Source code for doped.core

Core functions and classes for defects in doped.

import collections
import contextlib
import warnings
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from functools import reduce
from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue, current_process
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn
from pymatgen.analysis.bond_valence import BVAnalyzer
from pymatgen.analysis.defects import core, thermo, utils
from pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher import ElementComparator, SpeciesComparator, StructureMatcher
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition, Element
from pymatgen.core.structure import IStructure, PeriodicSite, Structure
from pymatgen.entries.computed_entries import ComputedEntry, ComputedStructureEntry
from import Locpot, Outcar, Procar, Vasprun
from pymatgen.util.typing import PathLike
from scipy.constants import value as constants_value
from scipy.stats import sem

from doped import _doped_obj_properties_methods


    from easyunfold.procar import Procar as EasyunfoldProcar

_orientational_degeneracy_warning = (
    "The defect supercell has been detected to possibly have a non-scalar matrix expansion, "
    "which could be breaking the cell periodicity and possibly preventing the correct _relaxed_ "
    "point group symmetries (and thus orientational degeneracies) from being automatically "
    "This will not affect defect formation energies / transition levels, but is important for "
    "concentrations/doping/Fermi level behaviour (see e.g. & "
    "You can manually check (and edit) the computed defect/bulk point symmetries and "
    "corresponding orientational degeneracy factors by inspecting/editing the "
    "calculation_metadata['relaxed point symmetry']/['bulk site symmetry'] and "
    "degeneracy_factors['orientational degeneracy'] attributes."

[docs] @dataclass class DefectEntry(thermo.DefectEntry): """ Subclass of ``pymatgen.analysis.defects.thermo.DefectEntry`` with additional attributes used by ``doped``. Core Attributes: defect: ``doped``/``pymatgen`` defect object corresponding to the defect in the entry. charge_state: Charge state of the defect. sc_entry: ``pymatgen`` ``ComputedStructureEntry`` for the `defect` supercell. sc_defect_frac_coords: The fractional coordinates of the defect in the supercell. bulk_entry: ``pymatgen`` ``ComputedEntry`` for the bulk supercell reference. Required for calculating the defect formation energy. corrections: A dictionary of energy corrections which are summed and added to the defect formation energy. corrections_metadata: A dictionary that acts as a generic container for storing information about how the corrections were calculated. Only used for debugging and plotting purposes. Parsing Attributes: calculation_metadata: A dictionary of calculation parameters and data, used to perform charge corrections and compute formation energies. degeneracy_factors: A dictionary of degeneracy factors contributing to the total degeneracy of the defect species (such as spin and configurational degeneracy etc). This is an important factor in the defect concentration equation (see discussion in and, and so affects the output of the defect concentration / Fermi level functions. This can be edited by the user if the ``doped`` defaults are not appropriate (e.g. ``doped`` assumes singlet (S=0) state for even-electron defects and doublet (S=1/2) state for odd-electron defects, which is typically the case but can have triplets (S=1) or other multiplets for e.g. bipolarons, quantum / d-orbital / magnetic defects etc.); see for discussion. Generation Attributes: name: The ``doped``-generated name of the defect entry. See docstrings of ``DefectsGenerator`` for the doped naming algorithm. conventional_structure: Conventional cell structure of the host according to the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (BCS) definition, used to determine defect site Wyckoff labels and multiplicities. conv_cell_frac_coords: Fractional coordinates of the defect in the conventional cell. equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords: Symmetry-equivalent defect positions in fractional coordinates of the conventional cell. _BilbaoCS_conv_cell_vector_mapping: A vector mapping the lattice vectors of the ``spglib``-defined conventional cell to that of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server definition (for most space groups the definitions are the same). wyckoff: Wyckoff label of the defect site. charge_state_guessing_log: A log of the input & computed values used to determine charge state probabilities. defect_supercell: ``pymatgen`` ``Structure`` object of the defect supercell. defect_supercell_site: ``pymatgen`` ``PeriodicSite`` object of the defect in the defect supercell. equivalent_supercell_sites: List of ``pymatgen`` ``PeriodicSite`` objects of symmetry-equivalent defect sites in the defect supercell. bulk_supercell: ``pymatgen`` ``Structure`` object of the bulk (pristine, defect-free) supercell. """ # core attributes: defect: "Defect" charge_state: int sc_entry: ComputedStructureEntry corrections: dict[str, float] = field(default_factory=dict) corrections_metadata: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) sc_defect_frac_coords: Optional[tuple[float, float, float]] = None bulk_entry: Optional[ComputedEntry] = None entry_id: Optional[str] = None # doped attributes: name: str = "" calculation_metadata: dict = field(default_factory=dict) degeneracy_factors: dict = field(default_factory=dict) conventional_structure: Optional[Structure] = None conv_cell_frac_coords: Optional[np.ndarray] = None equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords: list[np.ndarray] = field(default_factory=list) _BilbaoCS_conv_cell_vector_mapping: list[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0, 1, 2]) wyckoff: Optional[str] = None charge_state_guessing_log: dict = field(default_factory=dict) defect_supercell: Optional[Structure] = None defect_supercell_site: Optional[PeriodicSite] = None # TODO: Add `from_structures` method to # doped DefectEntry?? (Yeah would prob be useful function to have for porting over stuff from other # codes etc) equivalent_supercell_sites: list[PeriodicSite] = field(default_factory=list) bulk_supercell: Optional[Structure] = None _bulk_entry_energy: Optional[float] = None _bulk_entry_hash: Optional[int] = None _sc_entry_energy: Optional[float] = None _sc_entry_hash: Optional[int] = None def __post_init__(self): """ Post-initialization method, using super() and self.defect. """ if self.sc_entry is None and not self.entry_id: self.entry_id = "N/A" # otherwise crashes unnecessarily with pymatgen defects super().__post_init__() if not # try get using doped functions: try: from doped.generation import get_defect_name_from_defect name_wout_charge = get_defect_name_from_defect(self.defect) except Exception: name_wout_charge = str = ( f"{name_wout_charge}_{'+' if self.charge_state > 0 else ''}{self.charge_state}" )
[docs] def to_json(self, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None): """ Save the ``DefectEntry`` object to a json file, which can be reloaded with the ``DefectEntry.from_json()`` class method. Note that file extensions with ".gz" will be automatically compressed (recommended to save space)! Args: filename (PathLike): Filename to save json file as. If None, the filename will be set as ``{}.json.gz``. """ if filename is None: filename = f"{}.json.gz" dumpfn(self, filename)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, filename: str): """ Load a ``DefectEntry`` object from a json(.gz) file. Note that ``.json.gz`` files can be loaded directly. Args: filename (PathLike): Filename of json file to load ``DefectEntry`` from. Returns: ``DefectEntry`` object """ return loadfn(filename)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary representation of the ``DefectEntry`` object. """ # ignore warning about oxidation states not summing to Structure charge: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*unset_charge.*") self_dict = asdict(self) if self.calculation_metadata and self.calculation_metadata.get("eigenvalue_data"): for key in list(self.calculation_metadata["eigenvalue_data"].keys()): self_dict["calculation_metadata"]["eigenvalue_data"][key] = self.calculation_metadata[ "eigenvalue_data" ][key].as_dict() return self_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: dict): """ Class method to create a ``DefectEntry`` object from a dictionary. Defined to avoid unnecessary ``vise``/``pydefect`` INFO messages. Args: d (dict): Dictionary representation of the ``DefectEntry`` object. Returns: ``DefectEntry`` object """ orig_simplefilter = warnings.simplefilter warnings.simplefilter = lambda *args, **kwargs: None # avoid vise warning suppression from doped.utils.parsing import suppress_logging with suppress_logging(): obj = super().from_dict(d) warnings.simplefilter = orig_simplefilter # reset to original return obj
def _check_correction_error_and_return_output( self, correction_output, correction_error, return_correction_error=False, type="FNV", error_tolerance=0.05, ): if return_correction_error: if isinstance(correction_output, tuple): # correction_output may be a tuple, so amalgamate: return (*correction_output, correction_error) return correction_output, correction_error if ( correction_error > error_tolerance ): # greater than 50 meV error in charge correction, warn the user if error_tolerance >= 0.01: # if greater than 10 meV, round energy values to meV: error_val_string = f"{correction_error:.3f}" error_tol_string = f"{error_tolerance:.3f}" else: # else give in scientific notation: error_val_string = f"{correction_error:.2e}" error_tol_string = f"{error_tolerance:.2e}" warnings.warn( f"Estimated error in the {'Freysoldt (FNV)' if type == 'FNV' else 'Kumagai (eFNV)'} " f"charge correction for defect {} is {error_val_string} eV (i.e. which is " f"greater than the `error_tolerance`: {error_tol_string} eV). You may want to check " f"the accuracy of the correction by plotting the site potential differences (using " f"`defect_entry.get_{'freysoldt' if type == 'FNV' else 'kumagai'}_correction()` with " f"`plot=True`). Large errors are often due to unstable or shallow defect charge states (" f"which can't be accurately modelled with the supercell approach; see " f" " f"If this error is not acceptable, you may need to use a larger supercell for more " f"accurate energies." ) return correction_output
[docs] def get_freysoldt_correction( self, dielectric: Optional[Union[float, int, np.ndarray, list]] = None, defect_locpot: Optional[Union[PathLike, Locpot, dict]] = None, bulk_locpot: Optional[Union[PathLike, Locpot, dict]] = None, plot: bool = False, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None, axis=None, return_correction_error: bool = False, error_tolerance: float = 0.05, style_file: Optional[PathLike] = None, **kwargs, ) -> utils.CorrectionResult: """ Compute the `isotropic` Freysoldt (FNV) correction for the defect_entry. The correction is added to the ``defect_entry.corrections`` dictionary (to be used in following formation energy calculations). If this correction is used, please cite Freysoldt's original paper; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.016402. The charge correction error is estimated by computing the average standard deviation of the planar-averaged potential difference in the sampling region, and multiplying by the defect charge. This is expected to be a lower bound estimate of the true charge correction error. Args: dielectric (float or int or 3x1 matrix or 3x3 matrix): Total dielectric constance (ionic + static contributions), in the same xyz Cartesian basis as the supercell calculations (likely but not necessarily the same as the raw output of a VASP dielectric calculation, if an oddly-defined primitive cell is used). If ``None``, then the dielectric constant is taken from the ``DefectEntry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. See for information on calculating and converging the dielectric constant. defect_locpot: Path to the output VASP ``LOCPOT`` file from the defect supercell calculation, or the corresponding ``pymatgen`` ``Locpot`` object, or a dictionary of the planar-averaged potential in the form: ``{i: Locpot.get_average_along_axis(i) for i in [0,1,2]}``. If None, will try to use ``defect_locpot`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. bulk_locpot: Path to the output VASP ``LOCPOT`` file from the bulk supercell calculation, or the corresponding ``pymatgen`` ``Locpot`` object, or a dictionary of the planar-averaged potential in the form: ``{i: Locpot.get_average_along_axis(i) for i in [0,1,2]}``. If None, will try to use ``bulk_locpot`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. plot (bool): Whether to plot the FNV electrostatic potential plots (for manually checking the behaviour of the charge correction here). filename (PathLike): Filename to save the FNV electrostatic potential plots to. If None, plots are not saved. axis (int or None): If int, then the FNV electrostatic potential plot along the specified axis (0, 1, 2 for a, b, c) will be plotted. Note that the output charge correction is still that for `all` axes. If None, then all three axes are plotted. return_correction_error (bool): If True, also returns the average standard deviation of the planar-averaged potential difference times the defect charge (which gives an estimate of the error range of the correction energy). Default is False. error_tolerance (float): If the estimated error in the charge correction, based on the variance of the potential in the sampling region, is greater than this value (in eV), then a warning is raised. (default: 0.05 eV) style_file (PathLike): Path to a ``.mplstyle`` file to use for the plot. If ``None`` (default), uses the default doped style (from ``doped/utils/doped.mplstyle``). **kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass to ``pymatgen.analysis.defects.corrections.freysoldt.get_freysoldt_correction`` (e.g. energy_cutoff, mad_tol, q_model, step). Returns: utils.CorrectionResults (summary of the corrections applied and metadata), and the matplotlib figure object (or axis object if axis specified) if ``plot`` is True, and the estimated charge correction error if ``return_correction_error`` is True. """ from doped.corrections import get_freysoldt_correction if dielectric is None: dielectric = self.calculation_metadata.get("dielectric") if dielectric is None: raise ValueError( "No dielectric constant provided, either as a function argument or in " "defect_entry.calculation_metadata." ) fnv_correction_output = get_freysoldt_correction( defect_entry=self, dielectric=dielectric, defect_locpot=defect_locpot, bulk_locpot=bulk_locpot, plot=plot, filename=filename, axis=axis, style_file=style_file, **kwargs, ) correction = fnv_correction_output if not plot and filename is None else fnv_correction_output[0] self.corrections.update({"freysoldt_charge_correction": correction.correction_energy}) self._check_if_multiple_finite_size_corrections() self.corrections_metadata.update({"freysoldt_charge_correction": correction.metadata.copy()}) # check accuracy of correction: correction_error = np.mean( [ np.sqrt( correction.metadata["plot_data"][i]["pot_corr_uncertainty_md"]["stats"]["variance"] ) for i in [0, 1, 2] ] ) * abs(self.charge_state) self.corrections_metadata.update({"freysoldt_charge_correction_error": correction_error}) return self._check_correction_error_and_return_output( fnv_correction_output, correction_error, return_correction_error, type="FNV", error_tolerance=error_tolerance, )
[docs] def get_kumagai_correction( self, dielectric: Optional[Union[float, int, np.ndarray, list]] = None, defect_region_radius: Optional[float] = None, excluded_indices: Optional[list[int]] = None, defect_outcar: Optional[Union[PathLike, Outcar]] = None, bulk_outcar: Optional[Union[PathLike, Outcar]] = None, plot: bool = False, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None, return_correction_error: bool = False, error_tolerance: float = 0.05, style_file: Optional[PathLike] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Compute the Kumagai (eFNV) finite-size charge correction for the defect_entry. Compatible with both isotropic/cubic and anisotropic systems. The correction is added to the ``defect_entry.corrections`` dictionary (to be used in following formation energy calculations). Typically for reasonably well-converged supercell sizes, the default ``defect_region_radius`` works perfectly well. However, for certain materials at small/intermediate supercell sizes, you may want to adjust this (and/or ``excluded_indices``) to ensure the best sampling of the plateau region away from the defect position - ``doped`` should throw a warning in these cases (about the correction error being above the default tolerance (50 meV)). For example, with layered materials, the defect charge is often localised to one layer, so we may want to adjust ``defect_region_radius`` and/or ``excluded_indices`` to ensure that only sites in other layers are used for the sampling region (plateau) - see example on doped docs ``Tips`` page. The correction error is estimated by computing the standard error of the mean of the sampled site potential differences, multiplied by the defect charge. This is expected to be a lower bound estimate of the true charge correction error. If this correction is used, please cite the Kumagai & Oba (eFNV) paper: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.195205 and the ``pydefect`` paper: "Insights into oxygen vacancies from high-throughput first-principles calculations" Yu Kumagai, Naoki Tsunoda, Akira Takahashi, and Fumiyasu Oba Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 123803 (2021) -- 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.123803 Args: dielectric (float or int or 3x1 matrix or 3x3 matrix): Total dielectric constance (ionic + static contributions), in the same xyz Cartesian basis as the supercell calculations (likely but not necessarily the same as the raw output of a VASP dielectric calculation, if an oddly-defined primitive cell is used). If ``None``, then the dielectric constant is taken from the ``DefectEntry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. See for information on calculating and converging the dielectric constant. defect_region_radius (float): Radius of the defect region (in Å). Sites outside the defect region are used for sampling the electrostatic potential far from the defect (to obtain the potential alignment). If None (default), uses the Wigner-Seitz radius of the supercell. excluded_indices (list): List of site indices (in the defect supercell) to exclude from the site potential sampling in the correction calculation/plot. If None (default), no sites are excluded. defect_outcar (PathLike or Outcar): Path to the output VASP OUTCAR file from the defect supercell calculation, or the corresponding ``pymatgen`` Outcar object. If None, will try to use the ``defect_supercell_site_potentials`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. bulk_outcar (PathLike or Outcar): Path to the output VASP OUTCAR file from the bulk supercell calculation, or the corresponding ``pymatgen`` Outcar object. If None, will try to use the ``bulk_supercell_site_potentials`` from the ``defect_entry`` ``calculation_metadata`` if available. plot (bool): Whether to plot the Kumagai site potential plots (for manually checking the behaviour of the charge correction here). filename (PathLike): Filename to save the Kumagai site potential plots to. If None, plots are not saved. return_correction_error (bool): If True, also returns the standard error of the mean of the sampled site potential differences times the defect charge (which gives an estimate of the error range of the correction energy). Default is False. error_tolerance (float): If the estimated error in the charge correction, based on the variance of the potential in the sampling region, is greater than this value (in eV), then a warning is raised. (default: 0.05 eV) style_file (PathLike): Path to a ``.mplstyle`` file to use for the plot. If ``None`` (default), uses the default doped style (from ``doped/utils/doped.mplstyle``). **kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass to pydefect.corrections.efnv_correction.ExtendedFnvCorrection (e.g. charge, defect_region_radius, defect_coords). Returns: utils.CorrectionResults (summary of the corrections applied and metadata), and the matplotlib figure object if ``plot`` is True, and the estimated charge correction error if ``return_correction_error`` is True. """ from doped.corrections import get_kumagai_correction if dielectric is None: dielectric = self.calculation_metadata.get("dielectric") if dielectric is None: raise ValueError( "No dielectric constant provided, either as a function argument or in " "defect_entry.calculation_metadata." ) efnv_correction_output = get_kumagai_correction( defect_entry=self, dielectric=dielectric, defect_region_radius=defect_region_radius, excluded_indices=excluded_indices, defect_outcar=defect_outcar, bulk_outcar=bulk_outcar, plot=plot, filename=filename, style_file=style_file, **kwargs, ) correction = efnv_correction_output if not plot and filename is None else efnv_correction_output[0] self.corrections.update({"kumagai_charge_correction": correction.correction_energy}) self._check_if_multiple_finite_size_corrections() self.corrections_metadata.update({"kumagai_charge_correction": correction.metadata.copy()}) # check accuracy of correction: efnv_corr_obj = correction.metadata["pydefect_ExtendedFnvCorrection"] sampled_pot_diff_array = np.array( [s.diff_pot for s in efnv_corr_obj.sites if s.distance > efnv_corr_obj.defect_region_radius] ) # correction energy error can be estimated from standard error of the mean: correction_error = sem(sampled_pot_diff_array) * abs(self.charge_state) self.corrections_metadata.update({"kumagai_charge_correction_error": correction_error}) return self._check_correction_error_and_return_output( efnv_correction_output, correction_error, return_correction_error, type="eFNV", error_tolerance=error_tolerance, )
def _load_and_parse_eigenvalue_data( self, bulk_vr: Optional[Union[PathLike, Vasprun]] = None, bulk_procar: Optional[Union[PathLike, "EasyunfoldProcar", Procar]] = None, defect_vr: Optional[Union[PathLike, Vasprun]] = None, defect_procar: Optional[Union[PathLike, "EasyunfoldProcar", Procar]] = None, force_reparse: bool = False, ): """ Load and parse the eigenvalue data for the defect entry, if not already present in the ``calculation_metadata``. Args: bulk_vr (PathLike, Vasprun): Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` output file or a ``pymatgen`` ``Vasprun`` object, for the reference bulk supercell calculation. If ``None`` (default), tries to load the ``Vasprun`` object from ``self.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"]["bulk_vasprun_dict"]``, or, failing that, from a ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["bulk_path"]``. bulk_procar (PathLike, EasyunfoldProcar, Procar): Not required if projected eigenvalue data available from ``bulk_vr`` (i.e. ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file from ``LORBIT > 10`` calculation). Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``PROCAR(.gz)`` output file (with ``LORBIT > 10`` in the ``INCAR``) or an ``easyunfold``/ ``pymatgen`` ``Procar`` object, for the reference bulk supercell calculation. If ``None`` (default), tries to load from a ``PROCAR(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["bulk_path"]``. defect_vr (PathLike, Vasprun): Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` output file or a ``pymatgen`` ``Vasprun`` object, for the defect supercell calculation. If ``None`` (default), tries to load the ``Vasprun`` object from ``self.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"]["defect_vasprun_dict"]``, or, failing that, from a ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["defect_path"]``. defect_procar (PathLike, EasyunfoldProcar, Procar): Not required if projected eigenvalue data available from ``defect_vr`` (i.e. ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file from ``LORBIT > 10`` calculation). Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``PROCAR(.gz)`` output file (with ``LORBIT > 10`` in the ``INCAR``) or an ``easyunfold``/ ``pymatgen`` ``Procar`` object, for the defect supercell calculation. If ``None``(default), tries to load from a ``PROCAR(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["defect_path"]``. force_reparse (bool): Whether to force re-parsing of the eigenvalue data, even if already present in the ``calculation_metadata``. """ if self.calculation_metadata.get("eigenvalue_data") is not None and not force_reparse: return from doped.utils.eigenvalues import _parse_procar, get_band_edge_info from doped.utils.parsing import ( _get_output_files_and_check_if_multiple, _multiple_files_warning, get_procar, get_vasprun, ) parsed_vr_procar_dict = {} for vr, procar, label in [(bulk_vr, bulk_procar, "bulk"), (defect_vr, defect_procar, "defect")]: path = self.calculation_metadata.get(f"{label}_path") if vr is not None and not isinstance(vr, Vasprun): # just try loading from vasprun first with contextlib.suppress(Exception): vr = get_vasprun(vr, parse_projected_eigen=True) # noqa: PLW2901 if vr is None or (isinstance(vr, Vasprun) and vr.projected_eigenvalues is None): ( # try load from path: vr_path, multiple, ) = _get_output_files_and_check_if_multiple("vasprun.xml", path) if multiple: _multiple_files_warning( "vasprun.xml", path, vr_path, dir_type=label, ) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): vr = get_vasprun(vr_path, parse_projected_eigen=True) # noqa: PLW2901 if vr is None and procar is not None: # then try take from vasprun dict: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): vr = Vasprun.from_dict( # noqa: PLW2901 self.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"][f"{label}_vasprun_dict"] ) if not isinstance(vr, Vasprun): raise FileNotFoundError( f"No {label} 'vasprun.xml(.gz)' file found (and successfully parsed) in path: " f"{path}. Required for eigenvalue analysis!" ) # try load procar data, to see if projected eigenvalues are available: if procar is not None and vr.projected_eigenvalues is None: procar = _parse_procar(procar) # noqa: PLW2901 if procar is None and path is not None and vr.projected_eigenvalues is None: # no procar, try parse from directory: try: procar_path, multiple = _get_output_files_and_check_if_multiple("PROCAR", path) if multiple: _multiple_files_warning( "PROCAR", path, procar_path, dir_type=label, ) procar = get_procar(procar_path) # noqa: PLW2901 except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError): procar = None # noqa: PLW2901 if procar is None and (vr is None or vr.projected_eigenvalues is None): raise FileNotFoundError( f"No {label} 'PROCAR' or 'vasprun.xml(.gz)' file found (and successfully parsed) with " f"projected orbitals in path: {path}. Required for eigenvalue analysis!" ) parsed_vr_procar_dict[label] = (vr, procar) bulk_vr, bulk_procar = parsed_vr_procar_dict["bulk"] defect_vr, defect_procar = parsed_vr_procar_dict["defect"] band_orb, vbm_info, cbm_info = get_band_edge_info( bulk_vr=bulk_vr, defect_vr=defect_vr, bulk_procar=bulk_procar, # may be None, in which case Vasprun.projected_eigenvalues used defect_procar=defect_procar, # may be None, in which case Vasprun.projected_eigenvalues used defect_supercell_site=self.defect_supercell_site, ) self.calculation_metadata["eigenvalue_data"] = { "band_orb": band_orb, "vbm_info": vbm_info, "cbm_info": cbm_info, } # delete projected_eigenvalues attribute from defect_vr if present to expedite garbage # collection and thus reduce memory: defect_vr.projected_eigenvalues = None # but keep for bulk_vr as this is likely being re-used
[docs] def get_eigenvalue_analysis( self, plot: bool = True, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None, bulk_vr: Optional[Union[PathLike, Vasprun]] = None, bulk_procar: Optional[Union[PathLike, "EasyunfoldProcar", Procar]] = None, defect_vr: Optional[Union[PathLike, Vasprun]] = None, defect_procar: Optional[Union[PathLike, "EasyunfoldProcar", Procar]] = None, force_reparse: bool = False, **kwargs, ): r""" Returns information about the band edge and in-gap electronic states and their orbital character / localisation degree for the defect entry, as well as a plot of the single-particle electronic eigenvalues and their occupation (if ``plot=True``). Can be used to determine if a defect is adopting a perturbed host state (PHS / shallow state), see If eigenvalue data has not already been parsed for ``DefectEntry`` (default in ``doped`` is to parse this data with ``DefectsParser``/ ``DefectParser``, as controlled by the ``parse_projected_eigen`` flag), then this function will attempt to load the eigenvalue data from either the input ``Vasprun``/``PROCAR`` objects or files, or from the ``bulk/defect_path``\s in ``defect_entry.calculation_metadata``. If so, will initially try to load orbital projections from ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` files (slightly slower but more accurate), or failing that from ``PROCAR(.gz)`` files if present. This function uses code from ``pydefect``, so please cite the ``pydefect`` paper: "Insights into oxygen vacancies from high-throughput first-principles calculations" Yu Kumagai, Naoki Tsunoda, Akira Takahashi, and Fumiyasu Oba Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 123803 (2021) -- 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.123803 Args: plot (bool): Whether to plot the single-particle eigenvalues. (Default: True) filename (PathLike): Filename to save the eigenvalue plot to (if ``plot = True``). If ``None`` (default), plots are not saved. bulk_vr (PathLike, Vasprun): Not required if eigenvalue data has already been parsed for ``DefectEntry`` (default behaviour when parsing with ``doped``, data in ``defect_entry.calculation_metadata["eigenvalue_data"]``). Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` output file or a ``pymatgen`` ``Vasprun`` object, for the reference bulk supercell calculation. If ``None`` (default), tries to load the ``Vasprun`` object from ``self.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"]["bulk_vasprun_dict"]``, or, failing that, from a ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["bulk_path"]``. bulk_procar (PathLike, EasyunfoldProcar, Procar): Not required if eigenvalue data has already been parsed for ``DefectEntry`` (default behaviour when parsing with ``doped``, data in ``defect_entry.calculation_metadata["eigenvalue_data"]``), or if ``bulk_vr`` was parsed with ``parse_projected_eigen = True``. Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``PROCAR`` output file (with ``LORBIT > 10`` in the ``INCAR``) or an ``easyunfold``/ ``pymatgen`` ``Procar`` object, for the reference bulk supercell calculation. If ``None`` (default), tries to load from a ``PROCAR(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["bulk_path"]``. defect_vr (PathLike, Vasprun): Not required if eigenvalue data has already been parsed for ``DefectEntry`` (default behaviour when parsing with ``doped``, data in ``defect_entry.calculation_metadata["eigenvalue_data"]``). Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` output file or a ``pymatgen`` ``Vasprun`` object, for the defect supercell calculation. If ``None`` (default), tries to load the ``Vasprun`` object from ``self.calculation_metadata["run_metadata"]["defect_vasprun_dict"]``, or, failing that, from a ``vasprun.xml(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["defect_path"]``. defect_procar (PathLike, EasyunfoldProcar, Procar): Not required if eigenvalue data has already been parsed for ``DefectEntry`` (default behaviour when parsing with ``doped``, data in ``defect_entry.calculation_metadata["eigenvalue_data"]``), or if ``defect_vr`` was parsed with ``parse_projected_eigen = True``. Either a path to the ``VASP`` ``PROCAR`` output file (with ``LORBIT > 10`` in the ``INCAR``) or an ``easyunfold``/ ``pymatgen`` ``Procar`` object, for the defect supercell calculation. If ``None`` (default), tries to load from a ``PROCAR(.gz)`` file at ``self.calculation_metadata["defect_path"]``. force_reparse (bool): Whether to force re-parsing of the eigenvalue data, even if already present in the ``calculation_metadata``. **kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass to ``doped.utils.eigenvalues.get_eigenvalue_analysis``, such as ``style_file``, ``ks_levels``, ``ylims``, ``legend_kwargs``, ``similar_orb_criterion``, ``similar_energy_criterion``. Returns: ``pydefect`` ``BandEdgeStates`` object and ``matplotlib`` ``Figure`` object (if ``plot=True``). """ from doped.utils.eigenvalues import get_eigenvalue_analysis self._load_and_parse_eigenvalue_data( bulk_vr=bulk_vr, bulk_procar=bulk_procar, defect_vr=defect_vr, defect_procar=defect_procar, force_reparse=force_reparse, ) if self.calculation_metadata.get("eigenvalue_data") is None: raise ValueError( "No projected eigenvalues/orbitals loaded for DefectEntry. Please parse your defects with " "parse_projected_eigen = True (with `DefectsParser`/`DefectParser`) or provide the " "necessary VASP output files for the defect and bulk supercells (see docstring)." ) return get_eigenvalue_analysis(self, plot=plot, filename=filename, **kwargs)
def _get_chempot_term(self, chemical_potentials=None) -> float: chemical_potentials = chemical_potentials or {} element_changes = {elt.symbol: change for elt, change in self.defect.element_changes.items()} missing_elts = [elt for elt in element_changes if elt not in chemical_potentials] if missing_elts: warnings.warn( f"Chemical potentials not present for elements: {missing_elts}. Assuming zero chemical " "potentials for these elements! (Absolute formation energies will likely be very " "inaccurate)" ) return sum( chem_pot * -element_changes[el] for el, chem_pot in chemical_potentials.items() if el in element_changes )
[docs] def get_ediff(self) -> float: """ Get the energy difference between the defect and bulk supercell calculations, including finite-size corrections. Refactored from ``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` to be more efficient, reducing compute times when looping over formation energy / concentration functions. """ if self.bulk_entry is None: raise RuntimeError( "Attempting to compute the energy difference without a defined bulk entry for the " "DefectEntry object!" ) return self.corrected_energy - self.bulk_entry_energy
@property def corrected_energy(self) -> float: """ Get the energy of the defect supercell calculation, with `all` corrections (in ``DefectEntry.corrections``) applied. Refactored from ``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` to be more efficient, reducing compute times when looping over formation energy / concentration functions. """ self._check_if_multiple_finite_size_corrections() return self.sc_entry_energy + sum(self.corrections.values()) def _check_if_multiple_finite_size_corrections(self): """ Checks that there is no double counting of finite-size charge corrections, in the defect_entry.corrections dict. """ matching_finite_size_correction_keys = { key for key in self.corrections if any(x in key for x in ["FNV", "freysoldt", "Freysoldt", "Kumagai", "kumagai"]) } if len(matching_finite_size_correction_keys) > 1: warnings.warn( f"It appears there are multiple finite-size charge corrections in the corrections dict " f"attribute for defect {}. These are:" f"\n{matching_finite_size_correction_keys}." f"\nPlease ensure there is no double counting / duplication of energy corrections!" )
[docs] def formation_energy( self, chempots: Optional[dict] = None, limit: Optional[str] = None, el_refs: Optional[dict] = None, vbm: Optional[float] = None, fermi_level: float = 0, ) -> float: r""" Compute the formation energy for the ``DefectEntry`` at a given chemical potential limit and fermi_level. Args: chempots (dict): Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect formation energy. This can have the form of: ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}`` (the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``. Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``. If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the ``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases, in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute (DFT) chemical potentials should be given. If None (default), sets all chemical potentials to zero. (Default: None) limit (str): The chemical potential limit for which to calculate the formation energy. Can be either: - None (default), if ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical potential limit - otherwise will use the first chemical potential limit in the ``chempots`` dict. - "X-rich"/"X-poor" where X is an element in the system, in which case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich"). - A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary. The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the ``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial). (Default: None) el_refs (dict): Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials in the format: ``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials). (Default: None) vbm (float): VBM eigenvalue to use as Fermi level reference point for calculating formation energy. If ``None`` (default), will use ``"vbm"`` from the ``calculation_metadata`` dict attribute if present -- which corresponds to the VBM of the `bulk supercell` calculation by default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set during defect parsing). fermi_level (float): Value corresponding to the electron chemical potential, referenced to the VBM eigenvalue. Default is 0 (i.e. the VBM). Returns: Formation energy value (float) """ if chempots is None: _no_chempots_warning("Formation energies (and concentrations)") dft_chempots = _get_dft_chempots(chempots, el_refs, limit) chempot_correction = 0 if dft_chempots is None else self._get_chempot_term(dft_chempots) formation_energy = self.get_ediff() + chempot_correction if vbm is not None: formation_energy += self.charge_state * (vbm + fermi_level) elif "vbm" in self.calculation_metadata: formation_energy += self.charge_state * (self.calculation_metadata["vbm"] + fermi_level) elif self.charge_state != 0: # fine if charge state is zero warnings.warn( "VBM eigenvalue was not set, and is not present in DefectEntry.calculation_metadata. " "Formation energy will be inaccurate!" ) return formation_energy
def _parse_and_set_degeneracies( self, symprec: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Check if degeneracy info is present in self.calculation_metadata, and attempt to (re)-parse if not. e.g. if the ``DefectEntry`` was generated with older versions of ``doped``, manually, or with ``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` etc. Args: symprec (float): Symmetry tolerance for ``spglib`` to use when determining relaxed defect point symmetries and thus orientational degeneracies. Default is ``0.1`` which matches that used by the ``Materials Project`` and is larger than the ``pymatgen`` default of ``0.01`` (which is used by ``doped`` for unrelaxed/bulk structures) to account for residual structural noise in relaxed defect supercells. You may want to adjust for your system (e.g. if there are very slight octahedral distortions etc.). If ``symprec`` is set, then the point symmetries and corresponding orientational degeneracy will be re-parsed/computed even if already present in the ``DefectEntry`` object ``calculation_metadata``. """ from doped.utils.parsing import get_orientational_degeneracy, simple_spin_degeneracy_from_charge from doped.utils.symmetry import point_symmetry_from_defect_entry if symprec is None: symprec = 0.1 # Materials Project default, found to be best with residual structural noise reparse = False else: reparse = True if "relaxed point symmetry" not in self.calculation_metadata or reparse: try: ( self.calculation_metadata["relaxed point symmetry"], self.calculation_metadata["periodicity_breaking_supercell"], ) = point_symmetry_from_defect_entry( self, relaxed=True, return_periodicity_breaking=True, verbose=False, symprec=symprec, ) # relaxed so defect symm_ops except Exception as e: warnings.warn( f"Unable to determine relaxed point group symmetry for {}, got error:\n{e!r}" ) if "bulk site symmetry" not in self.calculation_metadata or reparse: try: self.calculation_metadata["bulk site symmetry"] = point_symmetry_from_defect_entry( self, relaxed=False, symprec=0.01 ) # unrelaxed so bulk symm_ops except Exception as e: warnings.warn(f"Unable to determine bulk site symmetry for {}, got error:\n{e!r}") if ( all(x in self.calculation_metadata for x in ["relaxed point symmetry", "bulk site symmetry"]) and "orientational degeneracy" not in self.degeneracy_factors ) or reparse: try: self.degeneracy_factors["orientational degeneracy"] = get_orientational_degeneracy( relaxed_point_group=self.calculation_metadata["relaxed point symmetry"], bulk_site_point_group=self.calculation_metadata["bulk site symmetry"], ) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( f"Unable to determine orientational degeneracy for {}, got error:\n{e!r}" ) if "spin degeneracy" not in self.degeneracy_factors: try: self.degeneracy_factors["spin degeneracy"] = simple_spin_degeneracy_from_charge( self.defect_supercell, self.charge_state ) except Exception as e: warnings.warn(f"Unable to determine spin degeneracy for {}, got error:\n{e!r}")
[docs] def equilibrium_concentration( self, chempots: Optional[dict] = None, limit: Optional[str] = None, el_refs: Optional[dict] = None, temperature: float = 300, fermi_level: float = 0, vbm: Optional[float] = None, per_site: bool = False, symprec: Optional[float] = None, formation_energy: Optional[float] = None, ) -> float: r""" Compute the `equilibrium` concentration (in cm^-3) for the ``DefectEntry`` at a given chemical potential limit, fermi_level and temperature, assuming the dilute limit approximation. Note that these are the `equilibrium` defect concentrations! ``DefectThermodynamics.get_quenched_fermi_level_and_concentrations()`` can instead be used to calculate the Fermi level and defect concentrations for a material grown/annealed at higher temperatures and then cooled (quenched) to room/operating temperature (where defect concentrations are assumed to remain fixed) - this is known as the frozen defect approach and is typically the most valid approximation (see its docstring for more information, and discussion in 10.1039/D3CS00432E). The degeneracy/multiplicity factor "g" is an important parameter in the defect concentration equation (see discussion in and, affecting the final concentration by up to 2 orders of magnitude. This factor is taken from the product of the ``defect_entry.defect.multiplicity`` and ``defect_entry.degeneracy_factors`` attributes. Args: chempots (dict): Dictionary of chemical potentials to use for calculating the defect formation energy (and thus concentration). This can have the form of: ``{"limits": [{'limit': [chempot_dict]}]}`` (the format generated by ``doped``\'s chemical potential parsing functions (see tutorials)) and specific limits (chemical potential limits) can then be chosen using ``limit``. Alternatively this can be a dictionary of chemical potentials for a single limit (limit), in the format: ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``. If manually specifying chemical potentials this way, you can set the ``el_refs`` option with the DFT reference energies of the elemental phases, in which case it is the formal chemical potentials (i.e. relative to the elemental references) that should be given here, otherwise the absolute (DFT) chemical potentials should be given. If None (default), sets all chemical potentials to 0 (inaccurate formation energies and concentrations!). (Default: None) limit (str): The chemical potential limit for which to calculate the formation energy and thus concentration. Can be either: - None (default), if ``chempots`` corresponds to a single chemical potential limit - otherwise will use the first chemical potential limit in the ``chempots`` dict. - "X-rich"/"X-poor" where X is an element in the system, in which case the most X-rich/poor limit will be used (e.g. "Li-rich"). - A key in the ``(self.)chempots["limits"]`` dictionary. The latter two options can only be used if ``chempots`` is in the ``doped`` format (see chemical potentials tutorial). (Default: None) el_refs (dict): Dictionary of elemental reference energies for the chemical potentials in the format: ``{element symbol: reference energy}`` (to determine the formal chemical potentials, when ``chempots`` has been manually specified as ``{element symbol: chemical potential}``). Unnecessary if ``chempots`` is provided/present in format generated by ``doped`` (see tutorials). (Default: None) temperature (float): Temperature in Kelvin at which to calculate the equilibrium concentration. vbm (float): VBM eigenvalue to use as Fermi level reference point for calculating the formation energy. If ``None`` (default), will use ``"vbm"`` from the ``calculation_metadata`` dict attribute if present -- which corresponds to the VBM of the `bulk supercell` calculation by default, unless ``bulk_band_gap_vr`` is set during defect parsing). fermi_level (float): Value corresponding to the electron chemical potential, referenced to the VBM. Default is 0 (i.e. the VBM). per_site (bool): Whether to return the concentration as fractional concentration per site, rather than the default of per cm^3. Multiply by 100 for concentration in percent. (default: False) symprec (float): Symmetry tolerance for ``spglib`` to use when determining relaxed defect point symmetries and thus orientational degeneracies. Default is ``0.1`` which matches that used by the ``Materials Project`` and is larger than the ``pymatgen`` default of ``0.01`` (which is used by ``doped`` for unrelaxed/bulk structures) to account for residual structural noise in relaxed defect supercells. You may want to adjust for your system (e.g. if there are very slight octahedral distortions etc.). If ``symprec`` is set, then the point symmetries and corresponding orientational degeneracy will be re-parsed/computed even if already present in the ``DefectEntry`` object ``calculation_metadata``. formation_energy (float): Pre-calculated formation energy to use for the defect concentration calculation, in order to reduce compute times (e.g. when looping over many chemical potential / temperature / etc ranges). Only really intended for internal ``doped`` usage. If ``None`` (default), will calculate the formation energy using the input ``chempots``, ``limit``, ``el_refs``, ``vbm`` and ``fermi_level`` arguments. (Default: None) Returns: Concentration in cm^-3 (or as fractional per site, if per_site = True) (float) """ self._parse_and_set_degeneracies(symprec=symprec) if "spin degeneracy" not in self.degeneracy_factors: warnings.warn( "'spin degeneracy' is not defined in the DefectEntry degeneracy_factors attribute. " "This factor contributes to the degeneracy term 'g' in the defect concentration equation " "(N_X = N*g*exp(-E/kT)) and is automatically computed when parsing with doped " "(see discussion in and This will " "affect the computed defect concentration / Fermi level!\n" "To avoid this, you can (re-)parse your defect(s) with doped, or manually set " "'spin degeneracy' in the degeneracy_factors attribute(s) - usually 2 for odd-electron " "defect species and 1 for even-electron)." ) if ( "orientational degeneracy" not in self.degeneracy_factors and self.defect.defect_type != core.DefectType.Interstitial ): warnings.warn( "'orientational degeneracy' is not defined in the DefectEntry degeneracy_factors " "attribute (for this vacancy/substitution defect). This factor contributes to the " "degeneracy term 'g' in the defect concentration equation (N_X = N*g*exp(-E/kT) - see " "discussion in and and is " "automatically computed when parsing with doped if possible (if the defect supercell " "doesn't break the host periodicity). This will affect the computed defect concentrations " "/ Fermi level!\n" "To avoid this, you can (re-)parse your defects with doped (if not tried already), or " "manually set 'orientational degeneracy' in the degeneracy_factors attribute(s)." ) if self.calculation_metadata.get("periodicity_breaking_supercell", False): warnings.warn(_orientational_degeneracy_warning) if formation_energy is None: formation_energy = self.formation_energy( # if chempots is None, this will throw warning chempots=chempots, limit=limit, el_refs=el_refs, vbm=vbm, fermi_level=fermi_level ) with np.errstate(over="ignore"): exp_factor = np.exp( -formation_energy / (constants_value("Boltzmann constant in eV/K") * temperature) ) degeneracy_factor = ( reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, self.degeneracy_factors.values()) if self.degeneracy_factors else 1 ) if per_site: return exp_factor * degeneracy_factor return self.bulk_site_concentration * degeneracy_factor * exp_factor
@property def bulk_site_concentration(self): """ Return the site concentration (in cm^-3) of the corresponding atomic site of the defect in the pristine bulk material (e.g. if the defect is V_O in SrTiO3, returns the site concentration of (symmetry-equivalent) oxygen atoms in SrTiO3). """ volume_in_cm3 = self.defect.volume * 1e-24 # convert volume in Å^3 to cm^3 return self.defect.multiplicity / volume_in_cm3 def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the ``DefectEntry`` object. """ from doped.utils.parsing import _get_bulk_supercell bulk_supercell = _get_bulk_supercell(self) try: defect_name = if bulk_supercell is not None: formula = bulk_supercell.composition.get_reduced_formula_and_factor(iupac_ordering=True)[0] else: formula = self.defect.structure.composition.get_reduced_formula_and_factor( iupac_ordering=True )[0] except AttributeError: defect_name = "unknown" formula = "unknown" properties, methods = _doped_obj_properties_methods(self) return ( f"doped DefectEntry: {}, with bulk composition: {formula} and defect: {defect_name}. " f"Available attributes:\n{properties}\n\nAvailable methods:\n{methods}" ) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Determine whether two ``DefectEntry`` objects are equal, by comparing ````, ``self.sc_entry_energy``, ``self.bulk_entry_energy`` and ``self.corrections`` (i.e. name and energy match). """ return ( == and self.sc_entry_energy == other.sc_entry_energy and self.bulk_entry_energy == other.bulk_entry_energy and self.corrections == other.corrections ) def __hash__(self): """ Hash the ``DefectEntry`` object by its name, supercell energy, bulk energy and corrections (i.e. defined by name and energy, as in the ``__eq__`` method). """ return hash( (, self.sc_entry_energy, self.bulk_entry_energy, tuple(sorted(self.corrections.values())), ) ) @property def bulk_entry_energy(self): r""" Get the raw energy of the bulk supercell calculation (i.e. ````). Refactored from ``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` to be more efficient, reducing compute times when looping over formation energy / concentration functions. """ if self.bulk_entry is None: return None if hasattr(self, "_bulk_entry_energy") and self._bulk_entry_hash == hash(self.bulk_entry): return self._bulk_entry_energy self._bulk_entry_hash = hash(self.bulk_entry) self._bulk_entry_energy = return self._bulk_entry_energy @property def sc_entry_energy(self): r""" Get the raw energy of the defect supercell calculation (i.e. ````). Refactored from ``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` to be more efficient, reducing compute times when looping over formation energy / concentration functions. """ if hasattr(self, "_sc_entry_energy") and self._sc_entry_hash == hash(self.sc_entry): return self._sc_entry_energy self._sc_entry_hash = hash(self.sc_entry) self._sc_entry_energy = return self._sc_entry_energy
[docs] def plot_site_displacements( self, separated_by_direction: bool = False, relaxed_distances: bool = False, relative_to_defect: bool = False, vector_to_project_on: Optional[list] = None, use_plotly: bool = False, style_file: Optional[PathLike] = "", ): """ Plot the site displacements as a function of distance from the defect site. Set ``use_plotly = True`` to get an interactive ``plotly`` plot, useful for analysis! Args: separated_by_direction (bool): Whether to plot the site displacements separated by the x, y and z directions (True) or all together (False). Defaults to False. relaxed_distances (bool): Whether to use the atomic positions in the _relaxed_ defect supercell for ``'Distance to defect'``, ``'Vector to site from defect'`` and ``'Displacement wrt defect'`` values (``True``), or unrelaxed positions (i.e. the bulk structure positions)(``False``). Defaults to ``False``. relative_to_defect (bool): Whether to plot the signed displacements along the line from the defect site to that atom. Negative values indicate the atom moves towards the defect (compressive strain), positive values indicate the atom moves away from the defect (tensile strain). Uses the *relaxed* defect position as reference. vector_to_project_on: Direction to project the site displacements along (e.g. [0, 0, 1]). Defaults to None (e.g. the displacements are calculated in the cartesian basis x, y, z). use_plotly (bool): Whether to use ``plotly`` (``True``) or ``matplotlib`` (``False``). Defaults to ``False``. Set to ``True`` to get an interactive plot. style_file (PathLike): Path to a matplotlib style file to use for the plot. If None, uses the default doped style file. """ from doped.utils.displacements import plot_site_displacements return plot_site_displacements( defect_entry=self, separated_by_direction=separated_by_direction, relaxed_distances=relaxed_distances, relative_to_defect=relative_to_defect, vector_to_project_on=vector_to_project_on, use_plotly=use_plotly, style_file=style_file, )
def _no_chempots_warning(property="Formation energies (and concentrations)"): warnings.warn( f"No chemical potentials supplied, so using 0 for all chemical potentials. {property} will likely " f"be highly inaccurate!" ) def _get_dft_chempots(chempots, el_refs, limit): """ Parse the DFT chempots from the input chempots and limit. """ from doped.thermodynamics import _parse_chempots, _parse_limit chempots, _el_refs = _parse_chempots(chempots, el_refs, update_el_refs=True) if chempots is not None: limit = _parse_limit(chempots, limit) if limit is None: limit = next(iter(chempots["limits"].keys())) if len(chempots["limits"]) > 1: # more than 1 limit, so warn warnings.warn( f"No chemical potential limit specified! Using {limit} for computing the " f"formation energy" ) elif limit is not None: warnings.warn( "You have specified a chemical potential limit but no chemical potentials " "(`chempots`) were supplied, so `limit` will be ignored." ) if limit is not None and chempots is not None: return chempots["limits"][limit] return chempots def _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states(structure): """ Tries to guess (and set) the oxidation states of the input structure, using the ``pymatgen`` ``BVAnalyzer`` class. If a single-element structure is passed, the oxidation state is assumed to be zero (no mixed-valence single-element systems that I know of, would be pretty wild). Args: structure (Structure): The structure for which to guess the oxidation states. Returns: Structure: The structure with oxidation states guessed and set, or ``False`` if oxidation states could not be guessed. """ if len(structure.composition.elements) == 1: oxi_dec_structure = structure.copy() # don't modify original structure oxi_dec_structure.add_oxidation_state_by_element( {next(iter(structure.composition.elements)).symbol: 0} ) return oxi_dec_structure for symm_tol in [0.1, 0]: # default, then with no symmetry with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): bv_analyzer = BVAnalyzer(symm_tol=symm_tol) # ValueError raised if oxi states can't be assigned oxi_dec_structure = bv_analyzer.get_oxi_state_decorated_structure(structure) if all( np.isclose(int(specie.oxi_state), specie.oxi_state) for specie in oxi_dec_structure.species ): return oxi_dec_structure return False # if oxi states could not be guessed def _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob(structure, try_without_max_sites=False): """ Tries to guess (and set) the oxidation states of the input structure, using the ``pymatgen``-tabulated ICSD oxidation state probabilities. Args: structure (Structure): The structure for which to guess the oxidation states. try_without_max_sites (bool): Whether to try to guess the oxidation states without using the ``max_sites=-1`` argument (``True``)(which attempts to use the reduced composition for guessing oxi states) or not (``False``). Returns: Structure: The structure with oxidation states guessed and set, or ``False`` if oxidation states could not be guessed. """ structure = structure.copy() # don't modify original structure if try_without_max_sites: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): structure.add_oxidation_state_by_guess() # check all oxidation states are whole numbers: if all(np.isclose(int(specie.oxi_state), specie.oxi_state) for specie in structure.species): return structure # else try to use the reduced cell since oxidation state assignment scales poorly with system size: try: attempt = 0 structure.add_oxidation_state_by_guess(max_sites=-1) while ( # check oxi_states assigned and not all zero: attempt < 3 and all(specie.oxi_state == 0 for specie in structure.species) or not all(np.isclose(int(specie.oxi_state), specie.oxi_state) for specie in structure.species) ): attempt += 1 if attempt == 1: structure.add_oxidation_state_by_guess(max_sites=-1, all_oxi_states=True) elif attempt == 2: structure.add_oxidation_state_by_guess() except Exception: structure.add_oxidation_state_by_guess() if all(hasattr(site.specie, "oxi_state") for site in structure.sites) and all( isinstance(site.specie.oxi_state, (int, float)) for site in structure.sites ): return structure return False
[docs] def guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states(structure, try_without_max_sites=False): """ Tries to guess (and set) the oxidation states of the input structure, first using the ``pymatgen`` ``BVAnalyzer`` class, and if that fails, using the ICSD oxidation state probabilities to guess. Args: structure (Structure): The structure for which to guess the oxidation states. try_without_max_sites (bool): Whether to try to guess the oxidation states without using the ``max_sites=-1`` argument (``True``)(which attempts to use the reduced composition for guessing oxi states) or not (``False``), when using the ICSD oxidation state probability guessing. Returns: Structure: The structure with oxidation states guessed and set, or ``False`` if oxidation states could not be guessed. """ if structure_with_oxi := _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states(structure): return structure_with_oxi return _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob(structure, try_without_max_sites)
[docs] def guess_and_set_oxi_states_with_timeout( structure, timeout_1=10, timeout_2=15, break_early_if_expensive=False ) -> bool: """ Tries to guess (and set) the oxidation states of the input structure, with a timeout catch for cases where the structure is complex and oxi state guessing will take a very very long time. Tries first without using the ``pymatgen`` ``BVAnalyzer`` class, and if this fails, tries using the ICSD oxidation state probabilities (with timeouts) to guess. Args: structure (Structure): The structure for which to guess the oxidation states. timeout_1 (float): Timeout in seconds for the second attempt to guess the oxidation states, using ICSD oxidation state probabilities (with ``max_sites=-1``). Default is 10 seconds. timeout_2 (float): Timeout in seconds for the third attempt to guess the oxidation states, using ICSD oxidation state probabilities (without ``max_sites=-1``). Default is 15 seconds. break_early_if_expensive (bool): Whether to stop the function if the first oxi state guessing attempt (with ``BVAnalyzer``) fails and the cost estimate for the ICSD probability guessing is high (expected to take a long time; > 10 seconds). Default is ``False``. Returns: Structure: The structure with oxidation states guessed and set, or ``False`` if oxidation states could not be guessed. """ if structure_with_oxi := _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states(structure): return structure_with_oxi # BVAnalyzer succeeded if ( # if BVAnalyzer failed and cost estimate is high, break early: ( break_early_if_expensive or current_process().daemon ) # if in a daemon process, can't spawn new `Process`s and _rough_oxi_state_cost_icsd_prob_from_comp(structure.composition) > 1e6 ): return False if current_process().daemon: # if in a daemon process, can't spawn new `Process`s return _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob(structure) return _guess_and_set_oxi_states_with_timeout_icsd_prob(structure, timeout_1, timeout_2)
def _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob_process(structure, queue, try_without_max_sites=False): """ Implements the ``_guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob`` function above, but also putting the results into the supplied ``multiprocessing`` queue object (for use with timeouts via ``Process``). For internal ``doped`` usage. """ if structure_with_oxi := _guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob(structure, try_without_max_sites): queue.put(structure_with_oxi) else: queue.put(False) def _guess_and_set_oxi_states_with_timeout_icsd_prob( structure, timeout_1=10, timeout_2=15, ) -> bool: """ Tries to guess (and set) the oxidation states of the input structure using the ICSD oxidation state probabilities approach, with a timeout catch for cases where the structure is complex and oxi state guessing will take a very very long time. Tries first without using the ``max_sites=-1`` argument with ``pymatgen``'s oxidation state guessing functions (which attempts to use the reduced composition for guessing oxi states, but can be a little less reliable for tricky cases), and if that times out, tries without ``max_sites=-1``. Args: structure (Structure): The structure for which to guess the oxidation states. timeout_1 (float): Timeout in seconds for the first attempt to guess the oxidation states (with ``max_sites=-1``). Default is 10 seconds. timeout_2 (float): Timeout in seconds for the second attempt to guess the oxidation states (without ``max_sites=-1``). Default is 15 seconds. Returns: Structure: The structure with oxidation states guessed and set, or ``False`` if oxidation states could not be guessed. """ queue: SimpleQueue = SimpleQueue() guess_oxi_process_wout_max_sites = Process( target=_guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob_process, args=(structure, queue, True) ) # try without max sites first, if fails, try with max sites guess_oxi_process_wout_max_sites.start() guess_oxi_process_wout_max_sites.join(timeout=timeout_1) if guess_oxi_process_wout_max_sites.is_alive(): # still running, revert to using max sites guess_oxi_process_wout_max_sites.terminate() guess_oxi_process_wout_max_sites.join() guess_oxi_process = Process( target=_guess_and_set_struct_oxi_states_icsd_prob_process, args=(structure, queue, False), ) guess_oxi_process.start() guess_oxi_process.join(timeout=timeout_2) # wait for pymatgen to guess oxi states, # otherwise revert to all Defect oxi states being set to 0 if guess_oxi_process.is_alive(): guess_oxi_process.terminate() guess_oxi_process.join() return False # apply oxi states to structure: return queue.get() def _rough_oxi_state_cost_icsd_prob_from_comp(comp: Union[str, Composition], max_sites=True) -> float: """ A cost function which roughly estimates the computational cost of guessing the oxidation states of a given composition, using the ICSD oxidation state probabilities approach. """ if isinstance(comp, str): comp = Composition(comp) if max_sites: comp, _factor = comp.get_reduced_composition_and_factor() el_amt = comp.get_el_amt_dict() elements = list(el_amt) def num_possible_combinations(n, r): from math import factorial return factorial(n + r - 1) / factorial(r) / factorial(n - 1) return [ num_possible_combinations( len(Element(el).icsd_oxidation_states or Element(el).oxidation_states), int(el_amt[el]) ) for el in elements ] )
[docs] class Defect(core.Defect): """ ``doped`` ``Defect`` object. """ def __init__( self, structure: Structure, site: PeriodicSite, multiplicity: Optional[int] = None, oxi_state: Optional[Union[float, int, str]] = None, equivalent_sites: Optional[list[PeriodicSite]] = None, symprec: float = 0.01, angle_tolerance: float = 5, user_charges: Optional[list[int]] = None, **doped_kwargs, ): """ Subclass of ``pymatgen.analysis.defects.core.Defect`` with additional attributes and methods used by ``doped``. Args: structure (Structure): The structure in which to create the defect. Typically the primitive structure of the host crystal for defect generation, and/or the calculation supercell for defect parsing. site (PeriodicSite): The defect site in the structure. multiplicity (int): The multiplicity of the defect in the structure. oxi_state (float, int or str): The oxidation state of the defect. If not specified, this will be determined automatically. equivalent_sites (list[PeriodicSite]): A list of equivalent sites for the defect in the structure. symprec (float): Tolerance for symmetry finding. angle_tolerance (float): Angle tolerance for symmetry finding. user_charges (list[int]): User specified charge states. If specified, ``get_charge_states`` will return this list. If ``None`` or empty list the charge states will be determined automatically. **doped_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to define doped-specific attributes (listed below), in the form ``doped_attribute_name=value``. (e.g. ``wyckoff = "4a"``). """ super().__init__( structure=structure, site=site.to_unit_cell(), # ensure mapped to unit cell multiplicity=multiplicity, oxi_state=0, # set oxi_state in more efficient and robust way below (crashes for large # input structures) equivalent_sites=( [site.to_unit_cell() for site in equivalent_sites] if equivalent_sites is not None else None ), symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance, user_charges=user_charges, ) # core attributes if oxi_state is None: self._set_oxi_state() else: self.oxi_state = oxi_state self.conventional_structure: Optional[Structure] = doped_kwargs.get("conventional_structure", None) self.conv_cell_frac_coords: Optional[np.ndarray] = doped_kwargs.get("conv_cell_frac_coords", None) self.equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords: list[np.ndarray] = doped_kwargs.get( "equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords", [] ) self._BilbaoCS_conv_cell_vector_mapping: list[int] = doped_kwargs.get( "_BilbaoCS_conv_cell_vector_mapping", [0, 1, 2] ) self.wyckoff: Optional[str] = doped_kwargs.get("wyckoff", None) def _set_oxi_state(self): # only try guessing bulk oxi states if not already set: if not ( all(hasattr(site.specie, "oxi_state") for site in self.structure.sites) and all(isinstance(site.specie.oxi_state, (int, float)) for site in self.structure.sites) ): # try guess oxi-states but with timeout: if struct_w_oxi := guess_and_set_oxi_states_with_timeout( self.structure, timeout_1=5, timeout_2=5, break_early_if_expensive=True ): self.structure = struct_w_oxi if self.defect_type != core.DefectType.Interstitial: self._defect_site = min( self.structure.get_sites_in_sphere(, 0.5, ), key=lambda x: x[1], ) else: self.oxi_state = "Undetermined" return self.oxi_state = self._guess_oxi_state() @classmethod def _from_pmg_defect( cls, defect: core.Defect, bulk_oxi_states: Union[Structure, Composition, dict, bool] = False, **doped_kwargs, ) -> "Defect": """ Create a ``doped`` ``Defect`` from a ``pymatgen`` ``Defect`` object. Args: defect: ``pymatgen`` ``Defect`` object. bulk_oxi_states: Controls oxi-state guessing (later used for charge state guessing). By default, oxidation states are taken from ``doped_kwargs['oxi_state']`` if set, otherwise from ``bulk_oxi_states`` which can be either a ``pymatgen`` ``Structure`` or ``Composition`` object, or a dict (of ``{element: oxi_state}``), or otherwise guessed using the ``doped`` methods. If ``bulk_oxi_states`` is ``False``, then just uses the already-set ``Defect`` ``oxi_state`` attribute (default = 0), with no more guessing. If ``True``, re-guesses the oxidation state of the defect (ignoring the ``pymatgen`` ``Defect`` ``oxi_state`` attribute). If the structure is mixed-valence, then ``bulk_oxi_states`` should be either a structure input or ``True`` (to re-guess). Default behaviour in ``doped`` generation is to provide ``bulk_oxi_states`` as an oxi-state decorated ``Structure``, to make defect setup more robust and efficient (particularly for odd input structures, such as defect supercells etc). Oxidation states are removed from structures in the ``pymatgen`` defect generation functions, so this allows us to re-add them after. **doped_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to define doped-specific attributes (see class docstring). """ # get doped kwargs from defect attributes, if defined: for doped_attr in [ "conventional_structure", "conv_cell_frac_coords", "equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords", "_BilbaoCS_conv_cell_vector_mapping", "wyckoff", ]: if ( hasattr(defect, doped_attr) and getattr(defect, doped_attr) is not None and doped_attr not in doped_kwargs ): doped_kwargs[doped_attr] = getattr(defect, doped_attr) oxi_state = None if doped_kwargs.get("oxi_state", False): oxi_state = doped_kwargs.pop("oxi_state") if oxi_state is None and isinstance(bulk_oxi_states, Structure): # if input structure was oxi-state-decorated, use these oxi states for defect generation: if not all( hasattr(site.specie, "oxi_state") and isinstance(site.specie.oxi_state, (int, float)) for site in bulk_oxi_states.sites ): warnings.warn( "Input structure for ``bulk_oxi_states`` is not oxi-state decorated. " "Setting ``bulk_oxi_states`` to ``True`` (i.e. re-guess oxi-states)." ) bulk_oxi_states = True else: single_valence_oxi_states = { el.symbol: el.oxi_state for el in bulk_oxi_states.composition.elements } if len(single_valence_oxi_states) == len(bulk_oxi_states.composition.elements): bulk_oxi_states = single_valence_oxi_states else: # otherwise it's mixed-valence! need to add oxi-states to structure # first, if structures without oxi-states exactly match, then just use # ``bulk_oxi_states`` structure: defect_struct_wout_oxi = defect.structure.copy() defect_struct_wout_oxi.remove_oxidation_states() input_struct_wout_oxi = bulk_oxi_states.copy() input_struct_wout_oxi.remove_oxidation_states() if defect_struct_wout_oxi == input_struct_wout_oxi: defect.structure = bulk_oxi_states else: from doped.utils.configurations import _scan_sm_stol_till_match mapping_to_defect = _scan_sm_stol_till_match( defect.structure, bulk_oxi_states, func_name="get_mapping", comparator=SpeciesComparator(), ) if mapping_to_defect is None: raise ValueError( "Could not find a match between the defect and bulk oxi-state decorated " "structure (in `bulk_oxi_states`). Please ensure the defect and bulk " "structures are the same, or provide the bulk oxi-state decorated " "structure directly." ) site_oxi_states = np.zeros(len(defect.structure.sites)) for defect_struct_idx, oxi_dec_site in zip( mapping_to_defect, bulk_oxi_states.sites ): site_oxi_states[defect_struct_idx] = oxi_dec_site.specie.oxi_state defect.structure.add_oxidation_state_by_site(site_oxi_states) if oxi_state is None and isinstance(bulk_oxi_states, Composition): try: bulk_oxi_states = {el.symbol: el.oxi_state for el in bulk_oxi_states.elements} except Exception as exc: warnings.warn(f"Could not extract oxidation states from Composition: {exc!r}") if len(bulk_oxi_states) != len(defect.structure.composition.elements): warnings.warn( f"A mixed-valence Composition object was supplied for bulk_oxi_states, " f"but only single-valence oxidation states can be extracted (use structure " f"input if mixed-valence is required). Using {bulk_oxi_states}." ) if oxi_state is None and isinstance(bulk_oxi_states, dict): req_elt_symbols = [elt.symbol for elt in defect.structure.composition.elements] if not all(i in req_elt_symbols for i in bulk_oxi_states): raise ValueError( f"Input bulk_oxi_states {bulk_oxi_states} do not match all the elements in the defect " f"structure {req_elt_symbols}." ) defect.structure.add_oxidation_state_by_element(bulk_oxi_states) oxi_state = defect.oxi_state if oxi_state is None and not bulk_oxi_states else None return cls( structure=defect.structure,, # ensure mapped to unit cell multiplicity=defect.multiplicity, oxi_state=oxi_state, # if still None, then taken from structure or re-guessed equivalent_sites=( [site.to_unit_cell() for site in defect.equivalent_sites] if defect.equivalent_sites is not None else None ), symprec=defect.symprec, angle_tolerance=defect.angle_tolerance, user_charges=defect.user_charges, **doped_kwargs, )
[docs] def get_supercell_structure( self, sc_mat: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, target_frac_coords: Optional[Union[np.ndarray[float], list[float]]] = None, return_sites: bool = False, min_image_distance: float = 10.0, # same as current ``pymatgen`` default min_atoms: int = 50, # different to current ``pymatgen`` default (80) force_cubic: bool = False, force_diagonal: bool = False, # same as current ``pymatgen`` default ideal_threshold: float = 0.1, min_length: Optional[float] = None, # same as current ``pymatgen`` default, kept for compatibility dummy_species: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Structure: """ Generate the simulation supercell for a defect. Redefined from the parent class to allow the use of ``target_frac_coords`` to place the defect at the closest equivalent site to the target fractional coordinates in the supercell, while keeping the supercell fixed (to avoid any issues with defect parsing). Also returns information about equivalent defect sites in the supercell. If ``sc_mat`` is None, then the supercell is generated automatically using the ``doped`` algorithm described in the ``get_ideal_supercell_matrix`` function docstring in ``doped.generation``. Args: sc_mat (3x3 matrix): Transformation matrix of ``self.structure`` to create the supercell. If None, then automatically computed using ``get_ideal_supercell_matrix`` from ``doped.generation``. target_frac_coords (3x1 matrix): If set, the defect will be placed at the closest equivalent site to these fractional coordinates (using ``self.equivalent_sites``). return_sites (bool): If True, returns a tuple of the defect supercell, defect supercell site and list of equivalent supercell sites. dummy_species (str): Dummy species to highlight the defect position (for visualizing vacancies). min_image_distance (float): Minimum image distance in Å of the generated supercell (i.e. minimum distance between periodic images of atoms/sites in the lattice), if ``sc_mat`` is None. (Default = 10.0) min_atoms (int): Minimum number of atoms allowed in the generated supercell, if ``sc_mat`` is None. (Default = 50) force_cubic (bool): Enforce usage of ``CubicSupercellTransformation`` from ``pymatgen`` for supercell generation (if ``sc_mat`` is None). (Default = False) force_diagonal (bool): If True, return a transformation with a diagonal transformation matrix (if ``sc_mat`` is None). (Default = False) ideal_threshold (float): Threshold for increasing supercell size (beyond that which satisfies ``min_image_distance`` and `min_atoms``) to achieve an ideal supercell matrix (i.e. a diagonal expansion of the primitive or conventional cell). Supercells up to ``1 + perfect_cell_threshold`` times larger (rounded up) are trialled, and will instead be returned if they yield an ideal transformation matrix (if ``sc_mat`` is None). (Default = 0.1; i.e. 10% larger than the minimum size) min_length (float): Same as ``min_image_distance`` (kept for compatibility). Returns: The defect supercell structure. If ``return_sites`` is True, also returns the defect supercell site and list of equivalent supercell sites. """ if sc_mat is None: if min_length is not None: min_image_distance = min_length from doped.generation import get_ideal_supercell_matrix sc_mat = get_ideal_supercell_matrix( self.structure, min_image_distance=min_image_distance, min_atoms=min_atoms, ideal_threshold=ideal_threshold, force_cubic=force_cubic, force_diagonal=force_diagonal, ) sites = self.equivalent_sites or [] structure_w_all_defect_sites = Structure.from_sites( [PeriodicSite("X", site.frac_coords, self.structure.lattice) for site in sites] ) sc_structure_w_all_defect_sites = structure_w_all_defect_sites * sc_mat equiv_sites = [ PeriodicSite(, sc_x_site.frac_coords, sc_x_site.lattice).to_unit_cell() for sc_x_site in sc_structure_w_all_defect_sites ] if target_frac_coords is None: sc_structure = self.structure * sc_mat sc_mat_inv = np.linalg.inv(sc_mat) sc_pos =, sc_mat_inv) sc_site = PeriodicSite(, sc_pos, sc_structure.lattice).to_unit_cell() else: # sort by distance from target_frac_coords, then by magnitude of fractional coordinates: sc_site = sorted( equiv_sites, key=lambda site: ( round( np.linalg.norm(site.frac_coords - np.array(target_frac_coords)), 4, ), round(np.linalg.norm(site.frac_coords), 4), round(np.abs(site.frac_coords[0]), 4), round(np.abs(site.frac_coords[1]), 4), round(np.abs(site.frac_coords[2]), 4), ), )[0] sc_defect = self.__class__( structure=self.structure * sc_mat, site=sc_site, oxi_state=self.oxi_state, multiplicity=1, # so doesn't break for interstitials ) sc_defect_struct = sc_defect.defect_structure sc_defect_struct.remove_oxidation_states() # also remove oxidation states from sites: def _remove_site_oxi_state(site): """ Remove site oxidation state in-place. Same method as Structure.remove_oxidation_states(). """ new_sp: dict[Element, float] = collections.defaultdict(float) for el, occu in site.species.items(): sym = el.symbol new_sp[Element(sym)] += occu site.species = Composition(new_sp) _remove_site_oxi_state(sc_site) for site in equiv_sites: _remove_site_oxi_state(site) if dummy_species is not None: sc_defect_struct.insert(len(self.structure * sc_mat), dummy_species, sc_site.frac_coords) from doped.utils.symmetry import _round_struct_coords sorted_sc_defect_struct = sc_defect_struct.get_sorted_structure() # ensure proper sorting sorted_sc_defect_struct = _round_struct_coords(sorted_sc_defect_struct, to_unit_cell=True) return ( ( sorted_sc_defect_struct, sc_site, equiv_sites, ) if return_sites else sorted_sc_defect_struct )
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ JSON-serializable dict representation of ``Defect``. Needs to be redefined because attributes not explicitly specified in subclasses, which is required for monty functions. """ dict_wout_elt_changes = self.__dict__ dict_wout_elt_changes.pop("_element_changes", None) # not JSON serializable and unnecessary return {"@module": type(self).__module__, "@class": type(self).__name__, **dict_wout_elt_changes}
[docs] def to_json(self, filename: Optional[PathLike] = None): """ Save the ``Defect`` object to a json file, which can be reloaded with the `` Defect``.from_json()`` class method. Note that file extensions with ".gz" will be automatically compressed (recommended to save space)! Args: filename (PathLike): Filename to save json file as. If None, the filename will be set as "{}.json.gz". """ if filename is None: filename = f"{}.json.gz" dumpfn(self, filename)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, filename: str): """ Load a ``Defect`` object from a json(.gz) file. Note that ``.json.gz`` files can be loaded directly. Args: filename (PathLike): Filename of json file to load ``Defect`` from. Returns: ``Defect`` object """ return loadfn(filename)
[docs] def get_charge_states(self, padding: int = 1) -> list[int]: """ Refactored version of ``pymatgen-analysis-defects``'s ``get_charge_states`` to not break when ``oxi_state`` is not set. """ if self.user_charges: return self.user_charges if self.oxi_state is None or not isinstance(self.oxi_state, (int, float)): self._set_oxi_state() # try guessing if self.oxi_state is None or not isinstance(self.oxi_state, (int, float)): # still not set warnings.warn( f"Defect oxidation state not set and couldn't be guessed, returning charge" f"state range from -{padding} to +{padding}" ) return [*range(-padding, padding + 1)] if isinstance(self.oxi_state, int) or self.oxi_state.is_integer(): oxi_state = int(self.oxi_state) else: raise ValueError("Oxidation state must be an integer") if oxi_state >= 0: charges = [*range(-padding, oxi_state + padding + 1)] else: charges = [*range(oxi_state - padding, padding + 1)] return charges
def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Handle attribute updates. Safety function to ensure properties (``defect_site``, ``volume``, ``element_changes``) are recomputed whenever any defect attributes are changed, to ensure consistency and correct predictions. """ super().__setattr__(name, value) if name in ["site", "structure"]: # delete internal pre-computed attributes, so they are re-computed when needed: for attr in ["_defect_site", "_volume", "_element_changes"]: if hasattr(self, attr): delattr(self, attr) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Determine whether two ``Defect`` objects are equal. Redefined from the parent method to be more robust (too loose ``stol`` used in ``pymatgen-analysis-defects``) and much more efficient. """ if not isinstance(other, (type(self), core.Defect)): raise TypeError("Can only compare `Defect`s with `Defect`s!") if self.defect_type != other.defect_type: return False # use doped efficiency functions for speed: from doped.utils.efficiency import Composition as doped_Composition from doped.utils.efficiency import IStructure as doped_IStructure from doped.utils.efficiency import PeriodicSite as doped_PeriodicSite Composition.__instances__ = {} Composition.__eq__ = doped_Composition.__eq__ Composition.__hash__ = doped_Composition.__hash__ PeriodicSite.__eq__ = doped_PeriodicSite.__eq__ PeriodicSite.__hash__ = doped_PeriodicSite.__hash__ IStructure.__instances__ = {} IStructure.__eq__ = doped_IStructure.__eq__ sm = StructureMatcher(stol=0.2, comparator=ElementComparator()) return, other.defect_structure) @property def defect_site(self) -> PeriodicSite: """ The defect site in the structure. Re-written from ``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` version to be far more efficient, when used in loops (e.g. for calculating defect concentrations as functions of chemical potentials, temperature etc.). """ if self.defect_type == core.DefectType.Interstitial: return # same as self.defect_site # else defect_site is the closest site in ``structure`` to the provided ``site``: if not hasattr(self, "_defect_site"): self._defect_site = min( self.structure.get_sites_in_sphere(, 0.5, ), key=lambda x: x[1], ) return self._defect_site @property def volume(self) -> float: """ The volume (in ų) of the structure in which the defect is created (i.e. ``Defect.structure``). Ensures volume is only computed once when calculating defect concentrations in loops (e.g. for calculating defect concentrations as functions of chemical potentials, temperature etc.). """ if not hasattr(self, "_volume"): self._volume = self.structure.volume return self._volume @property def element_changes(self) -> dict[Element, int]: """ The stoichiometry changes of the defect, as a dict. e.g. {"Mg": -1, "O": +1} for a O-on-Mg antisite in MgO. Redefined from the ``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` method to be far more efficient when used in loops (e.g. for calculating defect concentrations as functions of chemical potentials, temperature etc.). Returns: dict[Element, int]: The species changes of the defect. """ if not hasattr(self, "_element_changes"): self._element_changes = super().element_changes return self._element_changes def __hash__(self): """ Hash the ``Defect`` object, based on the defect name and site. """ return hash((, *tuple(np.round(, 3))))
[docs] def doped_defect_from_pmg_defect( defect: core.Defect, bulk_oxi_states: Union[Structure, Composition, dict, bool] = False, **doped_kwargs ): """ Create the corresponding ``doped`` ``Defect`` (``Vacancy``, ``Interstitial``, ``Substitution``) from an input ``pymatgen`` ``Defect`` object. Args: defect: ``pymatgen`` ``Defect`` object. bulk_oxi_states: Controls oxi-state guessing (later used for charge state guessing). By default, oxidation states are taken from ``doped_kwargs['oxi_state']`` if set, otherwise from ``bulk_oxi_states`` which can be either a ``pymatgen`` ``Structure`` or ``Composition`` object, or a dict (of ``{element: oxi_state}``), or otherwise guessed using the ``doped`` methods. If ``bulk_oxi_states`` is ``False``, then just uses the already-set ``Defect`` ``oxi_state`` attribute (default = 0), with no more guessing. If ``True``, re-guesses the oxidation state of the defect (ignoring the ``pymatgen`` ``Defect`` ``oxi_state`` attribute). If the structure is mixed-valence, then ``bulk_oxi_states`` should be either a structure input or ``True`` (to re-guess). Default behaviour in ``doped`` generation is to provide ``bulk_oxi_states`` as an oxi-state decorated ``Structure``, to make defect setup more robust and efficient (particularly for odd input structures, such as defect supercells etc). Oxidation states are removed from structures in the ``pymatgen`` defect generation functions, so this allows us to re-add them after. **doped_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to define doped-specific attributes (see class docstring). """ # determine defect type: if isinstance(defect, core.Vacancy): defect_type = Vacancy elif isinstance(defect, core.Substitution): defect_type = Substitution elif isinstance(defect, core.Interstitial): defect_type = Interstitial else: raise TypeError( f"Input defect must be a pymatgen Vacancy, Substitution or Interstitial object, " f"not {type(defect)}." ) return defect_type._from_pmg_defect(defect, bulk_oxi_states=bulk_oxi_states, **doped_kwargs)
[docs] class Vacancy(Defect, core.Vacancy): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Subclass of ``pymatgen.analysis.defects.core.Vacancy`` with additional attributes and methods used by ``doped``. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ String representation of a vacancy defect. """ frac_coords_string = ",".join(f"{x:.3f}" for x in return f"{} vacancy defect at site [{frac_coords_string}] in structure"
[docs] class Substitution(Defect, core.Substitution): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Subclass of ``pymatgen.analysis.defects.core.Substitution`` with additional attributes and methods used by ``doped``. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ String representation of a substitutional defect. """ frac_coords_string = ",".join(f"{x:.3f}" for x in return f"{} substitution defect at site [{frac_coords_string}] in structure"
[docs] class Interstitial(Defect, core.Interstitial): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Subclass of ``pymatgen.analysis.defects.core.Interstitial`` with additional attributes and methods used by ``doped``. """ if "multiplicity" not in kwargs: # will break for Interstitials if not set kwargs["multiplicity"] = 1 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ String representation of an interstitial defect. """ frac_coords_string = ",".join(f"{x:.3f}" for x in return f"{} interstitial defect at site [{frac_coords_string}] in structure"