Code for analysing the thermodynamics of defect formation in solids, including
calculation of formation energies as functions of Fermi level and chemical
potentials, charge transition levels, defect/carrier concentrations etc.
import contextlib
import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain, product
from typing import Optional, Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from monty.json import MSONable
from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.dos import Dos, FermiDos, Spin, f0
from pymatgen.io.vasp.outputs import Vasprun
from pymatgen.util.typing import PathLike
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.spatial import HalfspaceIntersection
from doped import _doped_obj_properties_methods
from doped.chemical_potentials import get_X_poor_limit, get_X_rich_limit
from doped.core import DefectEntry, _no_chempots_warning, _orientational_degeneracy_warning
from doped.generation import _sort_defect_entries
from doped.utils.parsing import (
from doped.utils.plotting import _rename_key_and_dicts, _TLD_plot
from doped.utils.symmetry import _get_all_equiv_sites, get_sga
def bold_print(string: str) -> None:
Does what it says on the tin.
Prints the input string in bold.
print("\033[1m" + string + "\033[0m")
def _raise_limit_with_user_chempots_error(no_chempots=True):
problem = (
"the supplied chempots are not in the doped format (i.e. with `limits` in the chempots dict), "
"and instead correspond to just a single chemical potential limit"
if no_chempots
else "no `chempots` have been supplied"
raise ValueError(
f"You have specified a chemical potential limit, but {problem}, so `limit` cannot be used here!"
def _parse_limit(chempots: dict, limit: Optional[str] = None):
if limit is not None:
if limit in chempots["limits"]:
return limit # direct match, just return limit name
if "limits" not in chempots or "User Chemical Potentials" in chempots["limits"]:
# user specified chempots
if "No User Chemical Potentials" in chempots["limits"]:
if "rich" in limit:
limit = get_X_rich_limit(limit.split("-")[0], chempots)
elif "poor" in limit:
limit = get_X_poor_limit(limit.split("-")[0], chempots)
return limit
def get_rich_poor_limit_dict(chempots: dict) -> dict:
Get a dictionary of {"X-rich": limit, "X-poor": limit...} for each element
X in the chempots phase diagram.
chempots (dict): The chempots dict, in the doped format.
if (
"limits" not in chempots
or "User Chemical Potentials" in chempots["limits"]
or "No User Chemical Potentials" in chempots["limits"]
raise ValueError(
"The supplied chempots are not in the doped format (i.e. with `limits` in the "
"chempots dict), and so the X-rich/poor limits cannot be determined!"
comps = {comp for key in chempots["limits"] for comp in key.split("-")}
elts = {element.symbol for comp in comps for element in Composition(comp).elements}
limit_dict = {f"{elt}-rich": get_X_rich_limit(elt, chempots) for elt in elts}
limit_dict.update({f"{elt}-poor": get_X_poor_limit(elt, chempots) for elt in elts})
return limit_dict
def _get_limit_name_from_dict(limit, limit_rich_poor_dict, bracket=False):
if limit_rich_poor_dict and limit in limit_rich_poor_dict.values():
# get first key with matching value:
x_rich_poor = list(limit_rich_poor_dict.keys())[list(limit_rich_poor_dict.values()).index(limit)]
return f"{x_rich_poor} ({limit})" if bracket else x_rich_poor
return limit
def _update_old_chempots_dict(chempots: Optional[dict] = None) -> Optional[dict]:
Update a chempots dict in the old ``doped`` format (i.e. with ``facets``
rather than ``limits``) to that of the new format.
Also replaces any usages of ``"elt_refs"`` with ``"el_refs"``.
if chempots is not None:
chempots = deepcopy(chempots) # don't modify original dict
for key, subdict in list(chempots.items()):
chempots[key.replace("elt_refs", "el_refs").replace("facets", "limits")] = subdict
return chempots
def _parse_chempots(
chempots: Optional[dict] = None, el_refs: Optional[dict] = None, update_el_refs: bool = False
) -> tuple[Optional[dict], Optional[dict]]:
Parse the chemical potentials input, formatting them in the ``doped``
format for use in analysis functions.
Can be either ``doped`` format or user-specified format.
Returns parsed ``chempots`` and ``el_refs``
for i in [chempots, el_refs]:
if i is not None and not isinstance(i, dict):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid chempots/el_refs format:\nchempots: {type(chempots)}\nel_refs: {type(el_refs)}\n"
"Must be a dict (e.g. from `CompetingPhasesAnalyzer.chempots`) or `None`!"
chempots = _update_old_chempots_dict(chempots) # this deepcopies, making sure we don't overwrite
if chempots is None:
if el_refs is not None:
chempots = {
"limits": {"User Chemical Potentials": el_refs},
"elemental_refs": el_refs,
"limits_wrt_el_refs": {"User Chemical Potentials": {el: 0 for el in el_refs}},
return chempots, el_refs
if "limits_wrt_el_refs" in chempots: # doped format
if not update_el_refs:
el_refs = chempots.get("elemental_refs", el_refs)
if el_refs is not None: # update el_refs in chempots dict
chempots["elemental_refs"] = el_refs
chempots["limits"] = {
limit: {
el: relative_chempot + el_refs[el]
for el, relative_chempot in chempots["limits_wrt_el_refs"][limit].items()
for limit in chempots["limits_wrt_el_refs"]
return chempots, chempots.get("elemental_refs")
if el_refs is None:
chempots = {
"limits": {"User Chemical Potentials": chempots},
"elemental_refs": {el: 0 for el in chempots},
"limits_wrt_el_refs": {"User Chemical Potentials": chempots},
else: # relative chempots and el_refs given
relative_chempots = chempots
chempots = {"limits_wrt_el_refs": {"User Chemical Potentials": relative_chempots}}
chempots["elemental_refs"] = el_refs
chempots["limits"] = {
"User Chemical Potentials": {
el: relative_chempot + el_refs[el] for el, relative_chempot in relative_chempots.items()
return chempots, chempots.get("elemental_refs")
def raw_energy_from_chempots(composition: Union[str, dict, Composition], chempots: dict) -> float:
Given an input composition (as a ``str``, ``dict`` or ``pymatgen``
``Composition`` object) and chemical potentials dictionary, get the
corresponding raw energy of the composition (i.e. taking the energies given
in the ``'limits'`` subdicts of ``chempots``, in the ``doped`` chemical
potentials dictionary format).
composition (Union[str, dict, Composition]):
Composition to get the raw energy of.
chempots (dict):
Chemical potentials dictionary.
Raw energy of the composition.
if not isinstance(composition, Composition):
composition = Composition(composition)
if "limits" not in chempots:
chempots, _el_refs = _parse_chempots(chempots) # type: ignore
raw_energies_dict = dict(next(iter(chempots["limits"].values())))
if any(el.symbol not in raw_energies_dict for el in composition.elements):
f"The chemical potentials dictionary (with elements {list(raw_energies_dict.keys())} does not "
f"contain all the elements in the host composition "
f"({[el.symbol for el in composition.elements]})!"
# note this can also be achieved with: (implements exact same code)
# from pymatgen.core.composition import ChemicalPotential
# raw_energy = ChemicalPotential(raw_energies_dict).get_energy(composition)
return sum(raw_energies_dict.get(el.symbol, 0) * stoich for el, stoich in composition.items())
def group_defects_by_distance(
entry_list: list[DefectEntry], dist_tol: float = 1.5
) -> dict[str, dict[tuple, list[DefectEntry]]]:
Given an input list of DefectEntry objects, returns a dictionary of {simple
defect name: {(equivalent defect sites): [DefectEntry]}, where 'simple
defect name' is the nominal defect type (e.g. ``Te_i`` for
``Te_i_Td_Cd2.83_+2``), ``(equivalent defect sites)`` is a tuple of the
equivalent defect sites (in the bulk supercell), and ``[DefectEntry]`` is a
list of DefectEntry objects with the same simple defect name and a closest
distance between symmetry-equivalent sites less than ``dist_tol``
(1.5 Å by default).
If a DefectEntry's site has a closest distance less than ``dist_tol`` to
multiple sets of equivalent sites, then it is matched to the one with
the lowest minimum distance.
entry_list ([DefectEntry]):
A list of DefectEntry objects to group together.
dist_tol (float):
Threshold for the closest distance (in Å) between equivalent
defect sites, for different species of the same defect type,
to be grouped together (for plotting and transition level
analysis). If the minimum distance between equivalent defect
sites is less than ``dist_tol``, then they will be grouped
together, otherwise treated as separate defects.
(Default: 1.5)
dict: {simple defect name: {(equivalent defect sites): [DefectEntry]}
# TODO: This algorithm works well for the vast majority of cases, however it can be sensitive to how
# many defects are parsed at once. For instance, in the full parsed CdTe defect dicts in test data,
# when parsing with metastable states, all Te_i are combined as each entry is within `dist_tol =
# 1.5` of another interstitial, but without metastable states (`wout_meta`), Te_i_+2 is excluded (
# because it's not within `dist_tol` of any other _stable_ Te_i). Ideally our clustering algorithm
# would be independent of this... but challenging to setup without complex clustering approaches (
# for now this works very well as is, and this is a rare case and usually not a problem anyway as
# dist_tol can just be adjusted as needed)
# initial group by Defect.name (same nominal defect), then distance to equiv sites
# first make dictionary of nominal defect name: list of entries with that name
defect_name_dict = {}
for entry in entry_list:
if entry.defect.name not in defect_name_dict:
defect_name_dict[entry.defect.name] = [entry]
defect_site_dict: dict[str, dict[tuple, list[DefectEntry]]] = (
) # {defect name: {(equiv defect sites): entry list}}
bulk_supercell = _get_bulk_supercell(entry_list[0])
bulk_lattice = bulk_supercell.lattice
bulk_supercell_sga = get_sga(bulk_supercell)
symm_bulk_struct = bulk_supercell_sga.get_symmetrized_structure()
bulk_symm_ops = bulk_supercell_sga.get_symmetry_operations()
for name, entry_list in defect_name_dict.items():
defect_site_dict[name] = {}
sorted_entry_list = sorted(
entry_list, key=lambda x: abs(x.charge_state)
) # sort by charge, starting with closest to zero, for deterministic behaviour
for entry in sorted_entry_list:
entry_bulk_supercell = _get_bulk_supercell(entry)
if entry_bulk_supercell.lattice != bulk_lattice:
# recalculate bulk_symm_ops if bulk supercell differs
bulk_supercell_sga = get_sga(entry_bulk_supercell)
symm_bulk_struct = bulk_supercell_sga.get_symmetrized_structure()
bulk_symm_ops = bulk_supercell_sga.get_symmetry_operations()
bulk_site = entry.calculation_metadata.get("bulk_site") or _get_defect_supercell_site(entry)
# need to use relaxed defect site if bulk_site not in calculation_metadata
min_dist_list = [
min( # get min dist for all equiv site tuples, in case multiple less than dist_tol
bulk_site.distance_and_image(site)[0] for site in equiv_site_tuple
for equiv_site_tuple in defect_site_dict[name]
if min_dist_list and min(min_dist_list) < dist_tol: # less than dist_tol, add to corresponding
idxmin = np.argmin(min_dist_list) # entry list
if min_dist_list[idxmin] > 0.05: # likely interstitials, need to add equiv sites to tuple
# pop old tuple, add new tuple with new equiv sites, and add entry to new tuple
orig_tuple = list(defect_site_dict[name].keys())[idxmin]
defect_entry_list = defect_site_dict[name].pop(orig_tuple)
equiv_site_tuple = (
tuple( # tuple because lists aren't hashable (can't be dict keys)
+ orig_tuple
defect_site_dict[name][equiv_site_tuple] = defect_entry_list
else: # less than dist_tol, add to corresponding entry list
else: # no match found, add new entry
equiv_site_tuple = tuple( # tuple because lists aren't hashable (can't be dict keys)
except ValueError: # likely interstitials, need to add equiv sites to tuple
equiv_site_tuple = tuple( # tuple because lists aren't hashable (can't be dict keys)
defect_site_dict[name][equiv_site_tuple] = [entry]
return defect_site_dict
def group_defects_by_name(entry_list: list[DefectEntry]) -> dict[str, list[DefectEntry]]:
Given an input list of DefectEntry objects, returns a dictionary of
``{defect name without charge: [DefectEntry]}``, where the values are lists
of DefectEntry objects with the same defect name (excluding charge state).
The ``DefectEntry.name`` attributes are used to get the defect names.
These should be in the format:
If the ``DefectEntry.name`` attribute is not defined or does not end with the
charge state, then the entry will be renamed with the doped default name
for the `unrelaxed` defect (i.e. using the point symmetry of the defect
site in the bulk cell).
For example, ``v_Cd_C3v_+1``, ``v_Cd_Td_+1`` and ``v_Cd_C3v_+2`` will be grouped
as {``v_Cd_C3v``: [``v_Cd_C3v_+1``, ``v_Cd_C3v_+2``], ``v_Cd_Td``: [``v_Cd_Td_+1``]}.
entry_list ([DefectEntry]):
A list of DefectEntry objects to group together by defect name
(without charge).
dict: Dictionary of {defect name without charge: [DefectEntry]}.
from doped.analysis import check_and_set_defect_entry_name
grouped_entries: dict[str, list[DefectEntry]] = {} # dict for groups of entries with the same prefix
for _i, entry in enumerate(entry_list):
# check defect entry name and (re)define if necessary
check_and_set_defect_entry_name(entry, entry.name)
entry_name_wout_charge = entry.name.rsplit("_", 1)[0]
# If the prefix is not yet in the dictionary, initialize it with empty lists
if entry_name_wout_charge not in grouped_entries:
grouped_entries[entry_name_wout_charge] = []
# Append the current entry to the appropriate group
return grouped_entries
class DefectThermodynamics(MSONable):
Class for analysing the calculated thermodynamics of defects in solids.
Similar to a pymatgen PhaseDiagram object, allowing the analysis of
formation energies as functions of Fermi level and chemical potentials
(i.e. defect formation energy / transition level diagrams), charge
transition levels, defect/carrier concentrations etc.
This class is able to get:
a) stability of charge states for a given defect,
b) list of all formation energies,
c) transition levels in the gap,
d) used as input to doped plotting/analysis functions
def __init__(
defect_entries: Union[dict[str, DefectEntry], list[DefectEntry]],
chempots: Optional[dict] = None,
el_refs: Optional[dict] = None,
vbm: Optional[float] = None,
band_gap: Optional[float] = None,
dist_tol: float = 1.5,
check_compatibility: bool = True,
bulk_dos: Optional[FermiDos] = None,
skip_check: bool = False,
Create a DefectThermodynamics object, which can be used to analyse the
calculated thermodynamics of defects in solids (formation energies,
transition levels, concentrations etc).
Usually initialised using DefectsParser.get_defect_thermodynamics(), but
can also be initialised with a list or dict of DefectEntry objects (e.g.
from DefectsParser.defect_dict).
Note that the ``DefectEntry.name`` attributes are used to label the defects in
defect_entries (dict[str, DefectEntry] or list[DefectEntry]):
A dict or list of ``DefectEntry`` objects. Note that ``DefectEntry.name``
attributes are used for grouping and plotting purposes! These should
be in the format "{defect_name}_{optional_site_info}_{charge_state}".
If the ``DefectEntry.name`` attribute is not defined or does not end with
the charge state, then the entry will be renamed with the doped
default name.
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies. This can have the form of
``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}`` (the format generated by
``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing functions (see tutorials)) which
allows easy analysis over a range of chemical potentials - where limit(s)
(chemical potential limit(s)) to analyse/plot can later be chosen using
the ``limits`` argument.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases
in order to show the formal (relative) chemical potentials above the
formation energy plot, in which case it is the formal chemical potentials
(i.e. relative to the elemental references) that should be given here,
otherwise the absolute (DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
If None (default), sets all chemical potentials to zero. Chemical
potentials can also be supplied later in each analysis function.
(Default: None)
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format:
``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical
potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is
provided in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials).
(Default: None)
vbm (float):
VBM eigenvalue to use as Fermi level reference point for analysis.
If None (default), will use ``"vbm"`` from the ``calculation_metadata``
dict attributes of the parsed ``DefectEntry`` objects, which by default
is taken from the bulk supercell VBM (unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set
during defect parsing).
Note that ``vbm`` should only affect the reference for the Fermi level
values output by ``doped`` (as this VBM eigenvalue is used as the zero
reference), thus affecting the position of the band edges in the defect
formation energy plots and doping window / dopability limit functions,
and the reference of the reported Fermi levels.
band_gap (float):
Band gap of the host, to use for analysis.
If None (default), will use "gap" from the calculation_metadata
dict attributes of the DefectEntry objects in ``defect_entries``.
dist_tol (float):
Threshold for the closest distance (in Å) between equivalent
defect sites, for different species of the same defect type,
to be grouped together (for plotting and transition level
analysis). If the minimum distance between equivalent defect
sites is less than ``dist_tol``, then they will be grouped
together, otherwise treated as separate defects.
(Default: 1.5)
check_compatibility (bool):
Whether to check the compatibility of the bulk entry for each defect
entry (i.e. that all reference bulk energies are the same).
(Default: True)
bulk_dos (FermiDos or Vasprun or PathLike):
``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of states (DOS),
for calculating Fermi level positions and defect/carrier concentrations.
Alternatively, can be a ``pymatgen`` ``Vasprun`` object or path to the
``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` output of a bulk DOS calculation in VASP.
Can also be provided later when using ``get_equilibrium_fermi_level()``,
``get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations`` etc, or set using
``DefectThermodynamics.bulk_dos = ...`` (with the same input options).
Usually this is a static calculation with the `primitive` cell of the bulk
material, with relatively dense `k`-point sampling (especially for materials
with disperse band edges) to ensure an accurately-converged DOS and thus Fermi
level. ``ISMEAR = -5`` (tetrahedron smearing) is usually recommended for best
convergence wrt `k`-point sampling. Consistent functional settings should be
used for the bulk DOS and defect supercell calculations.
(Default: None)
skip_check (bool):
Whether to skip the warning about the DOS VBM differing from the defect
entries VBM by >0.05 eV. Should only be used when the reason for this
difference is known/acceptable. (Default: False)
Key Attributes:
defect_entries (dict[str, DefectEntry]):
Dict of ``DefectEntry`` objects included in the ``DefectThermodynamics``
set, with their names as keys.
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies (and hence concentrations etc), in the ``doped``
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials.
vbm (float):
VBM energy to use as Fermi level reference point for analysis.
band_gap (float):
Band gap of the host, to use for analysis.
dist_tol (float):
Threshold for the closest distance (in Å) between equivalent
defect sites, for different species of the same defect type,
to be grouped together (for plotting and transition level
transition_levels (dict):
Dictionary of charge transition levels for each defect entry.
(e.g. ``{defect_name: {charge: transition_level}}``).
check_compatibility (bool):
Whether to check the compatibility of the bulk entry for each defect
entry (i.e. that all reference bulk energies are the same).
bulk_formula (str):
The reduced formula of the bulk structure (e.g. "CdTe").
bulk_dos (FermiDos):
``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of states
(DOS), used for calculating Fermi level positions and defect/carrier
skip_check (bool):
Whether to skip the warning about the DOS VBM differing from the defect
entries VBM by >0.05 eV. Should only be used when the reason for this
difference is known/acceptable.
if not defect_entries:
raise ValueError(
"No defects found in `defect_entries`. Please check the supplied dictionary is in the "
"correct format (i.e. {'defect_name': defect_entry}), or as a list: [defect_entry]."
if isinstance(defect_entries, list):
defect_entries = {entry.name: entry for entry in defect_entries}
self._defect_entries = defect_entries
self._chempots, self._el_refs = _parse_chempots(chempots, el_refs, update_el_refs=True)
self._dist_tol = dist_tol
self.check_compatibility = check_compatibility
self.skip_check = skip_check
# get and check VBM/bandgap values:
def _raise_VBM_band_gap_value_error(vals, type="VBM"):
raise ValueError(
f"{type} values for defects in `defect_dict` do not match within 0.05 eV of each other, "
f"and so are incompatible for thermodynamic analysis with DefectThermodynamics. The "
f"{type} values in the dictionary are: {vals}. You should recheck the correct/same bulk "
f"files were used when parsing. If this is acceptable, you can instead manually specify "
f"{type} in DefectThermodynamics initialisation."
self.vbm = vbm
self.band_gap = band_gap
if self.vbm is None or self.band_gap is None:
vbm_vals = []
band_gap_vals = []
for defect_entry in self.defect_entries.values():
if "vbm" in defect_entry.calculation_metadata:
if "gap" in defect_entry.calculation_metadata:
# get the max difference in VBM & band_gap vals:
if vbm_vals and max(vbm_vals) - min(vbm_vals) > 0.05 and self.vbm is None:
_raise_VBM_band_gap_value_error(vbm_vals, type="VBM")
elif vbm_vals and self.vbm is None:
self.vbm = vbm_vals[0]
if band_gap_vals and max(band_gap_vals) - min(band_gap_vals) > 0.05 and self.band_gap is None:
_raise_VBM_band_gap_value_error(band_gap_vals, type="band_gap")
elif band_gap_vals and self.band_gap is None:
self.band_gap = band_gap_vals[0]
for i, name in [(self.vbm, "VBM eigenvalue"), (self.band_gap, "band gap value")]:
if i is None:
raise ValueError(
f"No {name} was supplied or able to be parsed from the defect entries "
f"(calculation_metadata attributes). Please specify the {name} in the function input."
self.bulk_dos = bulk_dos # use setter method, needs to be after setting VBM
# order entries for deterministic behaviour (particularly for plotting)
bulk_entry = next(iter(self.defect_entries.values())).bulk_entry
if bulk_entry is not None:
self.bulk_formula = bulk_entry.structure.composition.get_reduced_formula_and_factor(
self.bulk_formula = None
def _sort_parse_and_check_entries(self):
Sort the defect entries, parse the transition levels, and check the
compatibility of the bulk entries (if ``self.check_compatibility`` is
defect_entries_dict: dict[str, DefectEntry] = {}
for entry in self.defect_entries.values():
# rename defect entry names in dict if necessary ("_a", "_b"...)
entry_name, [
] = _rename_key_and_dicts(
defect_entries_dict[entry_name] = entry
sorted_defect_entries_dict = _sort_defect_entries(defect_entries_dict)
self._defect_entries = sorted_defect_entries_dict
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore formation energies chempots warning when just parsing TLs
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="No chemical potentials")
if self.check_compatibility:
def as_dict(self):
JSON-serializable dict representation of ``DefectThermodynamics``.
return {
"@module": type(self).__module__,
"@class": type(self).__name__,
"defect_entries": self.defect_entries,
"chempots": self.chempots,
"el_refs": self.el_refs,
"vbm": self.vbm,
"band_gap": self.band_gap,
"dist_tol": self.dist_tol,
"check_compatibility": self.check_compatibility,
"bulk_formula": self.bulk_formula,
"bulk_dos": self.bulk_dos,
"skip_check": self.skip_check,
def from_dict(cls, d):
Reconstitute a ``DefectThermodynamics`` object from a dict
representation created using ``as_dict()``.
d (dict): dict representation of ``DefectThermodynamics``.
``DefectThermodynamics`` object
"ignore", "Use of properties is"
) # `message` only needs to match start of message
def _get_defect_entry(entry_dict):
if isinstance(entry_dict, DefectEntry):
return entry_dict
return DefectEntry.from_dict(entry_dict)
if isinstance(d.get("defect_entries"), list):
d["defect_entries"] = [_get_defect_entry(entry_dict) for entry_dict in d.get("defect_entries")]
d["defect_entries"] = {
name: _get_defect_entry(entry_dict) for name, entry_dict in d.get("defect_entries").items()
return cls(
dist_tol=d.get("dist_tol", 1.5),
check_compatibility=d.get("check_compatibility", True),
bulk_dos=FermiDos.from_dict(d.get("bulk_dos")) if d.get("bulk_dos") else None,
def to_json(self, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None):
Save the ``DefectThermodynamics`` object as a json file, which can be
reloaded with the ``DefectThermodynamics.from_json()`` class method.
Note that file extensions with ".gz" will be automatically compressed
(recommended to save space)!
filename (PathLike): Filename to save json file as. If None, the
filename will be set as
``{Chemical Formula}_defect_thermodynamics.json.gz`` where
{Chemical Formula} is the chemical formula of the host material.
if filename is None:
if self.bulk_formula is not None:
filename = f"{self.bulk_formula}_defect_thermodynamics.json.gz"
filename = "defect_thermodynamics.json.gz"
dumpfn(self, filename)
def from_json(cls, filename: PathLike):
Load a ``DefectThermodynamics`` object from a json(.gz) file.
Note that ``.json.gz`` files can be loaded directly.
filename (PathLike):
Filename of json file to load ``DefectThermodynamics``
object from.
``DefectThermodynamics`` object
return loadfn(filename)
def _get_chempots(self, chempots: Optional[dict] = None, el_refs: Optional[dict] = None):
Parse chemical potentials, either using input values (after formatting
them in the doped format) or using the class attributes if set.
if isinstance(chempots, dict) and "elemental_refs" in chempots and el_refs is None:
# doped chempot dict input, use its elemental refs
chempots, el_refs = _parse_chempots(chempots, chempots.get("elemental_refs"))
else: # use stored or provided el_refs
chempots, el_refs = _parse_chempots(
chempots or self.chempots, el_refs or self.el_refs, update_el_refs=True
if self.check_compatibility:
return chempots, el_refs
def _parse_transition_levels(self):
Parses the charge transition levels for defect entries in the
DefectThermodynamics object, and stores information about the stable
charge states, transition levels etc.
Defect entries of the same type (e.g. ``Te_i``, ``v_Cd``) are grouped together
(for plotting and transition level analysis) based on the minimum
distance between (equivalent) defect sites, to distinguish between
different inequivalent sites. ``DefectEntry``\s of the same type and with
a closest distance between equivalent defect sites less than ``dist_tol``
(1.5 Å by default) are grouped together. If a DefectEntry's site has a
closest distance less than ``dist_tol`` to multiple sets of equivalent
sites, then it is matched to the one with the lowest minimum distance.
Code for parsing the transition levels was originally templated from
the pyCDT (pymatgen<=2022.7.25) thermodynamics code (deleted in later
This function uses scipy's HalfspaceIntersection
to construct the polygons corresponding to defect stability as
a function of the Fermi-level. The Halfspace Intersection
constructs N-dimensional hyperplanes, in this case N=2, based
on the equation of defect formation energy with considering chemical
E_form = E_0^{Corrected} + Q_{defect}*(E_{VBM} + E_{Fermi}).
Extra hyperplanes are constructed to bound this space so that
the algorithm can actually find enclosed region.
This code was modeled after the Halfspace Intersection code for
the Pourbaix Diagram.
# determine defect charge transition levels:
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore formation energies chempots warning when just parsing TLs
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Chemical potentials not present for elements")
midgap_formation_energies = [ # without chemical potentials
fermi_level=0.5 * self.band_gap, vbm=entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm)
for entry in self.defect_entries.values()
# note that in general, we have chosen to favour ``entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm")`` over
# ``self.vbm`` for all calculations of formation energies / transition levels / concentrations.
# These values should be the same, and we have warnings if they differ by too much,
# but in general the ``DefectEntry`` value should be the most reliable, as this is tied to its
# raw supercell energy difference from the chosen bulk cell for that ``DefectEntry``.
# but we do use ``self.band_gap`` preferably as this only affects the plot ranges (rather than
# formation energies)
# set range to {min E_form - 30, max E_form +30} eV for y (formation energy), and
# {VBM - 1, CBM + 1} eV for x (fermi level)
min_y_lim = min(midgap_formation_energies) - 30
max_y_lim = max(midgap_formation_energies) + 30
limits = [[-1, self.band_gap + 1], [min_y_lim, max_y_lim]] # type: ignore
stable_entries: dict = {}
defect_charge_map: dict = {}
transition_level_map: dict = {}
all_entries: dict = {} # similar format to stable_entries, but with all (incl unstable) entries
defect_site_dict = group_defects_by_distance(
list(self.defect_entries.values()), dist_tol=self.dist_tol
grouped_entries_list = [
entry_list for sub_dict in defect_site_dict.values() for entry_list in sub_dict.values()
except Exception as e:
grouped_entries = group_defects_by_name(list(self.defect_entries.values()))
grouped_entries_list = list(grouped_entries.values())
f"Grouping (inequivalent) defects by distance failed with error: {e!r}"
f"\nGrouping by defect names instead."
) # possibly different bulks (though this should be caught/warned about earlier), or not
# parsed with recent doped versions etc
for grouped_defect_entries in grouped_entries_list:
sorted_defect_entries = sorted(
grouped_defect_entries, key=lambda x: (abs(x.charge_state), x.get_ediff())
) # sort by charge, starting with closest to zero, and then formation energy for
# deterministic behaviour
# prepping coefficient matrix for half-space intersection
# [-Q, 1, -1*(E_form+Q*VBM)] -> -Q*E_fermi+E+-1*(E_form+Q*VBM) <= 0 where E_fermi and E are
# the variables in the hyperplanes
hyperplanes = np.array(
-1.0 * entry.charge_state,
* (
+ entry.charge_state * entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm)
), # type: ignore
for entry in sorted_defect_entries
border_hyperplanes = [
[-1, 0, limits[0][0]],
[1, 0, -1 * limits[0][1]],
[0, -1, limits[1][0]],
[0, 1, -1 * limits[1][1]],
hs_hyperplanes = np.vstack([hyperplanes, border_hyperplanes])
interior_point = [self.band_gap / 2, min(midgap_formation_energies) - 1.0] # type: ignore
hs_ints = HalfspaceIntersection(hs_hyperplanes, np.array(interior_point))
# Group the intersections and corresponding facets
ints_and_facets_zip = zip(hs_ints.intersections, hs_ints.dual_facets)
# Only include the facets corresponding to entries, not the boundaries
total_entries = len(sorted_defect_entries)
ints_and_facets_filter = filter(
lambda int_and_facet: all(np.array(int_and_facet[1]) < total_entries),
# sort based on transition level
ints_and_facets_list = sorted(
ints_and_facets_filter, key=lambda int_and_facet: int_and_facet[0][0]
# take simplest (shortest) possible defect name, with lowest energy, as the name for that group
possible_defect_names_and_energies = [
(defect_entry.name.rsplit("_", 1)[0], defect_entry.get_ediff())
for defect_entry in sorted_defect_entries
] # names without charge
defect_name_wout_charge = min(
possible_defect_names_and_energies, key=lambda x: (len(x[0]), x[1])
defect_name_wout_charge, output_dicts = _rename_key_and_dicts(
[transition_level_map, all_entries, stable_entries, defect_charge_map],
transition_level_map, all_entries, stable_entries, defect_charge_map = output_dicts
if len(ints_and_facets_list) > 0: # unpack into lists
_, facets = zip(*ints_and_facets_list)
transition_level_map[defect_name_wout_charge] = { # map of transition level: charge states
intersection[0]: sorted(
[sorted_defect_entries[i].charge_state for i in facet], reverse=True
for intersection, facet in ints_and_facets_list
stable_entries[defect_name_wout_charge] = sorted(
{sorted_defect_entries[i] for dual in facets for i in dual},
key=lambda x: (-x.charge_state, x.get_ediff(), len(x.name)),
defect_charge_map[defect_name_wout_charge] = sorted(
[entry.charge_state for entry in sorted_defect_entries], reverse=True
elif len(sorted_defect_entries) == 1:
transition_level_map[defect_name_wout_charge] = {}
stable_entries[defect_name_wout_charge] = [sorted_defect_entries[0]]
defect_charge_map[defect_name_wout_charge] = [sorted_defect_entries[0].charge_state]
else: # if ints_and_facets is empty, then there is likely only one defect...
# confirm formation energies dominant for one defect over other identical defects
name_set = [entry.name for entry in sorted_defect_entries]
with (
): # ignore formation energies chempots warning when just parsing TLs
"ignore", message="Chemical potentials not present for elements"
vb_list = [
fermi_level=limits[0][0], vbm=entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm)
for entry in sorted_defect_entries
cb_list = [
fermi_level=limits[0][1], vbm=entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm)
for entry in sorted_defect_entries
vbm_def_index = vb_list.index(min(vb_list))
name_stable_below_vbm = name_set[vbm_def_index]
cbm_def_index = cb_list.index(min(cb_list))
name_stable_above_cbm = name_set[cbm_def_index]
if name_stable_below_vbm != name_stable_above_cbm:
raise ValueError(
f"HalfSpace identified only one stable charge out of list: {name_set}\n"
f"But {name_stable_below_vbm} is stable below vbm and "
f"{name_stable_above_cbm} is stable above cbm.\nList of VBM formation "
f"energies: {vb_list}\nList of CBM formation energies: {cb_list}"
transition_level_map[defect_name_wout_charge] = {}
stable_entries[defect_name_wout_charge] = [sorted_defect_entries[vbm_def_index]]
defect_charge_map[defect_name_wout_charge] = sorted(
[entry.charge_state for entry in sorted_defect_entries], reverse=True
all_entries[defect_name_wout_charge] = sorted_defect_entries
self.transition_level_map = transition_level_map
self.stable_entries = stable_entries
self.all_entries = all_entries
self.defect_charge_map = defect_charge_map
# sort dictionaries deterministically:
self.transition_level_map = dict(
sorted(self.transition_level_map.items(), key=lambda item: self._map_sort_func(item[0]))
self.stable_entries = dict(
sorted(self.stable_entries.items(), key=lambda item: self._map_sort_func(item[0]))
self.all_entries = dict(
sorted(self.all_entries.items(), key=lambda item: self._map_sort_func(item[0]))
self.defect_charge_map = dict(
sorted(self.defect_charge_map.items(), key=lambda item: self._map_sort_func(item[0]))
self.transition_levels = {
defect_name: list(defect_tls.keys())
for defect_name, defect_tls in transition_level_map.items()
self.stable_charges = {
defect_name: [entry.charge_state for entry in entries]
for defect_name, entries in stable_entries.items()
def _map_sort_func(self, name_wout_charge):
Convenience sorting function for dictionaries in and outputs from
for i in range(name_wout_charge.count("_") + 1): # number of underscores in name
split_name = name_wout_charge.rsplit("_", i)[0]
indices = [ # find first occurrence of name_wout_charge in defect_entries
i for i, name in enumerate(self._defect_entries.keys()) if name.startswith(split_name)
if indices:
return min(indices), split_name
return 100, split_name # if name not in defect_entries, put at end
def _check_bulk_compatibility(self):
Helper function to quickly check if all entries have compatible bulk
calculation settings, by checking that the energy of
``defect_entry.bulk_entry`` is the same for all defect entries.
By proxy checks that same bulk/defect calculation settings were used in
all cases, from each bulk/defect combination already being checked when
parsing. This is to catch any cases where defects may have been parsed
separately and combined (rather than altogether with DefectsParser,
which ensures the same bulk in each case), and where a different bulk
reference calculation was (mistakenly) used.
bulk_energies = [entry.bulk_entry.energy for entry in self.defect_entries.values()]
if max(bulk_energies) - min(bulk_energies) > 0.02: # 0.02 eV tolerance
f"Note that not all defects in `defect_entries` have the same reference bulk energy (bulk "
f"supercell calculation at `bulk_path` when parsing), with energies differing by >0.02 "
f"eV. This can lead to inaccuracies in predicted formation energies! The bulk energies of "
f"defect entries in `defect_entries` are:\n"
f"{[(name, entry.bulk_entry.energy) for name, entry in self.defect_entries.items()]}\n"
f"You can suppress this warning by setting `DefectThermodynamics.check_compatibility = "
def _check_bulk_defects_compatibility(self):
Helper function to quickly check if all entries have compatible
defect/bulk calculation settings.
Currently not used, as the bulk/defect compatibility is checked when
parsing, and the compatibility across bulk calculations is checked with
# check each defect entry against its own bulk, and also check each bulk against each other
reference_defect_entry = next(iter(self.defect_entries.values()))
reference_run_metadata = reference_defect_entry.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"]
for defect_entry in self.defect_entries.values():
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as captured_warnings:
run_metadata = defect_entry.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"]
# compare defect and bulk:
_compare_incar_tags(run_metadata["bulk_incar"], run_metadata["defect_incar"])
run_metadata["bulk_potcar_symbols"], run_metadata["defect_potcar_symbols"]
# compare bulk and reference bulk:
defect_name=f"other bulk (for {reference_defect_entry.name})",
defect_name=f"other bulk (for {reference_defect_entry.name})",
defect_name=f"other bulk (for {reference_defect_entry.name})",
if captured_warnings:
concatenated_warnings = "\n".join(str(warning.message) for warning in captured_warnings)
f"Incompatible defect/bulk calculation settings detected for defect "
f"{defect_entry.name}: \n{concatenated_warnings}"
def _check_bulk_chempots_compatibility(self, chempots: Optional[dict] = None):
Helper function to quickly check if the supplied chemical potentials
dictionary matches the bulk supercell used for the defect calculations,
by comparing the raw energies (from the bulk supercell calculation, and
that corresponding to the chemical potentials supplied).
chempots (dict, optional):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to check compatibility with
the bulk supercell calculations (``DefectEntry.bulk_entry``\s),
in the ``doped`` format.
If ``None`` (default), will use ``self.chempots`` (= 0 for all
chemical potentials by default).
This can have the form of ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}``
(the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing
functions (see tutorials)), or alternatively a dictionary of chemical
potentials for a single limit (``limit``), in the format:
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases,
in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the
elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute
(DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
if chempots is None and self.chempots is None:
bulk_entry = next(entry.bulk_entry for entry in self.defect_entries.values())
bulk_supercell_energy_per_atom = bulk_entry.energy / bulk_entry.composition.num_atoms
bulk_chempot_energy_per_atom = (
raw_energy_from_chempots(bulk_entry.composition, chempots or self.chempots)
/ bulk_entry.composition.num_atoms
if abs(bulk_supercell_energy_per_atom - bulk_chempot_energy_per_atom) > 0.025:
warnings.warn( # 0.05 eV intrinsic defect formation energy error tolerance, taking per-atom
# chempot error and multiplying by 2 to account for how this would affect antisite
# formation energies (extreme case)
f"Note that the raw (DFT) energy of the bulk supercell calculation ("
f"{bulk_supercell_energy_per_atom:.2f} eV/atom) differs from that expected from the "
f"supplied chemical potentials ({bulk_chempot_energy_per_atom:.2f} eV/atom) by >0.025 eV. "
f"This will likely give inaccuracies of similar magnitude in the predicted formation "
f"energies! \n"
f"You can suppress this warning by setting `DefectThermodynamics.check_compatibility = "
def add_entries(
defect_entries: Union[dict[str, DefectEntry], list[DefectEntry]],
check_compatibility: bool = True,
Add additional defect entries to the DefectThermodynamics object.
defect_entries ({str: DefectEntry} or [DefectEntry]):
A dict or list of ``DefectEntry`` objects, to add to the
``DefectThermodynamics.defect_entries`` dict. Note that ``DefectEntry.name``
attributes are used for grouping and plotting purposes! These should
be in the format "{defect_name}_{optional_site_info}_{charge_state}".
If the ``DefectEntry.name`` attribute is not defined or does not end with
the charge state, then the entry will be renamed with the doped
default name.
check_compatibility (bool):
Whether to check the compatibility of the bulk entry for each defect
entry (i.e. that all reference bulk energies are the same).
(Default: True)
self.check_compatibility = check_compatibility
if not defect_entries:
raise ValueError(
"No defects found in `defect_entries`. Please check the supplied dictionary is in the "
"correct format (i.e. {'defect_name': defect_entry}), or as a list: [defect_entry]."
if isinstance(defect_entries, list): # append 'pre_formatting' so we don't overwrite any existing
defect_entries = {f"{entry.name}_pre_formatting": entry for entry in defect_entries}
self._defect_entries.update(defect_entries) # add new entries and format names
def defect_entries(self):
Get the dict of parsed ``DefectEntry`` objects in the
``DefectThermodynamics`` analysis object.
return self._defect_entries
def defect_entries(self, input_defect_entries):
Set the dict of parsed ``DefectEntry``\s to include in the
``DefectThermodynamics`` object, and reparse the thermodynamic
information (transition levels etc).
self._defect_entries = input_defect_entries
def chempots(self):
Get the chemical potentials dictionary used for calculating the defect
formation energies.
``chempots`` is a dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating
the defect formation energies, in the form of:
``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}`` (the format generated by
``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing functions (see tutorials)) which
allows easy analysis over a range of chemical potentials - where limit(s)
(chemical potential limit(s)) to analyse/plot can later be chosen using
the ``limits`` argument.
return self._chempots
def chempots(self, input_chempots):
Set the chemical potentials dictionary (``chempots``), and reparse to
have the required ``doped`` format.
``chempots`` is a dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating
the defect formation energies, in the form of:
``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}`` (the format generated by
``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing functions (see tutorials)) which
allows easy analysis over a range of chemical potentials - where limit(s)
(chemical potential limit(s)) to analyse/plot can later be chosen using
the ``limits`` argument.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases
in order to show the formal (relative) chemical potentials above the
formation energy plot, in which case it is the formal chemical potentials
(i.e. relative to the elemental references) that should be given here,
otherwise the absolute (DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
If None (default), sets all formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative
to the elemental reference energies in ``el_refs``) to zero. Chemical
potentials can also be supplied later in each analysis function.
(Default: None)
if isinstance(input_chempots, dict) and "elemental_refs" in input_chempots:
# doped chempot dict input, use its el_refs
self._chempots, self._el_refs = _parse_chempots(
input_chempots, input_chempots.get("elemental_refs")
self._chempots, self._el_refs = _parse_chempots(
input_chempots, self._el_refs, update_el_refs=False
if self.check_compatibility:
def el_refs(self):
Get the elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials.
This is in the form of a dictionary of elemental reference energies for
the chemical potentials, in the format: ``{element symbol: reference
return self._el_refs
def el_refs(self, input_el_refs):
Set the elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
(``el_refs``), and reparse to have the required ``doped`` format.
This is in the form of a dictionary of elemental reference energies for the
chemical potentials, in the format: ``{element symbol: reference energy}``,
and is used to determine the formal chemical potentials, when ``chempots``
has been manually specified as ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is provided in format generated by ``doped``
(see tutorials).
self._chempots, self._el_refs = _parse_chempots(self._chempots, input_el_refs, update_el_refs=True)
def bulk_dos(self):
Get the ``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of
states (DOS), for calculating Fermi level positions and defect/carrier
concentrations, if set.
Otherwise, returns None.
return self._bulk_dos
def bulk_dos(self, input_bulk_dos: Union[FermiDos, Vasprun, PathLike]):
Set the ``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of
states (DOS), for calculating Fermi level positions and defect/carrier
Should be a ``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic DOS, a
``pymatgen`` ``Vasprun`` object or path to the ``vasprun.xml(.gz)``
output of a bulk DOS calculation in VASP.
Can also be provided later when using ``get_equilibrium_fermi_level()``,
``get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations`` etc.
Usually this is a static calculation with the `primitive` cell of the bulk
material, with relatively dense `k`-point sampling (especially for materials
with disperse band edges) to ensure an accurately-converged DOS and thus Fermi
level. ``ISMEAR = -5`` (tetrahedron smearing) is usually recommended for best
convergence wrt `k`-point sampling. Consistent functional settings should be
used for the bulk DOS and defect supercell calculations.
self._bulk_dos = self._parse_fermi_dos(input_bulk_dos, skip_check=self.skip_check)
def defect_names(self):
List of names of defects in the ``DefectThermodynamics`` set.
return list(self.defect_charge_map.keys())
def all_stable_entries(self):
List all stable entries (defect + charge) in the
``DefectThermodynamics`` set.
return list(chain.from_iterable(self.stable_entries.values()))
def all_unstable_entries(self):
List all unstable entries (defect + charge) in the
``DefectThermodynamics`` set.
return [e for e in self.defect_entries.values() if e not in self.all_stable_entries]
def unstable_entries(self):
Dictionary of unstable entries (``{defect name without charge: [list of
DefectEntry objects]}``) in the ``DefectThermodynamics`` set.
return {
k: [entry for entry in v if entry not in self.stable_entries[k]]
for k, v in self.all_entries.items()
def dist_tol(self):
Get the distance tolerance (in Å) used for grouping (equivalent)
defects together (for plotting and transition level analysis).
``DefectEntry``\s of the same type and with a closest distance between
equivalent defect sites less than ``dist_tol`` (1.5 Å by default) are
grouped together. If a DefectEntry's site has a closest distance less
than ``dist_tol`` to multiple sets of equivalent sites, then it is
matched to the one with the lowest minimum distance.
return self._dist_tol
def dist_tol(self, input_dist_tol: float):
Set the distance tolerance (in Å) used for grouping (equivalent)
defects together (for plotting and transition level analysis), and
reparse the thermodynamic information (transition levels etc) with this
``DefectEntry``\s of the same type and with a closest distance between
equivalent defect sites less than ``dist_tol`` (1.5 Å by default) are
grouped together. If a DefectEntry's site has a closest distance less
than ``dist_tol`` to multiple sets of equivalent sites, then it is
matched to the one with the lowest minimum distance.
self._dist_tol = input_dist_tol
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore formation energies chempots warning when just parsing TLs
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="No chemical potentials")
def _get_and_set_fermi_level(self, fermi_level: Optional[float] = None) -> float:
Handle the input Fermi level choice.
If Fermi level not set, defaults to mid-gap Fermi level (E_g/2) and
prints an info message to the user.
if fermi_level is None:
fermi_level = 0.5 * self.band_gap # type: ignore
f"Fermi level was not set, so using mid-gap Fermi level (E_g/2 = {fermi_level:.2f} eV "
f"relative to the VBM)."
return fermi_level
def get_equilibrium_concentrations(
chempots: Optional[dict] = None,
limit: Optional[str] = None,
el_refs: Optional[dict] = None,
fermi_level: Optional[float] = None,
temperature: float = 300,
per_charge: bool = True,
per_site: bool = False,
skip_formatting: bool = False,
lean: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Compute the `equilibrium` concentrations (in cm^-3) for all
``DefectEntry``\s in the ``DefectThermodynamics`` object, at a given
chemical potential limit, fermi_level and temperature, assuming the
dilute limit approximation.
Note that these are the `equilibrium` defect concentrations!
DefectThermodynamics.get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations() can
instead be used to calculate the Fermi level and defect concentrations
for a material grown/annealed at higher temperatures and then cooled
(quenched) to room/operating temperature (where defect concentrations
are assumed to remain fixed) - this is known as the frozen defect
approach and is typically the most valid approximation (see its
docstring for more information).
The degeneracy/multiplicity factor "g" is an important parameter in the defect
concentration equation (see discussion in https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A
and https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CS00432E), affecting the final concentration by
up to ~2 orders of magnitude. This factor is taken from the product of the
``defect_entry.defect.multiplicity`` and ``defect_entry.degeneracy_factors``
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies (and thus concentrations). If ``None`` (default),
will use ``self.chempots`` (= 0 for all chemical potentials by default).
This can have the form of ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}``
(the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing
functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential
limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (``limit``), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases,
in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the
elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute
(DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
limit (str):
The chemical potential limit for which to
obtain the equilibrium concentrations. Can be either:
- ``None``, if ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical potential
limit - otherwise will use the first chemical potential limit in the
``chempots`` dict.
- ``"X-rich"/"X-poor"`` where X is an element in the system, in which
case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
- A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary.
The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the
``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
(Default: None)
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format:
``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical
potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is
provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials).
(Default: None)
fermi_level (float):
Value corresponding to the electron chemical potential, referenced
to the VBM (using ``self.vbm``, which is the VBM of the `bulk supercell`
calculation by default). If None (default), set to the mid-gap Fermi
level (E_g/2).
temperature (float):
Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the equilibrium concentrations.
Default is 300 K.
per_charge (bool):
Whether to break down the defect concentrations into individual defect charge
states (e.g. ``v_Cd_0``, ``v_Cd_-1``, ``v_Cd_-2`` instead of ``v_Cd``).
(default: True)
per_site (bool):
Whether to return the concentrations as percent concentrations per site,
rather than the default of per cm^3. (default: False)
skip_formatting (bool):
Whether to skip formatting the defect charge states and concentrations as
strings (and keep as ``int``\s and ``float``\s instead). (default: False)
lean (bool):
Whether to return a leaner ``DataFrame`` with only the defect name, charge
state, and concentration in cm^-3 (assumes ``skip_formatting=True``). Only
really intended for internal ``doped`` usage, to reduce compute times when
calculating defect concentrations repeatedly. (default: False)
``pandas`` ``DataFrame`` of defect concentrations (and formation energies)
for each ``DefectEntry`` in the ``DefectThermodynamics`` object.
fermi_level = self._get_and_set_fermi_level(fermi_level)
chempots, el_refs = self._get_chempots(
chempots, el_refs
) # returns self.chempots/self.el_refs if chempots is None
skip_formatting = skip_formatting or lean
energy_concentration_list = []
if chempots is None: # only warn once
all_comps = [
entry.sc_entry.composition if entry.sc_entry else entry.bulk_entry.composition
for entry in self.defect_entries.values()
empty_el_dict = {el: 0 for el in {el.symbol for comp in all_comps for el in comp}}
chempots = {
"limits": {"No User Chemical Potentials": empty_el_dict},
"limits_wrt_el_refs": {"No User Chemical Potentials": empty_el_dict},
"elemental_refs": el_refs or empty_el_dict,
for defect_entry in self.defect_entries.values():
formation_energy = defect_entry.formation_energy(
vbm=defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm),
raw_concentration = defect_entry.equilibrium_concentration(
vbm=defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm),
formation_energy=formation_energy, # reduce compute times
defect_name = defect_entry.name.rsplit("_", 1)[0] # name without charge
charge = (
if skip_formatting
else f"{'+' if defect_entry.charge_state > 0 else ''}{defect_entry.charge_state}"
if lean:
"Defect": defect_name,
"Charge": charge,
"Concentration (cm^-3)": raw_concentration,
"Defect": defect_name,
"Raw Charge": defect_entry.charge_state, # for sorting
"Charge": charge,
"Formation Energy (eV)": round(formation_energy, 3),
"Raw Concentration": raw_concentration,
"Concentration (per site)" if per_site else "Concentration (cm^-3)"
): _format_concentration(
raw_concentration, per_site=per_site, skip_formatting=skip_formatting
conc_df = pd.DataFrame(energy_concentration_list)
if per_charge:
if lean:
return conc_df
conc_df["Charge State Population"] = conc_df["Raw Concentration"] / conc_df.groupby("Defect")[
"Raw Concentration"
conc_df["Charge State Population"] = conc_df["Charge State Population"].apply(
lambda x: f"{x:.2%}"
conc_df = conc_df.drop(columns=["Raw Charge", "Raw Concentration"])
return conc_df.reset_index(drop=True)
# group by defect and sum concentrations:
return _group_defect_charge_state_concentrations(
conc_df, per_site=per_site, skip_formatting=skip_formatting
def _parse_fermi_dos(
self, bulk_dos: Optional[Union[PathLike, Vasprun, FermiDos]] = None, skip_check: bool = False
) -> FermiDos:
if bulk_dos is None:
return None
if isinstance(bulk_dos, FermiDos):
fdos = bulk_dos
# most similar settings to Vasprun.eigenvalue_band_properties:
fdos_vbm = fdos.get_cbm_vbm(tol=1e-4, abs_tol=True)[1] # tol 1e-4 is lowest possible, as VASP
fdos_band_gap = fdos.get_gap(tol=1e-4, abs_tol=True) # rounds the DOS outputs to 4 dp
if isinstance(bulk_dos, PathLike):
bulk_dos = get_vasprun(bulk_dos, parse_dos=True) # converted to fdos in next block
if isinstance(bulk_dos, Vasprun): # either supplied Vasprun or parsed from string there
fdos_band_gap, _cbm, fdos_vbm, _ = bulk_dos.eigenvalue_band_properties
fdos = get_fermi_dos(bulk_dos)
if abs(fdos_vbm - self.vbm) > 0.05 and not skip_check:
f"The VBM eigenvalue of the bulk DOS calculation ({fdos_vbm:.2f} eV, band gap = "
f"{fdos_band_gap:.2f} eV) differs by >0.05 eV from `DefectThermodynamics.vbm/gap` "
f"({self.vbm:.2f} eV, band gap = {self.band_gap:.2f} eV; which are taken from the bulk "
f"supercell calculation by default, unless `bulk_band_gap_vr` is set during defect "
f"parsing). If this is only due to differences in kpoint sampling for the bulk DOS vs "
f"supercell calculations, then you should use the `bulk_band_gap_vr` option during "
f"defect parsing to set the bulk band gap and VBM eigenvalue "
f"(`DefectThermodynamics.gap/vbm`) to the correct values (though the absolute values of "
f"predictions should not be affected as the eigenvalue references in the calculations "
f"are consistent, just the reported Fermi levels will be referenced to "
f"`DefectThermodynamics.vbm` which may not be the exact VBM position here).\n"
f"Otherwise if this is due to changes in functional settings (LHFCALC, AEXX etc), then "
f"the calculations should be redone with consistent settings to ensure accurate "
f"Note that the Fermi level will be always referenced to `DefectThermodynamics.vbm`!"
return fdos
def get_equilibrium_fermi_level(
bulk_dos: Optional[Union[FermiDos, Vasprun, PathLike]] = None,
chempots: Optional[dict] = None,
limit: Optional[str] = None,
el_refs: Optional[dict] = None,
temperature: float = 300,
return_concs: bool = False,
skip_check: bool = False,
) -> Union[float, tuple[float, float, float]]:
Calculate the self-consistent Fermi level, at a given chemical
potential limit and temperature, assuming `equilibrium` defect
concentrations (i.e. under annealing) and the dilute limit
approximation, by self-consistently solving for the Fermi level which
yields charge neutrality.
Note that the returned Fermi level is given relative to ``self.vbm``,
which is the VBM eigenvalue of the bulk supercell calculation by
default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set during defect parsing.
Note that this assumes `equilibrium` defect concentrations!
DefectThermodynamics.get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations() can
instead be used to calculate the Fermi level and defect concentrations
for a material grown/annealed at higher temperatures and then cooled
(quenched) to room/operating temperature (where defect concentrations
are assumed to remain fixed) - this is known as the frozen defect
approach and is typically the most valid approximation (see its
docstring for more information).
Note that the bulk DOS calculation should be well-converged with respect to
k-points for accurate Fermi level predictions!
The degeneracy/multiplicity factor "g" is an important parameter in the defect
concentration equation and thus Fermi level calculation (see discussion in
https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A and https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CS00432E),
affecting the final concentration by up to ~2 orders of magnitude. This factor
is taken from the product of the ``defect_entry.defect.multiplicity`` and
``defect_entry.degeneracy_factors`` attributes.
bulk_dos (FermiDos or Vasprun or PathLike):
``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of states (DOS),
for calculating carrier concentrations. Alternatively, can be a ``pymatgen``
``Vasprun`` object or path to the ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` output of a bulk DOS
calculation in VASP -- however this will be much slower when looping over many
conditions as it will re-parse the DOS each time! (So preferably use
``get_fermi_dos()`` as shown in the defect thermodynamics tutorial).
Usually this is a static calculation with the `primitive` cell of the bulk
material, with relatively dense `k`-point sampling (especially for materials
with disperse band edges) to ensure an accurately-converged DOS and thus Fermi
level. ``ISMEAR = -5`` (tetrahedron smearing) is usually recommended for best
convergence wrt `k`-point sampling. Consistent functional settings should be
used for the bulk DOS and defect supercell calculations.
``bulk_dos`` can also be left as ``None`` (default), if it has previously
been provided and parsed, and thus is set as the ``self.bulk_dos`` attribute.
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies (and thus concentrations and Fermi level).
If ``None`` (default), will use ``self.chempots`` (= 0 for all chemical
potentials by default).
This can have the form of ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}``
(the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing
functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential
limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases,
in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the
elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute
(DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
limit (str):
The chemical potential limit for which to
determine the equilibrium Fermi level. Can be either:
- ``None``, if ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical potential
limit - otherwise will use the first chemical potential limit in the
``chempots`` dict.
- ``"X-rich"/"X-poor"`` where X is an element in the system, in which
case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
- A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary.
The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the
``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
(Default: None)
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format:
``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical
potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is
provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials).
(Default: None)
temperature (float):
Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the equilibrium Fermi level.
Default is 300 K.
return_concs (bool):
Whether to return the corresponding electron and hole concentrations
(in cm^-3) as well as the Fermi level. (default: False)
skip_check (bool):
Whether to skip the warning about the DOS VBM differing from ``self.vbm``
by >0.05 eV. Should only be used when the reason for this difference is
known/acceptable. (default: False)
Self consistent Fermi level (in eV from the VBM (``self.vbm``)), and the
corresponding electron and hole concentrations (in cm^-3) if ``return_concs=True``.
if bulk_dos is not None:
self.bulk_dos = self._parse_fermi_dos(bulk_dos, skip_check=skip_check)
if self.bulk_dos is None: # none provided, and none previously set
raise ValueError(
"No bulk DOS calculation (`bulk_dos`) provided or previously parsed to "
"`DefectThermodynamics.bulk_dos`, which is required for calculating carrier "
"concentrations and solving for Fermi level position."
chempots, el_refs = self._get_chempots(
chempots, el_refs
) # returns self.chempots/self.el_refs if chempots is None
if chempots is None: # handle once here, as otherwise brentq function results in this being
# called many times
def _get_total_q(fermi_level):
conc_df = self.get_equilibrium_concentrations(
qd_tot = (conc_df["Charge"] * conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"]).sum()
qd_tot += get_doping(
fermi_dos=self.bulk_dos, fermi_level=fermi_level + self.vbm, temperature=temperature
return qd_tot
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "No chemical potentials") # ignore chempots warning,
# as given once above
eq_fermi_level: float = brentq(_get_total_q, -1.0, self.band_gap + 1.0) # type: ignore
if return_concs:
e_conc, h_conc = get_e_h_concs(
self.bulk_dos, eq_fermi_level + self.vbm, temperature # type: ignore
return eq_fermi_level, e_conc, h_conc
return eq_fermi_level
def get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations(
bulk_dos: Optional[Union[FermiDos, Vasprun, PathLike]] = None,
chempots: Optional[dict] = None,
limit: Optional[str] = None,
el_refs: Optional[dict] = None,
annealing_temperature: float = 1000,
quenched_temperature: float = 300,
delta_gap: float = 0,
per_charge: bool = True,
per_site: bool = False,
skip_formatting: bool = False,
return_annealing_values: bool = False,
) -> Union[
tuple[float, float, float, pd.DataFrame],
tuple[float, float, float, pd.DataFrame, float, float, float, pd.DataFrame],
Calculate the self-consistent Fermi level and corresponding
carrier/defect calculations, for a given chemical potential limit,
annealing temperature and quenched/operating temperature, using the
frozen defect and dilute limit approximations under the constraint of
charge neutrality.
According to the 'frozen defect' approximation, we typically expect defect
concentrations to reach equilibrium during annealing/crystal growth
(at elevated temperatures), but `not` upon quenching (i.e. at
room/operating temperature) where we expect kinetic inhibition of defect
annhiliation and hence non-equilibrium defect concentrations / Fermi level.
Typically this is approximated by computing the equilibrium Fermi level and
defect concentrations at the annealing temperature, and then assuming the
total concentration of each defect is fixed to this value, but that the
relative populations of defect charge states (and the Fermi level) can
re-equilibrate at the lower (room) temperature. See discussion in
https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CS00432E (brief),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2019.06.017 (detailed) and
``doped``/``py-sc-fermi`` tutorials for more information.
In certain cases (such as Li-ion battery materials or extremely slow charge
capture/emission), these approximations may have to be adjusted such that some
defects/charge states are considered fixed and some are allowed to
re-equilibrate (e.g. highly mobile Li vacancies/interstitials). Modelling
these specific cases is demonstrated in:
This function works by calculating the self-consistent Fermi level and total
concentration of each defect at the annealing temperature, then fixing the
total concentrations to these values and re-calculating the self-consistent
(constrained equilibrium) Fermi level and relative charge state concentrations
under this constraint at the quenched/operating temperature.
Note that the bulk DOS calculation should be well-converged with respect to
k-points for accurate Fermi level predictions!
The degeneracy/multiplicity factor "g" is an important parameter in the defect
concentration equation and thus Fermi level calculation (see discussion in
https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A and https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CS00432E),
affecting the final concentration by up to 2 orders of magnitude. This factor
is taken from the product of the ``defect_entry.defect.multiplicity`` and
``defect_entry.degeneracy_factors`` attributes.
If you use this code in your work, please also cite:
Squires et al., (2023). Journal of Open Source Software, 8(82), 4962
bulk_dos (FermiDos or Vasprun or PathLike):
``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of states (DOS),
for calculating carrier concentrations. Alternatively, can be a ``pymatgen``
``Vasprun`` object or path to the ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` output of a bulk DOS
calculation in VASP -- however this will be much slower when looping over many
conditions as it will re-parse the DOS each time! (So preferably use
``get_fermi_dos()`` as shown in the defect thermodynamics tutorial).
Usually this is a static calculation with the `primitive` cell of the bulk
material, with relatively dense `k`-point sampling (especially for materials
with disperse band edges) to ensure an accurately-converged DOS and thus Fermi
level. ``ISMEAR = -5`` (tetrahedron smearing) is usually recommended for best
convergence wrt `k`-point sampling. Consistent functional settings should be
used for the bulk DOS and defect supercell calculations.
``bulk_dos`` can also be left as ``None`` (default), if it has previously
been provided and parsed, and thus is set as the ``self.bulk_dos`` attribute.
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies (and thus concentrations and Fermi level).
If ``None`` (default), will use ``self.chempots`` (= 0 for all chemical
potentials by default).
This can have the form of ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}``
(the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing
functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential
limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases,
in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the
elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute
(DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
limit (str):
The chemical potential limit for which to
determine the Fermi level and concentrations. Can be either:
- ``None``, if ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical potential
limit - otherwise will use the first chemical potential limit in the
``chempots`` dict.
- ``"X-rich"/"X-poor"`` where X is an element in the system, in which
case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
- A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary.
The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the
``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
(Default: None)
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format:
``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical
potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is
provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials).
(Default: None)
annealing_temperature (float):
Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the high temperature
(fixed) total defect concentrations, which should correspond to the
highest temperature during annealing/synthesis of the material (at
which we assume equilibrium defect concentrations) within the frozen
defect approach. Default is 1000 K.
quenched_temperature (float):
Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the self-consistent
(constrained equilibrium) Fermi level and carrier concentrations,
given the fixed total concentrations, which should correspond to
operating temperature of the material (typically room temperature).
Default is 300 K.
delta_gap (float):
Change in band gap (in eV) of the host material at the annealing
temperature (e.g. due to thermal renormalisation), relative to the
original band gap of the ``FermiDos`` object (assumed to correspond to the
quenching temperature). If set, applies a scissor correction to ``fermi_dos``
which renormalises the band gap symmetrically about the VBM and CBM (i.e.
assuming equal up/downshifts of the band-edges around their original
eigenvalues) while the defect levels remain fixed.
(Default: 0)
per_charge (bool):
Whether to break down the defect concentrations into individual defect charge
states (e.g. ``v_Cd_0``, ``v_Cd_-1``, ``v_Cd_-2`` instead of ``v_Cd``).
(default: True)
per_site (bool):
Whether to return the concentrations as percent concentrations per site,
rather than the default of per cm^3. (default: False)
skip_formatting (bool):
Whether to skip formatting the defect charge states and concentrations as
strings (and keep as ``int``\s and ``float``\s instead). (default: False)
return_annealing_values (bool):
If True, also returns the Fermi level, electron and hole concentrations and
defect concentrations at the annealing temperature. (default: False)
Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``scissor_dos`` (if ``delta_gap``
is not 0) or ``_parse_fermi_dos`` (``skip_check``; to skip the warning about
the DOS VBM differing from ``self.vbm`` by >0.05 eV; default is False).
Predicted quenched Fermi level (in eV from the VBM (``self.vbm``)), the
corresponding electron and hole concentrations (in cm^-3) and a dataframe of the
quenched defect concentrations (in cm^-3); ``(fermi_level, e_conc, h_conc, conc_df)``.
If ``return_annealing_values=True``, also returns the annealing Fermi level, electron
and hole concentrations and a dataframe of the annealing defect concentrations (in cm^-3);
``(fermi_level, e_conc, h_conc, conc_df, annealing_fermi_level, annealing_e_conc,
annealing_h_conc, annealing_conc_df)``.
# TODO: Update docstrings after `py-sc-fermi` interface written, to point toward it for more
# advanced analysis
if kwargs and any(i not in ["verbose", "tol", "skip_check"] for i in kwargs):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid keyword arguments: {', '.join(kwargs.keys())}")
if bulk_dos is not None:
self.bulk_dos = self._parse_fermi_dos(bulk_dos, skip_check=kwargs.get("skip_check", False))
if self.bulk_dos is None: # none provided, and none previously set
raise ValueError(
"No bulk DOS calculation (`bulk_dos`) provided or previously parsed to "
"`DefectThermodynamics.bulk_dos`, which is required for calculating carrier "
"concentrations and solving for Fermi level position."
orig_fermi_dos = deepcopy(self.bulk_dos) # can get modified during annealing loops
chempots, el_refs = self._get_chempots(
chempots, el_refs
) # returns self.chempots/self.el_refs if chempots is None
if chempots is None: # handle once here, as otherwise brentq function results in this being
# called many times
annealing_dos = (
if delta_gap == 0
else scissor_dos(
verbose=kwargs.get("verbose", False),
tol=kwargs.get("tol", 1e-8),
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "No chemical potentials") # ignore chempots warning,
# as given once above
annealing_fermi_level = self.get_equilibrium_fermi_level(
skip_check=kwargs.get("skip_check", delta_gap != 0), # skip check by default if delta
# gap not 0
assert not isinstance(annealing_fermi_level, tuple) # float w/ return_concs=False, for typing
self.bulk_dos = orig_fermi_dos # reset to original DOS for quenched calculations
annealing_defect_concentrations = self.get_equilibrium_concentrations(
fermi_level=annealing_fermi_level, # type: ignore
per_charge=False, # give total concentrations for each defect
total_concentrations = dict( # {Defect: Total Concentration (cm^-3)}
annealing_defect_concentrations.index, # index is Defect name, when per_charge=False
annealing_defect_concentrations["Concentration (cm^-3)"],
def _get_constrained_concentrations(
fermi_level, per_charge=True, per_site=False, skip_formatting=False, lean=True
conc_df = self.get_equilibrium_concentrations(
conc_df["Total Concentration (cm^-3)"] = conc_df["Defect"].map(total_concentrations)
conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"] = ( # set total concentration to match annealing conc
conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"] # but with same relative concentrations
/ conc_df.groupby("Defect")["Concentration (cm^-3)"].transform("sum")
) * conc_df["Total Concentration (cm^-3)"]
if not per_charge:
conc_df = _group_defect_charge_state_concentrations(
conc_df, per_site, skip_formatting=True
if per_site:
cm3_conc_df = self.get_equilibrium_concentrations(
per_site_conc_df = self.get_equilibrium_concentrations(
per_site_factors = (
per_site_conc_df["Concentration (per site)"] / cm3_conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"]
conc_df["Concentration (per site)"] = (
conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"] * per_site_factors
conc_df = conc_df.drop(columns=["Concentration (cm^-3)"])
if not skip_formatting:
conc_df["Concentration (per site)"] = conc_df["Concentration (per site)"].apply(
elif not skip_formatting:
conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"] = conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"].apply(
lambda x: f"{x:.3e}"
return conc_df
def _get_constrained_total_q(fermi_level):
conc_df = _get_constrained_concentrations(fermi_level, skip_formatting=True)
qd_tot = (conc_df["Charge"] * conc_df["Concentration (cm^-3)"]).sum()
qd_tot += get_doping( # use orig fermi dos for quenched temperature
fermi_level=fermi_level + self.vbm,
return qd_tot
eq_fermi_level: float = brentq(
_get_constrained_total_q, -1.0, self.band_gap + 1.0 # type: ignore
e_conc, h_conc = get_e_h_concs(
orig_fermi_dos, eq_fermi_level + self.vbm, quenched_temperature # type: ignore
conc_df = _get_constrained_concentrations(
eq_fermi_level, per_charge, per_site, skip_formatting, lean=False
) # not lean for final output
if not return_annealing_values:
return (eq_fermi_level, e_conc, h_conc, conc_df)
annealing_e_conc, annealing_h_conc = get_e_h_concs(
annealing_dos, annealing_fermi_level + self.vbm, annealing_temperature # type: ignore
annealing_defect_concentrations = self.get_equilibrium_concentrations(
fermi_level=annealing_fermi_level, # type: ignore
return (
def get_dopability_limits(
self, chempots: Optional[dict] = None, limit: Optional[str] = None, el_refs: Optional[dict] = None
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Find the dopability limits of the defect system, searching over all
limits (chemical potential limits) in ``chempots`` and returning the
most p/n-type conditions, or for a given chemical potential limit (if
``limit`` is set or ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical
potential limit; i.e. {element symbol: chemical potential}).
The dopability limites are defined by the (first) Fermi level positions at
which defect formation energies become negative as the Fermi level moves
towards/beyond the band edges, thus determining the maximum possible Fermi
level range upon doping for this chemical potential limit.
Note that the Fermi level positions are given relative to ``self.vbm``,
which is the VBM eigenvalue of the bulk supercell calculation by
default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set during defect parsing.
This is computed by obtaining the formation energy for every stable defect
with non-zero charge, and then finding the highest Fermi level position at
which a donor defect (positive charge) has zero formation energy (crosses
the x-axis) - giving the lower dopability limit, and the lowest Fermi level
position at which an acceptor defect (negative charge) has zero formation
energy - giving the upper dopability limit.
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies (and thus dopability limits).
If ``None`` (default), will use ``self.chempots``.
This can have the form of ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}``
(the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing
functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential
limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases,
in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the
elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute
(DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
limit (str):
The chemical potential limit for which to
calculate formation energies (and thus dopability limits). Can be either:
- ``None``, in which case we search over all limits (chemical potential
limits) in ``chempots`` and return the most n/p-type conditions,
unless ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical potential limit.
- ``"X-rich"/"X-poor"`` where X is an element in the system, in which
case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
- A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary.
The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the
``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
(Default: None)
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format:
``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical
potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is
provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials).
(Default: None)
``pandas`` ``DataFrame`` of dopability limits, with columns:
"limit", "Compensating Defect", "Dopability Limit" for both p/n-type
where 'Dopability limit' are the corresponding Fermi level positions in
eV, relative to the VBM (``self.vbm``).
chempots, el_refs = self._get_chempots(
chempots, el_refs
) # returns self.chempots if chempots is None
if chempots is None:
raise ValueError(
"No chemical potentials supplied or present in "
"DefectThermodynamics.chempots, so dopability limits cannot be calculated."
limit = _parse_limit(chempots, limit)
limits = [limit] if limit is not None else list(chempots["limits"].keys())
donor_intercepts: list[tuple] = []
acceptor_intercepts: list[tuple] = []
for entry in self.all_stable_entries:
if entry.charge_state > 0: # donor
# formation energy is y = mx + c where m = charge_state, c = vbm_formation_energy
# so x-intercept is -c/m:
/ entry.charge_state,
for limit in limits
elif entry.charge_state < 0: # acceptor
/ entry.charge_state,
for limit in limits
if not donor_intercepts:
donor_intercepts = [("N/A", "N/A", -np.inf)]
if not acceptor_intercepts:
acceptor_intercepts = [("N/A", "N/A", np.inf)]
donor_intercepts_df = pd.DataFrame(donor_intercepts, columns=["limit", "name", "intercept"])
acceptor_intercepts_df = pd.DataFrame(acceptor_intercepts, columns=["limit", "name", "intercept"])
# get the most p/n-type limit, by getting the limit with the minimum/maximum max/min-intercept,
# where max/min-intercept is the max/min intercept for that limit (i.e. the compensating intercept)
idx = (
== donor_intercepts_df["intercept"]
limiting_donor_intercept_row = donor_intercepts_df.iloc[
idx = (
== acceptor_intercepts_df["intercept"]
limiting_acceptor_intercept_row = acceptor_intercepts_df.iloc[
if limiting_donor_intercept_row["intercept"] > limiting_acceptor_intercept_row["intercept"]:
"Donor and acceptor doping limits intersect at negative defect formation energies "
limit_dict = get_rich_poor_limit_dict(chempots)
except ValueError:
limit_dict = {}
return pd.DataFrame(
limiting_donor_intercept_row["limit"], limit_dict, bracket=True
round(limiting_donor_intercept_row["intercept"], 3),
limiting_acceptor_intercept_row["limit"], limit_dict, bracket=True
round(limiting_acceptor_intercept_row["intercept"], 3),
columns=["limit", "Compensating Defect", "Dopability Limit (eV from VBM/CBM)"],
index=["p-type", "n-type"],
def get_doping_windows(
self, chempots: Optional[dict] = None, limit: Optional[str] = None, el_refs: Optional[dict] = None
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Find the doping windows of the defect system, searching over all limits
(chemical potential limits) in ``chempots`` and returning the most
p/n-type conditions, or for a given chemical potential limit (if
``limit`` is set or ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical
potential limit; i.e. {element symbol: chemical potential}).
Doping window is defined by the formation energy of the lowest energy
compensating defect species at the corresponding band edge (i.e. VBM for
hole doping and CBM for electron doping), as these set the upper limit to
the formation energy of dopants which could push the Fermi level close to
the band edge without being negated by defect charge compensation.
Note that the band edge positions are taken from ``self.vbm`` and
``self.band_gap``, which are parsed from the `bulk supercell calculation` by
default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set during defect parsing.
If a dopant has a higher formation energy than the doping window at the
band edge, then its charge will be compensated by formation of the
corresponding limiting defect species (rather than free carrier populations).
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies (and thus doping windows).
If ``None`` (default), will use ``self.chempots``.
This can have the form of ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}``
(the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing
functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential
limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases,
in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the
elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute
(DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
limit (str):
The chemical potential limit for which to
calculate formation energies (and thus doping windows). Can be either:
- ``None``, in which case we search over all limits (chemical potential
limits) in ``chempots`` and return the most n/p-type conditions,
unless ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical potential limit.
- ``"X-rich"/"X-poor"`` where X is an element in the system, in which
case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
- A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary.
The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the
``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
(Default: None)
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format:
``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical
potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is
provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials).
(Default: None)
``pandas`` ``DataFrame`` of doping windows, with columns:
"limit", "Compensating Defect", "Doping Window" for both p/n-type
where 'Doping Window' are the corresponding doping windows in eV.
chempots, el_refs = self._get_chempots(
chempots, el_refs
) # returns self.chempots if chempots is None
if chempots is None:
raise ValueError(
"No chemical potentials supplied or present in "
"DefectThermodynamics.chempots, so doping windows cannot be calculated."
limit = _parse_limit(chempots, limit)
limits = [limit] if limit is not None else list(chempots["limits"].keys())
vbm_donor_intercepts: list[tuple] = []
cbm_acceptor_intercepts: list[tuple] = []
for entry in self.all_stable_entries:
if entry.charge_state > 0: # donor
for limit in limits
elif entry.charge_state < 0: # acceptor
fermi_level=self.band_gap, # type: ignore[arg-type]
for limit in limits
if not vbm_donor_intercepts:
vbm_donor_intercepts = [("N/A", "N/A", np.inf)]
if not cbm_acceptor_intercepts:
cbm_acceptor_intercepts = [("N/A", "N/A", -np.inf)]
vbm_donor_intercepts_df = pd.DataFrame(
vbm_donor_intercepts, columns=["limit", "name", "intercept"]
cbm_acceptor_intercepts_df = pd.DataFrame(
cbm_acceptor_intercepts, columns=["limit", "name", "intercept"]
limit_dict = get_rich_poor_limit_dict(chempots)
except ValueError:
limit_dict = {}
# get the most p/n-type limit, by getting the limit with the maximum min-intercept, where
# min-intercept is the min intercept for that limit (i.e. the compensating intercept)
limiting_intercept_rows = []
for intercepts_df in [vbm_donor_intercepts_df, cbm_acceptor_intercepts_df]:
idx = (
intercepts_df.groupby("limit")["intercept"].transform("min") == intercepts_df["intercept"]
limiting_intercept_row = intercepts_df.iloc[intercepts_df[idx]["intercept"].idxmax()]
_get_limit_name_from_dict(limiting_intercept_row["limit"], limit_dict, bracket=True),
round(limiting_intercept_row["intercept"], 3),
return pd.DataFrame(
columns=["limit", "Compensating Defect", "Doping Window (eV at VBM/CBM)"],
index=["p-type", "n-type"],
# TODO: Don't show chempot table by default? At least is limit explicitly chosen?
# TODO: Add option to only plot defect states that are stable at some point in the bandgap
# TODO: Add option to plot formation energies at the centroid of the chemical stability region? And
# make this the default if no chempots are specified? Or better default to plot both the most (
# most-electronegative-)anion-rich and the (most-electropositive-)cation-rich chempot limits?
# TODO: Likewise, add example showing how to plot a metastable state (above the ground state)
# TODO: Should have similar colours for similar defect types, an option to just show amalgamated
# lowest energy charge states for each _defect type_) - equivalent to setting the dist_tol to
# infinity (but should be easier to just do here by taking the short defect name). NaP is an example
# for this - should have a test built for however we want to handle cases like this. See Ke's example
# case too with different interstitial sites.
# Related: Currently updating `dist_tol` to change the number of defects being plotted,
# can also change the colours of the different defect lines (e.g. for CdTe_wout_meta increasing
# `dist_tol` to 2 to merge all Te interstitials, results in the colours of other defect lines (
# e.g. Cd_Te) changing at the same time - ideally this wouldn't happen!
# TODO: optionally retain/remove unstable (in the gap) charge states (rather than current
# default range of (VBM - 1eV, CBM + 1eV))... depends on if shallow defect tagging with pydefect is
# implemented or not really, what would be best to do by default
def plot(
chempots: Optional[dict] = None,
limit: Optional[str] = None,
el_refs: Optional[dict] = None,
chempot_table: bool = True,
all_entries: Union[bool, str] = False,
style_file: Optional[PathLike] = None,
xlim: Optional[tuple] = None,
ylim: Optional[tuple] = None,
fermi_level: Optional[float] = None,
include_site_info: bool = False,
colormap: Optional[Union[str, colors.Colormap]] = None,
linestyles: Union[str, list[str]] = "-",
auto_labels: bool = False,
filename: Optional[PathLike] = None,
) -> Union[Figure, list[Figure]]:
Produce a defect formation energy vs Fermi level plot (a.k.a. a defect
formation energy / transition level diagram), returning the
``matplotlib`` ``Figure`` object to allow further plot customisation.
Note that the band edge positions are taken from ``self.vbm`` and
``self.band_gap``, which are parsed from the `bulk supercell calculation` by
default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set during defect parsing.
chempots (dict):
Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect
formation energies. If None (default), will use ``self.chempots``.
This can have the form of ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}``
(the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing
functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential
limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``.
Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a
single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``.
If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the
``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases
in order to show the formal (relative) chemical potentials above the
formation energy plot, in which case it is the formal chemical potentials
(i.e. relative to the elemental references) that should be given here,
otherwise the absolute (DFT) chemical potentials should be given.
If None (default), sets all chemical potentials to zero.
(Default: None)
limit (str):
The chemical potential limit for which to
plot formation energies. Can be either:
- None, in which case plots are generated for all limits in ``chempots``.
- "X-rich"/"X-poor" where X is an element in the system, in which
case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich").
- A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary.
The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the
``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial).
(Default: None)
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format:
``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical
potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as
``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is
provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials).
(Default: None)
chempot_table (bool):
Whether to print the chemical potential table above the plot.
(Default: True)
all_entries (bool, str):
Whether to plot the formation energy lines of `all` defect entries,
rather than the default of showing only the equilibrium states at each
Fermi level position (traditional). If instead set to "faded", will plot
the equilibrium states in bold, and all unstable states in faded grey
(Default: False)
style_file (PathLike):
Path to a mplstyle file to use for the plot. If None (default), uses
the default doped style (from ``doped/utils/doped.mplstyle``).
Tuple (min,max) giving the range of the x-axis (Fermi level). May want
to set manually when including transition level labels, to avoid crossing
the axes. Default is to plot from -0.3 to +0.3 eV above the band gap.
Tuple (min,max) giving the range for the y-axis (formation energy). May
want to set manually when including transition level labels, to avoid
crossing the axes. Default is from 0 to just above the maximum formation
energy value in the band gap.
fermi_level (float):
If set, plots a dashed vertical line at this Fermi level value, typically
used to indicate the equilibrium Fermi level position (e.g. calculated
with py-sc-fermi). (Default: None)
include_site_info (bool):
Whether to include site info in defect names in the plot legend (e.g.
$Cd_{i_{C3v}}^{0}$ rather than $Cd_{i}^{0}$). Default is ``False``, where
site info is not included unless we have inequivalent sites for the same
defect type. If, even with site info added, there are duplicate defect
names, then "-a", "-b", "-c" etc are appended to the names to differentiate.
colormap (str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap):
Colormap to use for the formation energy lines, either as a string
(which can be a colormap name from
https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/explain/colors/colormaps or from
https://www.fabiocrameri.ch/colourmaps -- append 'S' if using a sequential
colormap from the latter) or a ``Colormap`` / ``ListedColormap`` object.
If ``None`` (default), uses ``tab10`` with ``alpha=0.75`` (if 10 or fewer
lines to plot), ``tab20`` (if 20 or fewer lines) or ``batlow`` (if more
than 20 lines; citation: https://zenodo.org/records/8409685).
linestyles (list):
Linestyles to use for the formation energy lines, either as a single
linestyle (``str``) or list of linestyles (``list[str]``) in the order of
appearance of lines in the plot legend. Default is ``"-"``; i.e. solid
linestyle for all entries.
auto_labels (bool):
Whether to automatically label the transition levels with their charge
states. If there are many transition levels, this can be quite ugly.
(Default: False)
filename (PathLike): Filename to save the plot to. (Default: None (not saved))
``matplotlib`` ``Figure`` object, or list of ``Figure`` objects if multiple
limits chosen.
from shakenbreak.plotting import _install_custom_font
# check input options:
if all_entries not in [False, True, "faded"]:
raise ValueError(
f"`all_entries` option must be either False, True, or 'faded', not {all_entries}"
chempots, el_refs = self._get_chempots(
chempots, el_refs
) # returns self.chempots/self.el_refs if chempots is None
if chempots is None:
chempots = {
"limits": {"No User Chemical Potentials": None}
} # empty chempots dict to allow plotting, user will be warned
limit = _parse_limit(chempots, limit)
limits = [limit] if limit is not None else list(chempots["limits"].keys())
if (
and limit is None
and el_refs is None
and "limits" not in chempots
and any(np.isclose(chempot, 0, atol=0.1) for chempot in chempots.values())
# if any chempot is close to zero, this is likely a formal chemical potential and so inaccurate
# here (trying to make this as idiotproof as possible to reduce unnecessary user queries...)
"At least one of your manually-specified chemical potentials is close to zero, "
"which is likely a _formal_ chemical potential (i.e. relative to the elemental "
"reference energies), but you have not specified the elemental reference "
"energies with `el_refs`. This will give large errors in the absolute values "
"of formation energies, but the transition level positions will be unaffected."
style_file = style_file or f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/utils/doped.mplstyle"
plt.style.use(style_file) # enforce style, as style.context currently doesn't work with jupyter
with plt.style.context(style_file):
figs = []
for limit in limits:
dft_chempots = chempots["limits"][limit]
plot_title = limit if len(limits) > 1 else None
plot_filename = (
f"{filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0]}_{limit}.{filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1]}"
if filename
else None
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # avoid double warning about no chempots supplied
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "No chemical potentials")
fig = _TLD_plot(
return figs[0] if len(figs) == 1 else figs
def get_transition_levels(
all: bool = False,
format_charges: bool = True,
) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, None]:
Return a ``DataFrame`` of the charge transition levels for the defects
in the ``DefectThermodynamics`` object (stored in the
``transition_level_map`` attribute).
Note that the transition level (and Fermi level) positions are given
relative to ``self.vbm``, which is the VBM eigenvalue of the bulk
supercell calculation by default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set
during defect parsing.
By default, only returns the thermodynamic ground-state transition
levels (i.e. those visible on the defect formation energy diagram),
not including metastable defect states (which can be important for
recombination, migration, degeneracy/concentrations etc, see e.g.
https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A & https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CS00432E).
e.g. negative-U defects will show the 2-electron transition level
(N+1/N-1) rather than (N+1/N) and (N/N-1).
If instead all single-electron transition levels are desired, set
``all = True``.
Returns a ``DataFrame`` with columns:
- "Defect": Defect name
- "Charges": Defect charge states which make up the transition level
(as a string if ``format_charges=True``, otherwise as a list of integers)
- "eV from VBM": Transition level position in eV from the VBM (``self.vbm``)
- "In Band Gap?": Whether the transition level is within the host band gap
- "N(Metastable)": Number of metastable states involved in the transition level
(0, 1 or 2). Only included if all = True.
all (bool):
Whether to print all single-electron transition levels (i.e.
including metastable defect states), or just the thermodynamic
ground-state transition levels (default).
format_charges (bool):
Whether to format the transition level charge states as strings
(e.g. "ε(+1/+2)") or keep in list format (e.g. [1,2]).
(Default: True)
# create a dataframe from the transition level map, with defect name, transition level charges and
# TL position in eV from the VBM:
transition_level_map_list = []
def _TL_naming_func(TL_charges, i_meta=False, j_meta=False):
if not format_charges:
return TL_charges
i, j = TL_charges
return (
f"ε({'+' if i > 0 else ''}{i}{'*' if i_meta else ''}/"
f"{'+' if j > 0 else ''}{j}{'*' if j_meta else ''})"
for defect_name, transition_level_dict in self.transition_level_map.items():
if not transition_level_dict:
transition_level_map_list.append( # add defects with no TL to dataframe as "None"
"Defect": defect_name,
"Charges": "None",
"eV from VBM": np.inf,
"In Band Gap?": False,
"-q_i": np.inf, # for sorting
"-q_j": np.inf, # for sorting
if all:
transition_level_map_list[-1]["N(Metastable)"] = 0
if not all:
"Defect": defect_name,
"Charges": _TL_naming_func(transition_level_charges),
"eV from VBM": round(TL, 3),
"In Band Gap?": (TL > 0) and (self.band_gap > TL),
"-q_i": -transition_level_charges[0], # for sorting
"-q_j": -transition_level_charges[1], # for sorting
for TL, transition_level_charges in transition_level_dict.items()
# now get metastable TLs
if all:
for defect_name_wout_charge, grouped_defect_entries in self.all_entries.items():
sorted_defect_entries = sorted(
grouped_defect_entries, key=lambda x: x.charge_state
) # sort by charge
for i, j in product(sorted_defect_entries, repeat=2):
if i.charge_state - j.charge_state == 1:
# take mean VBM, ofc should be the same, but allow for small differences
mean_VBM = np.mean([x.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm) for x in [i, j]])
TL = j.get_ediff() - i.get_ediff() - mean_VBM
i_meta = not any(i == y for y in self.all_stable_entries)
j_meta = not any(j == y for y in self.all_stable_entries)
"Defect": defect_name_wout_charge,
"Charges": _TL_naming_func(
[i.charge_state, j.charge_state], i_meta=i_meta, j_meta=j_meta
"eV from VBM": round(TL, 3),
"In Band Gap?": (TL > 0) and (self.band_gap > TL),
"N(Metastable)": [i_meta, j_meta].count(True),
"-q_i": -i.charge_state, # for sorting
"-q_j": -j.charge_state, # for sorting
if not transition_level_map_list:
warnings.warn("No transition levels found for chosen parameters!")
return None
tl_df = pd.DataFrame(transition_level_map_list)
if "N(Metastable)" not in tl_df.columns: # add, because we use it for sorting in case all=True
tl_df["N(Metastable)"] = 0
# sort df by Defect appearance order in defect_entries, Defect, then by TL position:
tl_df["Defect Appearance Order"] = tl_df["Defect"].map(self._map_sort_func)
tl_df = tl_df.sort_values(
by=["Defect Appearance Order", "Defect", "-q_i", "-q_j", "N(Metastable)", "eV from VBM"]
tl_df = tl_df.drop(columns=["Defect Appearance Order", "-q_i", "-q_j"])
if not all:
tl_df = tl_df.drop(columns="N(Metastable)")
return tl_df.set_index(["Defect", "Charges"])
def print_transition_levels(self, all: bool = False):
Iteratively prints the charge transition levels for the defects in the
DefectThermodynamics object (stored in the transition_level_map
By default, only returns the thermodynamic ground-state transition
levels (i.e. those visible on the defect formation energy diagram),
not including metastable defect states (which can be important for
recombination, migration, degeneracy/concentrations etc, see e.g.
https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A & https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CS00432E).
e.g. negative-U defects will show the 2-electron transition level
(N+1/N-1) rather than (N+1/N) and (N/N-1).
If instead all single-electron transition levels are desired, set
``all = True``.
all (bool):
Whether to print all single-electron transition levels (i.e.
including metastable defect states), or just the thermodynamic
ground-state transition levels (default).
if not all:
for defect_name, tl_info in self.transition_level_map.items():
bold_print(f"Defect: {defect_name}")
for tl_efermi, chargeset in tl_info.items():
f"Transition level ε({max(chargeset):{'+' if max(chargeset) else ''}}/"
f"{min(chargeset):{'+' if min(chargeset) else ''}}) at {tl_efermi:.3f} eV above "
f"the VBM"
print("") # add space
all_TLs_df = self.get_transition_levels(all=True)
if all_TLs_df is None:
for defect_name, tl_df in all_TLs_df.groupby("Defect", sort=False):
bold_print(f"Defect: {defect_name}")
for index, row in tl_df.iterrows():
if index[1] != "None": # charges
print(f"Transition level {index[1]} at {row['eV from VBM']:.3f} eV above the VBM")
print("") # add space
def _single_formation_energy_table(
relative_chempots: dict,
el_refs: dict,
fermi_level: float = 0,
skip_formatting: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Returns a defect formation energy table for a single chemical potential
limit as a pandas ``DataFrame``.
Table Key: (all energies in eV):
- 'Defect':
Defect name (without charge)
- 'q':
Defect charge state.
- 'ΔEʳᵃʷ':
Raw DFT energy difference between defect and host supercell (E_defect - E_host).
- 'qE_VBM':
Defect charge times the VBM eigenvalue (to reference the Fermi level to the VBM)
- 'qE_F':
Defect charge times the Fermi level (referenced to the VBM if qE_VBM is not 0
(if "vbm" in ``DefectEntry.calculation_metadata``)
- 'Σμ_ref':
Sum of reference energies of the elemental phases in the chemical potentials sum.
- 'Σμ_formal':
Sum of `formal` atomic chemical potential terms (Σμ_DFT = Σμ_ref + Σμ_formal).
- 'E_corr':
Finite-size supercell charge correction.
- 'Eᶠᵒʳᵐ':
Defect formation energy, with the specified chemical potentials and Fermi level.
Equals the sum of all other terms.
- 'Path':
Path to the defect calculation folder.
- 'Δ[E_corr]':
Estimated error in the charge correction, from the variance of the potential in
the sampling region.
relative_chempots (dict):
Dictionary of formal (i.e. relative to elemental reference energies)
chemical potentials in the form ``{element symbol: energy}``.
el_refs (dict):
Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials
in the format: ``{element symbol: reference energy}``
(Default: None)
fermi_level (float):
Value corresponding to the electron chemical potential, referenced
to the VBM eigenvalue, which is taken from the ``calculation_metadata``
dict attributes of ``DefectEntry``\s in ``self.defect_entries`` if present,
otherwise ``self.vbm`` -- which correspond to the VBM of the `bulk supercell`
calculation by default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set during defect
parsing). If ``None`` (default), set to the mid-gap Fermi level (E_g/2).
skip_formatting (bool):
Whether to skip formatting the defect charge states as
strings (and keep as ``int``\s and ``float``\s instead).
(default: False)
``pandas`` ``DataFrame`` sorted by formation energy
table = []
for name, defect_entry in self.defect_entries.items():
row = [
name.rsplit("_", 1)[0], # name without charge,
if skip_formatting
else f"{'+' if defect_entry.charge_state > 0 else ''}{defect_entry.charge_state}"
row += [defect_entry.get_ediff() - sum(defect_entry.corrections.values())]
row += [defect_entry.charge_state * defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm)]
row += [defect_entry.charge_state * fermi_level]
row += [defect_entry._get_chempot_term(el_refs) if any(el_refs.values()) else "N/A"]
row += [defect_entry._get_chempot_term(relative_chempots)]
row += [sum(defect_entry.corrections.values())]
dft_chempots = {el: energy + el_refs[el] for el, energy in relative_chempots.items()}
formation_energy = defect_entry.formation_energy(
vbm=defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("vbm", self.vbm),
row += [formation_energy]
row += [defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("defect_path", "N/A")]
row += [
for key, val in defect_entry.corrections_metadata.items()
if "charge_correction_error" in key
formation_energy_df = pd.DataFrame(
# round all floats to 3dp:
formation_energy_df = formation_energy_df.round(3)
return formation_energy_df.set_index(["Defect", "q"])
def get_symmetries_and_degeneracies(
skip_formatting: bool = False,
symprec: Optional[float] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Generates a table of the bulk-site & relaxed defect point group
symmetries, spin/orientational/total degeneracies and (bulk-)site
multiplicities for each defect in the ``DefectThermodynamics`` object.
Table Key:
- 'Defect': Defect name (without charge)
- 'q': Defect charge state.
- 'Site_Symm': Point group symmetry of the defect site in the bulk cell.
- 'Defect_Symm': Point group symmetry of the relaxed defect.
- 'g_Orient': Orientational degeneracy of the defect.
- 'g_Spin': Spin degeneracy of the defect.
- 'g_Total': Total degeneracy of the defect.
- 'Mult': Multiplicity of the defect site in the bulk cell, per primitive unit cell.
For interstitials, the bulk site symmetry corresponds to the
point symmetry of the interstitial site with `no relaxation
of the host structure`, while for vacancies/substitutions it is
simply the symmetry of their corresponding bulk site.
This corresponds to the point symmetry of ``DefectEntry.defect``,
or ``calculation_metadata["bulk_site"]/["unrelaxed_defect_structure"]``.
Point group symmetries are taken from the calculation_metadata
("relaxed point symmetry" and "bulk site symmetry") if
present (should be, if parsed with doped and defect supercell
doesn't break host periodicity), otherwise are attempted to be
Note: doped tries to use the defect_entry.defect_supercell to determine
the `relaxed` site symmetry. However, it should be noted that this is not
guaranteed to work in all cases; namely for non-diagonal supercell
expansions, or sometimes for non-scalar supercell expansion matrices
(e.g. a 2x1x2 expansion)(particularly with high-symmetry materials)
which can mess up the periodicity of the cell. doped tries to automatically
check if this is the case, and will warn you if so.
This can also be checked by using this function on your doped `generated` defects:
.. code-block:: python
from doped.generation import get_defect_name_from_entry
for defect_name, defect_entry in defect_gen.items():
print(defect_name, get_defect_name_from_entry(defect_entry, relaxed=False),
get_defect_name_from_entry(defect_entry), "\n")
And if the point symmetries match in each case, then doped should be able to
correctly determine the final relaxed defect symmetry (and orientational degeneracy)
- otherwise periodicity-breaking prevents this.
If periodicity-breaking prevents auto-symmetry determination, you can manually
determine the relaxed defect and bulk-site point symmetries, and/or orientational
degeneracy, from visualising the structures (e.g. using VESTA)(can use
``get_orientational_degeneracy`` to obtain the corresponding orientational
degeneracy factor for given defect/bulk-site point symmetries) and setting the
corresponding values in the
``calculation_metadata['relaxed point symmetry']/['bulk site symmetry']`` and/or
``degeneracy_factors['orientational degeneracy']`` attributes.
Note that the bulk-site point symmetry corresponds to that of ``DefectEntry.defect``,
or equivalently ``calculation_metadata["bulk_site"]/["unrelaxed_defect_structure"]``,
which for vacancies/substitutions is the symmetry of the corresponding bulk site,
while for interstitials it is the point symmetry of the `final relaxed` interstitial
site when placed in the (unrelaxed) bulk structure.
The degeneracy factor is used in the calculation of defect/carrier concentrations
and Fermi level behaviour (see e.g. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00043A &
skip_formatting (bool):
Whether to skip formatting the defect charge states as
strings (and keep as ``int``\s and ``float``\s instead).
(default: False)
symprec (float):
Symmetry tolerance for ``spglib`` to use when determining
relaxed defect point symmetries and thus orientational
degeneracies. Default is ``0.1`` which matches that used by
the ``Materials Project`` and is larger than the ``pymatgen``
default of ``0.01`` (which is used by ``doped`` for
unrelaxed/bulk structures) to account for residual structural
noise in relaxed defect supercells.
You may want to adjust for your system (e.g. if there are
very slight octahedral distortions etc.). If ``symprec`` is
set, then the point symmetries and corresponding orientational
degeneracy will be re-parsed/computed even if already present
in the ``DefectEntry`` object ``calculation_metadata``.
``pandas`` ``DataFrame``
table_list = []
for name, defect_entry in self.defect_entries.items():
multiplicity_per_unit_cell = defect_entry.defect.multiplicity * (
len(defect_entry.defect.structure.to_primitive()) # spglib primitive
/ len(defect_entry.defect.structure)
except Exception:
multiplicity_per_unit_cell = "N/A"
total_degeneracy = (
reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, defect_entry.degeneracy_factors.values())
if defect_entry.degeneracy_factors
else "N/A"
"Defect": name.rsplit("_", 1)[0], # name without charge
"q": defect_entry.charge_state,
"Site_Symm": defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("bulk site symmetry", "N/A"),
"Defect_Symm": defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("relaxed point symmetry", "N/A"),
"g_Orient": defect_entry.degeneracy_factors.get("orientational degeneracy", "N/A"),
"g_Spin": defect_entry.degeneracy_factors.get("spin degeneracy", "N/A"),
"g_Total": total_degeneracy,
"Mult": multiplicity_per_unit_cell,
if any(
defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get("periodicity_breaking_supercell", False)
for defect_entry in self.defect_entries.values()
symmetry_df = pd.DataFrame(table_list)
if not skip_formatting:
symmetry_df["q"] = symmetry_df["q"].apply(lambda x: f"{'+' if x > 0 else ''}{x}")
return symmetry_df.set_index(["Defect", "q"])
def __repr__(self):
Returns a string representation of the ``DefectThermodynamics`` object.
formula = _get_bulk_supercell(
properties, methods = _doped_obj_properties_methods(self)
return (
f"doped DefectThermodynamics for bulk composition {formula} with {len(self.defect_entries)} "
f"defect entries (in self.defect_entries). Available attributes:\n"
f"{properties}\n\nAvailable methods:\n{methods}"
def __getattr__(self, attr):
Redirects an unknown attribute/method call to the ``defect_entries``
dictionary attribute, if the attribute doesn't exist in
except AttributeError as exc:
if attr == "_defect_entries":
raise exc
return getattr(self._defect_entries, attr)
def __getitem__(self, key):
Makes ``DefectThermodynamics`` object subscriptable, so that it can be
indexed like a dictionary, using the ``defect_entries`` dictionary
return self.defect_entries[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set the value of a specific key (defect name) in the ``defect_entries``
dictionary, using ``add_entries`` (to check compatibility).
def __delitem__(self, key):
Deletes the specified defect entry from the ``defect_entries``
del self.defect_entries[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
Returns ``True`` if the ``defect_entries`` dictionary contains the
specified defect name.
return key in self.defect_entries
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of entries in the ``defect_entries`` dictionary.
return len(self.defect_entries)
def __iter__(self):
Returns an iterator over the ``defect_entries`` dictionary.
return iter(self.defect_entries)
def _group_defect_charge_state_concentrations(
conc_df: pd.DataFrame, per_site: bool = False, skip_formatting: bool = False
summed_df = conc_df.groupby("Defect").sum(numeric_only=True)
raw_concentrations = (
summed_df["Raw Concentration"]
if "Raw Concentration" in summed_df.columns
else summed_df[next(k for k in conc_df.columns if k.startswith("Concentration"))]
summed_df[next(k for k in conc_df.columns if k.startswith("Concentration"))] = (
lambda x: _format_concentration(x, per_site=per_site, skip_formatting=skip_formatting)
return summed_df.drop(
for i in [
"Formation Energy (eV)",
"Raw Charge",
"Raw Concentration",
"Charge State Population",
if i in summed_df.columns
def _format_concentration(raw_concentration: float, per_site: bool = False, skip_formatting: bool = False):
Format concentration values for ``DataFrame`` outputs.
if skip_formatting:
return raw_concentration
if per_site:
return _format_per_site_concentration(raw_concentration)
return f"{raw_concentration:.3e}"
def _format_per_site_concentration(raw_concentration: float):
Format per-site concentrations for ``DataFrame`` outputs.
if raw_concentration > 1e-5:
return f"{raw_concentration:.3%}"
return f"{raw_concentration * 100:.3e} %"
def get_fermi_dos(dos_vr: Union[PathLike, Vasprun]):
Create a ``FermiDos`` object from the provided ``dos_vr``, which can be
either a path to a ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file, or a ``pymatgen`` ``Vasprun``
object (parsed with ``parse_dos = True``).
dos_vr (Union[PathLike, Vasprun]):
Path to a ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file, or a ``Vasprun`` object.
FermiDos: The ``FermiDos`` object.
if not isinstance(dos_vr, Vasprun):
dos_vr = get_vasprun(dos_vr, parse_dos=True)
return FermiDos(dos_vr.complete_dos, nelecs=get_nelect_from_vasprun(dos_vr))
def get_e_h_concs(fermi_dos: FermiDos, fermi_level: float, temperature: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
Get the corresponding electron and hole concentrations (in cm^-3) for a
given Fermi level (in eV) and temperature (in K), for a ``FermiDos``
Note that the Fermi level here is NOT referenced to the VBM! So the Fermi
level should be the corresponding eigenvalue within the calculation (or in
other words, the Fermi level relative to the VBM plus the VBM eigenvalue).
fermi_dos (FermiDos):
``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of states (DOS),
for calculating carrier concentrations.
Usually this is a static calculation with the `primitive` cell of the bulk
material, with relatively dense `k`-point sampling (especially for materials
with disperse band edges) to ensure an accurately-converged DOS and thus Fermi
level. ``ISMEAR = -5`` (tetrahedron smearing) is usually recommended for best
convergence wrt `k`-point sampling. Consistent functional settings should be
used for the bulk DOS and defect supercell calculations.
fermi_level (float):
Value corresponding to the electron chemical potential, **not** referenced
to the VBM! (i.e. same eigenvalue reference as the raw calculation)
temperature (float):
Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the equilibrium concentrations.
tuple[float, float]: The electron and hole concentrations in cm^-3.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "overflow") # ignore overflow warnings from f0, can remove in
# future versions following SK's fix in https://github.com/materialsproject/pymatgen/pull/3879
# code for obtaining the electron and hole concentrations here is taken from
# FermiDos.get_doping(), and updated by SK to be independent of estimated VBM/CBM positions (using
# correct DOS integral) and better handle exponential overflows (by editing `f0` in `pymatgen`)
idx_mid_gap = int(fermi_dos.idx_vbm + (fermi_dos.idx_cbm - fermi_dos.idx_vbm) / 2)
e_conc: float = np.sum(
* f0(
fermi_level, # type: ignore
* fermi_dos.de[idx_mid_gap:],
) / (fermi_dos.volume * fermi_dos.A_to_cm**3)
h_conc: float = np.sum(
fermi_dos.tdos[: idx_mid_gap + 1]
* f0(
-fermi_dos.energies[: idx_mid_gap + 1],
-fermi_level, # type: ignore
* fermi_dos.de[: idx_mid_gap + 1],
) / (fermi_dos.volume * fermi_dos.A_to_cm**3)
return e_conc, h_conc
def get_doping(fermi_dos: FermiDos, fermi_level: float, temperature: float) -> float:
Get the doping concentration (majority carrier - minority carrier
concentration) in cm^-3 for a given Fermi level (in eV) and temperature
(in K), for a ``FermiDos`` object.
Note that the Fermi level here is NOT referenced to the VBM! So the Fermi
level should be the corresponding eigenvalue within the calculation (or in
other words, the Fermi level relative to the VBM plus the VBM eigenvalue).
Refactored from ``FermiDos.get_doping()`` to be more accurate/robust
(independent of estimated VBM/CBM positions, avoiding overflow warnings).
fermi_dos (FermiDos):
``pymatgen`` ``FermiDos`` for the bulk electronic density of states (DOS),
for calculating carrier concentrations.
Usually this is a static calculation with the `primitive` cell of the bulk
material, with relatively dense `k`-point sampling (especially for materials
with disperse band edges) to ensure an accurately-converged DOS and thus Fermi
level. ``ISMEAR = -5`` (tetrahedron smearing) is usually recommended for best
convergence wrt `k`-point sampling. Consistent functional settings should be
used for the bulk DOS and defect supercell calculations.
fermi_level (float):
Value corresponding to the electron chemical potential, **not** referenced
to the VBM! (i.e. same eigenvalue reference as the raw calculation)
temperature (float):
Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the equilibrium concentrations.
tuple[float, float]: The electron and hole concentrations in cm^-3.
# can replace this function with the ``FermiDos.get_doping()`` method in future versions following SK's
# fix in https://github.com/materialsproject/pymatgen/pull/3879, whenever pymatgen>2024.6.10 becomes
# a ``doped`` requirement (same for overflow catches in ``get_e_h_concs`` etc)
e_conc, h_conc = get_e_h_concs(fermi_dos, fermi_level, temperature)
return h_conc - e_conc
def scissor_dos(delta_gap: float, dos: Union[Dos, FermiDos], tol: float = 1e-8, verbose: bool = True):
Given an input Dos/FermiDos object, rigidly shifts the valence and
conduction bands of the DOS object to give a band gap that is now
increased/decreased by ``delta_gap`` eV, where this rigid scissor shift is
applied symmetrically around the original gap (i.e. the VBM is downshifted
by ``delta_gap/2`` and the CBM is upshifted by ``delta_gap/2``).
Note this assumes a non-spin-polarised (i.e. non-magnetic) density
of states!
delta_gap (float):
The amount by which to increase/decrease the band gap (in eV).
dos (Dos/FermiDos):
The input DOS object to scissor.
tol (float):
The tolerance to use for determining the VBM and CBM (used in
``Dos.get_gap(tol=tol)``). Default: 1e-8.
verbose (bool):
Whether to print information about the original and new band gaps.
FermiDos: The scissored DOS object.
dos = deepcopy(dos) # don't overwrite object
# shift just CBM upwards first, then shift all rigidly down by Eg/2 (simpler code with this approach)
cbm_index = np.where(
(dos.densities[Spin.up] > tol) & (dos.energies - dos.efermi > dos.get_gap(tol=tol) / 2)
cbm_energy = dos.energies[cbm_index]
# get closest index with energy near cbm_energy + delta_gap:
new_cbm_index = np.argmin(np.abs(dos.energies - (cbm_energy + delta_gap)))
new_cbm_energy = dos.energies[new_cbm_index]
vbm_index = np.where(
(dos.densities[Spin.up] > tol) & (dos.energies - dos.efermi < dos.get_gap(tol=tol) / 2)
vbm_energy = dos.energies[vbm_index]
if not np.isclose(cbm_energy - vbm_energy, dos.get_gap(tol=tol), atol=1e-1) and np.isclose(
new_cbm_energy - cbm_energy, delta_gap, atol=1e-2
"The new band gap does not appear to be equal to the original band gap plus the scissor "
"shift, suggesting an error in `scissor_dos`, beware!\n"
f"Got original gap (from manual indexing): {cbm_energy - vbm_energy}, {dos.get_gap(tol=tol)} "
f"from dos.get_gap(tol=tol) and new gap: {dos.get_gap(tol=tol) + delta_gap}"
# Determine the number of values in energies/densities to remove/add to avoid duplication
values_to_remove_or_add = int(new_cbm_index - cbm_index)
scissored_dos_dict = dos.as_dict()
# Shift the CBM and remove/add values:
if values_to_remove_or_add < 0: # remove values
scissored_dos_dict["energies"] = np.concatenate(
(dos.energies[: cbm_index + values_to_remove_or_add], dos.energies[cbm_index:] + delta_gap)
scissored_dos_dict["densities"][Spin.up] = np.concatenate(
dos.densities[Spin.up][: cbm_index + values_to_remove_or_add],
# Assuming non-spin-polarised bulk here:
scissored_dos_dict["densities"][Spin.down] = scissored_dos_dict["densities"][Spin.up]
elif values_to_remove_or_add > 0:
# add more zero DOS values:
scissored_dos_dict["energies"] = np.concatenate(
dos.energies[cbm_index:] + delta_gap,
scissored_dos_dict["densities"][Spin.up] = np.concatenate(
scissored_dos_dict["densities"][Spin.down] = scissored_dos_dict["densities"][Spin.up]
# now shift all energies rigidly, so we've shifted symmetrically around the original gap (eigenvalues)
# ensure 'energies' is array (should be if function used correctly, not if band gap change is zero...):
scissored_dos_dict["energies"] = np.array(scissored_dos_dict["energies"])
scissored_dos_dict["energies"] -= np.float64(delta_gap / 2)
scissored_dos_dict["efermi"] -= np.float64(delta_gap / 2)
if verbose:
print(f"Orig gap: {dos.get_gap(tol=tol)}, new gap:{dos.get_gap(tol=tol) + delta_gap}")
scissored_dos_dict["structure"] = dos.structure.as_dict()
if isinstance(dos, FermiDos):
return FermiDos.from_dict(scissored_dos_dict)
return Dos.from_dict(scissored_dos_dict)