Defect Calculation Parsing

For parsing defect calculation results with doped, we need the following VASP output files from our bulk and defect supercell calculations:

  • vasprun.xml(.gz)

  • Either:

    • OUTCAR(.gz), if using the Kumagai-Oba (eFNV) charge correction scheme (compatible with isotropic or anisotropic (non-cubic) dielectric constants; recommended), or

    • LOCPOT(.gz), if using the Freysoldt (FNV) charge correction scheme (isotropic dielectric screening only).

Note that doped can read the compressed versions of these files (.gz/.xz/.bz/.lzma), so we can do e.g. gzip OUTCAR to reduce the file sizes when downloading and storing these files on our local system.

To quickly compress these output files on our HPC, we can run the following from our top-level folder containing the defect directories (e.g. Te_i_Te2.83_+2 etc):

for defect_dir in */vasp_*; do cd $defect_dir; gzip vasprun.xml OUTCAR; cd ../..; done

(change OUTCAR to LOCPOT if using the FNV isotropic charge correction), and then download the files to the relevant folders by running the following from our local system:

for defect_dir in */vasp_*; do cd $defect_dir;
scp [remote_machine]:[path to doped folders]/${defect_dir}/\*gz .;
cd ../..; done

changing [remote_machine] and [path to doped folders] accordingly.


You can run this notebook interactively through Google Colab or Binder – just click the links! If running on Colab, then you’ll need to run !pip install doped in a cell to install the package, and !git clone to download the example data (and update paths in the code cells accordingly).

Example: CdTe Defect Calculations

In this example, we parse some defect calculations for CdTe. In this case, these defects weren’t initially generated with doped, but this is fine, as doped can parse the results and automatically determine the defect type and site from the relaxed structure.


If you want to use the example outputs shown in this parsing tutorial, you can do so by cloning the doped GitHub repository and following the dope_parsing_example.ipynb Jupyter notebook. In this case, you will witness some extra warnings during parsing due to some mismatching tags in the bulk/defect outputs – purposely included for testing.

from doped.analysis import DefectsParser
%matplotlib inline 
dielectric = 9.13  # dielectric constant (this can be a single number (isotropic), or a 3x1 array or 3x3 matrix (anisotropic))
dp = DefectsParser("CdTe", dielectric=dielectric)  # dielectric needed for charge corrections
Parsing v_Cd_-1/vasp_ncl: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:50<00:00,  7.27s/it]       UserWarning: There are mismatching INCAR tags for (some of) your bulk and defect calculations which are likely to cause errors in the parsed results (energies). Found the following differences:
(in the format: (INCAR tag, value in bulk calculation, value in defect calculation)):
Int_Te_3_Unperturbed_1: [('ADDGRID', True, False)]
In general, the same INCAR settings should be used in all final calculations for these tags which can affect energies!

DefectsParser uses multiprocessing by default to speed up parsing when we have many defect supercell calculations to parse. As described in its docstring shown below, it automatically searches the supplied output_path for the bulk and defect supercell calculation folders, then automatically determines the defect types, sites (from the relaxed structures) and charge states.

It also checks that appropriate INCAR, KPOINTS, POTCAR settings have been used, and will warn you if it detects any differences that could affect the defect formation energies – exemplified above with the mismatching ADDGRID tag.

# run this to show the DefectsParser docstrings (or see the doped API docs):

doped automatically attempts to perform the appropriate finite-size charge correction method for each defect, based on the supplied dielectric constant and calculation outputs, and will warn you if any required outputs are missing.

Additionally, the DefectsParser class automatically checks the consistency and estimated error of the defect finite-size charge correction (using the standard error of the mean potential difference in the sampling region, times the defect charge), and will warn you if the estimated error is above error_tolerance – 50 meV by default. As shown later in the Charge Corrections section, we can directly visualise the finite-size charge correction plots (showing how they are being computed) easily with doped, which is recommended if any of these warnings about the charge correction accuracy are printed.

With our dictionary of parsed defect entries, we can then query some of the defect-specific results, such as the finite-size charge corrections, the defect site, and energy (without accounting for chemical potentials yet):

for name, defect_entry in dp.defect_dict.items():
    if defect_entry.charge_state != 0:  # no charge correction for neutral defects
        print(f"Charge = {defect_entry.charge_state:+} with finite-size charge correction: {list(defect_entry.corrections.values())[0]:+.2f} eV")
    print(f"Supercell site: {defect_entry.defect_supercell_site.frac_coords.round(3)}\n")
Charge = +1 with finite-size charge correction: +0.30 eV
Supercell site: [0.801 0.166 0.699]

Supercell site: [0.5 0.5 0.5]

Charge = +1 with finite-size charge correction: +0.24 eV
Supercell site: [0.475 0.475 0.525]

Charge = +1 with finite-size charge correction: +0.30 eV
Supercell site: [0.716 0.283 0.871]

Charge = +2 with finite-size charge correction: +0.90 eV
Supercell site: [0.835 0.944 0.698]

Charge = -2 with finite-size charge correction: +0.74 eV
Supercell site: [0. 0. 0.]

Charge = -1 with finite-size charge correction: +0.23 eV
Supercell site: [0. 0. 0.]

As mentioned in the defect generation tutorial, we can save doped outputs to JSON files and then share or reload them later on, without needing to re-run the parsing steps above. Here we save our parsed defect entries using the dumpfn function from monty.serialization:

from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn
dumpfn(dp.defect_dict, fn="CdTe_defect_dict.json")  # save parsed defect entries to file
# we can then reload these parsed defect entries from file at any later point with:
CdTe_defect_dict = loadfn("CdTe_defect_dict.json")

Defect Formation Energy / Transition Level Diagrams


Defect formation energy (a.k.a. transition level diagrams) are one of the key results from a computational defect study, giving us a lot of information on the defect thermodynamics and electronic behaviour.

To calculate and plot defect formation energies, we need to know the chemical potentials of the elements in the system (see the YouTube defects tutorial for more details on this). The workflow for computing and analysing the chemical potentials is described in the chemical potentials tutorial, and here we have already done this for our CdTe system, so we can just load the results from the JSON file here:

# load CdTe parsed chemical potentials (needed to compute the defect formation energies)
CdTe_chempots = loadfn("CdTe/CdTe_chempots.json")
{'limits': {'Cd-CdTe': {'Cd': -1.01586484, 'Te': -5.7220097228125}, 'CdTe-Te': {'Cd': -2.2671822228125, 'Te': -4.47069234}}, 'elemental_refs': {'Te': -4.47069234, 'Cd': -1.01586484}, 'limits_wrt_el_refs': {'Cd-CdTe': {'Cd': 0.0, 'Te': -1.2513173828125002}, 'CdTe-Te': {'Cd': -1.2513173828125, 'Te': 0.0}}}


To calculate and plot the defect formation energies (as well as other thermodynamic defect analyses), we generate a DefectThermodynamics object, which can be created using the DefectsParser.get_defect_thermodynamics() function using the parsed defect dictionary, or can be directly initialised from a dict/list of DefectEntry objects.

CdTe_example_thermo = dp.get_defect_thermodynamics(chempots=CdTe_chempots)  # optionally input chempots now, to avoid having to input later
dumpfn(CdTe_example_thermo, fn="CdTe_example_thermo.json")  # save parsed DefectThermodynamics to file, so we don't need to regenerate it later

Some of the advantages of parsing / manipulating your chemical potential calculations this way, is that:

  • You can quickly loop through different points in chemical potential space (i.e. chemical potential limits), rather than typing out the chemical potentials obtained from a different method / manually.

  • doped automatically determines the chemical potentials with respect to elemental references (i.e. chemical potentials are zero in their standard states (by definition), rather than VASP/DFT energies). This is the limits_wrt_el_refs entry in the CdTe_chempots dict in the cell above.

  • doped can then optionally print the corresponding chemical potential limit and the formal chemical potentials of the elements at that point, above the formation energy plot, as shown in the next cell.

Alternatively, you can directly feed in pre-calculated chemical potentials to doped, see below for this.

Defect formation energy diagram:

plot = CdTe_example_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich")  # can set limit to X-rich/poor and doped will automatically determine the most X-rich/poor limit


As shown above, can specify the chemical potential limit at which to obtain and plot the defect formation energies using the limit parameter, which we can set to either "X-rich"/"X-poor" where X is an element in the system, in which case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. “Cd-rich”), or a key in the chempots["limits"] dictionary (e.g. "Cd-CdTe" from that shown above). Alternatively, one can also provide a single chemical potential limit in the form of a dictonary to the DefectThermodynamics methods – see docstrings for more details.

There are many options for customising the defect formation energy plots in doped, which are illustrated in the doped plotting customisation tutorial.

Here our example dataset has only a few defects included. Let’s load a previously-parsed DefectThermodynamics object for all intrinsic defects in CdTe:

CdTe_defects_thermo = loadfn("CdTe/CdTe_thermo_wout_meta.json")  # excludes metastable states
def_plot = CdTe_defects_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich")

Here we can see our different inequivalent sites for the interstitials are automatically labelled in our plot legend (using the doped naming functions), showing that the lowest energy cadmium interstitial site actually differs between +2 and neutral charge states, as has been noted in this system in the literature.


In the above plot, we see doped classified Te interstitials into having two separate defect sites. This is dictated by the dist_tol parameter in DefectThermodynamics (= 1.5 Å by default), which groups together defects which have distances between equivalent defect sites within this tolerance. In this case, this is because Te interstitials adopt split-interstitial dimer structures for the +1 and neutral charge states, but a different conventional interstitial type structure for the +2 charge state.
Let’s increase it to 2 Å here to group these Te interstitials together:

CdTe_defects_thermo.dist_tol = 2
plot = CdTe_defects_thermo.plot(limit="Te-rich")  

With our DefectThermodynamics object, we can tabulate the defect transition levels:

Defect Charges eV from VBM In Band Gap?
0 v_Cd ε(0/-2) 0.470 True
1 v_Te ε(+2/0) 1.071 True
2 v_Te ε(0/-2) 1.682 False
3 Cd_Te ε(+2/+1) 1.062 True
4 Cd_Te ε(+1/0) 1.185 True
5 Cd_Te ε(0/-1) 1.852 False
6 Cd_Te ε(-1/-2) 1.884 False
7 Te_Cd ε(+2/+1) 0.034 True
8 Te_Cd ε(+1/0) 0.277 True
9 Te_Cd ε(0/-2) 1.493 True
10 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 ε(+2/+1) 0.844 True
11 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 ε(+1/0) 1.352 True
12 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+2/+1) 1.367 True
13 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+1/0) 1.627 False
14 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+2/+1) 0.035 True
15 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+1/0) 0.250 True

We can set all=True to show all defect transition levels, including metastable states:

Defect Charges eV from VBM In Band Gap? N(Metastable)
0 v_Cd ε(-1*/-2) 0.397 True 1
1 v_Cd ε(0/-1*) 0.543 True 1
2 v_Te ε(+1*/0) 0.453 True 1
3 v_Te ε(-1*/-2) 1.460 True 1
4 v_Te ε(+2/+1*) 1.689 False 1
5 v_Te ε(0/-1*) 1.904 False 1
6 Cd_Te ε(+2/+1) 1.062 True 0
7 Cd_Te ε(+1/0) 1.185 True 0
8 Cd_Te ε(0/-1) 1.852 False 0
9 Cd_Te ε(-1/-2) 1.884 False 0
10 Te_Cd ε(+2/+1) 0.034 True 0
11 Te_Cd ε(+1/0) 0.277 True 0
12 Te_Cd ε(-1*/-2) 1.460 True 1
13 Te_Cd ε(0/-1*) 1.527 False 1
14 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 ε(+2/+1) 0.844 True 0
15 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 ε(+1/0) 1.352 True 0
16 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+2/+1) 1.367 True 0
17 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+1/0) 1.627 False 0
18 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+2/+1) 0.035 True 0
19 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(+1/0) 0.250 True 0
20 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(0/-1*) 2.614 False 1
21 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 ε(-1*/-2*) 3.136 False 2

We can print the determined symmetries and degeneracy factors of the defects (automatically incorporated into doped concentration calculations – see Mosquera-Lois et al. Chem Soc Rev 2023 for more details):

Defect q Site_Symm Defect_Symm g_Orient g_Spin g_Total Mult
0 v_Cd -2 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
1 v_Cd -1 Td C3v 4.0 2 8.0 1.0
2 v_Cd 0 Td C2v 6.0 1 6.0 1.0
3 v_Te -2 Td Cs 12.0 1 12.0 1.0
4 v_Te -1 Td Cs 12.0 2 24.0 1.0
5 v_Te 0 Td C2v 6.0 1 6.0 1.0
6 v_Te +1 Td Td 1.0 2 2.0 1.0
7 v_Te +2 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
8 Cd_Te -2 Td C1 24.0 1 24.0 1.0
9 Cd_Te -1 Td Td 1.0 2 2.0 1.0
10 Cd_Te 0 Td Cs 12.0 1 12.0 1.0
11 Cd_Te +1 Td C2v 6.0 2 12.0 1.0
12 Cd_Te +2 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
13 Te_Cd -2 Td Cs 12.0 1 12.0 1.0
14 Te_Cd -1 Td Cs 12.0 2 24.0 1.0
15 Te_Cd 0 Td C3v 4.0 1 4.0 1.0
16 Te_Cd +1 Td C3v 4.0 2 8.0 1.0
17 Te_Cd +2 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
18 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 0 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
19 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 +1 Td Td 1.0 2 2.0 1.0
20 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 +2 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
21 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 0 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
22 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 +1 Td Td 1.0 2 2.0 1.0
23 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 +2 Td Td 1.0 1 1.0 1.0
24 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 -2 C1 C2 0.5 1 0.5 24.0
25 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 -1 C1 C2 0.5 2 1.0 24.0
26 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 0 C1 C2 0.5 1 0.5 24.0
27 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 +1 Cs C2v 0.5 2 1.0 12.0
28 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 +2 C1 Cs 0.5 1 0.5 24.0

As shown in further detail in the doped defect thermodynamics tutorial, there are many more available methods/functions for the DefectThermodynamics object, such as:

  • get_equilibrium_fermi_level, get_equilibrium_concentrations & get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations (to determine the self-consistent Fermi level and thus defect concentrations for the system, under various thermodynamic conditions)

  • get_doping_windows & get_dopability_limits (to determine the doping windows and limits for the system, under various thermodynamic conditions) …

Formation Energy Tables

We can also get tables of the defect formation energies (including terms in the formation energy equation, such as the charge correction and chemical potentials), as shown below:

formation_energy_df = CdTe_defects_thermo.get_formation_energies(limit="Te-rich")
Fermi level was not set, so using mid-gap Fermi level (E_g/2 = 0.75 eV relative to the VBM).
Defect q ΔEʳᵃʷ qE_VBM qE_F Σμ_ref Σμ_formal E_corr ΔEᶠᵒʳᵐ Path
0 v_Cd -2 7.661 -3.293 -1.499 -1.016 -1.251 0.738 1.340 ../VASP_Files/vac_1_Cd_-2/vasp_ncl
1 v_Cd -1 6.130 -1.646 -0.749 -1.016 -1.251 0.225 1.692 ../VASP_Files/vac_1_Cd_-1/vasp_ncl
2 v_Cd 0 4.166 0.000 0.000 -1.016 -1.251 0.000 1.899 ../VASP_Files/vac_1_Cd_0/vasp_ncl
3 v_Te -2 13.444 -3.293 -1.499 -4.471 0.000 0.722 4.903 ../VASP_Files/vac_2_Te_-2/vasp_ncl
4 v_Te -1 10.823 -1.646 -0.749 -4.471 0.000 0.235 4.192 ../VASP_Files/vac_2_Te_-1/vasp_ncl
5 v_Te 0 7.509 0.000 0.000 -4.471 0.000 0.000 3.038 ../VASP_Files/vac_2_Te_0/vasp_ncl
6 v_Te +1 5.410 1.646 0.749 -4.471 0.000 -0.000 3.334 ../VASP_Files/vac_2_Te_1/vasp_ncl
7 v_Te +2 1.857 3.293 1.499 -4.471 0.000 0.217 2.395 ../VASP_Files/vac_2_Te_2/vasp_ncl
8 Cd_Te -2 13.328 -3.293 -1.499 -3.455 1.251 0.783 7.115 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Cd_on_Te_-2/vasp_ncl
9 Cd_Te -1 10.327 -1.646 -0.749 -3.455 1.251 0.253 5.981 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Cd_on_Te_-1/vasp_ncl
10 Cd_Te 0 7.083 0.000 0.000 -3.455 1.251 0.000 4.879 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Cd_on_Te_0/vasp_ncl
11 Cd_Te +1 4.223 1.646 0.749 -3.455 1.251 0.029 4.444 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Cd_on_Te_1/vasp_ncl
12 Cd_Te +2 1.180 3.293 1.499 -3.455 1.251 0.363 4.130 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Cd_on_Te_2/vasp_ncl
13 Te_Cd -2 5.008 -3.293 -1.499 3.455 -1.251 0.527 2.947 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Te_on_Cd_-2/vasp_ncl
14 Te_Cd -1 2.271 -1.646 -0.749 3.455 -1.251 0.158 2.237 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Te_on_Cd_-1/vasp_ncl
15 Te_Cd 0 -0.744 0.000 0.000 3.455 -1.251 0.000 1.459 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Te_on_Cd_0/vasp_ncl
16 Te_Cd +1 -2.906 1.646 0.749 3.455 -1.251 0.238 1.932 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Te_on_Cd_1/vasp_ncl
17 Te_Cd +2 -5.146 3.293 1.499 3.455 -1.251 0.797 2.646 ../VASP_Files/as_1_Te_on_Cd_2/vasp_ncl
18 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 0 1.140 0.000 0.000 1.016 1.251 0.000 3.407 ../VASP_Files/Int_Cd_1_0/vasp_ncl
19 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 +1 -2.044 1.646 0.749 1.016 1.251 0.185 2.805 ../VASP_Files/Int_Cd_1_1/vasp_ncl
20 Cd_i_Td_Cd2.83 +2 -5.032 3.293 1.499 1.016 1.251 0.683 2.710 ../VASP_Files/Int_Cd_1_2/vasp_ncl
21 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 0 1.455 0.000 0.000 1.016 1.251 0.000 3.722 ../VASP_Files/Int_Cd_3_0/vasp_ncl
22 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 +1 -2.022 1.646 0.749 1.016 1.251 0.204 2.845 ../VASP_Files/Int_Cd_3_1/vasp_ncl
23 Cd_i_Td_Te2.83 +2 -5.488 3.293 1.499 1.016 1.251 0.656 2.226 ../VASP_Files/Int_Cd_3_2/vasp_ncl
24 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 -2 5.887 -3.293 -1.499 4.471 0.000 0.532 6.099 ../VASP_Files/Int_Te_3_-2/vasp_ncl
25 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 -1 1.482 -1.646 -0.749 4.471 0.000 0.155 3.712 ../VASP_Files/Int_Te_3_-1/vasp_ncl
26 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 0 -2.623 0.000 0.000 4.471 0.000 0.000 1.848 ../VASP_Files/Int_Te_3_0/vasp_ncl
27 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 +1 -4.819 1.646 0.749 4.471 0.000 0.300 2.347 ../VASP_Files/Int_Te_3_1/vasp_ncl
28 Te_i_Td_Te2.83 +2 -7.105 3.293 1.499 4.471 0.000 0.904 3.062 ../VASP_Files/Int_Te_3_2/vasp_ncl
# you can run this cell to see the possible arguments for this function (or go to the python API docs)


The get_formation_energies method returns a list of pandas.DataFrame objects (or a single DataFrame object if a certain chemical potential limit was chosen), which we can save to csv as shown below. As a csv file, this can then be easily imported to Microsoft Word or to LaTeX (using e.g. to be included in Supporting Information of papers or in theses, which we would recommend for open-science, queryability and reproducibility!

formation_energy_df.to_csv(f"CdTe_Formation_Energies_Te_Rich.csv", index=False)
!head CdTe_Formation_Energies_Te_Rich.csv

Example LaTeX table generated from the above csv file for a thesis:


Analysing Finite-Size Charge Corrections

Kumagai-Oba (eFNV) Charge Correction Example:

As mentioned above, doped can automatically compute either the Kumagai-Oba (eFNV) or Freysoldt (FNV) finite-size charge corrections, to account for the spurious image charge interactions in the defect supercell approach (see the YouTube tutorial for more details). The eFNV correction is used by default if possible (if the required OUTCAR(.gz) files are available), as it is more general – can be used for both isotropic and anisotropic systems – and the numerical implementation is more efficient, requiring smaller file sizes and running quicker.

Below, we show some examples of directly visualising the charge correction plots (showing how they are computed), which is recommended if any warnings about the charge correction accuracy are printed when parsing our defects (also useful for understanding how the corrections are performed!).

Here we’re taking the example of a Fluorine-on-Oxygen antisite substitution defect in Y2Ti2O5S2 (a potential photocatalyst and n-type thermoelectric), which has a non-cubic anisotropic structure and dielectric constant:

from doped.analysis import DefectParser  # can use DefectParser to parse individual defects if desired
F_O_1_entry = DefectParser.from_paths(defect_path="YTOS/F_O_1", bulk_path="YTOS/Bulk",
                                                dielectric = [40.7, 40.7, 25.2]).defect_entry
print(f"Charge: {F_O_1_entry.charge_state:+} at site: {F_O_1_entry.defect_supercell_site.frac_coords}")
print(f"Finite-size charge corrections: {F_O_1_entry.corrections}")
Charge: +1 at site: [0. 0. 0.]
Finite-size charge corrections: {'kumagai_charge_correction': 0.12691248591191384}

Above, the defect has been parsed and the anisotropic (eFNV) charge correction correctly applied, with no warnings thrown. We can directly plot the atomic site potentials which are used to compute this charge correction if we want: (Though typically we only do this if there has been some warning or error related to the application of the defect charge correction – here we’re just showing as a demonstration)


Typically we only analyze the charge correction plots like this if there has been some warning or error related to the defect charge correction (or to aid our understanding of the underlying formation energy calculations). Here we’re just showing as a demonstration.

correction, plot = F_O_1_entry.get_kumagai_correction(plot=True)
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 0.127 eV

Here we can see we obtain a good plateau in the atomic potential differences (ΔV) between the defect and bulk supercells in the ‘sampling region’ (i.e. region of defect supercell furthest from the defect site), the average of which is used to obtain our potential alignment (‘Avg. ΔV’) and thus our final charge correction term.

If there is still significant variance in the site potential differences in the sampling region (i.e. a converged plateau is not obtained), then this suggests that the charge correction may not be as accurate for that particular defect or supercell. This error range of the charge correction is automatically computed by doped (by multiplying the defect charge with the standard error of the mean of the electrostatic potential differences in the sampling region), and can be returned using the return_correction_error argument in get_kumagai_correction/get_freysoldt_correction, or also by adjusting the error_tolerance argument:

correction = F_O_1_entry.get_kumagai_correction(error_tolerance=0.0001)  # extremely strict tolerance, 0.1 meV
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 0.127 eV UserWarning: Estimated error in the Kumagai (eFNV) charge correction for defect F_O_1 is 1.33e-03 eV (i.e. which is greater than the `error_tolerance`: 1.00e-04 eV). You may want to check the accuracy of the correction by plotting the site potential differences (using `defect_entry.get_kumagai_correction()` with `plot=True`). Large errors are often due to unstable or shallow defect charge states (which can't be accurately modelled with the supercell approach; see If this error is not acceptable, you may need to use a larger supercell for more accurate energies.
correction, error = F_O_1_entry.get_kumagai_correction(return_correction_error=True)
error  # calculated error range of 1.3 meV in our charge correction here
Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is 0.127 eV

Freysoldt (FNV) Charge Correction Example:

Above, we used the Kumagai-Oba (eFNV) defect image charge correction scheme, which is compatible only with both isotropic and anisotropic dielectric screening.

doped also supports the original Freysoldt (FNV) charge correction scheme, however this should only be used for isotropic/cubic host materials (and even then the eFNV correction is still preferred, being more efficient and robust in implementation). For the FNV correction, the LOCPOT(.gz) output files must be present in our defect and bulk supercell calculation directories.

correction, plot = dp.defect_dict["v_Cd_-2"].get_freysoldt_correction(plot=True)
Calculated Freysoldt (FNV) correction is 0.738 eV

Further Defect Analysis

As briefly discussed in the YouTube defects tutorial, you will likely want to further analyse the key defect species in your material, by e.g. visualising the relaxed structures with VESTA/CrystalMaker, looking at the defect single-particle energy levels using the sumo DOS plotting functions (sumo-dosplot), charge density distributions (e.g. this Figure).

In particular, you will likely want to analyse the thermodynamic (i.e. concentrations) and electronic (i.e. doping) behaviour of defects in your system, which is demonstrated in the doped thermodynamics tutorial. Some other analyses that you can perform using your parsed doped DefectEntry objects is also shown in the advanced analysis tutorial.

Beyond this, you may want to further analyse the behaviour and impact on material properties of your defects using advanced defect analysis codes such as py-sc-fermi (to analyse defect concentrations, doping and Fermi level tuning under more complex thermodynamic constraints), easyunfold (to analyse the electronic structure of defects in your material), or nonrad / CarrierCapture.jl (to analyse non-radiative electron-hole recombination at defects). The outputs from doped are readily ported as inputs to these codes.