Source code for doped.corrections

Code to compute finite-size charge corrections for charged defects in periodic

The charge-correction methods implemented are:

1. Extended FNV (eFNV) / Kumagai correction for isotropic and anistropic systems.
   This is the recommended default as it works regardless of system (an)isotropy, has a more efficient
   implementation and tends to be more robust in cases of small supercells.

       a) anisotropic PC energy
       b) potential alignment by atomic site averaging outside Wigner Seitz radius

2. Freysoldt (FNV) correction for isotropic systems. Only recommended if eFNV correction fails for some
   reason. Includes:

       a) point-charge (PC) energy
       b) potential alignment by planar averaging

If you use the corrections implemented in this module, please cite:

    Kumagai and Oba, Phys. Rev. B. 89, 195205 (2014) for the eFNV correction
    Freysoldt, Neugebauer, and Van de Walle, Phys. Status Solidi B. 248, 1067-1076 (2011) for FNV

Ideally, the "defect site" used for all charge corrections should actually be the centre of the localised
charge in the defect supercell. Usually this coincides with the defect site, but not always (e.g.
vacancy where the charge localises as a polaron on a neighbouring atom etc.). For sufficiently large
supercells this is usually fine, as the defect and centre-of-charge sites are close enough that any
resulting quantitative error in the correction is negligible. However, in cases where we have large
finite-size correction values, this can be significant. If some efficient methods for determining the
centroid of charge difference between bulk/defect LOCPOTs (for FNV) or bulk/defect site potentials (for
eFNV) were developed, they should be used here.

import contextlib
import os
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from monty.json import MontyDecoder
from pymatgen.analysis.defects.corrections import freysoldt
from pymatgen.analysis.defects.utils import CorrectionResult
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element
from import Locpot, Outcar
from pymatgen.util.typing import PathLike

from doped.analysis import _convert_dielectric_to_tensor
from doped.utils.parsing import (
from doped.utils.plotting import _get_backend, format_defect_name

def _monty_decode_nested_dicts(d):
    Recursively find any dictionaries in defect_entry.calculation_metadata,
    which may be nested in dicts or in lists of dicts, and decode them.
    for key, value in d.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict) and all(k not in value for k in ["@module", "@class"]):
        elif (
            isinstance(value, list)
            and all(isinstance(i, dict) for i in value)
            and all(k in i for k in ["@module", "@class"] for i in value)
                d[key] = [MontyDecoder().process_decoded(i) for i in value]
            except Exception as exc:
                print(f"Failed to decode {key} with error {exc!r}")
        if isinstance(value, dict) and all(k in value for k in ["@module", "@class"]):
                d[key] = MontyDecoder().process_decoded(value)
            except Exception as exc:
                print(f"Failed to decode {key} with error {exc!r}")

def _check_if_None_and_raise_error_if_so(var, var_name, display_name):
    if var is None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"{var_name} must be provided as an argument or be present in the `defect_entry` "
            f"`calculation_metadata` (as `{display_name}`), neither of which is the case here!"

def _get_and_check_metadata(entry, key, display_name):
    value = entry.calculation_metadata.get(key, None)
    _check_if_None_and_raise_error_if_so(value, display_name, key)
    return value

def _check_if_pathlike_and_get_locpot_or_core_pots(
    locpot_or_outcar: Union[Locpot, Outcar, PathLike, dict],
    obj_type: str = "locpot",
    dir_type: str = "",
    total_energy: Optional[Union[list, float]] = None,
    if isinstance(locpot_or_outcar, PathLike):
        if obj_type == "locpot":
            return get_locpot(locpot_or_outcar)
        return get_core_potentials_from_outcar(  # otherwise OUTCAR
            locpot_or_outcar, dir_type=dir_type, total_energy=total_energy

    if isinstance(locpot_or_outcar, Outcar):
        return _get_core_potentials_from_outcar_obj(
            locpot_or_outcar, dir_type=dir_type, total_energy=total_energy

    if not isinstance(locpot_or_outcar, (Locpot, Outcar, dict)):
        raise TypeError(
            f"`{obj_type}` input must be either a path to a {obj_type.upper()} file or a pymatgen "
            f"{obj_type.upper()[0]+obj_type[1:]} object, but got {type(locpot_or_outcar)} instead."

    return locpot_or_outcar

[docs] def get_freysoldt_correction( defect_entry, dielectric: Optional[Union[float, int, np.ndarray, list]] = None, defect_locpot: Optional[Union[PathLike, Locpot, dict]] = None, bulk_locpot: Optional[Union[PathLike, Locpot, dict]] = None, plot: bool = False, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None, axis: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = True, style_file: Optional[PathLike] = None, **kwargs, ) -> CorrectionResult: """ Function to compute the `isotropic` Freysoldt (FNV) correction for the input defect_entry. This function `does not` add the correction to ``defect_entry.corrections`` (but the defect_entry.get_freysoldt_correction method does). If this correction is used, please cite Freysoldt's original paper; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.016402. Args: defect_entry: DefectEntry object with the following for which to compute the FNV finite-size charge correction. dielectric (float or int or 3x1 matrix or 3x3 matrix): Total dielectric constance (ionic + static contributions), in the same xyz Cartesian basis as the supercell calculations (likely but not necessarily the same as the raw output of a VASP dielectric calculation, if an oddly-defined primitive cell is used). If ``None``, then the dielectric constant is taken from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. See for information on calculating and converging the dielectric constant. defect_locpot: Path to the output VASP LOCPOT file from the defect supercell calculation, or the corresponding pymatgen Locpot object, or a dictionary of the planar-averaged potential in the form: {i: Locpot.get_average_along_axis(i) for i in [0,1,2]}. If None, will try to use ``defect_locpot_dict`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. bulk_locpot: Path to the output VASP LOCPOT file from the bulk supercell calculation, or the corresponding pymatgen Locpot object, or a dictionary of the planar-averaged potential in the form: {i: Locpot.get_average_along_axis(i) for i in [0,1,2]}. If None, will try to use ``bulk_locpot_dict`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. plot (bool): Whether to plot the FNV electrostatic potential plots (for manually checking the behaviour of the charge correction here). filename (PathLike): Filename to save the FNV electrostatic potential plots to. If None, plots are not saved. axis (int or None): If int, then the FNV electrostatic potential plot along the specified axis (0, 1, 2 for a, b, c) will be plotted. Note that the output charge correction is still that for `all` axes. If None, then all three axes are plotted. verbose (bool): Whether to print the correction energy (default = True). style_file (PathLike): Path to a ``.mplstyle`` file to use for the plot. If ``None`` (default), uses the default doped style (from ``doped/utils/doped.mplstyle``). **kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass to pymatgen.analysis.defects.corrections.freysoldt.get_freysoldt_correction (e.g. energy_cutoff, mad_tol, q_model, step). Returns: CorrectionResults (summary of the corrections applied and metadata), and the matplotlib figure object (or axis object if axis specified) if ``plot`` is True. """ # ensure calculation_metadata are decoded in case defect_dict was reloaded from json if hasattr(defect_entry, "calculation_metadata"): _monty_decode_nested_dicts(defect_entry.calculation_metadata) if dielectric is None: dielectric = _get_and_check_metadata(defect_entry, "dielectric", "Dielectric constant") dielectric = _convert_dielectric_to_tensor(dielectric) defect_locpot = defect_locpot or _get_and_check_metadata( defect_entry, "defect_locpot_dict", "Defect LOCPOT" ) bulk_locpot = bulk_locpot or _get_and_check_metadata(defect_entry, "bulk_locpot_dict", "Bulk LOCPOT") defect_locpot = _check_if_pathlike_and_get_locpot_or_core_pots(defect_locpot, obj_type="locpot") bulk_locpot = _check_if_pathlike_and_get_locpot_or_core_pots(bulk_locpot, obj_type="locpot") fnv_correction = freysoldt.get_freysoldt_correction( q=defect_entry.charge_state, dielectric=dielectric, defect_locpot=defect_locpot, bulk_locpot=bulk_locpot, lattice=_get_defect_supercell(defect_entry).lattice if isinstance(defect_locpot, dict) else None, defect_frac_coords=_get_defect_supercell_bulk_site_coords( defect_entry ), # _relaxed_ defect location in supercell **kwargs, ) if verbose: print(f"Calculated Freysoldt (FNV) correction is {fnv_correction.correction_energy:.3f} eV") if not plot and filename is None: return fnv_correction with contextlib.suppress(Exception): from shakenbreak.plotting import _install_custom_font _install_custom_font() # in case not installed already axis_label_dict = {0: r"$a$-axis", 1: r"$b$-axis", 2: r"$c$-axis"} if axis is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 3.5), dpi=600) for direction in range(3): plot_FNV( fnv_correction.metadata["plot_data"][direction], ax=axs[direction], title=axis_label_dict[direction], style_file=style_file, ) else: plot_FNV(fnv_correction.metadata["plot_data"][axis], title=axis_label_dict[axis]) fig = plt.gcf() if filename: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, backend=_get_backend(filename)) return fnv_correction, fig
[docs] def plot_FNV(plot_data, title=None, ax=None, style_file=None): """ Plots the planar-averaged electrostatic potential against the long range and short range models from the FNV correction method. Code templated from the original PyCDT and new pymatgen.analysis.defects implementations. Args: plot_data (dict): Dictionary of Freysoldt correction metadata to plot (i.e. defect_entry.corrections_metadata["plot_data"][axis] where axis is one of [0, 1, 2] specifying which axis to plot along (a, b, c)). title (str): Title for the plot. Default is no title. ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object to plot on. If None, makes new figure. style_file (PathLike): Path to a mplstyle file to use for the plot. If None (default), uses the default doped style (from doped/utils/doped.mplstyle). """ if not plot_data["pot_plot_data"]: raise ValueError( "Input `plot_data` has no `pot_plot_data` entry. Cannot plot FNV potential " "alignment before running correction!" ) x = plot_data["pot_plot_data"]["x"] v_R = plot_data["pot_plot_data"]["Vr"] dft_diff = plot_data["pot_plot_data"]["dft_diff"] short_range = plot_data["pot_plot_data"]["short_range"] check = plot_data["pot_plot_data"]["check"] C = plot_data["pot_plot_data"]["shift"] style_file = style_file or f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/utils/doped.mplstyle" # enforce style, as style.context currently doesn't work with jupyter with if ax is None: plt.close("all") # close any previous figures fig, ax = plt.subplots() (line1,) = ax.plot(x, v_R, c="black", zorder=1, label="FNV long-range model ($V_{lr}$)") (line2,) = ax.plot(x, dft_diff, c="red", label=r"$\Delta$(Locpot)") (line3,) = ax.plot( x, short_range, c="green", label=r"$V_{sr}$ = $\Delta$(Locpot) - $V_{lr}$" + "\n(pre-alignment)", ) leg1 = ax.legend(handles=[line1, line2, line3], loc=9) # middle top legend ax.add_artist(leg1) # so isn't overwritten with later legend call line4 = ax.axhline(C, color="k", linestyle="--", label=f"Alignment constant C = {C:.3f} V") tmpx = [x[i] for i in range(check[0], check[1])] poly_coll = ax.fill_between(tmpx, -100, 100, facecolor="red", alpha=0.15, label="Sampling region") ax.legend(handles=[line4, poly_coll], loc=8) # bottom middle legend ax.set_xlim(round(x[0]), round(x[-1])) ymin = min(*v_R, *dft_diff, *short_range) ymax = max(*v_R, *dft_diff, *short_range) ax.set_ylim(-0.2 + ymin, 0.2 + ymax) ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance along axis ($\AA$)") ax.set_ylabel("Potential (V)") ax.axhline(y=0, linewidth=0.2, color="black") if title is not None: ax.set_title(str(title)) ax.set_xlim(0, max(x)) return ax
[docs] def get_kumagai_correction( defect_entry, dielectric: Optional[Union[float, int, np.ndarray, list]] = None, defect_region_radius: Optional[float] = None, excluded_indices: Optional[list[int]] = None, defect_outcar: Optional[Union[PathLike, Outcar]] = None, bulk_outcar: Optional[Union[PathLike, Outcar]] = None, plot: bool = False, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None, verbose: bool = True, style_file: Optional[PathLike] = None, **kwargs, ) -> CorrectionResult: """ Function to compute the Kumagai (eFNV) finite-size charge correction for the input defect_entry. Compatible with both isotropic/cubic and anisotropic systems. This function `does not` add the correction to ``defect_entry.corrections`` (but the defect_entry.get_kumagai_correction method does). If this correction is used, please cite the Kumagai & Oba (eFNV) paper: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.195205 and the ``pydefect`` paper: "Insights into oxygen vacancies from high-throughput first-principles calculations" Yu Kumagai, Naoki Tsunoda, Akira Takahashi, and Fumiyasu Oba Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 123803 (2021) -- 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.123803 Typically for reasonably well-converged supercell sizes, the default ``defect_region_radius`` works perfectly well. However, for certain materials at small/intermediate supercell sizes, you may want to adjust this (and/or ``excluded_indices``) to ensure the best sampling of the plateau region away from the defect position - ``doped`` should throw a warning in these cases (about the correction error being above the default tolerance (50 meV)). For example, with layered materials, the defect charge is often localised to one layer, so we may want to adjust ``defect_region_radius`` and/or ``excluded_indices`` to ensure that only sites in other layers are used for the sampling region (plateau) - see example on doped docs Tips page. Args: defect_entry (DefectEntry): DefectEntry object with the following for which to compute the Kumagai finite-size charge correction. dielectric (float or int or 3x1 matrix or 3x3 matrix): Total dielectric constance (ionic + static contributions), in the same xyz Cartesian basis as the supercell calculations (likely but not necessarily the same as the raw output of a VASP dielectric calculation, if an oddly-defined primitive cell is used). If ``None``, then the dielectric constant is taken from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. See for information on calculating and converging the dielectric constant. defect_region_radius (float): Radius of the defect region (in Å). Sites outside the defect region are used for sampling the electrostatic potential far from the defect (to obtain the potential alignment). If None (default), uses the Wigner-Seitz radius of the supercell. excluded_indices (list): List of site indices (in the defect supercell) to exclude from the site potential sampling in the correction calculation/plot. If None (default), no sites are excluded. defect_outcar (PathLike or Outcar): Path to the output VASP OUTCAR file from the defect supercell calculation, or the corresponding pymatgen Outcar object. If None, will try to use the ``defect_site_potentials`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. bulk_outcar (PathLike or Outcar): Path to the output VASP OUTCAR file from the bulk supercell calculation, or the corresponding pymatgen Outcar object. If None, will try to use the ``bulk_site_potentials`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. plot (bool): Whether to plot the Kumagai site potential plots (for manually checking the behaviour of the charge correction here). filename (PathLike): Filename to save the Kumagai site potential plots to. If None, plots are not saved. verbose (bool): Whether to print the correction energy (default = True). style_file (PathLike): Path to a mplstyle file to use for the plot. If None (default), uses the default doped style (from doped/utils/doped.mplstyle). **kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass to pydefect.corrections.efnv_correction.ExtendedFnvCorrection (e.g. charge, defect_region_radius, defect_coords). Returns: CorrectionResults (summary of the corrections applied and metadata), and the matplotlib figure object if ``plot`` is True. """ orig_simplefilter = warnings.simplefilter warnings.simplefilter = lambda *args, **kwargs: None # monkey-patch to avoid vise warning suppression # suppress pydefect INFO messages import logging try: from vise import user_settings user_settings.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) from pydefect.analyzer.calc_results import CalcResults from pydefect.analyzer.defect_structure_comparator import DefectStructureComparator from pydefect.cli.vasp.make_efnv_correction import calc_max_sphere_radius from pydefect.corrections.efnv_correction import ExtendedFnvCorrection, PotentialSite from pydefect.corrections.ewald import Ewald from pydefect.corrections.site_potential_plotter import SitePotentialMplPlotter from pydefect.defaults import defaults from pydefect.util.error_classes import SupercellError except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "To use the Kumagai (eFNV) charge correction, you need to install pydefect. " "You can do this by running `pip install pydefect`." ) from exc warnings.simplefilter = orig_simplefilter # reset to original def doped_make_efnv_correction( charge: float, calc_results: CalcResults, perfect_calc_results: CalcResults, dielectric_tensor: np.array, defect_region_radius: Optional[float] = None, defect_coords: Optional[Union[np.array, list]] = None, accuracy: float = defaults.ewald_accuracy, unit_conversion: float = 180.95128169876497, excluded_indices: Optional[list] = None, ): """ This is a modified version of pydefect's make_efnv_correction function (in pydefect.cli.vasp.make_efnv_correction) to allow the defect region radius to be adjusted (e.g. in cases of layered materials, where often the defect charge is localised to one layer, so we likely want to adjust the defect region radius to ensure that only `other` layers are used for the sampling (plateau) region). If defect_region_radius is not specified, then the ``pydefect`` default (which is the Wigner-Seitz region of the supercell) is used. Notes: (1) The formula written in YK2014 need to be divided by 4pi in the SI unit. (2) When assuming an element charge locate at the defect_coords and angstrom for length, relative dielectric tensor, Multiply elementary_charge * 1e10 / epsilon_0 = 180.95128169876497 to make potential in V. """ if calc_results.structure.lattice != perfect_calc_results.structure.lattice: raise SupercellError("The lattice constants for defect and perfect models are different") structure_analyzer = DefectStructureComparator( calc_results.structure, perfect_calc_results.structure ) if defect_coords is None: defect_coords = structure_analyzer.defect_center_coord lattice = calc_results.structure.lattice sites, rel_coords = [], [] excluded_indices = [] if excluded_indices is None else [int(i) for i in excluded_indices] for d, p in structure_analyzer.atom_mapping.items(): if d not in excluded_indices: specie = str(calc_results.structure[d].specie) frac_coords = calc_results.structure[d].frac_coords distance, _ = lattice.get_distance_and_image(defect_coords, frac_coords) pot = calc_results.potentials[d] - perfect_calc_results.potentials[p] sites.append(PotentialSite(specie, distance, pot, None)) coord = calc_results.structure[d].frac_coords rel_coords.append([x - y for x, y in zip(coord, defect_coords)]) lattice = calc_results.structure.lattice ewald = Ewald(lattice.matrix, dielectric_tensor, accuracy=accuracy) point_charge_correction = -ewald.lattice_energy * charge**2 if charge else 0.0 if defect_region_radius is None: defect_region_radius = calc_max_sphere_radius(lattice.matrix) for site, rel_coord in zip(sites, rel_coords): if site.distance > defect_region_radius: if charge == 0: site.pc_potential = 0 else: site.pc_potential = ewald.atomic_site_potential(rel_coord) * charge * unit_conversion return ExtendedFnvCorrection( charge=charge, point_charge_correction=point_charge_correction * unit_conversion, defect_region_radius=defect_region_radius, sites=sites, defect_coords=tuple(defect_coords), ) # ensure calculation_metadata are decoded in case defect_dict was reloaded from json if hasattr(defect_entry, "calculation_metadata"): _monty_decode_nested_dicts(defect_entry.calculation_metadata) if dielectric is None: dielectric = _get_and_check_metadata(defect_entry, "dielectric", "Dielectric constant") dielectric = _convert_dielectric_to_tensor(dielectric) core_potentials_dict = {} for key, outcar in zip(["defect", "bulk"], [defect_outcar, bulk_outcar]): total_energy = [] with contextlib.suppress(Exception): total_energy.append( if key == "defect" else ) total_energy.append( defect_entry.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"][f"{key}_vasprun_dict"]["output"][ "ionic_steps" ][-1]["electronic_steps"][-1]["e_0_energy"] ) if outcar is not None: core_potentials_dict[key] = _check_if_pathlike_and_get_locpot_or_core_pots( outcar, obj_type="outcar", dir_type=key, total_energy=total_energy ) else: core_potentials_dict[key] = _get_and_check_metadata( defect_entry, f"{key}_site_potentials", f"{key.capitalize()} OUTCAR (for atomic site potentials)", ) defect_supercell = _get_defect_supercell(defect_entry).copy() defect_supercell.remove_oxidation_states() # pydefect needs structure without oxidation states defect_calc_results_for_eFNV = CalcResults( structure=defect_supercell, energy=np.inf, magnetization=np.inf, potentials=core_potentials_dict["defect"], ) bulk_supercell = _get_bulk_supercell(defect_entry).copy() bulk_supercell.remove_oxidation_states() # pydefect needs structure without oxidation states if bulk_supercell.lattice != defect_supercell.lattice: # pydefect will crash # check if the difference is tolerable (< 0.01 Å) if not np.allclose(bulk_supercell.lattice.matrix, defect_supercell.lattice.matrix, atol=1e-2): warnings.warn( f"Bulk and defect supercells have different lattices, and so the eFNV (Kumagai) " f"correction may be unreliable!" f"\nBulk lattice:\n{bulk_supercell.lattice}\nDefect lattice:\n{defect_supercell.lattice}" ) # scale bulk lattice to match defect lattice, so pydefect doesn't crash: bulk_supercell.lattice = defect_supercell.lattice bulk_calc_results_for_eFNV = CalcResults( structure=bulk_supercell, energy=np.inf, magnetization=np.inf, potentials=core_potentials_dict["bulk"], ) efnv_correction = doped_make_efnv_correction( charge=defect_entry.charge_state, calc_results=defect_calc_results_for_eFNV, perfect_calc_results=bulk_calc_results_for_eFNV, dielectric_tensor=dielectric, defect_coords=_get_defect_supercell_bulk_site_coords( defect_entry ), # _relaxed_ defect coords (except for vacancies) defect_region_radius=defect_region_radius, excluded_indices=excluded_indices, **kwargs, ) kumagai_correction_result = CorrectionResult( correction_energy=efnv_correction.correction_energy, metadata={"pydefect_ExtendedFnvCorrection": efnv_correction}, ) if verbose: print( f"Calculated Kumagai (eFNV) correction is {kumagai_correction_result.correction_energy:.3f} eV" ) if not plot and filename is None: return kumagai_correction_result with contextlib.suppress(Exception): from shakenbreak.plotting import _install_custom_font _install_custom_font() # in case not installed already spp = SitePotentialMplPlotter.from_efnv_corr( title=f"{format_defect_name(, False)} - eFNV Site Potentials", efnv_correction=efnv_correction, ) style_file = style_file or f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/utils/doped.mplstyle" # enforce style, as style.context currently doesn't work with jupyter with plt.close("all") # close any previous figures spp.construct_plot() fig = spp.plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() # reformat plot slightly: x_lims = ax.get_xlim() y_lims = ax.get_ylim() # shade in sampling region: spp.plt.fill_between( [spp.defect_region_radius, x_lims[1]], *y_lims, color="purple", alpha=0.15, label="Sampling Region", ) spp.plt.ylim(*y_lims) # reset y-lims after fill_between # update legend: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() labels = [ label.replace("point charge", "Point Charge (PC)").replace( "potential difference", r"$\Delta V$" ) for label in labels ] dummy_h = Element("H") # dummy element to check if valid symbol labels = [ label + r" ($V_{defect} - V_{bulk}$)" if dummy_h.is_valid_symbol(label) else label for label in labels ] # add entry for dashed red line: handles += [Line2D([0], [0], **spp._mpl_defaults.hline)] labels += [ rf"Avg. $\Delta V$ = {spp.ave_pot_diff:.3f} V", ] ax.legend_.remove() ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="best", borderaxespad=0, fontsize=8) ax.set_xlabel(f"Distance from defect ({spp._x_unit})", size=spp._mpl_defaults.label_font_size) if filename: spp.plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, backend=_get_backend(filename)) return kumagai_correction_result, fig