Functions for computing legacy finite-size charge corrections (Makov-Payne,
Murphy-Hine, Lany-Zunger) for defect formation energies.
Mostly adapted from the deprecated AIDE package developed by the dynamic duo
Adam Jackson and Alex Ganose (
import copy
import itertools
from math import erfc, exp
import numpy as np
from doped.utils.parsing import _get_bulk_supercell
def get_murphy_image_charge_correction(
Calculates the anisotropic image charge correction by Sam Murphy in eV.
This a rewrite of the code 'madelung.pl' written by Sam Murphy (see [1]).
The default convergence parameter of conv = 0.3 seems to work perfectly
well. However, it may be worth testing convergence of defect energies with
respect to the factor (i.e. cut-off radius).
[1] S. T. Murphy and N. D. H. Hine, Phys. Rev. B 87, 094111 (2013).
lattice (list): The defect cell lattice as a 3x3 matrix.
dielectric_matrix (list): The dielectric tensor as 3x3 matrix.
conv (float): A value between 0.1 and 0.9 which adjusts how much real
space vs reciprocal space contribution there is.
factor: The cut-off radius, defined as a multiple of the longest cell
verbose (bool): If True details of the correction will be printed.
The image charge correction as a ``{charge: correction}`` dictionary.
inv_diel = np.linalg.inv(dielectric_matrix)
det_diel = np.linalg.det(dielectric_matrix)
latt = np.sqrt(np.sum(lattice**2, axis=1))
# calc real space cutoff
longest = max(latt)
r_c = factor * longest
# Estimate the number of boxes required in each direction to ensure
# r_c is contained (the tens are added to ensure the number of cells
# contains r_c). This defines the size of the supercell in which
# the real space section is performed, however only atoms within rc
# will be conunted.
axis = np.array([int(r_c / a + 10) for a in latt])
# Calculate supercell parallelepiped and dimensions
sup_latt = np.dot(np.diag(axis), lattice)
# Determine which of the lattice calculation_metadata is the largest and determine
# reciprocal space supercell
recip_axis = np.array([int(x) for x in factor * max(latt) / latt])
recip_volume = abs(np.dot(np.cross(lattice[0], lattice[1]), lattice[2]))
# Calculatate the reciprocal lattice vectors (need factor of 2 pi)
recip_latt = np.linalg.inv(lattice).T * 2 * np.pi
real_space = _get_real_space(conv, inv_diel, det_diel, r_c, axis, sup_latt)
reciprocal = _get_recip(
# calculate the other terms and the final Madelung potential
third_term = -2 * conv / np.sqrt(np.pi * det_diel)
fourth_term = -3.141592654 / (recip_volume * conv**2)
madelung = -(real_space + reciprocal + third_term + fourth_term)
# convert to atomic units
conversion = 14.39942
real_ev = real_space * conversion / 2
recip_ev = reciprocal * conversion / 2
third_ev = third_term * conversion / 2
fourth_ev = fourth_term * conversion / 2
madelung_ev = madelung * conversion / 2
correction = {}
for q in range(1, 8):
makov = 0.5 * madelung * q**2 * conversion
lany = 0.65 * makov
correction[q] = makov
if verbose:
Results v_M^scr dE(q=1) /eV
Real space contribution = {real_space:.6f} {real_ev:.6f}
Reciprocal space component = {reciprocal:.6f} {recip_ev:.6f}
Third term = {third_term:.6f} {third_ev:.6f}
Neutralising background = {fourth_term:.6f} {fourth_ev:.6f}
Final Madelung potential = {madelung:.6f} {madelung_ev:.6f}
Here are your final corrections:
| Charge | Point charge /eV | Lany-Zunger /eV |
for q in range(1, 8):
makov = 0.5 * madelung * q**2 * conversion
lany = 0.65 * makov
correction[q] = makov
print(f"| {q} | {makov:10f} | {lany:10f} |")
return correction
def _get_real_space(conv, inv_diel, det_diel, r_c, axis, sup_latt):
# Calculate real space component
axis_ranges = [range(-a, a) for a in axis]
# Pre-compute square of cutoff distance for cheaper comparison than
# separation < r_c
r_c_sq = r_c**2
def _real_loop_function(mno):
# Calculate the defect's fractional position in extended supercell
d_super = np.array(mno, dtype=float) / axis
d_super_cart = np.dot(d_super, sup_latt)
# Test if the new atom coordinates fall within r_c, then solve
separation_sq = np.sum(np.square(d_super_cart))
# Take all cases within r_c except m,n,o != 0,0,0
if separation_sq < r_c_sq and any(mno):
mod = np.dot(d_super_cart, inv_diel)
dot_prod = np.dot(mod, d_super_cart)
N = np.sqrt(dot_prod)
return 1 / np.sqrt(det_diel) * erfc(conv * N) / N
return 0.0
return sum(_real_loop_function(mno) for mno in itertools.product(*axis_ranges))
def _get_recip(
# convert factional motif to reciprocal space and
# calculate reciprocal space supercell parallelepiped
recip_sup_latt = np.dot(np.diag(recip_axis), recip_latt)
# Calculate reciprocal space component
axis_ranges = [range(-a, a) for a in recip_axis]
def _recip_loop_function(mno):
# Calculate the defect's fractional position in extended supercell
d_super = np.array(mno, dtype=float) / recip_axis
d_super_cart = np.dot(d_super, recip_sup_latt)
if any(mno):
mod = np.dot(d_super_cart, dielectric_matrix)
dot_prod = np.dot(mod, d_super_cart)
return exp(-dot_prod / (4 * conv**2)) / dot_prod
return 0.0
reciprocal = sum(_recip_loop_function(mno) for mno in itertools.product(*axis_ranges))
scale_factor = 4 * np.pi / recip_volume
return reciprocal * scale_factor
def lany_zunger_corrected_defect_dict(defect_dict: dict):
Convert input parsed defect dictionary (presumably created using
DefectParser) with Freysoldt/Kumagai charge corrections to the same.
parsed defect dictionary but with the Lany-Zunger charge correction
(same potential alignment plus 0.65 * Makov-Payne image charge correction).
defect_dict (dict):
Dictionary of parsed defect calculations (presumably created
using DefectParser (see tutorials)
Must have 'freysoldt_meta' in defect.calculation_metadata for each charged defect (from
Parsed defect dictionary with Lany-Zunger charge corrections.
# Just need any DefectEntry from defect_dict to get the lattice and dielectric matrix
random_defect_entry = next(iter(defect_dict.values()))
lattice = _get_bulk_supercell(random_defect_entry).lattice.matrix
dielectric = random_defect_entry.calculation_metadata["dielectric"]
lz_image_charge_corrections = get_murphy_image_charge_correction(lattice, dielectric)
lz_corrected_defect_dict = copy.deepcopy(defect_dict)
for defect_name, defect_entry in lz_corrected_defect_dict.items():
if defect_entry.charge_state != 0:
if "freysoldt_meta" in defect_entry.calculation_metadata:
potalign = defect_entry.calculation_metadata["freysoldt_meta"][
potalign = defect_entry.calculation_metadata["kumagai_meta"][
mp_pc_corr = lz_image_charge_corrections[abs(defect_entry.charge_state)] # Makov-Payne PC
"Lany-Zunger_Corrections": {
"Potential_Alignment_Correction": potalign,
"Makov-Payne_Image_Charge_Correction": mp_pc_corr,
"Lany-Zunger_Scaled_Image_Charge_Correction": 0.65 * mp_pc_corr,
"Total_Lany-Zunger_Correction": potalign + 0.65 * mp_pc_corr,
defect_entry.corrections = {
"LZ_charge_correction": defect_entry.calculation_metadata["Lany-Zunger_Corrections"][
lz_corrected_defect_dict.update({defect_name: defect_entry})
return lz_corrected_defect_dict