        with quotation marks (e.g. ``{"ALGO": "All"}``).
        (default: None)
    user_kpoints_settings (dict or Kpoints):
        Dictionary of user KPOINTS settings (in pymatgen DictSet() format)
        e.g. {"reciprocal_density": 123}, or a Kpoints object, to use for the
        ``vasp_std``, ``vasp_nkred_std`` and ``vasp_ncl`` DefectDictSets (Γ-only for
        ``vasp_gam``). Default is Gamma-centred, reciprocal_density = 100 [Å⁻³].
    user_potcar_functional (str):
        POTCAR functional to use. Default is "PBE" and if this fails, tries
        "PBE_52", then "PBE_54".
    user_potcar_settings (dict):
        Override the default POTCARs, e.g. {"Li": "Li_sv"}. See
        ``doped/VASP_setsPotcarSet.yaml`` for the default ``POTCAR`` set.
    **kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass to each ``DefectRelaxSet()``.

    defect_sets (Dict):
        Dictionary of {defect_species: ``DefectRelaxSet``}.
    defect_entries (Dict):
        Dictionary of {defect_species: DefectEntry} for the input defect
        species, for which to generate VASP input files.
    bulk_vasp_gam (DefectDictSet):
        DefectDictSet for a `bulk` Γ-point-only singlepoint (static)
        supercell calculation. Often not used, as the bulk supercell only
        needs to be calculated once with the same settings as the final
        defect calculations, which may be with ``vasp_std`` or ``vasp_ncl``.
    bulk_vasp_nkred_std (DefectDictSet):
        DefectDictSet for a singlepoint (static) `bulk` ``vasp_std`` supercell
        calculation (i.e. with a non-Γ-only kpoint mesh) and ``NKRED(X,Y,Z)``
        INCAR tag(s) to downsample kpoints for the HF exchange part of the
        hybrid DFT calculation. Not generated for GGA calculations (if
        ``LHFCALC`` is set to ``False`` in user_incar_settings) or if only Gamma
        kpoint sampling is required.
    bulk_vasp_std (DefectDictSet):
        DefectDictSet for a singlepoint (static) `bulk` ``vasp_std`` supercell
        calculation with a non-Γ-only kpoint mesh, not using ``NKRED``. Not
        generated if only Gamma kpoint sampling is required.
    bulk_vasp_ncl (DefectDictSet):
        DefectDictSet for singlepoint (static) energy calculation of the `bulk`
        supercell with SOC included. Generated if ``soc=True``. If ``soc`` is not
        set, then by default is only generated for systems with a max atomic
        number (Z) >= 31 (i.e. further down the periodic table than Zn).
    json_obj (Union[Dict, DefectsGenerator]):
        Either the DefectsGenerator object if input ``defect_entries`` is a
        ``DefectsGenerator`` object, otherwise the ``defect_entries`` dictionary,
        which will be written to file when ``write_files()`` is called, to
        aid calculation provenance.
    json_name (str):
        Name of the JSON file to save the ``json_obj`` to.

    Input parameters are also set as attributes.
File:           ~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-ImperialCollegeLondon/Bread/Projects/Packages/doped/doped/vasp.py
Type:           type
from doped.vasp import DefectsSet  # append "?" to function/class to see the help docstrings:
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Kpoints

defect_set = DefectsSet(
    defect_gen,  # our DefectsGenerator object, can also input individual DefectEntry objects if desired
        "ENCUT": 450,
        "GGA": "PS",  # Functional (PBEsol for this tutorial)
        "LHFCALC": False, # Disable Hybrid functional
        "NCORE": 8, # Parallelisation, might need updating for your HPC!
    },  # custom INCAR settings, any that aren't numbers or True/False need to be input as strings with quotation marks!
# We can also customise the POTCAR settings (and others), see the docstrings above for more info

The DefectsSet class prepares a dictionary in the form {defect_species: DefectRelaxSet}, where DefectRelaxSet has attributes: vasp_nkred_std (if using hybrid DFT; not the case here), vasp_std (if our final k-point sampling is non-Γ-only with multiple k-points), vasp_ncl (if SOC included; not the case here as Mg/O are not heavy atoms where SOC is relevant, see docstrings for default behaviour) and/or vasp_gam (if our final k-point sampling is Γ-only). These attributes are DefectDictSet objects, subclasses of the pymatgen DictSet object, and contain information about the calculation inputs.

{'v_Mg_+1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_Mg_+1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'v_Mg_0': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_Mg_0. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'v_Mg_-1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_Mg_-1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'v_Mg_-2': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_Mg_-2. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'v_O_+2': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_O_+2. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'v_O_+1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_O_+1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'v_O_0': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_O_0. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'v_O_-1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry v_O_-1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_O_+4': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_O_+4. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_O_+3': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_O_+3. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_O_+2': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_O_+2. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_O_+1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_O_+1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_O_0': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_O_0. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_Mg_0': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_Mg_0. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_Mg_-1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_Mg_-1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_Mg_-2': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_Mg_-2. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_Mg_-3': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_Mg_-3. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_Mg_-4': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_Mg_-4. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_i_Td_+2': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_i_Td_+2. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_i_Td_+1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_i_Td_+1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'Mg_i_Td_0': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry Mg_i_Td_0. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_i_Td_0': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_i_Td_0. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_i_Td_-1': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_i_Td_-1. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'},
 'O_i_Td_-2': doped DefectRelaxSet for bulk composition MgO, and defect entry O_i_Td_-2. Available attributes:
 {'defect_entry', 'user_potcar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_std', 'poscar_comment', 'vasp_nkred_std', 'bulk_supercell', 'vasp_gam', 'defect_supercell', 'soc', 'vasp_ncl', 'bulk_vasp_nkred_std', 'dict_set_kwargs', 'user_kpoints_settings', 'user_incar_settings', 'bulk_vasp_gam', 'bulk_vasp_ncl', 'user_potcar_functional', 'charge_state', 'vasp_std'}
 Available methods:
 {'validate_monty_v1', 'validate_monty_v2', 'write_all', 'write_std', 'unsafe_hash', 'as_dict', 'from_dict', 'write_nkred_std', 'write_ncl', 'to_json', 'write_gam'}}
# for example, let's look at the generated inputs for a `vasp_std` calculation for Mg_O_0:
print(f"POTCAR (symbols):\n{defect_set.defect_sets['Mg_O_0'].vasp_std.potcar_symbols}")
# May want to change NCORE, KPAR, AEXX, ENCUT, IBRION, LREAL, NUPDOWN, ISPIN = Typical variable parameters
ALGO = Normal  # change to all if zhegv, fexcp/f or zbrent errors encountered
EDIFF = 4e-05
EDIFFG = -0.01
ENCUT = 450
GGA = Ps
ICORELEVEL = 0  # needed if using the kumagai-oba (efnv) anisotropic charge correction scheme
ISIF = 2
ISYM = 0  # symmetry breaking extremely likely for defects
KPAR = 2
LASPH = True
LREAL = Auto
LVHAR = True
NEDOS = 2000
NELECT = 860.0
NSW = 200
PREC = Accurate
SIGMA = 0.05

KPOINTS from doped, with reciprocal_density = 100/Å⁻³
2 2 2

POTCAR (symbols):
['Mg', 'O']


The use of (subclasses of) pymatgen DictSet objects here allows these functions to be readily used with high-throughput frameworks such as atomate(2) or AiiDA.

We can then write these files to disk with the write_files() method:

    output_path: str = '.',
    unperturbed_poscar: bool = False,
    vasp_gam: bool = False,
    bulk: Union[bool, str] = True,
    processes: Optional[int] = None,
Write VASP input files to folders for all defects in
`self.defect_entries`. Folder names are set to the key of the
DefectRelaxSet in `self.defect_sets` (same as self.defect_entries keys,
see `DefectsSet` docstring).

For each defect folder, the following subfolders are generated:
- vasp_nkred_std -> Defect relaxation with a kpoint mesh and using `NKRED`.
    Not generated for GGA calculations (if `LHFCALC` is set to `False` in
    user_incar_settings) or if only Γ-point sampling required.
- vasp_std -> Defect relaxation with a kpoint mesh, not using `NKRED`. Not
    generated if only Γ-point sampling required.
- vasp_ncl -> Singlepoint (static) energy calculation with SOC included.
    Generated if `soc=True`. If `soc` is not set, then by default is only
    generated for systems with a max atomic number (Z) >= 31 (i.e. further
    down the periodic table than Zn).

If vasp_gam=True (not recommended) or self.vasp_std = None (i.e. Γ-only
_k_-point sampling converged for the kpoints settings used), then outputs:
- vasp_gam -> Γ-point only defect relaxation. Usually not needed if
    ShakeNBreak structure searching has been performed (recommended).

By default, does not generate a `vasp_gam` folder unless
`DefectRelaxSet.vasp_std` is None (i.e. only Γ-point sampling required
for this system), as `vasp_gam` calculations should be performed using
`ShakeNBreak` for defect structure-searching and initial relaxations.
If `vasp_gam` files are desired, set `vasp_gam=True`.

By default, `POSCAR` files are not generated for the `vasp_(nkred_)std`
(and `vasp_ncl` if `self.soc` is True) folders, as these should
be taken from `ShakeNBreak` calculations (via `snb-groundstate`)
or, if not following the recommended structure-searching workflow,
from the `CONTCAR`s of `vasp_gam` calculations. If including SOC
effects (`self.soc = True`), then the `vasp_std` `CONTCAR`s
should be used as the `vasp_ncl` `POSCAR`s. If unperturbed
`POSCAR` files are desired for the `vasp_(nkred_)std` (and `vasp_ncl`)
folders, set `unperturbed_poscar=True`.

Input files for the singlepoint (static) bulk supercell reference
calculation are also written to "{formula}_bulk/{subfolder}" if `bulk`
is True (default), where `subfolder` corresponds to the final (highest
accuracy) VASP calculation in the workflow (i.e. `vasp_ncl` if
`self.soc=True`, otherwise `vasp_std` or `vasp_gam` if only Γ-point
reciprocal space sampling is required). If `bulk = "all"`, then the
input files for all VASP calculations in the workflow are written to
the bulk supercell folder, or if `bulk = False`, then no bulk folder
is created.

The `DefectEntry` objects are also written to `json` files in the defect
folders, as well as `self.defect_entries` (`self.json_obj`) in the top
folder, to aid calculation provenance.

See the `RelaxSet.yaml` and `DefectSet.yaml` files in the
`doped/VASP_sets` folder for the default `INCAR` and `KPOINT` settings,
and `PotcarSet.yaml` for the default `POTCAR` settings. **These are
reasonable defaults that _roughly_ match the typical values needed for
accurate defect calculations, but usually will need to be modified for
your specific system, such as converged ENCUT and KPOINTS, and NCORE /
KPAR matching your HPC setup.**

Note that any changes to the default `INCAR`/`POTCAR` settings should
be consistent with those used for all defect and competing phase (
chemical potential) calculations.

    output_path (str):
        Folder in which to create the VASP defect calculation folders.
        Default is the current directory ("."). Output folder structure
        is `<output_path>/<defect_species>/<subfolder>` where
        `defect_species` is the key of the DefectRelaxSet in
        `self.defect_sets` (same as `self.defect_entries` keys, see
        `DefectsSet` docstring) and `subfolder` is the name of the
        corresponding VASP program to run (e.g. `vasp_std`).
    unperturbed_poscar (bool):
        If True, write the unperturbed defect POSCARs to the generated
        folders as well. Not recommended, as the recommended workflow is
        to initially perform `vasp_gam` ground-state structure searching
        using ShakeNBreak (https://shakenbreak.readthedocs.io), then
        continue the `vasp_std` relaxations from the 'Groundstate'
        `CONTCAR`s (first with NKRED if using hybrid DFT, then without),
        then use the `vasp_std` `CONTCAR`s as the input structures for
        the final `vasp_ncl` singlepoint calculations.
        (default: False)
    vasp_gam (bool):
        If True, write the `vasp_gam` input files, with unperturbed defect
        POSCARs. Not recommended, as the recommended workflow is to initially
        perform `vasp_gam` ground-state structure searching using ShakeNBreak
        (https://shakenbreak.readthedocs.io), then continue the `vasp_std`
        relaxations from the 'Groundstate' `CONTCAR`s (first with NKRED if
        using hybrid DFT, then without), then if including SOC effects, use
        the `vasp_std` `CONTCAR`s as the input structures for the final
        `vasp_ncl` singlepoint calculations.
        (default: False)
    bulk (bool, str):
        If True, the input files for a singlepoint calculation of the
        bulk supercell are also written to "{formula}_bulk/{subfolder}",
        where `subfolder` corresponds to the final (highest accuracy)
        VASP calculation in the workflow (i.e. `vasp_ncl` if `self.soc=True`,
        otherwise `vasp_std` or `vasp_gam` if only Γ-point reciprocal space
        sampling is required). If `bulk = "all"` then the input files for
        all VASP calculations in the workflow (`vasp_gam`, `vasp_nkred_std`,
        `vasp_std`, `vasp_ncl` (if applicable)) are written to the bulk
        supercell folder.
        (Default: False)
    processes (int):
        Number of processes to use for multiprocessing for file writing.
        If not set, defaults to one less than the number of CPUs available.
        Keyword arguments to pass to `DefectDictSet.write_input()`.
File:      /mnt/c/Users/Irea/OneDrive - Imperial College London/07_Python_Packages/doped/doped/vasp.py
Type:      method
defect_set.write_files(output_path="./MgO/Defects")  # again add "?" to see the docstring and options
Generating and writing input files: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:00<00:00,  6.75it/s]


The recommended defects workflow is to use the ShakeNBreak approach with the initial generated defect configurations, which allows us to identify the ground-state structures and also accelerates the defect calculations by performing the initial fast vasp_gam relaxations, which ‘pre-converge’ our structures by bringing us very close to the final converged relaxed structure, much quicker (10-100x) than if we performed the fully-converged vasp_std relaxations from the beginning.

As such, DefectsSet.write_files() assumes by default that the defect structures (POSCARs) have already been generated and pre-relaxed with ShakeNBreak, and that you will then copy in the ground-state POSCARs (as shown below) to continue with the final defect relaxations in these folders. If for some reason you are not following this recommended approach, you can either set vasp_gam = True in write_files() to generate the unperturbed defect structures and input files for vasp_gam relaxations, or you can use unperturbed_poscar = True to also write the unperturbed defect POSCARs to the defect folders.

!ls ./MgO/Defects/*Mg_O*/*vasp* # list the generated VASP input files





We can see that for each defect species, we have a vasp_std folder with corresponding VASP input files. This follows our recommended defect workflow (see the YouTube defects tutorial), which is to first perform defect structure-searching with ShakeNBreak using vasp_gam, then copy in the pre-relaxed ground-state POSCARs to continue the final fully-converged defect relaxations with vasp_std/vasp_gam (depending on the converged k-point set).

  • Note that if you were using a hybrid functional, there will be an extra step before the final vasp_std where we would use NKRED to reduce the cost of hybrid DFT calculations (typically good accuracy for forces)(-> vasp_nkred_std input files). Then we would continue the relaxation without NKRED (-> vasp_std folder).

  • Additionally, if SOC is important for your system (typicallly with elements in period 5 and below), we’d do a final SOC singlepoint calculation with vasp_ncl.

Copy over our ground-state POSCARs (from the MgO/SnB folders) to the defect folders (in MgO/Defects):

import shutil
import os

for defect in os.listdir("./MgO/SnB/"):
    # if last character of defect is a number (i.e. charge state)
    if defect[-1].isnumeric():
            os.path.join("./MgO/SnB/", defect, "groundstate_POSCAR"),
            os.path.join("./MgO/Defects/", defect, "vasp_std", "POSCAR")


The NELECT INCAR tag (-> number of electrons, sets the defect charge state in the calculation) is automatically determined based on the choice of POTCARs. The default in both doped and ShakeNBreak is to use the MPRelaxSet POTCAR choices, but if you’re using different ones, make sure to set potcar_settings in the VASP file generation functions, so that NELECT is then set accordingly. This requires the pymatgen config file $HOME/.pmgrc.yaml to be properly set up as detailed on the Installation docs page

As well as the INCAR, POTCAR and KPOINTS files for each calculation in the defects workflow, we also see that a {defect_species}.json file is created by default, which contains the corresponding DefectEntry python object, which can later be reloaded with DefectEntry.from_json() (useful if we later want to recheck some of the defect generation info). The DefectsGenerator object is also saved to JSON by default here, which can be reloaded with DefectsGenerator.from_json().

A folder with the input files for calculating the reference bulk (pristine, defect-free) supercell is also generated (this calculation is needed to later compute defect formation energies and charge corrections):

!ls MgO/Defects/MgO_bulk/vasp_std  # only the final workflow VASP calculation is required for the bulk, see docstrings

6. Chemical Potentials

Here we show a quick guide on how to do this. For a more extensive guide, check this tutorial.

To calculate the limiting chemical potentials of elements in the material (needed for calculating the defect formation energies) we need to consider the energies of all competing phases. doped does this by calling the CompetingPhases Class, which then queries Materials Project to obtain all the relevant competing phases to be calculated. In some cases the Materials Project may not have all known phases in a certain chemical space, so it’s a good idea to cross-check the generated competing phases with the ICSD in case you suspect any are missing.

For this functionality to work correctly, you must have POTCARs set up to work with pymatgen and you will also need an API key for the Materials Project (both of which are described on the Installation docs page).

  • Note that at present this uses the ‘Legacy API’ from the Materials Project, and so the API key you use (either in ~/.pmgrc.yaml or supplied to CompetingPhases with the api_key parameter) should correspond to the Materials Project legacy API. This key can be found here and should be between 15 and 20 characters long.

from doped.chemical_potentials import CompetingPhases
e_above_hull = 0.01  #  default e_above_hull = 0.1 eV/atom but for this tutorial here we use a slightly less strict value
cp = CompetingPhases("MgO", e_above_hull=e_above_hull)
# if you don't have your MP API key set up in ~/.pmgrc.yaml, you can supply it with the parameter "api_key" to this function

If the above cell is not working, check your MP API key and try supplying it manually using the parameter api_key in the CompetingPhases class. Remember that this key should be between 15 and 20 characters long (corresponding to the “Legacy API”).


The current algorithm for how doped queries the Materials Project (MP) and determines relevant competing phases to be calculated, is that it first queries the MP for all phases with energies above hull less than e_above_hull (optional parameter in CompetingPhases()) in eV/atom in the chemical space of the host material. It then determines which of these phases border the host material in the phase diagram (i.e. which are competing phases and thus determine the chemical potentials), as well as which phases would border the host material if their energies were downshifted by e_above_hull. The latter are included as well, and so e_above_hull acts as an uncertainty range for the MP-calculated formation energies, which may not be accurate due to functional choice (GGA vs hybrid DFT / GGA+U / RPA etc.), lack of vdW corrections etc.

In this qualitative tutorial, since we’re using GGA, we use a less strict e_above_hull than the default (0.01 vs 0.1 eV/atom). But in general, it’s recommended to use the default e_above_hull of 0.1 eV/atom, which is a reasonable value.

cp.entries contains pymatgen ComputedStructureEntry objects for all the relevant competing phases, which includes useful data such as their structures, magnetic moment and (MP-calculated GGA) band gaps.

print([entry.name for entry in cp.entries])
['Mg', 'O2', 'MgO', 'Mg', 'Mg']

We can plot our phase diagram like this, which can show why certain phases are included as competing phases:

import doped
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.style.use(f"{doped.__path__[0]}/utils/doped.mplstyle")  # use doped style
from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester
from pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram import PhaseDiagram, PDPlotter

system = ["Mg", "O"]  # system we want to get phase diagram for
mpr = MPRester()  # object for connecting to MP Rest interface, may need to specify API key here
entries = mpr.get_entries_in_chemsys(system)  # get all entries in the chemical system
pd = PhaseDiagram(entries)  # create phase diagram object
plotter = PDPlotter(pd, show_unstable=e_above_hull, backend="matplotlib")  # plot phase diagram
<Axes: xlabel='Fraction', ylabel='Formation energy (eV/atom)'>

Which shows that there are two low-energy polymorphs of Mg on the MP database.

6.1 Generating input files

We can then set up the competing phase calculations with doped as described below, or use the pymatgen ComputedStructureEntry objects in cp.entries to set these up in your desired format with python / atomate / AiiDA etc.

k-points convergence testing is done at GGA (PBEsol by default) and is set up to account for magnetic moment convergence as well. Here we interface with vaspup2.0 to make it easy to use on the HPCs (with the generate-converge command to run the calculations and data-converge to quickly parse and analyse the results).

You may want to change the default ENCUT (350 eV) or k-point densities that the convergence tests span (5 - 60 kpoints/Å3 for semiconductors & insulators and 40 - 120 kpoints/Å3 for metals in steps of 5 kpoints/Å3). Note that ISMEAR = -5 is used for metals by default (better kpoint convergence for energies but should not be used during metal geometry relaxations) and k-point convergence testing is not required for molecules (Γ-point sampling is sufficient).

Note that doped generates “molecule in a box” structures for the gaseous elemental phases H2, O2, N2, F2 and Cl2. The molecule is placed in a slightly-symmetry-broken (to avoid metastable electronic solutions) 30 Å cuboid box, and relaxed with Γ-point-only k-point sampling.

The kpoints convergence calculations are set up with:

6.1.1 Convergence calculations

Prepare input files
# Update some INCAR settings:
# GGA functional to PBEsol
# NCORE to the correct value for our HPC
# And increase NELM from deafult (60) as metals can take longer to converge
    # For custom INCAR settings:
    # any flags that aren't numbers or True/False need to be input as strings with quotation marks:
    user_incar_settings={'GGA': "PS", "LHFCALC": False, "AEXX": 0.0, "HFSCREEN": 0.0, "NCORE": 8, "NELM": 120},
O2 is a molecule in a box, does not need convergence testing
!ls competing_phases/Mg_EaH_0.0
!ls competing_phases/Mg_EaH_0.0/kpoint_converge
k5,5,5	k6,6,6	k7,7,7

This creates a folder called competing_phases with all the relevant competing phases and k-point convergence test calculation directories. The naming format is <Formula>_EaH_<MP Energy above Hull> (‘EaH’ stands for ‘Energy above Hull’). These can be quickly run on HPCs using vaspup2.0, by creating a job file for the HPC scheduler (vaspup2.0 example here), copying it into each directory and running the calculation with a bash loop like:

for i in *EaH*  # (in the competing_phases directory) – for each competing phase
do cp job $i/kpoint_converge
cd $i/kpoint_converge
for k in k*   # for each kpoint calculation directory
do cp job $k
cd $k
qsub job  # may need to change 'qsub' to 'sbatch' if the HPC scheduler is SLURM
cd ..
cd ../..

Within each competing phase directory in competing_phases, the vaspup2.0 data-converge command can be run to quickly parse the results and determine the converged k-mesh (see the vaspup2.0 homepage for examples).

MgO_EaH_0_0="""Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
k4,4,4          -12.53218593    -6.2660929
k5,5,5          -12.55608027    -6.2780401        11.9472                   0.0000
k6,6,6          -12.56613572    -6.2830678        5.0277                    0.0000
k7,7,7          -12.55963279    -6.2798163        -3.2515                   0.0000
k8,8,8          -12.56098826    -6.2804941        0.6778                    0.0000
k9,9,9          -12.56017930    -6.2800896        -0.4045                   0.0000"""
Mg_EaH_0_0="""Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
k5,5,5          -5.15889639     -1.7196321
k6,6,6          -5.06291012     -1.6876367        -31.7056                  9.9620
k7,7,7          -5.17416496     -1.7247216        36.7951                   -7.6740
k8,8,8          -5.18085534     -1.7269517        2.2301                    -3.1773"""
Mg_EaH_0_0061="""Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
k7,7,4          -3.44495771     -1.7224788        1.0233                    0.0000
k8,8,5          -3.45932555     -1.7296627        7.1839                    0.0000
k9,9,5          -3.43738996     -1.7186949        -10.9678                  0.0000
k9,9,6          -3.43344877     -1.7167243        -1.9706                   0.0000
k10,10,6        -3.44291102     -1.7214555"""
Mg_EaH_0_0099="""Directory:     Total Energy/eV: (per atom): Difference (meV/atom): Average Force Difference (meV/Å):
k7,7,2          -6.87041841     -1.7176046        1.3003                    0.0000
k8,8,2          -6.87722253     -1.7193056        1.7010                    0.0000
k9,9,2          -6.85607413     -1.7140185        -5.2871                   0.0000
k9,9,3          -6.84364410     -1.7109110        -3.1075                   0.0000
k10,10,3        -6.86521739     -1.7163043"""
Convergence plots

As before, we can use the function parse_kpoints to parse the results and plot the convergence:

def parse_kpoints(kpoints, title=None):
    """Function to parse kpoints convergence results from the string produced by vaspup2.0
    and plot them."""
    # Get values from 3rd column into list
    kpoints_energies_per_atom = [float(line.split()[2]) for line in kpoints.split("\n")[1:]]
    # Get encut values from 1st column into list
    data = [line.split() for line in kpoints.split("\n")[1:]]
    kpoints_values = [line[0].split("k")[1].split("_")[-1].split()[0] for line in data]
    # print(kpoints_values)
    #return kpoints_values, kpoints_energies_per_atom
    # Plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5))
    ax.plot(kpoints_values, kpoints_energies_per_atom, marker="o", color="#D4447E")
    # Draw lines +- 5 meV/atom from the last point (our most accurate value)
    for threshold, color in zip([0.005, 0.001], ("#E9A66C", "#5FABA2")):
            y=kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] + threshold,
            label=f"{1000*threshold} meV/atom"
            y=kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] - threshold,
        # Fill the area between the lines
            kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] - threshold,
            kpoints_energies_per_atom[-1] + threshold,
    # Add axis labels
    ax.set_ylabel("Energy per atom (eV)")
    # Rotate xticks
    ax.set_xticklabels(kpoints_values, rotation=90)
    if title:
    return fig


fig = parse_kpoints(MgO_EaH_0_0, title="MgO_EaH_0.0")
4157755065.py:43: UserWarning: set_ticklabels() should only be used with a fixed number of ticks, i.e. after set_ticks() or using a FixedLocator.


fig = parse_kpoints(Mg_EaH_0_0, title="Mg_EaH_0.0")
4157755065.py:43: UserWarning: set_ticklabels() should only be used with a fixed number of ticks, i.e. after set_ticks() or using a FixedLocator.


fig = parse_kpoints(Mg_EaH_0_0061, title="Mg_EaH_0.0061")
4157755065.py:43: UserWarning: set_ticklabels() should only be used with a fixed number of ticks, i.e. after set_ticks() or using a FixedLocator.


fig = parse_kpoints(Mg_EaH_0_0099, title="Mg_EaH_0.0099")
4157755065.py:43: UserWarning: set_ticklabels() should only be used with a fixed number of ticks, i.e. after set_ticks() or using a FixedLocator.

So the converged values are:

  • MgO: k8x8x8 (used before)

  • Mg_EaH_0.0: k7x7x7

  • Mg_EaH_0.0061: k9x9x5

  • Mg_EaH_0.0099: k7x7x2

6.1.2 Relaxations of competing phases

Next, you want to relax each competing phase with the converged k-point mesh, and calculate the energy with the same DFT functional and settings as your defect supercell calculations. doped can generate these folders for the relaxations of the competing phases.

The k-point meshes are Γ-centred (as opposed to Monkhorst-Pack) by default. By default doped will make the inputs assuming a HSE06 INCAR (see HSESet.yaml for default values) and kpoint densities of 95 kpoints/Å3 for metals and 45 kpoints/Å3 for semiconductors.
Since in this qualitative tutorial we’re using PBEsol, we’ll update the INCAR settings to use this functional. In addition, you should change the KPOINTS file to match the converged mesh in each case, however the default densities are good starting points. doped will automatically set SIGMA and ISMEAR accordingly depending on whether the phase is a semiconductor or metal, and will set NUPDOWN appropriately for molecules (i.e. O2 has triplet spin).

These relaxations can be set up with:

user_incar_settings = {
    "ENCUT": 1.3*450, # converged value for bulk MgO multiplied by 1.3 to account for Pulay stress during volume relaxation
    "GGA": "PS", # PBEsol
    "LHFCALC": False, # no hybrid functional
    "AEXX": 0.0, # no hybrid functional
    "HFSCREEN": 0.0, # no hybrid functional
    "NCORE": 8, # Update to the correct value for your HPC!
    "NELM": 120, # Increase NELM for metals

Update the KPOINTS file to match the converged mesh in each case:

from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Kpoints

converged_values = {"MgO_EaH_0.0": (8,8,8), "Mg_EaH_0.0": (7,7,7), "Mg_EaH_0.0061": (9,9,5), "Mg_EaH_0.0099": (7,7,2)}

for k, v in converged_values.items():
    # Update KPOINTS
    path = f"competing_phases/{k}/vasp_std/KPOINTS"
    # Read KPOINTS
    kpoints = Kpoints(kpts=(v,))
    # Write file to path

Remember that the final ENCUT used for the energy calculations should be the same as for your host material & defects. To ensure this, after relaxing with 1.3*ENCUT, we resubmit a final quick relaxation with ENCUT.

6.2 Parse Competing Phases

6.2.1 Read in data from vasprun.xml files

Once you’ve calculated your competing phases, you will want to parse the results to determine the chemical potential limits of your host material. To do this, we need to parse the vasprun.xml files from your final production-run competing phase calculations. To download the vasprun.xml files from the HPCs recursively, you can recursively rsync:

rsync -azvuR hpc:'path/to/the/base/folder/competing_phases/./*_EaH_*/vasp_std/vasprun.xml*' .

where the /./ indicates where you’d like to start the recurse from, so you only keep the folder structure from the formula_EaH_* point onwards. If you’ve done spin-orbit coupling (SOC) calculations with results in vasp_ncl folders, then you need to change vasp_std to vasp_ncl above, or to whatever name you’ve given the production-run folders. Note that you can compress the vasprun.xml files to save space (with e.g. find . -name vasprun.xml -exec gzip {} \;) and these will still be parsed fine by doped.

All analysis is performed with the CompetingPhasesAnalyzer class, and all you need to supply it is the formula of your host system and the path to the base folder in which you have all your formula_EaH_*/vasp_std/vasprun.xml(.gz) files.

If you did not generate your competing phases with doped, you can still parse them with doped by providing a list of paths to the vasprun.xml(.gz) files using pathlib or os, as shown below.

from doped.chemical_potentials import CompetingPhasesAnalyzer
cpa = CompetingPhasesAnalyzer("MgO")
# in this case we have our competing phases in the MgO subfolder of the competing_phases folder,
# with 'vasp_std' subfolders in each <formula>_EaH_<energy above hull> folder
chemical_potentials.py:1198: UserWarning: Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/MgO_EaH_0.0/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/MgO_EaH_0.0/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
chemical_potentials.py:1198: UserWarning: Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
chemical_potentials.py:1198: UserWarning: Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0061/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0061/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
chemical_potentials.py:1198: UserWarning: Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/O2_EaH_0.0/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/O2_EaH_0.0/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
Parsing 5 vaspruns and pruning to include only lowest-energy polymorphs...

If we want to save the parsed formation energies to a csv file, we can do so by providing a filename to the csv_path argument:

Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/MgO_EaH_0.0/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/MgO_EaH_0.0/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0061/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/Mg_EaH_0.0061/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in directory: competing_phases/MgO/O2_EaH_0.0/vasp_std. Using competing_phases/MgO/O2_EaH_0.0/vasp_std/vasprun.xml to parse the calculation energy and metadata.
Parsing 5 vaspruns and pruning to include only lowest-energy polymorphs...
Competing phase formation energies have been saved to competing_phases/mgo_competing_phase_energies.csv.

6.3 Calculate the Chemical Potential Limits

We can then calculate the chemical potential limits for our host material using the cpa.calculate_chempots() method. This will print out the chemical potential limits for each element in the host material, and also return a pandas dataframe containing the chemical potential limits for each element in the host material.

df =  cpa.calculate_chempots()
Calculated chemical potential limits: 

        Mg        O
0  0.00000 -5.64572
1 -5.64572  0.00000
df = cpa.calculate_chempots(csv_path='competing_phases/mgo_chempots.csv')
Saved chemical potential limits to csv file:  competing_phases/mgo_chempots.csv
Calculated chemical potential limits: 

        Mg        O
0  0.00000 -5.64572
1 -5.64572  0.00000

To use these parsed chemical potential limits for computing the defect formation energies with doped (e.g. in plotting.formation_energy_plot(), analysis.formation_energy_table() etc.) we can use the cpa.chempots attribute, which is a dictionary of the chemical potential limits for each element in the host material:

{'limits': {'MgO-Mg': {'Mg': -1.7360624375, 'O': -10.7807654025},
  'MgO-O2': {'Mg': -7.38178196, 'O': -5.13504588}},
 'elemental_refs': {'O': -5.13504588, 'Mg': -1.7360624375},
 'limits_wrt_el_refs': {'MgO-Mg': {'Mg': 0.0, 'O': -5.6457195225},
  'MgO-O2': {'Mg': -5.645719522499999, 'O': 0.0}}}

If you want to save it to use at a later date / in a different notebook/environment without having to re-parse your results, you can dump it to a json file with dumpfn and then load it again with loadfn:

from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn

dumpfn(cpa.chempots, 'competing_phases/mgo_chempots.json')
mgo_chempots = loadfn('competing_phases/mgo_chempots.json')

6.3.1 Analyse and visualise the Chemical Potential Limits

from pymatgen.analysis.chempot_diagram import ChemicalPotentialDiagram

cpd = ChemicalPotentialDiagram(cpa.intrinsic_phase_diagram.entries)
plot = cpd.get_plot()
plot.show("png", dpi=600)

If the previous cell crashes with the error

Image export using the "kaleido" engine requires the kaleido package,which can be installed using pip:
    $ pip install -U kaleido

Then uncomment the following cell and run it to install kaleido:

# ! pip install -U kaleido
Collecting kaleido
  Downloading kaleido-0.2.1-py2.py3-none-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (79.9 MB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 79.9/79.9 MB 7.4 MB/s eta 0:00:0000:0100:01m
?25hInstalling collected packages: kaleido
Successfully installed kaleido-0.2.1

Because cpd.get_plot() returns a plotly object, it’s almost infinitely customisable using plot.update_scenes() - you can change colours, fonts, axes and even data after it’s been plotted. See the docs for more info.

Beware that because we only generated the relevant competing phases on the Mg-O phase diagram for our MgO host material, we have not calculated all phase in the Mg-O chemical space (just those that are necessary to determine the chemical potential limits of MgO), and so these chemical potential diagram plots are only accurate in the vicinity of our host material.

7. Dielectric constant

For single-crystal semiconductors, the response to a static electric field can be decomposed into two components:

\(\epsilon_{0} = \epsilon_{ionic} + \epsilon_{infinity}\)

where \(\epsilon_{ionic}\) is often called the low-frequency or ionic dielectric constant and \(\epsilon_{infinity}\) the high frequency or optical dielectric constant.

We’ll calculate both contributions below.


The calculated value for the ionic contribution to the static dielectric constant (\(\epsilon_{ionic}\)) is quite sensitive to both the plane wave kinetic energy cutoff ENCUT and the k-point density, with more expensive parameter values necessary (relative to ground-state-energy-converged values) due to the requirement of accurate ionic forces. Thus, this calculation should be accompanied with convergence tests with respect to these parameters.

In addition, the calculation of the optical dielectric constant (\(\epsilon_{optical}\)) is sensitive to the number of electronic bands included in the calculation (NBANDS), and often requires a high value for convergence.

We can quickly perform these convergence tests with vaspup2.0, as shown below.

7.1 Optical contribution (\(\epsilon_{optical}\))

The optical contribution results from the refraction of electromagnetic waves with frequencies high compared to lattice vibrations (phonons). We can calculate the optical dielectric functions and take the value of the real component at E = 0 eV.


Typically, we perform the convergence test of $\epsilon_{optical}$ with respect to the number of bands (NBANDS) using a GGA functional like PBEsol, and use the converged NBANDS to recalculate $\epsilon_{optical}$ with a hybrid functional, as explained here.

In this tutorial, we’re using PBEsol so we’ll just use the value from the convergence test below. But remember that in a typical study, you’d then use the converged NBANDS value for the hybrid functional calculation!

7.1.1 Convergence of NBANDS for \(\epsilon_{optical}\)

Generate input files

We first generate the input files for the convergence tests and save them to a folder called Dielectric/Bulk_optical/Convergence/input:

import os

# Create directory for optical and convergence calcs
os.makedirs("MgO/Dielectric/Optical/Convergence/input", exist_ok=True)
#  Copy input files from bulk relaxation directory
import shutil
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

if not os.path.exists("./MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR"):
    print("Please run the bulk relaxation first!")
    shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR", "./MgO/Dielectric/Optical/Convergence/input/POSCAR")

shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/KPOINTS", "./MgO/Dielectric/Optical/Convergence/input/KPOINTS")
shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/POTCAR", "./MgO/Dielectric/Optical/Convergence/input/POTCAR")
# INCAR for optical convergence
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Incar
incar = Incar.from_dict(
        # System-dependent parameters
        "ENCUT": 450, # Converged value for your material
        # Optical parameters:
        'LOPTICS': True,
        'CSHIFT': 1e-06,
        'NBANDS': 120,
        'ISMEAR': -5, # Tetrahedron method
        'SIGMA': 0.05, # Smearing
        'NEDOS': 2000,
        'ALGO': 'Normal',
        'ISPIN': 2,
        'LORBIT': 11,
        'LREAL': False,
        # Electronic convergence (tight):
        'EDIFF': 1e-07,
        'NELM': 100,
        # Functional:
        'GGA': 'Ps', # For converging NBANDS we use PBEsol
        'PREC': 'Accurate',
        # Parallelisation:
        'KPAR': 2,
        'NCORE': 6,
# Save to file

To use vaspup2.0, we need to use a CONFIG file like the one below. Here we need to decide on the range on NBANDS to test. Typically, we our minimum value should be the number of valence electrons in the structure and go up to that ~number+200

# Number of valence electrons in our system
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Potcar
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element

potcar = Potcar.from_file("./MgO/Bulk_relax/POTCAR")
prim_struc = Structure.from_file("./MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR")
d = prim_struc.composition.as_dict()
d_Z_to_num_atoms = {Element(e).Z: v for e, v in d.items()} # Map atomic number to number of atoms of that element in structure
# Get number of valence electrons in structure
n_elec = 0
for potcar_single in potcar:
    n_elec += potcar_single.nelectrons * d_Z_to_num_atoms[potcar_single.atomic_no] # number of electrons in potcar * number of atoms of that element in structure
print(f"Number of valence electrons: {n_elec}")
Number of valence electrons: 8.0
nbands_start = n_elec
nbands_end = nbands_start + 200
print(f"Start nbands: {nbands_start}. End nbands: {nbands_end}")
Start nbands: 8.0. End nbands: 208.0
config_file = f"""# vaspup2.0 - Seán Kavanagh (sean.kavanagh.19@ucl.ac.uk), 2023
# This is config for automating NBANDS convergence.
# (For LOPTICS calculation)(High-frequency dielectric constant)

conv_nbands="1"		# 1 for ON, 0 for OFF
nbands_start="{int(nbands_start)}"	# Value to start NBANDS calcs from
# Need to include NBANDS flag in INCAR
nbands_end="{int(nbands_end)}"		# Value to end NBANDS calcs on
nbands_step="20"		# NBANDS increment

run_vasp="1"		# Run VASP after generating the files? (1 for ON, 0 for OFF)
#name="Optical" # Optional name to append to each jobname (remove "#")
# Save it to input
with open("./MgO/Dielectric/Optical/Convergence/input/CONFIG", "w") as f:

We transfer the input folder to the HPC and run the convergence tests with vaspup2.0 by running the command nbands-generate-converge from the directory above the input directory.

After the calculations finished, we can parse the results by executing the command nbands-epsopt-data-converge from the nbands_converge directory, which outputs:

# Output from vaspup2.0 nbands-converge
optical_conv = """
Directory:                   Epsilon_Opt X,Y,Z:                     Difference EpsOpt X,Y,Z:
nbands8         2.033336        2.033336        2.033336
nbands28        2.097091        2.097091        2.097091        0.0701           0.0701          0.0701
nbands48        2.100513        2.100513        2.100513        -0.0034          -0.0034         -0.0034
nbands68        2.103436        2.103436        2.103436        -0.0029          -0.0029         -0.0029
nbands88        2.101419        2.101419        2.101419        -0.0681          -0.0681         -0.0681
nbands_108      2.102865        2.102865        2.102865        -0.0014          -0.0014         -0.0014
nbands_128      2.102674        2.102674        2.102674        0.0002           0.0002          0.0002
nbands_148      2.103785        2.103785        2.103785        -0.0011          -0.0011         -0.0011
nbands_168      2.104084        2.104084        2.104084        -0.0003          -0.0003         -0.0003
nbands_188      2.102393        2.102393        2.102393        0.0017           0.0017          0.0017
nbands_208      2.103104        2.103104        2.103104        -0.0007          -0.0007         -0.0007

We can plot it to see the convergence:

# Parse x,y,z values from optical convergence
optical_conv = optical_conv.split("\n")[1:]
optical_conv = [line.split() for line in optical_conv][1:-1]
nbands = [int(line[0].split("nbands")[1].split("_")[-1]) for line in optical_conv]
optical_conv = [line[1:4] for line in optical_conv]
# print(optical_conv)
# Plot x,y,z values in different subplots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle('Optical convergence')
axs[0].plot(nbands, [float(line[0]) for line in optical_conv], marker="o")
axs[1].plot(nbands, [float(line[1]) for line in optical_conv], marker="o")
axs[2].plot(nbands, [float(line[2]) for line in optical_conv], marker="o")
# Horizontal lines +-1% of last value
for i in range(3):
        y=1.01 * float(optical_conv[-1][i]),
        y=0.99 * float(optical_conv[-1][i]),

Which shows that with NBANDS = 28 (second point in the plot), $\epsilon_{optical}$ is within 1% of the converged value.

# Values for nbands = 28
index = nbands.index(28)
# Values of epsilon_opt for nbands = 28
epsilon_optical_converged = [float(line) for line in optical_conv[index]]
print(f"Converged Epsilon_optical: {epsilon_optical_converged}")
Converged Epsilon_optical: [2.097091, 2.097091, 2.097091]


Note that in a proper defect study, you’d know recompute $\epsilon_{optical}$ with a hybrid functional (e.g. HSE06), using the converged NBANDS value from the (PBEsol) convergence test above.
This is important, since this calculation is very sensitive to the band gap. Since LDA/GGA typically underestimates the band gap, the resulting dielectric constant is overestimated.

You could set the input for that calculation it with the following (commented) cell:

7.2 Ionic contribution (\(\epsilon_{ionic}\))

To calculate the low-frequency behaviour, we need to compute the response of the lattice vibrations (phonons) to an applied electric field.


Typically, \(\epsilon_{ionic}\) is calculated with PBEsol, since this functional is accurate for phonons (and thus \(\epsilon_{ionic}\)). Accordingly, in a typical defect stude we use a hybrid functional (e.g. HSE06) for our bulk/defect calculations and for \(\epsilon_{optical}\), and PBEsol for \(\epsilon_{ionic}\), e.g.:

\( \epsilon_0 = \epsilon_{optical}\) (from hybrid optics calc) \(+ \epsilon_{ionic}\) (from PBEsol DFPT)

But remember that if you’re changing functional (e.g. if you’ve used HSE06 to relax your bulk structure and now you’ll use PBEsol to calculate \(\epsilon_{ionic}\)), you first have to re-relax the bulk structure again with PBEsol before calculating \(\epsilon_{ionic}\) with PBEsol!


In addition, note that the calculation of $\epsilon_{ionic}$ is very sensitive to the input geometry, and requires a well converged relaxed structure. Otherwise, negative phonon modes can give unreasonably large values of the ionic response. Thus, we’ll perform a very tight relaxation of our primitive structure (e.g. EDIFFG = -1E-6 and EDIFF = 1E-8).

7.2.1 Tight relaxation

#  Copy input files from bulk relaxation directory
import shutil
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
import os

# Create directory
os.makedirs("MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight", exist_ok=True)

if not os.path.exists("./MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR"):
    print("Please run the bulk relaxation first!")
    shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR", "./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/POSCAR")

shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/KPOINTS", "./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/KPOINTS")
shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/POTCAR", "./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/POTCAR")
incar = Incar.from_file("./MgO/Input_files/INCAR_bulk_relax")
        "ENCUT": 450 * 1.3, # Increase ENCUT by 30% because we're relaxing volume (Pulay stress)
        # Paralelisation
        "KPAR": 2,
        "NCORE": 8, # Might need updating for your HPC!
        # Functional
        "GGA": "PS",
        # Relaxation
        "IBRION": 2,
        "ISIF": 3, # Relax cell
        "NSW": 800, # Max number of steps
        # Accuracy and thresholds
        "ISYM": 2, # Symmetry on
        "PREC": "Accurate",
        "EDIFF": 1e-8, # Tight electronic convergence
        "EDIFFG": -1e-4, # Tight ionic convergence
        "ALGO": "Normal",
        "LREAL": "False",
# Save to file

After the relaxation finished, we copy the CONTCAR from the HPC to the current directory and parse it with pymatgen:

If we also transfer the vasprun.xml file we can check the relaxation is converged like:

import os

if os.path.exists("./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/CONTCAR"):
    prim_struc_tight = Structure.from_file("./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/CONTCAR")
    print(f"Perform the relaxation first!")
from pymatgen.io.vasp.outputs import Vasprun

# Can check if relaxation is converged by parsing the vasprun.xml
if os.path.exists("MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/vasprun.xml"):
    vr = Vasprun("MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/vasprun.xml")
    print(f"Relaxation converged?", vr.converged)
    print(f"No vasprun.xml found!")
Relaxation converged? True

7.2.2 Convergence of ENCUT and kpoints for \(\epsilon_{ionic}\)

Generate input files
import os

# Create directory for optical and convergence calcs
os.makedirs("MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Convergence/input", exist_ok=True)
#  Copy input files from bulk relaxation directory
import shutil
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

if not os.path.exists("./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/CONTCAR"):
    print("Please run the tight bulk relaxation first!")
    shutil.copy("./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Relax_tight/CONTCAR", "./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Convergence/input/POSCAR")

shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/KPOINTS", "./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Convergence/input/KPOINTS")
shutil.copy("./MgO/Bulk_relax/POTCAR", "./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Convergence/input/POTCAR")
# INCAR for optical convergence
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Incar
incar = Incar.from_dict(
        # System-dependent parameters
        "ENCUT": 450, # Converged value for your material
        # Parameters to calculated ionic dielectric constant:
        'LEPSILON': True, # DFPT Calculation
        'IBRION': 8, # Phonons
        'ISYM': -1, # Symmetry off (if using NCORE)
        'EDIFFG': -0.003,
        'ISIF': 2, # Keep cell volume fixed for DFPT calcs
        'NSW': 1,
        'LWAVE': True,
        # Electronic convergence:
        'EDIFF': 1e-07,
        'ALGO': 'Normal',
        'NELM': 100,
        'ISMEAR': 0, # Gaussian smearing
        'SIGMA': 0.05,
        'NEDOS': 2000,
        'ISPIN': 1, # off for non-magnetic systems
        # Others:
        'LREAL': False,
        'LORBIT': 11,
        'LASPH': True,
        # Functional:
        'GGA': 'Ps',
        'PREC': 'Accurate',
        # Parallelisation:
        'KPAR': 2,
        'NCORE': 8,
# Save to file

And finally we set the kpoint meshes that we’ll try in the CONFIG file. We can get a list of of kpoint grids for our system by using the kgrid package (which can be installed by running pip install kgrid):

from kgrid.series import cutoff_series
from kgrid import calc_kpt_tuple
import numpy as np

def generate_kgrids_cutoffs(
    structure: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure,
    kmin: int = 4,
    kmax: int = 20,
) -> list:
    """Generate a series of kgrids for your lattice between a real-space cutoff range of `kmin` and `kmax` (in A).
    For semiconductors, the default values (kmin: 4; kmax: 20) are generally good.
    For metals you might consider increasing a bit the cutoff (kmax~30).
    Returns a list of kmeshes.
        atoms (ase.atoms.Atoms): _description_
        kmin (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 4.
        kmax (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20.

        _type_: _description_
    # Transform struct to atoms
    aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor()
    atoms = aaa.get_atoms(structure=structure)
    # Calculate kgrid samples for the given material
    kpoint_cutoffs = cutoff_series(
    kspacing = [np.pi / c for c in kpoint_cutoffs]
    kgrid_samples = [
        calc_kpt_tuple(atoms, cutoff_length=(cutoff - 1e-4))
        for cutoff in kpoint_cutoffs
    print(f"Kgrid samples: {kgrid_samples}")

    return kgrid_samples
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

prim_struc = Structure.from_file("MgO/Bulk_relax/CONTCAR")
kgrids = generate_kgrids_cutoffs(prim_struc)
kgrids = list(set(kgrids)) # Avoid duplicates
# Sort
# # As string, to copy to vaspup2.0 CONFIG file
kpoints_string = ""
for k in kgrids:
    kpoints_string += f"{k[0]} {k[1]} {k[2]},"
Kgrid samples: [(4, 4, 4), (5, 5, 5), (6, 6, 6), (7, 7, 7), (8, 8, 8), (9, 9, 9), (10, 10, 10), (11, 11, 11), (12, 12, 12), (13, 13, 13), (14, 14, 14), (15, 15, 15), (16, 16, 16)]
'4 4 4,5 5 5,6 6 6,7 7 7,8 8 8,9 9 9,10 10 10,11 11 11,12 12 12,13 13 13,14 14 14,15 15 15,16 16 16,'
config=f"""# vaspup2.0 - Seán Kavanagh (sean.kavanagh.19@ucl.ac.uk), 2023
# This is the default config for automating convergence.
# Works for ground-state energy convergence and DFPT convergence.

conv_encut="1"		# 1 for ON, 0 for OFF (ENCUT Convergence Testing)
encut_start="300"	# Value to start ENCUT calcs from.
encut_end="900"		# Value to end ENCUT calcs on.
encut_step="50"		# ENCUT increment.

conv_kpoint="1"		# 1 for ON, 0 for OFF (KPOINTS Convergence Testing)
kpoints="{kpoints_string}" # All the kpoints meshes
# you want to try, separated by a comma

run_vasp="1"		# Run VASP after generating the files? (1 for ON, 0 for OFF)
#name="DFPT" # Optional name to append to each jobname (remove "#")
# Save it to input directory
with open("./MgO/Dielectric/Ionic/Convergence/input/CONFIG", "w") as f:

After the calculations finish we can run dfpt-data-converge in the cutoff_converge and kpoint_converge directories to parse the results:

ArithmeticErrorDirectory:               Epsilon 100,010,001:                     Difference 100,010,001:
e300            6.411938        6.411951        6.411951
e350            6.649273        6.649267        6.649273        -0.2373          -0.2373         -0.2373
e400            6.828065        6.828061        6.828065        -0.1788          -0.1788         -0.1788
e450            6.805369        6.805371        6.805390        0.0227           0.0227          0.0227
e500            6.818039        6.818043        6.818032        -0.0127          -0.0127         -0.0126
e550            6.814258        6.814268        6.814261        0.0038           0.0038          0.0038
e600            6.818120        6.818120        6.818116        -0.0039          -0.0039         -0.0039
e650            6.850394        6.850393        6.850403        -0.0323          -0.0323         -0.0323
e700            6.859188        6.859174        6.858902        -0.0088          -0.0088         -0.0085
e750            6.864191        6.863926        6.863944        -0.0050          -0.0048         -0.0050
e800            6.866957        6.866955        6.866964        -0.0028          -0.0030         -0.0030
e850            6.867236        6.867240        6.867218        -0.0003          -0.0003         -0.0003
e900            6.862659        6.862657        6.862674        0.0046           0.0046          0.0045
Directory:               Epsilon 100,010,001:                     Difference 100,010,001:
k4,4,4          7.157532        7.157509        7.157532
k5,5,5          6.889848        6.889842        6.889834        0.2677           0.2677          0.2677
k6,6,6          6.822478        6.822475        6.822464        0.0674           0.0674          0.0674
k7,7,7          6.805369        6.805371        6.805390        0.0171           0.0171          0.0171
k8,8,8          6.800997        6.800992        6.801008        0.0044           0.0044          0.0044
k9,9,9          6.799887        6.799889        6.799889        0.0011           0.0011          0.0011
k_10,10,10      6.799197        6.799197        6.799202        0.0007           0.0007          0.0007
k_11,11,11      6.799392        6.799393        6.799397        -0.0002          -0.0002         -0.0002
k_12,12,12      6.799260        6.799248        6.799270        0.0001           0.0001          0.0001
k_13,13,13      6.799323        6.799327        6.799331        -0.0001          -0.0001         -0.0001
k_14,14,14      6.799111        6.799112        6.799113        0.0002           0.0002          0.0002
k_15,15,15      6.799089        6.799088        6.799096        0.0000           0.0000          0.0000
k_16,16,16      6.799236        6.799239        6.799244        -0.0001          -0.0002         -0.0001

And we can plot the convergence:

# Parse x,y,z values from optical convergence
ionic_encut = ionic_encut_str.split("\n")[1:]
ionic_encut = [line.split() for line in ionic_encut][1:-1]
encuts = [int(line[0].split("e")[1]) for line in ionic_encut]
print("Encuts:", encuts)
ionic_encut = [line[1:4] for line in ionic_encut]
print("Epsilon:", ionic_encut)
# print(optical_conv)
# Plot x,y,z values in different subplots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle('$\epsilon_{ionic}$ convergence wrt to ENCUT')
axs[0].plot(encuts, [float(line[0]) for line in ionic_encut], marker="o")
axs[1].plot(encuts, [float(line[1]) for line in ionic_encut], marker="o")
axs[2].plot(encuts, [float(line[2]) for line in ionic_encut], marker="o")
axs[2].set_xlabel("Encut (eV)")
# Horizontal lines +-1% of last value
for i in range(3):
        y=1.01 * float(ionic_encut[-1][i]),
        y=0.99 * float(ionic_encut[-1][i]),
Encuts: [300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900]
Epsilon: [['6.411938', '6.411951', '6.411951'], ['6.649273', '6.649267', '6.649273'], ['6.828065', '6.828061', '6.828065'], ['6.805369', '6.805371', '6.805390'], ['6.818039', '6.818043', '6.818032'], ['6.814258', '6.814268', '6.814261'], ['6.818120', '6.818120', '6.818116'], ['6.850394', '6.850393', '6.850403'], ['6.859188', '6.859174', '6.858902'], ['6.864191', '6.863926', '6.863944'], ['6.866957', '6.866955', '6.866964'], ['6.867236', '6.867240', '6.867218'], ['6.862659', '6.862657', '6.862674']]
# Parse x,y,z values from optical convergence
data = ionic_kpoint_str.split("\n")[1:]
data = [line.split() for line in data][1:-1]
x = [line[0].split("k")[1].split("_")[-1].split()[0] for line in data]
print("Encuts:", encuts)
data = [line[1:4] for line in data]
print("Epsilon:", data)
# print(optical_conv)
# Plot x,y,z values in different subplots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle('$\epsilon_{ionic}$ convergence wrt to kpoints')
axs[0].plot(x, [float(line[0]) for line in data], marker="o")
axs[1].plot(x, [float(line[1]) for line in data], marker="o")
axs[2].plot(x, [float(line[2]) for line in data], marker="o")
# Horizontal lines +-1% of last value
for i in range(3):
        y=1.01 * float(data[-1][i]),
        y=0.99 * float(data[-1][i]),
# Rotate xtick labels
Encuts: [300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900]
Epsilon: [['7.157532', '7.157509', '7.157532'], ['6.889848', '6.889842', '6.889834'], ['6.822478', '6.822475', '6.822464'], ['6.805369', '6.805371', '6.805390'], ['6.800997', '6.800992', '6.801008'], ['6.799887', '6.799889', '6.799889'], ['6.799197', '6.799197', '6.799202'], ['6.799392', '6.799393', '6.799397'], ['6.799260', '6.799248', '6.799270'], ['6.799323', '6.799327', '6.799331'], ['6.799111', '6.799112', '6.799113'], ['6.799089', '6.799088', '6.799096'], ['6.799236', '6.799239', '6.799244']]
([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
 [Text(0, 0, '4,4,4'),
  Text(1, 0, '5,5,5'),
  Text(2, 0, '6,6,6'),
  Text(3, 0, '7,7,7'),
  Text(4, 0, '8,8,8'),
  Text(5, 0, '9,9,9'),
  Text(6, 0, '10,10,10'),
  Text(7, 0, '11,11,11'),
  Text(8, 0, '12,12,12'),
  Text(9, 0, '13,13,13'),
  Text(10, 0, '14,14,14'),
  Text(11, 0, '15,15,15'),
  Text(12, 0, '16,16,16')])

We see that for ENCUT=400 and kgrid=(6,6,6), \(\epsilon_{ionic}\) is within 1% of the converged value. Since for the kpoint convergence, we used an ENCUT=450, we can take the value of \(\epsilon_{ionic}\) from the kgrid=(16,16,16) calculation. But note that this is not typically the case, where you should do a final calculation with the converged ENCUT value and kgrid.

# Print last value of epsilon in data
epsilon_ionic_converged = [float(line) for line in data[-1]]
print(f"Converged ionic epsilon: {epsilon_ionic_converged}")
Converged ionic epsilon: [6.799236, 6.799239, 6.799244]

7.3 Total dielectric (\(\epsilon_{total}\))

print(f"Converged ionic dielectric: {epsilon_ionic_converged}")
print(f"Converged optical dielectric: {epsilon_optical_converged}")

total_dielectric = np.array(epsilon_ionic_converged) + np.array(epsilon_optical_converged)
print(f"Converged total dielectric: {total_dielectric}")
Converged ionic dielectric: [6.799236, 6.799239, 6.799244]
Converged optical dielectric: [2.097091, 2.097091, 2.097091]
Converged total dielectric: [8.896327 8.89633  8.896335]

8. Defect analysis

8.1 Parse defect calculations

For parsing defect calculation results with doped, we need the following VASP output files from our bulk and defect supercell calculations:

  • vasprun.xml(.gz)

  • Either:

    • OUTCAR(.gz), if using the Kumagai-Oba (eFNV) charge correction scheme (compatible with isotropic or anisotropic (non-cubic) dielectric constants; recommended), or

    • LOCPOT(.gz), if using the Freysoldt (FNV) charge correction scheme (isotropic dielectric screening only).

Note that doped can read the compressed versions of these files (.gz/.xz/.bz/.lzma), so we can do e.g. gzip OUTCAR to reduce the file sizes when downloading and storing these files on our local system.

To quickly compress these output files on our HPC, we can run the following from our top-level folder containing the defect directories (e.g. Mg_O_0 etc):

for defect_dir in */vasp_*; do cd $defect_dir; gzip vasprun.xml OUTCAR; cd ../..; done

(change OUTCAR to LOCPOT if using the FNV isotropic charge correction), and then download the files to the relevant folders by running the following from our local system:

for defect_dir in */vasp_*; do cd $defect_dir;
scp [remote_machine]:[path to doped folders]/${defect_dir}/\*gz .;
cd ../..; done

changing [remote_machine] and [path to doped folders] accordingly.


If you want to use the example outputs shown in this parsing tutorial, you can do so by cloning the doped GitHub repository and following the dope_gga_workflow.ipynb Jupyter notebook.

from doped.analysis import DefectsParser
%matplotlib inline
bulk_path = "./MgO/Defects/MgO_bulk/vasp_std"  # path to our bulk supercell calculation
dielectric = 8.8963 # dielectric constant (this can be a single number (isotropic), or a 3x1 array or 3x3 matrix (anisotropic))
dp = DefectsParser(
    output_path="MgO/Defects/",  # directory containing the defect calculation folders
    dielectric=dielectric,  # dielectric needed for charge corrections
    # processes=1,  # Can set the number of processes to 1 if you're having issues with multiprocessing
Parsing Mg_O_+4/vasp_std:   0%|          | 0/5 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Parsing Mg_O_+3/vasp_std: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [01:31<00:00, 18.29s/it]  
analysis.py:902: UserWarning: Multiple `vasprun.xml` files found in certain defect directories:
(directory: chosen file for parsing):
MgO/Defects/Mg_O_0/vasp_std: vasprun.xml.gz
MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+1/vasp_std: vasprun.xml.gz
vasprun.xml files are used to parse the calculation energy and metadata.

DefectsParser uses multiprocessing by default to speed up parsing when we have many defect supercell calculations to parse. As described in its docstring shown below, it automatically searches the supplied output_path for the bulk and defect supercell calculation folders, then automatically determines the defect types, sites (from the relaxed structures) and charge states.

It also checks that appropriate INCAR, KPOINTS, POTCAR settings have been used, and will warn you if it detects any differences that could affect the defect formation energies, as shown in the example above with the mismatching ADDGRID tag (here we have manually checked that this choice did not affect the defect formation energies).

doped automatically attempts to perform the appropriate finite-size charge correction method for each defect, based on the supplied dielectric constant and calculation outputs, and will warn you if any required outputs are missing.

Additionally, the DefectsParser class automatically checks the consistency and estimated error of the defect finite-size charge correction (using the standard error of the mean potential difference in the sampling region, times the defect charge), and will warn you if the estimated error is above error_tolerance – 50 meV by default. As shown later in the Charge Corrections section, we can directly visualise the finite-size charge correction plots (showing how they are being computed) easily with doped, which is recommended if any of these warnings about the charge correction accuracy are printed.

With our dictionary of parsed defect entries, we can then query some of the defect-specific results, such as the finite-size charge corrections, the defect site, and energy (without accounting for chemical potentials yet):

{'Mg_O_+4': doped DefectEntry: Mg_O_+4, with bulk composition: MgO and defect: Mg_O. Available attributes:
 {'name', 'sc_defect_frac_coords', 'entry_id', 'degeneracy_factors', 'corrections_metadata', 'defect_supercell_site', 'conventional_structure', 'defect_supercell', 'bulk_entry', 'bulk_supercell', 'charge_state_guessing_log', 'conv_cell_frac_coords', 'equivalent_supercell_sites', 'equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords', 'wyckoff', 'calculation_metadata', 'charge_state', 'corrections', 'sc_entry', 'defect'}
 Available methods:
 {'formation_energy', 'from_dict', 'get_ediff', 'get_summary_dict', 'validate_monty_v1', 'as_dict', 'equilibrium_concentration', 'to_json', 'unsafe_hash', 'get_kumagai_correction', 'plot_site_displacements', 'get_freysoldt_correction', 'validate_monty_v2', 'from_json'},
 'Mg_O_0': doped DefectEntry: Mg_O_0, with bulk composition: MgO and defect: Mg_O. Available attributes:
 {'name', 'sc_defect_frac_coords', 'entry_id', 'degeneracy_factors', 'corrections_metadata', 'defect_supercell_site', 'conventional_structure', 'defect_supercell', 'bulk_entry', 'bulk_supercell', 'charge_state_guessing_log', 'conv_cell_frac_coords', 'equivalent_supercell_sites', 'equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords', 'wyckoff', 'calculation_metadata', 'charge_state', 'corrections', 'sc_entry', 'defect'}
 Available methods:
 {'formation_energy', 'from_dict', 'get_ediff', 'get_summary_dict', 'validate_monty_v1', 'as_dict', 'equilibrium_concentration', 'to_json', 'unsafe_hash', 'get_kumagai_correction', 'plot_site_displacements', 'get_freysoldt_correction', 'validate_monty_v2', 'from_json'},
 'Mg_O_+1': doped DefectEntry: Mg_O_+1, with bulk composition: MgO and defect: Mg_O. Available attributes:
 {'name', 'sc_defect_frac_coords', 'entry_id', 'degeneracy_factors', 'corrections_metadata', 'defect_supercell_site', 'conventional_structure', 'defect_supercell', 'bulk_entry', 'bulk_supercell', 'charge_state_guessing_log', 'conv_cell_frac_coords', 'equivalent_supercell_sites', 'equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords', 'wyckoff', 'calculation_metadata', 'charge_state', 'corrections', 'sc_entry', 'defect'}
 Available methods:
 {'formation_energy', 'from_dict', 'get_ediff', 'get_summary_dict', 'validate_monty_v1', 'as_dict', 'equilibrium_concentration', 'to_json', 'unsafe_hash', 'get_kumagai_correction', 'plot_site_displacements', 'get_freysoldt_correction', 'validate_monty_v2', 'from_json'},
 'Mg_O_+2': doped DefectEntry: Mg_O_+2, with bulk composition: MgO and defect: Mg_O. Available attributes:
 {'name', 'sc_defect_frac_coords', 'entry_id', 'degeneracy_factors', 'corrections_metadata', 'defect_supercell_site', 'conventional_structure', 'defect_supercell', 'bulk_entry', 'bulk_supercell', 'charge_state_guessing_log', 'conv_cell_frac_coords', 'equivalent_supercell_sites', 'equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords', 'wyckoff', 'calculation_metadata', 'charge_state', 'corrections', 'sc_entry', 'defect'}
 Available methods:
 {'formation_energy', 'from_dict', 'get_ediff', 'get_summary_dict', 'validate_monty_v1', 'as_dict', 'equilibrium_concentration', 'to_json', 'unsafe_hash', 'get_kumagai_correction', 'plot_site_displacements', 'get_freysoldt_correction', 'validate_monty_v2', 'from_json'},
 'Mg_O_+3': doped DefectEntry: Mg_O_+3, with bulk composition: MgO and defect: Mg_O. Available attributes:
 {'name', 'sc_defect_frac_coords', 'entry_id', 'degeneracy_factors', 'corrections_metadata', 'defect_supercell_site', 'conventional_structure', 'defect_supercell', 'bulk_entry', 'bulk_supercell', 'charge_state_guessing_log', 'conv_cell_frac_coords', 'equivalent_supercell_sites', 'equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords', 'wyckoff', 'calculation_metadata', 'charge_state', 'corrections', 'sc_entry', 'defect'}
 Available methods:
 {'formation_energy', 'from_dict', 'get_ediff', 'get_summary_dict', 'validate_monty_v1', 'as_dict', 'equilibrium_concentration', 'to_json', 'unsafe_hash', 'get_kumagai_correction', 'plot_site_displacements', 'get_freysoldt_correction', 'validate_monty_v2', 'from_json'}}
for name, defect_entry in dp.defect_dict.items():
    if defect_entry.charge_state != 0:  # no charge correction for neutral defects
        print(f"Charge = {defect_entry.charge_state:+} with finite-size charge correction: {list(defect_entry.corrections.values())[0]:+.2f} eV")
    print(f"Supercell site: {defect_entry.defect_supercell_site.frac_coords.round(3)}\n")
Charge = +4 with finite-size charge correction: +2.59 eV
Supercell site: [0.501 0.578 0.577]

Supercell site: [0.428 0.546 0.545]

Charge = +1 with finite-size charge correction: +0.20 eV
Supercell site: [0.436 0.553 0.551]

Charge = +2 with finite-size charge correction: +0.72 eV
Supercell site: [0.559 0.444 0.44 ]

Charge = +3 with finite-size charge correction: +1.57 eV
Supercell site: [0.443 0.441 0.556]

As mentioned in the previous Generate Defects, we can save doped outputs to JSON files and then share or reload them later on, without needing to re-run the parsing steps above. Here we save our parsed defect entries using the dumpfn function from monty.serialization:

from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn

dumpfn(dp.defect_dict, "./MgO/MgO_defect_dict.json")  # save parsed defect entries to file

The parsed defect entries can then be reloaded from the json file with:

from monty.serialization import loadfn

MgO_defect_dict = loadfn("MgO/MgO_defect_dict.json")

8.2 Defect Formation Energy / Transition Level Diagrams


Defect formation energy (a.k.a. transition level diagrams) are one of the key results from a computational defect study, giving us a lot of information on the defect thermodynamics and electronic behaviour.


To calculate and plot the defect formation energies, we generate a DefectPhaseDiagram object, which can be created using the get_defect_thermodynamics() method of the DefectParser() class. It outputs a DefectThermodynamics object:

# generate DefectPhaseDiagram object, with which we can plot/tabulate formation energies, calculate charge transition levels etc:

MgO_thermo = dp.get_defect_thermodynamics()

To calculate and plot defect formation energies, we need to know the chemical potentials of the elements in the system (see the YouTube defects tutorial for more details on this). Since we have calculated the chemical potentials in the previous Chemical Potentials section, we can just load the results from the JSON file here:

from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn
MgO_chempots = loadfn('competing_phases/MgO/mgo_chempots.json')
{'limits': {'MgO-Mg': {'Mg': -1.7360624375, 'O': -10.7807654025}, 'MgO-O2': {'Mg': -7.38178196, 'O': -5.13504588}}, 'elemental_refs': {'O': -5.13504588, 'Mg': -1.7360624375}, 'limits_wrt_el_refs': {'MgO-Mg': {'Mg': 0.0, 'O': -5.6457195225}, 'MgO-O2': {'Mg': -5.645719522499999, 'O': 0.0}}}

And we can feed them into the dp.get_defect_thermodynamics() method to store them as a class attribute:

MgO_thermo = dp.get_defect_thermodynamics(
dumpfn(MgO_thermo, "./MgO/MgO_thermo.json")  # save parsed DefectPhaseDiagram to file, so we don't need to regenerate it later
{'limits': {'MgO-Mg': {'Mg': -1.7360624375, 'O': -10.7807654025},
  'MgO-O2': {'Mg': -7.38178196, 'O': -5.13504588}},
 'elemental_refs': {'O': -5.13504588, 'Mg': -1.7360624375},
 'limits_wrt_el_refs': {'MgO-Mg': {'Mg': 0.0, 'O': -5.6457195225},
  'MgO-O2': {'Mg': -5.645719522499999, 'O': 0.0}}}

Some of the advantages of parsing / manipulating your chemical potential calculations this way, is that:

  • You can quickly loop through different points in chemical potential space (i.e. chemical potential limits), rather than typing out the chemical potentials obtained from a different method / manually.

  • doped automatically determines the chemical potentials with respect to elemental references (i.e. chemical potentials are zero in their standard states (by definition), rather than VASP/DFT energies). This is the limits_wrt_el_refs entry in the CdTe_chempots dict in the cell above.

  • doped can then optionally print the corresponding chemical potential limit and the formal chemical potentials of the elements at that point, above the formation energy plot, as shown in the next cell.

Alternatively, you can directly feed in pre-calculated chemical potentials to doped, see below for this.

from doped.utils import plotting

fig = MgO_thermo.plot(
    limit="MgO-Mg",  # can specify chemical potential conditions
    filename="MgO/Mg_O_Mg-Rich.pdf",  # save figure to file
plotting.py:34: UserWarning: Unable to import pycairo. Defaulting to matplotlib's pdf backend, so default doped fonts may not be used. Try setting `save_format` to 'png' or doing `conda remove pycairo; conda install pycairo` if you want doped's default font.


As shown above, can specify the chemical potential limit at which to obtain and plot the defect formation energies using the limit parameter, which we can set to either "X-rich"/"X-poor" where X is an element in the system, in which case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. “Cd-rich”), or a key in the chempots["limits"] dictionary (e.g. "Cd-CdTe" from that shown above). Alternatively, one can also provide a single chemical potential limit in the form of a dictonary to the DefectThermodynamics methods – see docstrings for more details.

There are a lot of options for making the formation energy plot prettier:

# you can run this cell to see the possible arguments for this function:
# or go to the python API documentation for this function:
# https://doped.readthedocs.io/en/latest/doped.thermodynamics.html#doped.thermodynamics.DefectThermodynamics.plot
    chempots: Optional[Dict] = None,
    limit: Optional[str] = None,
    el_refs: Optional[Dict] = None,
    chempot_table: bool = True,
    all_entries: Union[bool, str] = False,
    style_file: Optional[str] = None,
    xlim: Optional[tuple] = None,
    ylim: Optional[tuple] = None,
    fermi_level: Optional[float] = None,
    colormap: Union[str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap, NoneType] = None,
    auto_labels: bool = False,
    filename: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[matplotlib.figure.Figure, List[matplotlib.figure.Figure]]
Produce a defect formation energy vs Fermi level plot (a.k.a. a defect
formation energy / transition level diagram). Returns the Matplotlib
Figure object to allow further plot customisation.

    chempots (dict):
        Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
        formation energies. If None (default), will use self.chempots.
        This can have the form of {"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}
        (the format generated by doped's chemical potential parsing functions
        (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential limits) can
        then be chosen using ``limit``.
        Alternatively, can be a dictionary of **DFT**/absolute chemical
        potentials (not formal chemical potentials!), in the format:
        {element symbol: chemical potential}.
        (Default: None)
    limit (str):
        The chemical potential limit for which to
        plot formation energies. Can be either:

        - None, in which case plots are generated for all limits in chempots.
        - "X-rich"/"X-poor" where X is an element in the system, in which
          case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
        - A key in the (self.)chempots["limits"] dictionary, if the chempots
          dict is in the doped format (see chemical potentials tutorial).

        (Default: None)
    el_refs (dict):
        Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
        in the format:
        {element symbol: reference energy} (to determine the formal chemical
        potentials, when chempots has been manually specified as
        {element symbol: chemical potential}). Unnecessary if chempots is
        provided/present in format generated by doped (see tutorials).
        (Default: None)
    chempot_table (bool):
        Whether to print the chemical potential table above the plot.
        (Default: True)
    all_entries (bool, str):
        Whether to plot the formation energy lines of `all` defect entries,
        rather than the default of showing only the equilibrium states at each
        Fermi level position (traditional). If instead set to "faded", will plot
        the equilibrium states in bold, and all unstable states in faded grey
        (Default: False)
    style_file (str):
        Path to a mplstyle file to use for the plot. If None (default), uses
        the default doped style (from doped/utils/doped.mplstyle).
        Tuple (min,max) giving the range of the x-axis (Fermi level). May want
        to set manually when including transition level labels, to avoid crossing
        the axes. Default is to plot from -0.3 to +0.3 eV above the band gap.
        Tuple (min,max) giving the range for the y-axis (formation energy). May
        want to set manually when including transition level labels, to avoid
        crossing the axes. Default is from 0 to just above the maximum formation
        energy value in the band gap.
    fermi_level (float):
        If set, plots a dashed vertical line at this Fermi level value, typically
        used to indicate the equilibrium Fermi level position (e.g. calculated
        with py-sc-fermi). (Default: None)
    colormap (str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap):
        Colormap to use for the formation energy lines, either as a string (i.e.
        name from https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/explain/colors/colormaps.html)
        or a Colormap / ListedColormap object. If None (default), uses `Dark2` (if
        8 or less lines) or `tab20` (if more than 8 lines being plotted).
    auto_labels (bool):
        Whether to automatically label the transition levels with their charge
        states. If there are many transition levels, this can be quite ugly.
        (Default: False)
    filename (str): Filename to save the plot to. (Default: None (not saved))

    Matplotlib Figure object, or list of Figure objects if multiple limits
File:      /mnt/c/Users/Irea/OneDrive - Imperial College London/07_Python_Packages/doped/doped/thermodynamics.py
Type:      method

We could also manually input the chemical potentials like this:

from doped.utils import plotting

fig = MgO_thermo.plot(
    chempots={"Mg": -1.73, "O": -10.78},  # manually inputting the chemical potentials

Formation Energy Tables

We can also get tables of the defect formation energies (including terms in the formation energy equation, such as the charge correction and chemical potentials), as shown below:

list_of_formation_energy_dfs = MgO_thermo.get_formation_energies()
Fermi level was not set, so using mid-gap Fermi level (E_g/2 = 2.36 eV relative to the VBM).
[  Defect  q   ΔEʳᵃʷ  qE_VBM   qE_F  Σμ_ref  Σμ_formal  E_corr  ΔEᶠᵒʳᵐ  \
 0   Mg_O  4  -5.511  12.517  9.444  -3.399     -5.646   2.586   9.991   
 1   Mg_O  3  -0.999   9.388  7.083  -3.399     -5.646   1.572   7.999   
 2   Mg_O  2   3.908   6.259  4.722  -3.399     -5.646   0.723   6.567   
 3   Mg_O  1  11.911   3.129  2.361  -3.399     -5.646   0.199   8.555   
 4   Mg_O  0  20.109   0.000  0.000  -3.399     -5.646   0.000  11.064   
 0  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+4/vasp_std  
 1  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+3/vasp_std  
 2  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+2/vasp_std  
 3  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+1/vasp_std  
 4   MgO/Defects/Mg_O_0/vasp_std  ,
   Defect  q   ΔEʳᵃʷ  qE_VBM   qE_F  Σμ_ref  Σμ_formal  E_corr  ΔEᶠᵒʳᵐ  \
 0   Mg_O  4  -5.511  12.517  9.444  -3.399      5.646   2.586  21.283   
 1   Mg_O  3  -0.999   9.388  7.083  -3.399      5.646   1.572  19.290   
 2   Mg_O  2   3.908   6.259  4.722  -3.399      5.646   0.723  17.859   
 3   Mg_O  1  11.911   3.129  2.361  -3.399      5.646   0.199  19.847   
 4   Mg_O  0  20.109   0.000  0.000  -3.399      5.646   0.000  22.356   
 0  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+4/vasp_std  
 1  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+3/vasp_std  
 2  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+2/vasp_std  
 3  MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+1/vasp_std  
 4   MgO/Defects/Mg_O_0/vasp_std  ]


The get_formation_energies function returns a list of pandas.DataFrame objects (or a single DataFrame object if a certain chemical potential limit was chosen), which we can save to csv as shown below. As a csv file, this can then be easily imported to Microsoft Word or to LaTeX (using e.g. https://www.tablesgenerator.com/latex_tables) to be included in Supporting Information of papers or in theses, which we would recommend for open-science, queryability and reproducibility!

list_of_formation_energy_dfs[0]  # First dataframe in list corresponds to Magnesium rich conditions
Defect q ΔEʳᵃʷ qE_VBM qE_F Σμ_ref Σμ_formal E_corr ΔEᶠᵒʳᵐ Path
0 Mg_O 4 -5.511 12.517 9.444 -3.399 -5.646 2.586 9.991 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+4/vasp_std
1 Mg_O 3 -0.999 9.388 7.083 -3.399 -5.646 1.572 7.999 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+3/vasp_std
2 Mg_O 2 3.908 6.259 4.722 -3.399 -5.646 0.723 6.567 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+2/vasp_std
3 Mg_O 1 11.911 3.129 2.361 -3.399 -5.646 0.199 8.555 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+1/vasp_std
4 Mg_O 0 20.109 0.000 0.000 -3.399 -5.646 0.000 11.064 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_0/vasp_std
list_of_formation_energy_dfs[1]  # First dataframe in list corresponds to Oxygen rich conditions
Defect q ΔEʳᵃʷ qE_VBM qE_F Σμ_ref Σμ_formal E_corr ΔEᶠᵒʳᵐ Path
0 Mg_O 4 -5.511 12.517 9.444 -3.399 5.646 2.586 21.283 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+4/vasp_std
1 Mg_O 3 -0.999 9.388 7.083 -3.399 5.646 1.572 19.290 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+3/vasp_std
2 Mg_O 2 3.908 6.259 4.722 -3.399 5.646 0.723 17.859 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+2/vasp_std
3 Mg_O 1 11.911 3.129 2.361 -3.399 5.646 0.199 19.847 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_+1/vasp_std
4 Mg_O 0 20.109 0.000 0.000 -3.399 5.646 0.000 22.356 MgO/Defects/Mg_O_0/vasp_std
list_of_formation_energy_dfs[0].to_csv(f"MgO/Mg_O_Formation_Energies_Mg_rich.csv", index=False)

8.3 Defect concentrations

To calculate defect concentrations one should account for the defect degeneracies (see 10.1039/D2FD00043A or 10.1039/D3CS00432E for more details). Mainly, these degeneracies include the spin and orientational degeneracy. The spin degeneracy results from the equivalent electronic configurations that a defect with an unpaired electron can adopt (the electron can have up or down spin). By default, doped assumes singlet (S=0) state for even-electron defects and doublet (S=1/2) state for odd-electron defects, which is typically the case but can have triplets (S=1) or other multiplets for e.g. bipolarons, quantum / d-orbital / magnetic defects etc.
The orientational degeneracy accounts for the inequivalent orientations of the defect at the same site due to a lowering of the local symmetry. Formally, they are given by:

\( g_{\rm spin} = 2S+1\) where \(S\) is the total spin angular momentum

\( g_{\rm orient} = \frac{Z_{\rm defect}}{Z_{\rm bulk}} = \frac{N_{\rm bulk}}{N_{\rm defect}}\) where \(N\) is the number of point symmetry operations for the defect site in the pristine (\(N_{\rm bulk}\)) and defective structures (\(N_{\rm defect}\)).

With doped, the defect degeneracies are calculated automatically when parsing the defect results. We can inspect them with the get_symmetries_and_degeneracies() method of the DefectThermodynamics class:

from monty.serialization import loadfn

# Load from json
MgO_thermo = loadfn("./MgO/MgO_thermo.json")
Defect q Site_Symm Defect_Symm g_Orient g_Spin g_Total Mult
0 Mg_O +4 Oh C2v 12.0 1 12.0 1.0
1 Mg_O +3 Oh C3v 8.0 2 16.0 1.0
2 Mg_O +2 Oh C3v 8.0 1 8.0 1.0
3 Mg_O +1 Oh Cs 24.0 2 48.0 1.0
4 Mg_O 0 Oh Cs 24.0 1 24.0 1.0

The total degeneracy (\(g_{\rm total}\)) enters the defect concentration equation as: \(c = \frac{g_{\rm total}}{N_{\rm sites}} \exp\left(-\frac{E_{\rm form}}{kT}\right)\)

where \(N_{\rm sites}\) is the number of defect sites in the supercell, \(E_{\rm form}\) is the defect formation energy and \(kT\) is the thermal energy at temperature \(T\).


The defect formation energy (and thus its concentration) depends on the Fermi level, which depends itself in the defect concentrations. Accordingly, both the concentrations and the Fermi level have to be calculated self-consistently.

Here, since we have only considered one defect for demonstration purposes, we can’t calculate the equilibrium Fermi level. But we can still calculate the defect concentrations at a given Fermi level, as shown below.

    chempots: Optional[dict] = None,
    limit: Optional[str] = None,
    fermi_level: Optional[float] = None,
    temperature: float = 300,
    per_charge: bool = True,
    per_site: bool = False,
    skip_formatting: bool = False,
) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Compute the `equilibrium` concentrations (in cm^-3) for all
``DefectEntry``\s in the ``DefectThermodynamics`` object, at a given
chemical potential limit, fermi_level and temperature, assuming the
dilute limit approximation.

Note that these are the `equilibrium` defect concentrations!
DefectThermodynamics.get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations() can
instead be used to calculate the Fermi level and defect concentrations
for a material grown/annealed at higher temperatures and then cooled
(quenched) to room/operating temperature (where defect concentrations
are assumed to remain fixed) - this is known as the frozen defect
approach and is typically the most valid approximation (see its
docstring for more information).

The degeneracy/multiplicity factor "g" is an important parameter in the defect
concentration equation (see discussion in doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A and
doi.org/10.1039/D3CS00432E), affecting the final concentration by up to 2 orders
of magnitude. This factor is taken from the product of the
defect_entry.defect.multiplicity and defect_entry.degeneracy_factors attributes.

    chempots (dict):
        Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
        formation energies (and thus concentrations). Can have the doped form:
        {"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}
        (the format generated by doped's chemical potential parsing functions
        (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential limits) can
        then be chosen using ``limit``.
        Alternatively, can be a dictionary of **DFT**/absolute chemical
        potentials (not formal chemical potentials!), in the format:
        {element symbol: chemical potential}.
        If None (default), sets all chemical potentials to 0 (inaccurate
        formation energies and concentrations!)
    limit (str):
        The chemical potential limit to use for
        calculating the formation energies and thus concentrations. Can be:

        - "X-rich"/"X-poor" where X is an element in the system, in which
          case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
        - A key in the (self.)chempots["limits"] dictionary, if the chempots
          dict is in the doped format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
        - None (default), if ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical
          potential limit - otherwise will use the first chemical potential
          limit in the doped chempots dict.

    fermi_level (float):
        Value corresponding to the electron chemical potential, referenced
        to the VBM. If None (default), set to the mid-gap Fermi level (E_g/2).
    temperature (float):
        Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the equilibrium concentrations.
        Default is 300 K.
    per_charge (bool):
        Whether to break down the defect concentrations into individual defect charge
        states (e.g. ``v_Cd_0``, ``v_Cd_-1``, ``v_Cd_-2`` instead of ``v_Cd``).
        (default: True)
    per_site (bool):
        Whether to return the concentrations as fractional concentrations per site,
        rather than the default of per cm^3. (default: False)
    skip_formatting (bool):
        Whether to skip formatting the defect charge states and concentrations as
        strings (and keep as ints and floats instead). (default: False)

    pandas DataFrame of defect concentrations (and formation energies) for each
    defect entry in the DefectThermodynamics object.
File:      /mnt/c/Users/Irea/OneDrive - Imperial College London/07_Python_Packages/doped/doped/thermodynamics.py
Type:      method
# If we don't specify the fermi level, the default is to use a mid-gap fermi level
MgO_thermo.get_equilibrium_concentrations(chempots=MgO_chempots, limit="MgO-Mg")
Fermi level was not set, so using mid-gap Fermi level (E_g/2 = 2.36 eV relative to the VBM).
Defect Charge Formation Energy (eV) Concentration (cm^-3) Charge State Population
0 Mg_O +4 9.991 9.253e-145 0.0%
1 Mg_O +3 7.999 3.670e-111 0.0%
2 Mg_O +2 6.567 2.043e-87 100.0%
3 Mg_O +1 8.555 4.941e-120 0.0%
4 Mg_O 0 11.064 1.740e-162 0.0%

which shows that the concentrations of the Mg_O antisite are very small, as expected for a defect with such a large formation energy, which is common for cation on anion or anion on cation antisites in highly ionic compounds like MgO.

8.4 Analysing site displacements

We can check that our supercell is large enough by plotting the site displacements as a function of the site distance to the defect. The site displacements are calculated by comparing to the original position of the site in the pristine supercell.
If the supercell is large enough, the displacements should decay to zero as the distance from the defect increases.

from doped.utils.plotting import format_defect_name

for defect_name, defect_entry in dp.defect_dict.items():
    formatted_defect_name = format_defect_name(defect_name, include_site_info_in_name=False)  # format name for plot title
    fig = defect_entry.plot_site_displacements()
    # Add title to figure with defect name, avoid overlap with subfigure titles
    fig.suptitle(formatted_defect_name, y=1.15)
_images/f0d39d2d4ca9644d40481e2df65fc21f58e900d008a5ea2dbe24e99e546cd74c.png _images/21c08d1697c3c3d28d40afb71b56d3e8e03ec5b8cb74f8d0e4c35f4893e0292f.png _images/201443d14e2034cac382e94706aa5d5c0045a94bbfc053dd17150a895d13e1e0.png _images/585d9f4e95dc047b4d94f50bfc653ac1793a4fdb6a2e2636d631a231138ab239.png _images/5ca43eec7bcf941ead83ba6bae45515e1f3f00a514c934cb21150c3f812d838c.png

These displacement plots clearly show how the defect perturbation of the host structure tails off as we move away from the defect site. This is important for ensuring that the defect supercell is large enough.

In addition, we can also plot the site displacements relative to the defect. This can be useful to visualise which atoms move closer / further away from the defect (e.g. cases the 1st NN shell of the defect compresses (negative displacement) but 2nd NN expands (positve displacement)):

from monty.serialization import loadfn

# Loading defect dictionary from json
MgO_defect_dict = loadfn("MgO/MgO_defect_dict.json")
defect_entry = MgO_defect_dict['Mg_O_0']  # Neutral defect
fig = defect_entry.plot_site_displacements(

Which shows that the 3 Mg atoms in the 1st NN shell of the Mg antisite defect are displaced away the defect. You can also project the displacements along a specified vector using the option vector_to_project_on:

fig = defect_entry.plot_site_displacements(
    vector_to_project_on=(0, 0, 1),  # Project on z-axis

8.5 Analysing Finite-Size Charge Corrections

Kumagai-Oba (eFNV) Charge Correction Example:

As mentioned above, doped can automatically compute either the Kumagai-Oba (eFNV) or Freysoldt (FNV) finite-size charge corrections, to account for the spurious image charge interactions in the defect supercell approach (see the YouTube tutorial for more details). The eFNV correction is used by default if possible (if the required OUTCAR(.gz) files are available), as it is more general – can be used for both isotropic and anisotropic systems – and the numerical implementation is more efficient, requiring smaller file sizes and running quicker.

Below, we show how to directly visualising the charge correction plots (showing how they are computed), which is recommended if any warnings about the charge correction accuracy are printed when parsing our defects (also useful for understanding how the corrections are performed!).

dict_keys(['Mg_O_+4', 'Mg_O_0', 'Mg_O_+1', 'Mg_O_+2', 'Mg_O_+3'])
from doped.analysis import DefectParser  # can use DefectParser to parse individual defects if desired

defect_entry = dp.defect_dict["Mg_O_+4"]
print(f"Charge: {defect_entry.charge_state:+} at site: {defect_entry.defect_supercell_site.frac_coords}")
print(f"Finite-size charge corrections: {defect_entry.corrections}")
Charge: +4 at site: [0.50148977 0.57845999 0.57665118]
Finite-size charge corrections: {'kumagai_charge_correction': 2.585978512957518}

Above, the defect has been parsed and the anisotropic (eFNV) charge correction correctly applied, with no warnings thrown. We can directly plot the atomic site potentials which are used to compute this charge correction if we want: (Though typically we only do this if there has been some warning or error related to the application of the defect charge correction – here we’re just showing as a demonstration)


Typically we only analyze the charge correction plots like this if there has been some warning or error related to the defect charge correction (or to aid our understanding of the underlying formation energy calculations). Here we’re just showing as a demonstration.

correction, plot = defect_entry.get_kumagai_correction(plot=True)
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 2.586 eV

Here we can see we obtain a good plateau in the atomic potential differences (ΔV) between the defect and bulk supercells in the ‘sampling region’ (i.e. region of defect supercell furthest from the defect site), the average of which is used to obtain our potential alignment (‘Avg. ΔV’) and thus our final charge correction term.

If there is still significant variance in the site potential differences in the sampling region (i.e. a converged plateau is not obtained), then this suggests that the charge correction may not be as accurate for that particular defect or supercell. This error range of the charge correction is automatically computed by doped, and can be returned using the return_correction_error argument in get_kumagai_correction/get_freysoldt_correction, or also by adjusting the error_tolerance argument:

correction, error = defect_entry.get_kumagai_correction(return_correction_error=True)
error  # calculated error range of 18.2 meV in our charge correction here
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 2.586 eV
print(f"Relative error: {100*0.018215 / 2.586:.3f}%")
Relative error: 0.704%

which is a small error! ✅

8.6 Further Defect Analysis

As briefly discussed in the YouTube defects tutorial, you will likely want to further analyse the key defect species in your material, by e.g. visualising the relaxed structures with VESTA/CrystalMaker, looking at the defect single-particle energy levels using the sumo DOS plotting functions (sumo-dosplot), charge density distributions (e.g. this Figure).

In particular, you may want to further analyse the behaviour and impact on material properties of your defects using advanced defect analysis codes such as py-sc-fermi (to analyse defect concentrations, doping and Fermi level tuning), easyunfold (to analyse the electronic structure of defects in your material), or nonrad / CarrierCapture.jl (to analyse non-radiative electron-hole recombination at defects). The outputs from doped are readily ported as inputs to these codes.