Source code for doped.utils.plotting

Code to analyse VASP defect calculations.

These functions are built from a combination of useful modules from pymatgen
and AIDE (by Adam Jackson and Alex Ganose), alongside substantial modification,
in the efforts of making an efficient, user-friendly package for managing and
analysing defect calculations, with publication-quality outputs.

import contextlib
import re
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

import as cmc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colormaps, ticker
from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, ListedColormap
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element
from pymatgen.util.string import latexify
from pymatgen.util.typing import PathLike

from doped.utils.symmetry import sch_symbols  # point group symbols

    from doped.thermodynamics import DefectThermodynamics

def _get_backend(save_format: str) -> Optional[str]:
    Try use pycairo as backend if installed, and save_format is pdf.
    backend = None
    if "pdf" in save_format:
            import cairo  # noqa: F401

            backend = "cairo"
        except ImportError:
                "Unable to import pycairo. Defaulting to matplotlib's pdf backend, so default doped fonts "
                "may not be used. Try setting `save_format` to 'png' or doing `conda remove pycairo; "
                "conda install pycairo` if you want doped's default font."
    return backend

def _chempot_warning(dft_chempots):
    if dft_chempots is None:
            "You have not specified chemical potentials (`chempots`), so chemical potentials are set to "
            "zero for each species. This will give large errors in the absolute values of formation "
            "energies, but the transition level positions will be unaffected."

[docs] def get_colormap(colormap: Optional[Union[str, Colormap]] = None, default: str = "batlow") -> Colormap: """ Get a colormap from a string or a ``Colormap`` object. If ``_alpha_X`` in the colormap name, sets the alpha value to X (0-1). ``cmcrameri`` colour maps citation: Args: colormap (str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap): Colormap to use, either as a string (which can be a colormap name from or, or a ``Colormap`` / ``ListedColormap`` object. If ``None`` (default), uses ``default`` colormap (which is ``"batlow"`` by default). Append "S" to the colormap name if using a sequential colormap from default (str): Default colormap to use if ``colormap`` is ``None``. Defaults to ``"batlow"`` from """ if colormap is None: colormap = default alpha = None if isinstance(colormap, str): # get colormap from string if "_alpha_" in colormap: alpha = float(colormap.split("_alpha_")[-1]) colormap = colormap.split("_alpha_")[0] # first check if it's a cmcrameri colormap: cmap = cmc.cmaps.get(colormap, None) if cmap is None: # if not, check matplotlib colormaps cmap = colormaps.get(colormap, None) if cmap is None: if "_alpha_" in default: alpha = float(default.split("_alpha_")[-1]) default = default.split("_alpha_")[0] warnings.warn( f"Colormap '{colormap}' not found in `cmcrameri` " f"( or `matplotlib` " f"( colormaps. " f"Defaulting to '{default}' colormap." ) cmap = cmc.cmaps.get(default, colormaps.get(default, cmc.batlow)) colormap = cmap colormap.colors = ( colormap.colors if alpha is None else [color[:3] + (alpha,) for color in colormap.colors] ) return colormap
[docs] def get_linestyles(linestyles: Union[str, list[str]] = "-", num_lines: int = 1) -> list[str]: """ Get a list of linestyles to use for plotting, from a string or list of strings (linestyles). If a list is provided which doesn't match the number of lines, the list is repeated until it does. Args: linestyles (str, list[str]): Linestyles to use for plotting. If a string, uses that linestyle for all lines. If a list, uses each linestyle in the list for each line. Defaults to ``"-"``. num_lines (int): Number of lines to plot (and thus number of linestyles to output in list). Defaults to 1. """ if isinstance(linestyles, str): return [linestyles] * num_lines # else ensure match number of lines to number of linestyles: return linestyles * (num_lines // len(linestyles)) + linestyles[: num_lines % len(linestyles)]
def _get_TLD_plot_setup(colormap, linestyles, xy): # future updated colour handling (based on defect type etc) should remove the need for this: num_lines = len(xy) if num_lines <= 10: default = "tab10_alpha_0.75" elif num_lines <= 20: default = "tab20" else: default = "batlow" # set to colormap if not enough colours in listed colormaps cmap = get_colormap(colormap, default=default) if isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap) and len(cmap.colors) < 150: # cmcrameri returned with 256 colors # ensure number of colors matches number of lines: colors = list(cmap.colors) * (num_lines // len(cmap.colors)) if num_lines % len(cmap.colors) != 0: colors += list(cmap.colors[: num_lines % len(cmap.colors)]) else: colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, num_lines)) linestyles = get_linestyles(linestyles, num_lines) # generate plot: styled_fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=((2.6 / 3.5) * styled_fig_size[0], (1.95 / 3.5) * styled_fig_size[1])) # Gives a final figure width matching styled_fig_size, with dimensions matching the doped default styled_font_size = plt.rcParams["font.size"] styled_linewidth = plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] styled_markersize = plt.rcParams["lines.markersize"] return ( colors, linestyles, fig, ax, styled_fig_size, styled_font_size, styled_linewidth, styled_markersize, ) def _plot_formation_energy_lines( xy, colors, linestyles, ax, styled_linewidth, styled_markersize, **kwargs, ): names_for_legend = [] for cnt, def_name in enumerate(xy.keys()): # plot formation energy lines ax.plot( xy[def_name][0], xy[def_name][1], color=colors[cnt], linestyle=linestyles[cnt], markeredgecolor=colors[cnt], lw=styled_linewidth * 1.2, markersize=styled_markersize * (4 / 6), **kwargs, ) names_for_legend.append(def_name) return names_for_legend def _add_band_edges_and_axis_limits(ax, band_gap, xlim, ylim, fermi_level=None): ax.imshow( [(0, 1), (0, 1)],, extent=(xlim[0], 0, -50, 100), vmin=0, vmax=3, interpolation="bicubic", rasterized=True, aspect="auto", zorder=0, ) ax.imshow( [(1, 0), (1, 0)],, extent=(band_gap, xlim[1], -50, 100), vmin=0, vmax=3, interpolation="bicubic", rasterized=True, aspect="auto", zorder=0, ) ax.set_xlim(xlim) # dashed line for E_formation = 0 in case ymin < 0 ax.plot([xlim[0], xlim[1]], [0, 0], c="k", ls="--", alpha=0.7) ax.set_ylim(ylim) if fermi_level is not None: ax.axvline(x=fermi_level, linestyle="-.", color="k") ax.set_xlabel("Fermi Level (eV)") ax.set_ylabel("Formation Energy (eV)") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.AutoMinorLocator(2)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.AutoMinorLocator(2)) def _set_title_and_save_figure(ax, fig, title, chempot_table, filename, styled_font_size): if title: if chempot_table: ax.set_title( latexify(title), size=1.2 * styled_font_size, pad=28, fontdict={"fontweight": "bold"}, ) else: ax.set_title(latexify(title), size=styled_font_size, fontdict={"fontweight": "bold"}) if filename is not None: fig.savefig( filename, dpi=600, bbox_inches="tight", backend=_get_backend(filename), transparent=True )
[docs] def format_defect_name( defect_species: str, include_site_info_in_name: bool, wout_charge: bool = False, ) -> Optional[str]: r""" Format defect name for plot titles. (i.e. from ``"Cd_i_C3v_0"`` to ``"$Cd_{i}^{0}$"`` or ``"$Cd_{i_{C3v}}^{0}$"``). Note this assumes "V\_..." means vacancy not Vanadium. Args: defect_species (:obj:`str`): Name of defect including charge state (e.g. ``"Cd_i_C3v_0"``) include_site_info_in_name (:obj:`bool`): Whether to include site info in name (e.g. ``"$Cd_{i}^{0}$"`` or ``"$Cd_{i_{C3v}}^{0}$"``\). wout_charge (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the charge state is included in the defect_species name. Defaults to False. Returns: :obj:`str`: formatted defect name """ if wout_charge: defect_species += "_99" # add dummy charge for parsing; 99 red balloons go by... if not isinstance(defect_species, str): # Check inputs raise (TypeError(f"`defect_species` {defect_species} should be a string")) try: charge = int(defect_species.split("_")[-1]) # charge comes last charge_string = f"{charge:+}" if charge > 0 else f"{charge}" except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Problem reading defect name {defect_species}, should end with charge state " f"after underscore (e.g. Te_i_Td_Te2.83_+1)" ) from e # Format defect name for title/axis labels: recognised_pre_vacancy_strings = sorted( [ "v_", "v", "va_", "Va_", "va", "Va", "V_", "V", "Vac", "vac", "Vac_", "vac_", ], key=len, reverse=True, ) recognised_post_vacancy_strings = sorted( [ "_v", # but not '_V' as could be vanadium "v", # but not 'V' as could be vanadium "_vac", "_Vac", "vac", "Vac", "va", "Va", "_va", "_Va", ], key=len, reverse=True, ) recognised_pre_interstitial_strings = sorted( [ "i", # but not 'I' as could be iodine "i_", # but not 'I_' as could be iodine "Int", "int", "Int_", "int_", "Inter", "inter", "Inter_", "inter_", ], key=len, reverse=True, ) recognised_post_interstitial_strings = sorted( [ "_i", # but not '_I' as could be iodine "_int", "_Int", "int", "Int", "inter", "Inter", "_inter", "_Inter", ], key=len, reverse=True, ) defect_name = None dummy_h = Element("H") pre_charge_name = defect_species.rsplit("_", 1)[0] # defect name without charge state trimmed_pre_charge_name = pre_charge_name # later trimmed to remove any pre or post # vacancy/interstitial strings from name doped_site_info = None # check if name is doped format, having site info as point group symbol (and more) after 2nd "_": with contextlib.suppress(IndexError): point_group_symbol = defect_species.split("_")[2] if point_group_symbol in sch_symbols and all( # recognised point group symbol? i not in defect_species for i in ["int", "Int", "vac", "Vac", "sub", "Sub", "as"] # no As_... ): # from 2nd underscore to last underscore (before charge state) is site info # convert point group symbol to formatted version (e.g. C1 -> C_1): formatted_point_group_symbol = ( f"{point_group_symbol[0]}_{{{point_group_symbol[1:]}}}" # already in math mode here ) doped_site_info = formatted_point_group_symbol if defect_species.split("_")[3:-1]: # if there is more site info after point group symbol doped_site_info += "-" + "-".join(defect_species.split("_")[3:-1]) trimmed_pre_charge_name = pre_charge_name.replace( f"_{'_'.join(defect_species.split('_')[2:-1])}", "" ) def _check_matching_defect_format(element, name, pre_def_type_list, post_def_type_list): return any(f"{pre_def_type}{element}" in name for pre_def_type in pre_def_type_list) or any( f"{element}{post_def_type}" in name for post_def_type in post_def_type_list ) def _check_matching_defect_format_with_site_info(element, name, pre_def_type_list, post_def_type_list): for site_preposition in ["s", "m", "mult", ""]: for site_postposition in [r"[a-z]", ""]: match = re.match( f"([a-z_]+)({site_preposition}[0-9]+{site_postposition})", name, re.I, ) if match: items = match.groups() for match_generator in [ ( fstring in name for pre_def_type in pre_def_type_list for fstring in [ f"{pre_def_type}{items[1]}{element}", f"{pre_def_type}{element}{items[1]}", f"{pre_def_type}{items[1]}_{element}", f"{pre_def_type}{element}_{items[1]}", ] ), ]: if any(match_generator): return True, items[1].replace("mult", "m") for match_generator in [ ( fstring in name for post_def_type in post_def_type_list for fstring in [ f"{element}{items[1]}{post_def_type}", f"{items[1]}{element}{post_def_type}", f"{element}{items[1]}_{post_def_type}", f"{items[1]}_{element}{post_def_type}", ] ), ]: if any(match_generator): return True, items[1].replace("mult", "m") return False, None def _try_vacancy_interstitial_match( element, name, include_site_info_in_name, pre_vacancy_strings=None, post_vacancy_strings=None, pre_interstitial_strings=None, post_interstitial_strings=None, ): if pre_vacancy_strings is None: pre_vacancy_strings = recognised_pre_vacancy_strings if post_vacancy_strings is None: post_vacancy_strings = recognised_post_vacancy_strings if pre_interstitial_strings is None: pre_interstitial_strings = recognised_pre_interstitial_strings if post_interstitial_strings is None: post_interstitial_strings = recognised_post_interstitial_strings defect_name = None defect_name_without_site_info = None defect_name_with_site_info = None match_found, site_info = _check_matching_defect_format_with_site_info( element, name, pre_vacancy_strings, post_vacancy_strings, ) if match_found: defect_name_with_site_info = ( f"$\\it{{V}}\\!$ $_{{{element}_{{{site_info}}}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" ) defect_name_without_site_info = f"$\\it{{V}}\\!$ $_{{{element}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" else: match_found, site_info = _check_matching_defect_format_with_site_info( element, name, pre_interstitial_strings, post_interstitial_strings, ) if match_found: defect_name_with_site_info = f"{element}$_{{i_{{{site_info}}}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" defect_name_without_site_info = f"{element}$_i^{{{charge_string}}}$" if include_site_info_in_name and defect_name_with_site_info is not None: return defect_name_with_site_info if ( _check_matching_defect_format(element, name, pre_vacancy_strings, post_vacancy_strings) and defect_name is None ): if include_site_info_in_name and doped_site_info is not None: return f"$\\it{{V}}\\!$ $_{{{element}_{{{doped_site_info}}}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" return f"$\\it{{V}}\\!$ $_{{{element}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" if ( _check_matching_defect_format( element, name, pre_interstitial_strings, post_interstitial_strings, ) and defect_name is None ): if include_site_info_in_name and doped_site_info is not None: return f"{element}$_{{i_{{{doped_site_info}}}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" return f"{element}$_i^{{{charge_string}}}$" if defect_name is None and defect_name_without_site_info is not None: return defect_name_without_site_info return defect_name def _try_substitution_match(substituting_element, orig_site_element, name, include_site_info_in_name): defect_name = None if ( f"{substituting_element}_{orig_site_element}" in name or f"{substituting_element}_on_{orig_site_element}" in name ): if include_site_info_in_name and doped_site_info is not None: defect_name = ( f"{substituting_element}$_{{{orig_site_element}_{{{doped_site_info}}}}}^" f"{{{charge_string}}}$" ) else: defect_name = f"{substituting_element}$_{{{orig_site_element}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" if ( defect_name and include_site_info_in_name ): # if we have a match, check if we can add the site number for site_preposition in ["s", "m", "mult", ""]: for site_postposition in [r"[a-z]", ""]: match = re.match( f"([a-z_]+)({site_preposition}[0-9]+{site_postposition})", name, re.I, ) if match: items = match.groups() if any( fstring in name for fstring in [ f"{items[1]}_{substituting_element}_{orig_site_element}", f"{substituting_element}_{orig_site_element}_{items[1]}", f"{items[1]}_{substituting_element}_on_{orig_site_element}", f"{substituting_element}_on_{orig_site_element}_{items[1]}", ] ): defect_name = ( f"{substituting_element}$_{{{orig_site_element}_{{{items[1]}}}}}^" f"{{{charge_string}}}$" ) return defect_name.replace("mult", "m") if defect_name: defect_name = defect_name.replace("mult", "m") return defect_name def _defect_name_from_matching_elements(element_matches, name, include_site_info_in_name): if len(element_matches) == 1: # vacancy or interstitial? defect_name = _try_vacancy_interstitial_match( element_matches[0], name, include_site_info_in_name ) elif len(element_matches) == 2: # try substitution/antisite match, if not try vacancy/interstitial with first element defect_name = _try_substitution_match( element_matches[0], element_matches[1], name, include_site_info_in_name ) if defect_name is None: defect_name = _try_vacancy_interstitial_match( element_matches[0], name, include_site_info_in_name ) else: # try use first match and see if we match vacancy or interstitial format # if not, try first and second matches and see if we match substitution format # otherwise fail defect_name = _try_vacancy_interstitial_match( element_matches[0], name, include_site_info_in_name ) if defect_name is None: defect_name = _try_substitution_match( element_matches[0], element_matches[1], name, include_site_info_in_name, ) return defect_name for substring in ( # trim any matching pre or post vacancy/interstitial strings from defect name recognised_pre_vacancy_strings + recognised_post_vacancy_strings + recognised_pre_interstitial_strings + recognised_post_interstitial_strings ): if substring in trimmed_pre_charge_name and not ( substring.endswith("i") or substring.startswith("i") ): trimmed_pre_charge_name = trimmed_pre_charge_name.replace(substring, "") two_character_pairs_in_name = [ trimmed_pre_charge_name[i : i + 2] # trimmed_pre_charge_name name for finding elements, # pre_charge_name for matching defect format for i in range(len(trimmed_pre_charge_name)) if len(trimmed_pre_charge_name[i : i + 2]) == 2 ] possible_two_character_elements = [ two_char_string for two_char_string in two_character_pairs_in_name if dummy_h.is_valid_symbol(two_char_string) ] if possible_two_character_elements: defect_name = _defect_name_from_matching_elements( possible_two_character_elements, pre_charge_name, # trimmed_pre_charge_name name for finding elements, pre_charge_name # for matching defect format include_site_info_in_name, ) if defect_name is None and len(possible_two_character_elements) == 1: # possibly one single-character element and one two-character element possible_one_character_elements = [ character for character in trimmed_pre_charge_name.replace(possible_two_character_elements[0], "") if dummy_h.is_valid_symbol(character) ] if possible_one_character_elements: # in this case, we don't know the order of the 1-character vs 2-character elements in # the name, so we try both orderings: defect_name = _defect_name_from_matching_elements( possible_two_character_elements + possible_one_character_elements, pre_charge_name, # trimmed_pre_charge_name name for finding elements, # pre_charge_name for matching defect format include_site_info_in_name, ) if defect_name is None: defect_name = _defect_name_from_matching_elements( possible_one_character_elements + possible_two_character_elements, pre_charge_name, # trimmed_pre_charge_name name for finding elements, # pre_charge_name for matching defect format include_site_info_in_name, ) if defect_name is None: # try single-character element match possible_one_character_elements = [ character for character in trimmed_pre_charge_name # trimmed_pre_charge_name name for finding # elements, pre_charge_name for matching defect format if dummy_h.is_valid_symbol(character) ] if possible_one_character_elements: defect_name = _defect_name_from_matching_elements( possible_one_character_elements, pre_charge_name, # trimmed_pre_charge_name name for finding elements, # pre_charge_name for matching defect format include_site_info_in_name, ) if defect_name is None: # try matching to PyCDT/old-doped style: try: defect_type = defect_species.split("_")[0] # vac, as or int if ( defect_type.capitalize() == "Int" ): # for interstitials, name formatting is different (eg Int_Cd_1 vs vac_1_Cd) site_element = defect_species.split("_")[1] site = defect_species.split("_")[2] if include_site_info_in_name: # by default include defect site in defect name for interstitials defect_name = f"{site_element}$_{{i_{{{site}}}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" else: defect_name = f"{site_element}$_i^{{{charge_string}}}$" else: site = defect_species.split("_")[1] # number indicating defect site (from doped) site_element = defect_species.split("_")[2] # element at defect site if include_site_info_in_name: # whether to include the site number in defect name if defect_type.lower() == "vac": defect_name = f"$\\it{{V}}\\!$ $_{{{site_element}_{{{site}}}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" # double brackets to treat it literally (tex), then extra {} for # python str formatting elif defect_type.lower() in ["as", "sub"]: subs_element = defect_species.split("_")[4] defect_name = f"{site_element}$_{{{subs_element}_{{{site}}}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" elif defect_type.capitalize() != "Int": raise ValueError("Defect type not recognized. Please check spelling.") else: if defect_type.lower() == "vac": defect_name = f"$\\it{{V}}\\!$ $_{{{site_element}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" elif defect_type.lower() in ["as", "sub"]: subs_element = defect_species.split("_")[4] defect_name = f"{site_element}$_{{{subs_element}}}^{{{charge_string}}}$" elif defect_type.capitalize() != "Int": raise ValueError(f"Defect type {defect_type} not recognized. Please check spelling.") except Exception: return None return f"{defect_name.rsplit('^', 1)[0]}$" if wout_charge else defect_name
def _get_legend_txt(for_legend, all_entries=False, include_site_info=False): # don't include site info by default, unless duplicates # get latex-like legend titles legend_txt: list[str] = [] def _get_defect_name(defect_entry_name, site_info): try: return format_defect_name( defect_species=defect_entry_name, include_site_info_in_name=site_info, wout_charge=not all_entries, # defect names without charge ) except Exception: # if formatting fails, just use the defect_species name return defect_entry_name legend_txt = [ _get_defect_name(defect_entry_name, include_site_info) for defect_entry_name in for_legend ] if len(legend_txt) == len(set(legend_txt)): # no duplicates, good to go return legend_txt # duplicates in defect names; rename to avoid overwriting: if not include_site_info: # first see if using site info with duplicates removes duplicate names site_info_entry_names = [ _get_defect_name(defect_entry_name, True) for defect_entry_name in for_legend ] legend_txt = [ ( site_info_name if site_info_entry_names.count(site_info_name) < legend_txt.count(non_site_info_name) else non_site_info_name ) for site_info_name, non_site_info_name in zip(site_info_entry_names, legend_txt) ] if len(legend_txt) == len(set(legend_txt)): return legend_txt # duplicates in entry names and site info doesn't (fully) solve it, append "a,b,c.." for different # defect species with the same name: def _add_name_to_list_and_rename_if_needed(defect_name, name_list): if any(defect_name in i for i in name_list): i = 3 if defect_name in name_list: # first repeat, direct match, rename previous entry # find index of previous defect_name, and rename prev_idx = name_list.index(defect_name) name_list[prev_idx] = f"{defect_name}$_{{-{chr(96 + 1)}}}$" # a defect_name = f"{defect_name}$_{{-{chr(96 + 2)}}}$" # b else: defect_name = f"{defect_name}$_{{-{chr(96 + i)}}}$" # c while defect_name in name_list: i += 1 defect_name = f"{defect_name.rsplit('$_', 1)[0]}$_{{-{chr(96 + i)}}}$" # d, e, f etc name_list.append(defect_name) return name_list final_legend_txt: list[str] = [] for name in legend_txt: final_legend_txt = _add_name_to_list_and_rename_if_needed(name, final_legend_txt) return final_legend_txt def _rename_key_and_dicts( key: str, output_dicts: list, ) -> tuple[str, list]: """ Given an input key, renames the key if it already exists in the ``output_dicts`` dictionaries (to ``key``_a, ``key``_b, ``key``_c etc), renames the corresponding keys in the dictionaries, and returns the renamed key and updated dictionaries. """ output_dict = output_dicts[0] if key in output_dict or any( f"{key}_{chr(96 + i)}" in output_dict for i in range(1, 27) ): # defects with same name, rename to prevent overwriting: # append "a,b,c.." for different defect species with the same name i = 3 if key in output_dict: # first repeat, direct match, rename previous entry for single_output_dict in output_dicts: val = single_output_dict.pop(key) single_output_dict[f"{key}_{chr(96 + 1)}"] = val # a key = f"{key}_{chr(96 + 2)}" # b else: key = f"{key}_{chr(96 + i)}" # c while key in output_dict: i += 1 key = f"{key.rsplit('_', 1)[0]}_{chr(96 + i)}" # d, e, f etc return key, output_dicts def _get_formation_energy_lines(defect_thermodynamics, dft_chempots, xlim): xy, all_lines_xy = {}, {} # dict of {defect_name: [[x_vals],[y_vals]]} y_range_vals, all_entries_y_range_vals = ( [], [], ) # for finding max/min values on y-axis based on x-limits lower_cap, upper_cap = -100, 100 # arbitrary values to extend lines to ymin = 0 for defect_entry_list in defect_thermodynamics.all_entries.values(): for defect_entry in defect_entry_list: # all_lines name includes charge state: defect_name_w_charge, [ all_lines_xy, ] = _rename_key_and_dicts( # in case entries with the # same name, [ all_lines_xy, ], ) all_lines_xy[defect_name_w_charge] = [[], []] for x_extrem in [lower_cap, upper_cap]: all_lines_xy[defect_name_w_charge][0].append(x_extrem) all_lines_xy[defect_name_w_charge][1].append( defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=x_extrem ) ) all_entries_y_range_vals.extend( defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=x_window ) for x_window in xlim ) for def_name, def_tl in defect_thermodynamics.transition_level_map.items(): xy[def_name] = [[], []] if def_tl: org_x = sorted(def_tl.keys()) # establish lower x-bound first_charge = max(def_tl[org_x[0]]) for defect_entry in defect_thermodynamics.stable_entries[def_name]: if defect_entry.charge_state == first_charge: form_en = defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=lower_cap ) fe_left = defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=xlim[0] ) xy[def_name][0].append(lower_cap) xy[def_name][1].append(form_en) y_range_vals.append(fe_left) # iterate over stable charge state transitions for fl in org_x: charge = max(def_tl[fl]) for defect_entry in defect_thermodynamics.stable_entries[def_name]: if defect_entry.charge_state == charge: form_en = defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=fl ) xy[def_name][0].append(fl) xy[def_name][1].append(form_en) y_range_vals.append(form_en) # establish upper x-bound last_charge = min(def_tl[org_x[-1]]) for defect_entry in defect_thermodynamics.stable_entries[def_name]: if defect_entry.charge_state == last_charge: form_en = defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=upper_cap ) fe_right = defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=xlim[1] ) xy[def_name][0].append(upper_cap) xy[def_name][1].append(form_en) y_range_vals.append(fe_right) else: # no transition level -> only one stable charge state, add to xy and extend y_range_vals; # means this is only a 1-pump (chmp) loop defect_entry = defect_thermodynamics.stable_entries[def_name][0] xy[def_name] = [[], []] for x_extrem in [lower_cap, upper_cap]: xy[def_name][0].append(x_extrem) xy[def_name][1].append( defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=x_extrem ) ) y_range_vals.extend( defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=x_window ) for x_window in xlim ) # if xy corresponds to a line below 0 for all x in (0, band_gap), warn! yvals = _get_in_gap_yvals(xy[def_name][0], xy[def_name][1], (0, defect_thermodynamics.band_gap)) if all(y < 0 for y in yvals): # Check if all y-values are below zero warnings.warn( f"All formation energies for {def_name} are below zero across the " f"entire band gap range. This is typically unphysical (see docs), and likely due to " f"mis-specification of chemical potentials (see docstrings and/or tutorials)." ) ymin = min(ymin, *yvals) return (xy, y_range_vals), (all_lines_xy, all_entries_y_range_vals), ymin def _get_ylim_from_y_range_vals(y_range_vals, ymin=0, auto_labels=False): window = max(y_range_vals) - min(*y_range_vals, ymin) spacer = 0.1 * window ylim = (ymin, max(y_range_vals) + spacer) if auto_labels: # need to manually set xlim or ylim if labels cross axes!! ylim = (ymin, max(y_range_vals) * 1.17) if spacer / ylim[1] < 0.145 else ylim # Increase y_limit to give space for transition level labels return ylim def _get_in_gap_yvals(x_coords, y_coords, x_range): relevant_x = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], 100) # x values in range return np.interp(relevant_x, x_coords, y_coords) # y values in range def _TLD_plot( defect_thermodynamics: "DefectThermodynamics", dft_chempots: Optional[dict] = None, el_refs: Optional[dict] = None, chempot_table: bool = True, all_entries: Union[bool, str] = False, xlim: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None, ylim: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None, fermi_level: Optional[float] = None, include_site_info: bool = False, title: Optional[str] = None, colormap: Optional[Union[str, Colormap]] = None, linestyles: Union[str, list[str]] = "-", auto_labels: bool = False, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None, ): """ Produce defect formation energy vs Fermi energy plot. Args: defect_thermodynamics (DefectThermodynamics): ``DefectThermodynamics`` object containing defect entries to plot. dft_chempots (dict): Dictionary of ``{Element: value}`` giving the chemical potential of each element. el_refs (dict): Dictionary of ``{Element: value}`` giving the reference energy of each element. chempot_table (bool): Whether to print the chemical potential table above the plot. (Default: True) all_entries (bool, str): Whether to plot the formation energy lines of `all` defect entries, rather than the default of showing only the equilibrium states at each Fermi level position (traditional). If instead set to "faded", will plot the equilibrium states in bold, and all unstable states in faded grey (Default: False) xlim: Tuple (min,max) giving the range of the x-axis (Fermi level). May want to set manually when including transition level labels, to avoid crossing the axes. Default is to plot from -0.3 to +0.3 eV above the band gap. ylim: Tuple (min,max) giving the range for the y-axis (formation energy). May want to set manually when including transition level labels, to avoid crossing the axes. Default is from 0 to just above the maximum formation energy value in the band gap. fermi_level (float): If set, plots a dashed vertical line at this Fermi level value, typically used to indicate the equilibrium Fermi level position (e.g. calculated with py-sc-fermi). (Default: None) include_site_info (bool): Whether to include site info in defect names in the plot legend (e.g. $Cd_{i_{C3v}}^{0}$ rather than $Cd_{i}^{0}$). Default is ``False``, where site info is not included unless we have inequivalent sites for the same defect type. If, even with site info added, there are duplicate defect names, then "-a", "-b", "-c" etc are appended to the names to differentiate. title (str): Title for the plot. (Default: None) colormap (str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap): Colormap to use for the formation energy lines, either as a string (which can be a colormap name from or from -- append 'S' if using a sequential colormap from the latter) or a ``Colormap`` / ``ListedColormap`` object. If ``None`` (default), uses ``tab10`` with ``alpha=0.75`` (if 10 or fewer lines to plot), ``tab20`` (if 20 or fewer lines) or ``batlow`` (if more than 20 lines). linestyles (list): Linestyles to use for the formation energy lines, either as a single linestyle (``str``) or list of linestyles (``list[str]``) in the order of appearance of lines in the plot legend. Default is ``"-"``; i.e. solid linestyle for all entries. auto_labels (bool): Whether to automatically label the transition levels with their charge states. If there are many transition levels, this can be quite ugly. (Default: False) filename (PathLike): Filename to save the plot to. (Default: None (not saved)) Returns: ``matplotlib`` ``Figure`` object. """ _chempot_warning(dft_chempots) if xlim is None: assert isinstance(defect_thermodynamics.band_gap, float) # typing xlim = (-0.3, defect_thermodynamics.band_gap + 0.3) (xy, y_range_vals), (all_lines_xy, all_entries_y_range_vals), ymin = _get_formation_energy_lines( defect_thermodynamics, dft_chempots, xlim ) ( colors, linestyles, fig, ax, styled_fig_size, styled_font_size, styled_linewidth, styled_markersize, ) = _get_TLD_plot_setup(colormap, linestyles, all_lines_xy if all_entries is True else xy) defect_names_for_legend = _plot_formation_energy_lines( # plot formation energies and get legend names all_lines_xy if all_entries is True else xy, colors=colors, linestyles=linestyles, ax=ax, styled_linewidth=styled_linewidth, styled_markersize=styled_markersize, ) if all_entries == "faded": # plot after, so legend line colours are correct _legend = _plot_formation_energy_lines( # grey 'all_lines_xy' not included in legend all_lines_xy, colors=[(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)] * len(all_lines_xy), linestyles=[ "-", ] * len(all_lines_xy), ax=ax, styled_linewidth=styled_linewidth, styled_markersize=styled_markersize, alpha=0.5, zorder=0.5, # plot behind other lines, but above band edges ) for cnt, def_name in enumerate(xy.keys()): # plot transition levels x_trans: list[float] = [] y_trans: list[float] = [] tl_labels, tl_label_type = [], [] for x_val, chargeset in defect_thermodynamics.transition_level_map[def_name].items(): x_trans.append(x_val) y_trans.append( next( defect_thermodynamics.get_formation_energy( defect_entry, chempots=dft_chempots, fermi_level=x_val, ) for defect_entry in defect_thermodynamics.stable_entries[def_name] if defect_entry.charge_state == chargeset[0] ) ) tl_labels.append( rf"$\epsilon$({max(chargeset):{'+' if max(chargeset) else ''}}/" f"{min(chargeset):{'+' if min(chargeset) else ''}})" ) tl_label_type.append("start_positive" if max(chargeset) > 0 else "end_negative") if x_trans: ax.plot( x_trans, y_trans, marker="o", color="k" if all_entries is True else colors[cnt], markeredgecolor="k" if all_entries is True else colors[cnt], lw=styled_linewidth * 1.2, markersize=styled_markersize * (4 / 6), fillstyle="full", linestyle="", alpha=0.5 if all_entries is True else None, ) if auto_labels: for index, coords in enumerate(zip(x_trans, y_trans)): text_alignment = "right" if tl_label_type[index] == "start_positive" else "left" ax.annotate( tl_labels[index], # this is the text coords, # this is the point to label textcoords="offset points", # how to position the text xytext=(0, 5), # distance from text to points (x,y) ha=text_alignment, # horizontal alignment of text size=styled_font_size * 0.9, annotation_clip=True, ) # only show label if coords in current axes ax.legend( _get_legend_txt( defect_names_for_legend, all_entries=all_entries is True, include_site_info=include_site_info, ), loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), ) if ylim is None: ylim = _get_ylim_from_y_range_vals( all_entries_y_range_vals if all_entries is True else y_range_vals, ymin=ymin, auto_labels=auto_labels, ) _add_band_edges_and_axis_limits( ax, defect_thermodynamics.band_gap, xlim, ylim, fermi_level=fermi_level ) # Show colourful band edges if chempot_table and dft_chempots: _plot_chemical_potential_table(ax, dft_chempots, loc="left", el_refs=el_refs) _set_title_and_save_figure(ax, fig, title, chempot_table, filename, styled_font_size) return fig def _plot_chemical_potential_table( ax, dft_chempots, loc="left", el_refs=None, ): if el_refs is not None: dft_chempots = {el: energy - el_refs[el] for el, energy in dft_chempots.items()} labels = [rf"$\mathregular{{\mu_{{{s}}}}}$," for s in sorted(dft_chempots.keys())] labels[0] = f"({labels[0]}" labels[-1] = f"{labels[-1][:-1]})" # [:-1] removes trailing comma labels = ["Chemical Potentials", *labels, " Units:"] text_list = [f"{dft_chempots[el]:.2f}," for el in sorted(dft_chempots.keys())] # add brackets to first and last entries: text_list[0] = f"({text_list[0]}" text_list[-1] = f"{text_list[-1][:-1]})" # [:-1] removes trailing comma if el_refs is not None: text_list = ["(wrt Elemental refs)", *text_list, " [eV]"] else: text_list = ["(from calculations)", *text_list, " [eV]"] widths = [0.1] + [0.9 / len(dft_chempots)] * (len(dft_chempots) + 2) tab = ax.table(cellText=[text_list], colLabels=labels, colWidths=widths, loc="top", cellLoc=loc) tab.auto_set_column_width(list(range(len(widths)))) for cell in tab.get_celld().values(): cell.set_linewidth(0) return tab