Source code for doped.utils.displacements

Code to analyse site displacements around a defect.

import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.util.coord import pbc_diff

from doped.utils.parsing import (

    import as px
    from plotly.graph_objects import Scatter
    from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

    plotly_installed = True
except ImportError:
    plotly_installed = False

[docs] def calc_site_displacements( defect_entry, vector_to_project_on: Optional[list] = None, relative_to_defect: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> dict: """ Calculates the site displacements in the defect supercell, relative to the bulk supercell. The signed displacements are stored in the calculation_metadata of the DefectEntry object under the "site_displacements" key. Args: defect_entry (DefectEntry): DefectEntry object vector_to_project_on (list): Direction to project the site displacements along (e.g. [0, 0, 1]). Defaults to None. relative_to_defect (bool): Whether to calculate the signed displacements along the line from the defect site to that atom. Negative values indicate the atom moves towards the defect (compressive strain), positive values indicate the atom moves away from the defect. Defaults to False. If True, the relative displacements are stored in the `Displacement wrt defect` key of the returned dictionary. Returns: Dictionary with site displacements (compared to pristine supercell). """ from doped.utils.parsing import get_site_mapping_indices def _get_bulk_struct_with_defect(defect_entry) -> tuple: """ Returns structures for bulk and defect supercells with the same number of sites and species, to be used for site matching. If Vacancy, adds (unrelaxed) site to defect structure. If Interstitial, adds relaxed site to bulk structure. If Substitution, replaces (unrelaxed) defect site in bulk structure. Returns tuple of (bulk_sc_with_defect, defect_sc_with_defect). """ # TODO: Code from `check_atom_mapping_far_from_defect` might be more efficient and robust for this, # should check. defect_type = bulk_sc_with_defect = _get_bulk_supercell(defect_entry).copy() # Check position of relaxed defect has been parsed (it's an optional arg) sc_defect_frac_coords = _get_defect_supercell_bulk_site_coords(defect_entry) if sc_defect_frac_coords is None: raise ValueError( "The relaxed defect position (`DefectEntry.sc_defect_frac_coords`) has not been parsed. " "Please use `DefectsParser`/`DefectParser` to parse relaxed defect positions before " "calculating site displacements." ) defect_sc_with_defect = _get_defect_supercell(defect_entry).copy() if defect_type == "Vacancy": # Add Vacancy atom to defect structure defect_sc_with_defect.append(,, # _unrelaxed_ defect site coords_are_cartesian=False, ) defect_site_index = len(defect_sc_with_defect) - 1 elif defect_type == "Interstitial": # If Interstitial, add interstitial site to bulk structure bulk_sc_with_defect.append(,, # _relaxed_ defect site for interstitials coords_are_cartesian=False, ) # Ensure last site of defect structure is defect site. Needed to then calculate site # distances to defect # Get index of defect site in defect supercell if not np.allclose( defect_sc_with_defect[-1].frac_coords, sc_defect_frac_coords, # _relaxed_ defect site ): # Get index of defect site in defect structure defect_site_index = defect_sc_with_defect.index(_get_defect_supercell_site(defect_entry)) else: defect_site_index = len(defect_sc_with_defect) - 1 elif defect_type == "Substitution": # If Substitution, replace site in bulk supercell bulk_sc_with_defect.replace( defect_entry.defect.defect_site_index,,, # _unrelaxed_ defect site coords_are_cartesian=False, ) # Move defect site to last position of defect supercell # Get index of defect site in defect supercell defect_site_index = defect_sc_with_defect.index( _get_defect_supercell_site(defect_entry) # _relaxed_ defect site ) else: raise ValueError(f"Defect type {defect_type} not supported") return bulk_sc_with_defect, defect_sc_with_defect, defect_site_index bulk_sc, defect_sc_with_site, defect_site_index = _get_bulk_struct_with_defect(defect_entry) # Map sites in defect supercell to bulk supercell mappings = get_site_mapping_indices(defect_sc_with_site, bulk_sc) mappings_dict = {i[1]: i[2] for i in mappings} # {defect_sc_index: bulk_sc_index} # Loop over sites in defect sc disp_dict = { # mapping defect site index (in defect sc) to displacement "Index (defect)": [], "Species": [], "Species_with_index": [], "Displacement": [], "Distance to defect": [], } # type: dict if relative_to_defect: disp_dict["Displacement wrt defect"] = [] if vector_to_project_on is not None: disp_dict["Displacement projected along vector"] = [] disp_dict["Displacement perpendicular to vector"] = [] for i, site in enumerate(defect_sc_with_site): # print(i, site.specie, site.frac_coords) bulk_sc_index = mappings_dict[i] # Map to bulk sc bulk_site = bulk_sc[bulk_sc_index] # Get site in bulk sc # Calculate displacement (need to account for pbc!) # First final point, then initial point frac_disp = pbc_diff(site.frac_coords, bulk_site.frac_coords) # in fractional coords disp = bulk_sc.lattice.get_cartesian_coords(frac_disp) # in Angstroms # Distance to defect site (last site in defect sc) distance = defect_sc_with_site.get_distance(i, defect_site_index) # len(defect_sc_with_site) - 1) # print(i, displacement, np.linalg.norm(abs_disp), "Distance:", distance) disp_dict["Index (defect)"].append(i) disp_dict["Displacement"].append(disp) disp_dict["Distance to defect"].append(distance) disp_dict["Species_with_index"].append(f"{}({i})") disp_dict["Species"].append( with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "invalid value encountered in scalar divide") if relative_to_defect: # Find vector from defect to site, accounting for periodic boundary conditions vector_defect_to_site = pbc_diff( site.frac_coords, defect_sc_with_site[defect_site_index].frac_coords ) norm = np.linalg.norm(vector_defect_to_site) if norm == 0: # If defect site and site are the same disp_dict["Displacement wrt defect"].append(0) else: proj =, vector_defect_to_site / norm) disp_dict["Displacement wrt defect"].append(proj) if vector_to_project_on is not None: # Normalize vector to project on norm = np.linalg.norm(vector_to_project_on) if norm == 0: raise ValueError( "Norm of vector to project on is zero! Choose a non-zero vector to project on." ) proj =, vector_to_project_on / norm) angle = np.arccos(proj / np.linalg.norm(disp)) rejection = np.linalg.norm(disp) * np.sin(angle) disp_dict["Displacement projected along vector"].append(proj) disp_dict["Displacement perpendicular to vector"].append(rejection) # sort each list in disp dict by index of species in bulk element list, then by distance to defect: element_list = [ el.symbol for el in defect_entry.defect.structure.composition.elements ] # host elements element_list += sorted( [ # extrinsic elements, sorted alphabetically for deterministic ordering in output: el.symbol for el in defect_entry.defect.defect_structure.composition.elements if el.symbol not in element_list ] ) # Combine the lists into a list of tuples, then sort, then unpack: combined = list(zip(*disp_dict.values())) combined.sort( key=lambda x: (element_list.index(x[1]), x[4], x[0]) ) # Sort by species, then distance, then index if relative_to_defect and vector_to_project_on is not None: ( disp_dict["Index (defect)"], disp_dict["Species"], disp_dict["Species_with_index"], disp_dict["Displacement"], disp_dict["Distance to defect"], disp_dict["Displacement wrt defect"], disp_dict["Displacement projected along vector"], disp_dict["Displacement perpendicular to vector"], ) = zip(*combined) if relative_to_defect and vector_to_project_on is None: ( disp_dict["Index (defect)"], disp_dict["Species"], disp_dict["Species_with_index"], disp_dict["Displacement"], disp_dict["Distance to defect"], disp_dict["Displacement wrt defect"], ) = zip(*combined) elif vector_to_project_on is not None and not relative_to_defect: ( disp_dict["Index (defect)"], disp_dict["Species"], disp_dict["Species_with_index"], disp_dict["Displacement"], disp_dict["Distance to defect"], disp_dict["Displacement projected along vector"], disp_dict["Displacement perpendicular to vector"], ) = zip(*combined) else: ( disp_dict["Index (defect)"], disp_dict["Species"], disp_dict["Species_with_index"], disp_dict["Displacement"], disp_dict["Distance to defect"], ) = zip(*combined) # Store in DefectEntry.calculation_metadata # For vacancies, before storing displacements data, remove the last site # (defect site) as not present in input defect supercell # But leave it in disp_dict as clearer to include in the displacement plot? disp_list = list(deepcopy(disp_dict["Displacement"])) distance_list = list(deepcopy(disp_dict["Distance to defect"])) if == "Vacancy": # get idx of value closest to zero: min_idx = min(range(len(distance_list)), key=lambda i: abs(distance_list[i])) if np.isclose(distance_list[min_idx], 0, atol=1e-2): # just to be sure disp_list.pop(min_idx) distance_list.pop(min_idx) # Store in DefectEntry.calculation_metadata defect_entry.calculation_metadata["site_displacements"] = { "displacements": disp_list, # Ordered by site index in defect supercell "distances": distance_list, } return disp_dict
[docs] def plot_site_displacements( defect_entry, separated_by_direction: Optional[bool] = False, relative_to_defect: Optional[bool] = False, vector_to_project_on: Optional[list] = None, use_plotly: Optional[bool] = True, style_file: Optional[str] = "", ): """ Plots site displacements around a defect. Args: defect_entry: DefectEntry object separated_by_direction: Whether to plot site displacements separated by direction (x, y, z). Default is False. relative_to_defect (bool): Whether to plot the signed displacements along the line from the defect site to that atom. Negative values indicate the atom moves towards the defect (compressive strain), positive values indicate the atom moves away from the defect (tensile strain). Uses the *relaxed* defect position as reference. vector_to_project_on: Direction to project the site displacements along (e.g. [0, 0, 1]). Defaults to None (e.g. the displacements are calculated in the cartesian basis x, y, z). use_plotly: Whether to use Plotly for plotting. Default is True. style_file: Path to matplotlib style file. Default is "", which will use the doped default style. Returns: Plotly or matplotlib figure. """ def _mpl_plot_total_disp( disp_type_key, ylabel, disp_dict, color_dict, styled_fig_size, styled_font_size, ): """ Function to plot absolute/total displacement. Depending on the disp_type_key specified, will plot either the normalised displacement (disp_type_key="Displacement"), the displacement wrt the defect (disp_type_key="Displacement wrt defect"), or the displacmeent projected along a specified direction ( disp_type_key="Displacement projected along vector"). """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(styled_fig_size[0], styled_fig_size[1])) if disp_type_key == "Displacement": y_data = [np.linalg.norm(i) for i in disp_dict["Displacement"]] else: y_data = disp_dict[disp_type_key] ax.scatter( disp_dict["Distance to defect"], y_data, c=[color_dict[i] for i in disp_dict["Species"]], alpha=0.4, edgecolor="none", ) ax.set_xlabel("Distance to defect ($\\AA$)", fontsize=styled_font_size) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=styled_font_size) # Add legend with species manually patches = [mpl.patches.Patch(color=color_dict[i], label=i) for i in unique_species] ax.legend(handles=patches) if disp_type_key in ("Displacement wrt defect", "Displacement projected along vector"): # Add horizontal line at 0 ax.axhline(0, color="grey", alpha=0.3, linestyle="--") return fig def _plotly_plot_total_disp( disp_type_key, ylabel, disp_dict, ): if disp_type_key == "Displacement": y_data = [np.linalg.norm(i) for i in disp_dict["Displacement"]] else: y_data = disp_dict[disp_type_key] fig = px.scatter( x=disp_dict["Distance to defect"], y=y_data, hover_data={ "Distance to defect": disp_dict["Distance to defect"], "Absolute displacement": y_data, "Species_with_index": disp_dict["Species_with_index"], }, color=disp_dict["Species"], # trendline="ols" ) # Round x and y in hover data fig.update_traces( hovertemplate=hovertemplate.replace("{x", "{customdata[0]") .replace("{y", "{customdata[1]") .replace("{z", "{customdata[2]") ) # Add axis labels fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Distance to defect (\u212B)", yaxis_title=f"{ylabel} (\u212B)") return fig # Check user didn't set both relative_to_defect and vector_to_project_on if ( separated_by_direction and (relative_to_defect or vector_to_project_on is not None) or (relative_to_defect and vector_to_project_on is not None) ): raise ValueError( "Cannot separate by direction and also plot relative displacements" " or displacements projected along a vector. Please only set one" " of these three options (e.g. to plot displacements relative to defect," " rerun with relative_to_defect=True, separated_by_direction=False" " and vector_to_project_on=None)" ) disp_dict = calc_site_displacements( defect_entry=defect_entry, relative_to_defect=relative_to_defect, vector_to_project_on=vector_to_project_on, ) if use_plotly and not plotly_installed: warnings.warn("Plotly not installed, using matplotlib instead") use_plotly = False if use_plotly: hovertemplate = "Distance to defect: %{x:.2f}<br>Absolute displacement: %{y:.2f}<br>Species: %{z}" if relative_to_defect: fig = _plotly_plot_total_disp( disp_type_key="Displacement wrt defect", ylabel="Displacement wrt defect", # Angstrom symbol added in function disp_dict=disp_dict, ) elif vector_to_project_on: fig = _plotly_plot_total_disp( disp_type_key="Displacement projected along vector", ylabel=f"Disp. along vector {tuple(vector_to_project_on)}", disp_dict=disp_dict, ) elif not separated_by_direction: # total displacement fig = _plotly_plot_total_disp( disp_type_key="Displacement", ylabel="Absolute displacement", disp_dict=disp_dict, ) else: # separated by direction fig = make_subplots( rows=1, cols=3, subplot_titles=("x", "y", "z"), shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True ) unique_species = list(set(disp_dict["Species"])) color_dict = dict(zip(unique_species, px.colors.qualitative.Plotly[: len(unique_species)])) for dir_index, _direction in enumerate(["x", "y", "z"]): fig.add_trace( Scatter( x=disp_dict["Distance to defect"], y=[abs(i[dir_index]) for i in disp_dict["Displacement"]], hovertemplate=hovertemplate.replace("{z", "{text"), text=disp_dict["Species_with_index"], marker={"color": [color_dict[i] for i in disp_dict["Species"]]}, # Only scatter plot, no line mode="markers", showlegend=False, ), row=1, col=dir_index + 1, ) # Add legend for color used for each species for specie, color in color_dict.items(): fig.add_trace( Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], mode="markers", marker={"color": color}, showlegend=True, legendgroup="1", name=specie, ), row=1, col=1, ) # Add axis labels fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="Distance to defect (\u212B)", yaxis_title="Absolute displacement (\u212B)" ) else: element_list = [ el.symbol for el in defect_entry.defect.structure.composition.elements ] # host elements element_list += sorted( [ # extrinsic elements, sorted alphabetically for deterministic ordering in output: el.symbol for el in defect_entry.defect.defect_structure.composition.elements if el.symbol not in element_list ] ) style_file = style_file or f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/displacement.mplstyle" # enforce style, as style.context currently doesn't work with jupyter with # Color by species unique_species = list(set(disp_dict["Species"])) unique_species.sort(key=lambda x: element_list.index(x)) colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] or list( dict(mpl.colors.BASE_COLORS, **mpl.colors.CSS4_COLORS).keys() ) color_dict = {i: colors[index] for index, i in enumerate(unique_species)} styled_fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] # Gives a final figure width matching styled_fig_size, # with dimensions matching the doped default styled_font_size = plt.rcParams["font.size"] if relative_to_defect: return _mpl_plot_total_disp( disp_type_key="Displacement wrt defect", ylabel="Displacement wrt defect ($\\AA$)", disp_dict=disp_dict, color_dict=color_dict, styled_fig_size=styled_fig_size, styled_font_size=styled_font_size, ) if vector_to_project_on: fig, ax = plt.subplots( 1, 2, sharey=True, sharex=True, figsize=(1.5 * styled_fig_size[0], 0.6 * styled_fig_size[1]), # (9.5, 4), ) for index, i, title in zip( [0, 1], ["Displacement projected along vector", "Displacement perpendicular to vector"], [ f"Parallel {tuple(vector_to_project_on)}", f"Perpendicular {tuple(vector_to_project_on)}", ], ): ax[index].scatter( disp_dict["Distance to defect"], disp_dict[i], c=[color_dict[i] for i in disp_dict["Species"]], alpha=0.4, edgecolor="none", ) ax[index].axhline(0, color="grey", alpha=0.3, linestyle="--") # Title with direction ax[index].set_title(f"{title}", fontsize=styled_font_size) ax[0].set_ylabel("Displacements ($\\AA$)", fontsize=styled_font_size) ax[1].set_xlabel("Distance to defect ($\\AA$)", fontsize=styled_font_size) # Add legend with species manually patches = [mpl.patches.Patch(color=color_dict[i], label=i) for i in unique_species] ax[0].legend(handles=patches) return fig if not separated_by_direction: return _mpl_plot_total_disp( disp_type_key="Displacement", ylabel="Absolute displacement ($\\AA$)", disp_dict=disp_dict, color_dict=color_dict, styled_fig_size=styled_fig_size, styled_font_size=styled_font_size, ) # Else, separated by direction fig, ax = plt.subplots( 1, 3, figsize=(2.0 * styled_fig_size[0], 0.6 * styled_fig_size[1]), # (13, 4), sharey=True, sharex=True, ) for index, i in enumerate(["x", "y", "z"]): ax[index].scatter( disp_dict["Distance to defect"], [abs(j[index]) for j in disp_dict["Displacement"]], c=[color_dict[i] for i in disp_dict["Species"]], alpha=0.4, edgecolor="none", ) # Title with direction ax[index].set_title(f"{i}") ax[0].set_ylabel("Site displacements ($\\AA$)", fontsize=styled_font_size) ax[1].set_xlabel("Distance to defect ($\\AA$)", fontsize=styled_font_size) # Add legend with species manually patches = [mpl.patches.Patch(color=color_dict[i], label=i) for i in unique_species] ax[0].legend(handles=patches) # Set separation between subplots fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.07) return fig