Code to generate Defect objects and supercell structures for ab-initio
import copy
import logging
import operator
import warnings
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import chain
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from typing import Optional, Union, cast
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import numpy as np
from monty.json import MontyDecoder, MSONable
from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn
from pymatgen.analysis.defects import core, thermo
from pymatgen.analysis.defects.generators import (
from pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher import StructureMatcher
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition, Element
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import DummySpecies
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.entries.computed_entries import ComputedStructureEntry
from pymatgen.transformations.advanced_transformations import CubicSupercellTransformation
from tabulate import tabulate
from tqdm import tqdm
from doped.core import (
from doped.utils import parsing, supercells, symmetry
_dummy_species = DummySpecies("X") # Dummy species used to keep track of defect coords in the supercell
core._logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # avoid unnecessary pymatgen-analysis-defects warnings about
# oxi states (already handled within doped)
def _custom_formatwarning(
message: Union[Warning, str],
category: type[Warning],
filename: str,
lineno: int,
line: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
Reformat warnings to just print the warning message.
return f"{message}\n"
warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning
def _list_index_or_val(lst, item, val=100):
Returns the index of the item in the lst, or val if not found.
return lst.index(item)
except ValueError:
return val
def get_defect_entry_from_defect(
defect: Defect,
defect_supercell: Structure,
charge_state: int,
dummy_species: DummySpecies = _dummy_species,
Generate doped DefectEntry object from a doped Defect object.
This is used to describe a Defect with a specified simulation cell.
defect (Defect): doped/pymatgen Defect object.
defect_supercell (Structure): Defect supercell structure.
charge_state (int): Charge state of the defect.
dummy_species (DummySpecies): Dummy species used to keep track of defect
DefectEntry: doped DefectEntry object.
defect_entry_structure = (
) # duplicate the structure so we don't edit the input Structure
# Dummy species (used to keep track of the defect coords in the supercell)
# Find its fractional coordinates & remove it from the supercell
dummy_site = next(
site for site in defect_entry_structure if (site.specie.symbol == dummy_species.symbol)
sc_defect_frac_coords = dummy_site.frac_coords
computed_structure_entry = ComputedStructureEntry(
energy=0.0, # needs to be set, so set to 0.0
return DefectEntry(
def _defect_dict_key_from_pmg_type(defect_type: core.DefectType) -> str:
Get the corresponding defect dictionary key from the pymatgen DefectType.
defect_type (core.DefectType): pymatgen DefectType.
str: Defect dictionary key.
if defect_type == core.DefectType.Vacancy:
return "vacancies"
if defect_type == core.DefectType.Substitution:
return "substitutions"
if defect_type == core.DefectType.Interstitial:
return "interstitials"
if defect_type == core.DefectType.Other:
return "others"
raise ValueError(
f"Defect type {defect_type} not recognised. Must be one of {core.DefectType.Vacancy}, "
f"{core.DefectType.Substitution}, {core.DefectType.Interstitial}, {core.DefectType.Other}."
def closest_site_info(defect_entry_or_defect, n=1, element_list=None):
Return the element and distance (rounded to 2 decimal places) of the
closest site to the defect in the input DefectEntry or Defect object.
If DefectEntry, uses defect_entry.defect_supercell_site if set, otherwise
defect_entry.sc_defect_frac_coords, with defect_entry.sc_entry.structure.
If Defect, uses defect.get_supercell_structure() with a 2x2x2 supercell to
ensure none of the detected sites are periodic images of the defect site.
Requires distances > 0.01 (i.e. so not the site itself), and if there are
multiple elements with the same distance, sort by order of appearance of
elements in the composition, then alphabetically and return the first one.
If n is set, then it returns the nth closest site, where the nth site must
be at least 0.02 Å further away than the n-1th site.
if isinstance(defect_entry_or_defect, (DefectEntry, thermo.DefectEntry)):
defect = defect_entry_or_defect.defect
# use defect_supercell_site if attribute exists, otherwise use sc_defect_frac_coords:
defect_supercell_site = parsing._get_defect_supercell_site(defect_entry_or_defect)
defect_supercell = parsing._get_defect_supercell(defect_entry_or_defect)
elif isinstance(defect_entry_or_defect, (Defect, core.Defect)):
if isinstance(defect_entry_or_defect, core.Defect):
defect = doped_defect_from_pmg_defect(defect_entry_or_defect) # convert to doped Defect
defect = defect_entry_or_defect
) = defect.get_supercell_structure(
sc_mat=np.array([[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2]]),
dummy_species="X", # keep track of the defect frac coords in the supercell
raise TypeError(
f"defect_entry_or_defect must be a DefectEntry or Defect object, not "
if element_list is None:
element_list = [el.symbol for el in defect.structure.composition.elements] # host elements
element_list += sorted(
[ # extrinsic elements, sorted alphabetically for deterministic ordering in output:
for el in defect.defect_structure.composition.elements
if el.symbol not in element_list
site_distances = sorted(
for site in defect_supercell
if site.distance(defect_supercell_site) > 0.01
key=lambda x: (symmetry._custom_round(x[0], 2), _list_index_or_val(element_list, x[1]), x[1]),
# prune site_distances to remove any tuples with distances within 0.02 Å of the previous entry:
site_distances = [
for i in range(len(site_distances))
if i == 0
or abs(site_distances[i][0] - site_distances[i - 1][0]) > 0.02
or site_distances[i][1] != site_distances[i - 1][1]
min_distance, closest_site = site_distances[n - 1]
return f"{closest_site}{symmetry._custom_round(min_distance, 2):.2f}"
def get_defect_name_from_defect(defect, element_list=None, symm_ops=None, symprec=0.01):
Get the doped/SnB defect name from Defect object.
defect (Defect): Defect object.
element_list (list):
Sorted list of elements in the host structure, so that
closest_site_info returns deterministic results (in case two
different elements located at the same distance from defect site).
Default is None.
symm_ops (list):
List of symmetry operations of ``defect.structure``, to avoid
re-calculating. Default is None (recalculates).
symprec (float):
Symmetry tolerance for ``spglib``. Default is 0.01.
str: Defect name.
point_group_symbol = symmetry.point_symmetry_from_defect(defect, symm_ops=symm_ops, symprec=symprec)
return f"{defect.name}_{point_group_symbol}_{closest_site_info(defect, element_list=element_list)}"
def get_defect_name_from_entry(
defect_entry: DefectEntry,
element_list: Optional[list] = None,
symm_ops: Optional[list] = None,
symprec: Optional[float] = None,
relaxed: bool = True,
Get the doped/SnB defect name from a DefectEntry object.
Note: If relaxed = True (default), then this tries to use the
defect_entry.defect_supercell to determine the site symmetry. This will
thus give the `relaxed` defect point symmetry if this is a DefectEntry
created from parsed defect calculations. However, it should be noted
that this is not guaranteed to work in all cases; namely for non-diagonal
supercell expansions, or sometimes for non-scalar supercell expansion
matrices (e.g. a 2x1x2 expansion)(particularly with high-symmetry materials)
which can mess up the periodicity of the cell. doped tries to automatically
check if this is the case, and will warn you if so.
This can also be checked by using this function on your doped `generated` defects:
.. code-block:: python
from doped.generation import get_defect_name_from_entry
for defect_name, defect_entry in defect_gen.items():
print(defect_name, get_defect_name_from_entry(defect_entry, relaxed=False),
get_defect_name_from_entry(defect_entry), "\n")
And if the point symmetries match in each case, then using this function on your
parsed `relaxed` DefectEntry objects should correctly determine the final relaxed
defect symmetry (and closest site info) - otherwise periodicity-breaking prevents this.
defect_entry (DefectEntry): ``DefectEntry`` object.
element_list (list):
Sorted list of elements in the host structure, so that
closest_site_info returns deterministic results (in case two
different elements located at the same distance from defect site).
Default is None.
symm_ops (list):
List of symmetry operations of either the defect_entry.bulk_supercell
structure (if relaxed=False) or defect_entry.defect_supercell (if
relaxed=True), to avoid re-calculating. Default is None (recalculates).
symprec (float):
Symmetry tolerance for ``spglib``. Default is 0.01 for unrelaxed structures,
0.2 for relaxed (to account for residual structural noise). You may
want to adjust for your system (e.g. if there are very slight
octahedral distortions etc).
relaxed (bool):
If False, determines the site symmetry using the defect site `in the
unrelaxed bulk supercell`, otherwise tries to determine the point
symmetry of the relaxed defect in the defect supercell).
Default is True.
str: Defect name.
point_group_symbol = symmetry.point_symmetry_from_defect_entry(
defect_entry, symm_ops=symm_ops, symprec=symprec, relaxed=relaxed
return (
f"_{closest_site_info(defect_entry, element_list=element_list)}"
def _get_neutral_defect_entry(
) = defect.get_supercell_structure(
dummy_species="X", # keep track of the defect frac coords in the supercell
neutral_defect_entry = get_defect_entry_from_defect(
neutral_defect_entry.defect_supercell = neutral_defect_entry.sc_entry.structure
neutral_defect_entry.defect_supercell_site = defect_supercell_site
neutral_defect_entry.equivalent_supercell_sites = equivalent_supercell_sites
neutral_defect_entry.bulk_supercell = bulk_supercell
neutral_defect_entry.conventional_structure = neutral_defect_entry.defect.conventional_structure = (
wyckoff_label, conv_cell_sites = symmetry.get_wyckoff(
conv_cell_coord_list = [
np.mod(symmetry._vectorized_custom_round(site.to_unit_cell().frac_coords), 1)
for site in conv_cell_sites
except Exception as e: # (slightly) less efficient algebraic matching:
wyckoff_label, conv_cell_coord_list = symmetry.get_wyckoff_label_and_equiv_coord_list(
conv_cell_coord_list = symmetry._vectorized_custom_round(
np.mod(symmetry._vectorized_custom_round(conv_cell_coord_list), 1)
except Exception as e2:
raise e2 from e
# sort array with symmetry._frac_coords_sort_func:
neutral_defect_entry.wyckoff = neutral_defect_entry.defect.wyckoff = wyckoff_label
neutral_defect_entry.conv_cell_frac_coords = neutral_defect_entry.defect.conv_cell_frac_coords = (
) # ideal/cleanest coords
neutral_defect_entry.equiv_conv_cell_frac_coords = (
) = conv_cell_coord_list
neutral_defect_entry._BilbaoCS_conv_cell_vector_mapping = (
) = _BilbaoCS_conv_cell_vector_mapping
return neutral_defect_entry
def name_defect_entries(defect_entries, element_list=None, symm_ops=None):
Create a dictionary of {Name: DefectEntry} from a list of DefectEntry
objects, where the names are set according to the default doped algorithm;
which is to use the pymatgen defect name (e.g. v_Cd, Cd_Te etc.) for
vacancies/antisites/substitutions, unless there are multiple inequivalent
sites for the defect, in which case the point group of the defect site is
appended (e.g. v_Cd_Td, Cd_Te_Td etc.), and if this is still not unique,
then element identity and distance to the nearest neighbour of the defect
site is appended (e.g. v_Cd_Td_Te2.83, Cd_Te_Td_Cd2.83 etc.). Names do not
yet have charge states included.
For interstitials, the same naming scheme is used, but the point group is
always appended to the pymatgen defect name.
If still not unique after the 3rd nearest neighbour info, then "a, b, c"
etc is appended to the name of different defects to distinguish.
defect_entries (list): List of DefectEntry objects to name.
element_list (list):
Sorted list of elements in the host structure, so that
closest_site_info returns deterministic results (in case two
different elements located at the same distance from defect site).
Default is None.
symm_ops (list):
List of symmetry operations of defect.structure (i.e. the primitive
structure), to avoid re-calculating. Default is None (recalculates).
dict: Dictionary of {Name: DefectEntry} objects.
def get_shorter_name(full_defect_name, split_number):
if split_number < 1: # if split number is less than 1, return full name
return full_defect_name
return full_defect_name.rsplit("_", split_number)[0]
def get_matching_names(defect_naming_dict, defect_name):
return [name for name in defect_naming_dict if name.startswith(defect_name)]
def handle_unique_match(defect_naming_dict, matching_names, split_number):
if len(matching_names) == 1:
previous_entry = defect_naming_dict.pop(matching_names[0])
previous_entry_full_name = get_defect_name_from_defect(
previous_entry.defect, element_list, symm_ops
previous_entry_name = get_shorter_name(previous_entry_full_name, split_number - 1)
defect_naming_dict[previous_entry_name] = previous_entry
return defect_naming_dict
def append_closest_site_info(name, entry, n):
return name + closest_site_info(entry, n=n, element_list=element_list)
def handle_multiple_matches(defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name, defect_entry, element_list=None):
n = 2
while True:
for name in list(defect_naming_dict.keys()):
if full_defect_name == name:
prev_defect_entry_full_name = append_closest_site_info(
name, defect_naming_dict[name], n
prev_defect_entry = defect_naming_dict.pop(name)
defect_naming_dict[prev_defect_entry_full_name] = prev_defect_entry
except IndexError:
return handle_repeated_name(defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name)
full_defect_name = append_closest_site_info(full_defect_name, defect_entry, n)
except IndexError:
return handle_repeated_name(defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name)
if not any(name.startswith(full_defect_name) for name in defect_naming_dict):
return defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name
if n == 3: # if still not unique after 3rd nearest neighbour, just use alphabetical indexing
return handle_repeated_name(defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name)
n += 1
def handle_repeated_name(defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name):
defect_name = None
for name in list(defect_naming_dict.keys()):
if full_defect_name == name:
prev_defect_entry = defect_naming_dict.pop(name)
defect_naming_dict[f"{name}a"] = prev_defect_entry
defect_name = f"{full_defect_name}b"
if full_defect_name == name[:-1]:
last_letters = [name[-1] for name in defect_naming_dict if name[:-1] == full_defect_name]
new_letter = chr(ord(last_letters[-1]) + 1)
defect_name = full_defect_name + new_letter
if defect_name is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Multiple defect names found for {full_defect_name}, and couldn't be "
f"renamed properly. Please report this issue to the developers."
return defect_naming_dict, defect_name
defect_naming_dict = {}
for defect_entry in defect_entries:
full_defect_name = get_defect_name_from_defect(defect_entry.defect, element_list, symm_ops)
split_number = 1 if defect_entry.defect.defect_type == core.DefectType.Interstitial else 2
shorter_defect_name = get_shorter_name(full_defect_name, split_number)
if not any(name.startswith(shorter_defect_name) for name in defect_naming_dict):
defect_naming_dict[shorter_defect_name] = defect_entry
matching_shorter_names = get_matching_names(defect_naming_dict, shorter_defect_name)
defect_naming_dict = handle_unique_match(defect_naming_dict, matching_shorter_names, split_number)
shorter_defect_name = get_shorter_name(full_defect_name, split_number - 1)
if not any(name.startswith(shorter_defect_name) for name in defect_naming_dict):
defect_naming_dict[shorter_defect_name] = defect_entry
matching_shorter_names = get_matching_names(defect_naming_dict, shorter_defect_name)
defect_naming_dict = handle_unique_match(
defect_naming_dict, matching_shorter_names, split_number - 1
shorter_defect_name = get_shorter_name(full_defect_name, split_number - 2)
if not any(name.startswith(shorter_defect_name) for name in defect_naming_dict):
defect_naming_dict[shorter_defect_name] = defect_entry
defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name = handle_multiple_matches(
defect_naming_dict, full_defect_name, defect_entry
defect_naming_dict[full_defect_name] = defect_entry
if len(defect_entries) != len(defect_naming_dict):
raise ValueError(
f"Number of defect entries ({len(defect_entries)}) does not match "
f"number of unique defect names ({len(defect_naming_dict)}). "
f"Please report this issue to the developers."
return defect_naming_dict
def get_oxi_probabilities(element_symbol: str) -> dict:
Get a dictionary of oxidation states and their probabilities for an
Tries to get the probabilities from the ``pymatgen`` tabulated ICSD oxidation
state probabilities, and if not available, uses the common oxidation states
of the element.
element_symbol (str): Element symbol.
dict: Dictionary of oxidation states (ints) and their probabilities (floats).
comp_obj = Composition(element_symbol)
comp_obj.add_charges_from_oxi_state_guesses() # add oxidation states to Composition object
if oxi_probabilities := {
k.oxi_state: v
for k, v in comp_obj.oxi_prob.items()
if k.element.symbol == element_symbol and k.oxi_state != 0
}: # not empty
return {
int(k): round(v / sum(oxi_probabilities.values()), 3) for k, v in oxi_probabilities.items()
element_obj = Element(element_symbol)
if element_obj.common_oxidation_states:
return {
int(k): 1 / len(element_obj.common_oxidation_states)
for k in element_obj.common_oxidation_states
} # known common oxidation states
# no known _common_ oxidation state, make guess and warn user
if element_obj.oxidation_states:
oxi_states = {
int(k): 1 / len(element_obj.oxidation_states) for k in element_obj.oxidation_states
} # known oxidation states
oxi_states = {0: 1} # no known oxidation states, return 0 with 100% probability
f"No known common oxidation states in pymatgen/ICSD dataset for element "
f"{element_obj.name}. If this results in unreasonable charge states, you "
f"should manually edit the defect charge states."
return oxi_states
def _charge_state_probability(
charge_state: int,
defect_el_oxi_state: int,
defect_el_oxi_probability: float,
max_host_oxi_magnitude: int,
return_log: bool = False,
) -> Union[float, dict]:
Function to estimate the probability of a given defect charge state, using
the probability of the corresponding defect element oxidation state, the
magnitude of the charge state, and the maximum magnitude of the host
oxidation states (i.e. how 'charged' the host is).
Disfavours large (absolute) charge states, low probability oxidation
states and greater charge/oxidation state magnitudes than that of the host.
charge_state (int): Charge state of defect.
defect_el_oxi_state (int): Oxidation state of defect element.
defect_el_oxi_probability (float):
Probability of oxidation state of defect element.
max_host_oxi_magnitude (int): Maximum host oxidation state magnitude.
return_log (bool):
If true, returns a dictionary of input & computed values
used to determine charge state probability. Default is False.
Probability of the defect charge state (between 0 and 1) if return_log
is False, otherwise a dictionary of input & computed values used to
determine charge state probability.
# for defect charge states; 0 to +/-2 likely, 3-4 less likely, 5-6 v unlikely, >=7 unheard of
# incorporates oxidation state probabilities and overall defect site charge
# (and thus by proxy the cationic/anionic identity of the substituting site)
# Thought about incorporating the oxi state probabilities (i.e. reducibility/oxidisability)
# of the neighbouring elements to this (particularly for vacancies), but no clear-cut
# cases where this would actually improve performance
def _defect_vs_host_charge(charge_state: int, host_charge: int) -> float:
if abs(charge_state) <= abs(host_charge):
return 1
return 1 / (2 * (abs(charge_state) - abs(host_charge)))
charge_state_guessing_log = {
"input_parameters": {
"charge_state": int(charge_state),
"oxi_state": int(defect_el_oxi_state),
"oxi_probability": defect_el_oxi_probability,
"max_host_oxi_magnitude": int(max_host_oxi_magnitude),
"probability_factors": {
"oxi_probability": defect_el_oxi_probability,
"charge_state_magnitude": (1 / abs(charge_state)) ** (2 / 3) if charge_state != 0 else 1,
"charge_state_vs_max_host_charge": _defect_vs_host_charge(charge_state, max_host_oxi_magnitude)
** (2 / 3),
"oxi_state_vs_max_host_charge": _defect_vs_host_charge(
defect_el_oxi_state, max_host_oxi_magnitude
** (2 / 3),
# product of charge_state_guessing_log["probability_factors"].values()
charge_state_guessing_log["probability"] = (
if charge_state != 0
else 1
) # always include neutral charge state
if return_log:
return charge_state_guessing_log
return charge_state_guessing_log["probability"]
def _get_vacancy_charge_states(vacancy: Vacancy, padding: int = 1) -> list[int]:
Get the possible charge states for a vacancy defect, which is from +/-1 to
the vacancy oxidation state.
vacancy (Defect): A ``doped`` ``Vacancy`` object.
padding (int):
Padding for vacancy charge states, such that the vacancy
charge states are set to range(vacancy oxi state, padding),
if vacancy oxidation state is negative, or to
range(-padding, vacancy oxi state), if positive.
Default is 1.
list[int]: A list of possible charge states for the defect.
if not isinstance(vacancy.oxi_state, (int, float)):
raise ValueError(
f"Vacancy oxidation state (= {vacancy.oxi_state}) is not an integer or float (needed for "
f"charge state guessing)! Please manually set the vacancy oxidation state."
if vacancy.oxi_state > 0:
return list(range(-padding, int(vacancy.oxi_state) + 1)) # from -1 to oxi_state
if vacancy.oxi_state < 0:
return list(range(int(vacancy.oxi_state), padding + 1)) # from oxi_state to +1
# oxi_state is 0
return list(range(-padding, padding + 1)) # from -1 to +1 for default
def _get_possible_oxi_states(defect: Defect) -> dict:
Get the possible oxidation states and probabilities for a defect.
defect (Defect): A doped Defect object.
dict: A dictionary with possible oxidation states as
keys and their probabilities as values.
return {
int(k): prob
for k, prob in get_oxi_probabilities(defect.site.specie.symbol).items()
if prob > 0.001 # at least 0.1% occurrence
def _get_charge_states(
possible_oxi_states: dict,
orig_oxi: int,
max_host_oxi_magnitude: int,
return_log: bool = False,
) -> dict:
return {
int(oxi - orig_oxi): _charge_state_probability(
oxi - orig_oxi, oxi, oxi_prob, max_host_oxi_magnitude, return_log=return_log
for oxi, oxi_prob in possible_oxi_states.items()
def guess_defect_charge_states(
defect: Defect, probability_threshold: float = 0.0075, padding: int = 1, return_log: bool = False
) -> Union[list[int], tuple[list[int], list[dict]]]:
Guess the possible charge states of a defect.
defect (Defect): doped Defect object.
probability_threshold (float):
Probability threshold for including defect charge states
(for substitutions and interstitials). Default is 0.0075.
padding (int):
Padding for vacancy charge states, such that the vacancy
charge states are set to range(vacancy oxi state, padding),
if vacancy oxidation state is negative, or to
range(-padding, vacancy oxi state), if positive.
Default is 1.
return_log (bool):
If true, returns a tuple of the defect charge states and
a list of dictionaries of input & computed values
used to determine charge state probability. Default is False.
List of defect charge states (int) or a tuple of the defect
charge states (list) and a list of dictionaries of input &
computed values used to determine charge state probability.
# Could consider bandgap magnitude as well, by pulling from Materials Project. Smaller gaps mean
# extreme charge states less likely. Would rather avoid having to query the database here though,
# as could give inconsistent results depending on whether the user generated defects with internet
# access or not (i.e. MP access or not). Will keep in mind.
if defect.defect_type == core.DefectType.Vacancy:
# Set defect charge state: from +/-1 to defect oxi state
vacancy_charge_states = _get_vacancy_charge_states(defect, padding=padding)
if return_log:
charge_state_guessing_log = [
"input_parameters": {
"charge_state": int(charge_state),
"probability_factors": {"oxi_probability": 1},
"probability": 1,
"probability_threshold": probability_threshold,
"padding": padding,
for charge_state in vacancy_charge_states
return (vacancy_charge_states, charge_state_guessing_log)
return vacancy_charge_states
possible_oxi_states = _get_possible_oxi_states(defect)
max_host_oxi_magnitude = int(max(abs(site.specie.oxi_state) for site in defect.structure))
if defect.defect_type == core.DefectType.Substitution:
orig_oxi = int(defect.structure[defect.defect_site_index].specie.oxi_state)
else: # interstitial
orig_oxi = 0
possible_charge_states = _get_charge_states(
possible_oxi_states, orig_oxi, max_host_oxi_magnitude, return_log=True
if charge_state_list := [
k for k, v in possible_charge_states.items() if v["probability"] > probability_threshold
charge_state_range = (int(min(charge_state_list)), int(max(charge_state_list)))
charge_state_range = (0, 0)
# check if defect element (interstitial/substitution) is present in structure (i.e. intrinsic
# interstitial or antisite):
defect_el_sites_in_struct = [
site for site in defect.structure if site.specie.symbol == defect.site.specie.symbol
defect_el_oxi_in_struct = (
int(np.mean([site.specie.oxi_state for site in defect_el_sites_in_struct]))
if defect_el_sites_in_struct
else None
if (
defect.defect_type == core.DefectType.Substitution
and defect_el_oxi_in_struct is not None
and defect_el_oxi_in_struct - orig_oxi
not in range(charge_state_range[0], charge_state_range[1] + 1)
# if simple antisite oxidation state difference not included, recheck with bumped up oxi_state
# probability for the oxi_state of the substitution atom in the structure
# should really be included unless it gives an absolute charge state >= 5, so set oxi_state
# probability to 100%
possible_charge_states[defect_el_oxi_in_struct - orig_oxi] = _charge_state_probability(
defect_el_oxi_in_struct - orig_oxi,
if (
defect.defect_type == core.DefectType.Interstitial
and defect_el_oxi_in_struct is not None
and defect_el_oxi_in_struct not in range(charge_state_range[0], charge_state_range[1] + 1)
# if oxidation state of interstitial element in the host structure is not included, include it!
possible_charge_states[defect_el_oxi_in_struct] = _charge_state_probability(
defect_el_oxi_in_struct - orig_oxi,
sorted_charge_state_dict = dict(
sorted(possible_charge_states.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["probability"], reverse=True)
if charge_state_list := [
k for k, v in sorted_charge_state_dict.items() if v["probability"] > probability_threshold
charge_state_range = (int(min(charge_state_list)), int(max(charge_state_list)))
# if no charge states are included, take most probable (if probability > 0.1*threshold)
charge_state_list = [
for k, v in sorted_charge_state_dict.items()
if v["probability"] > 0.1 * probability_threshold
most_likely_charge_state = charge_state_list[0] if charge_state_list else 0
charge_state_range = (most_likely_charge_state, most_likely_charge_state)
if (
defect.defect_type == core.DefectType.Substitution
and defect_el_oxi_in_struct is not None
and defect_el_oxi_in_struct - orig_oxi == 0
and (charge_state_range[0] >= 0 or charge_state_range[1] <= 0)
) or (charge_state_range[0] == 0 and charge_state_range[1] == 0):
# if defect is an antisite of two equal oxi state elements, or if range is 0, ensure at least
# (-1, 0, +1) included
charge_state_range = (min(charge_state_range[0], -1), max(charge_state_range[1], 1))
for charge_state, probability_dict in sorted_charge_state_dict.items():
if charge_state in (-1, 0, 1):
probability_dict["probability"] = 1
# set charge_state_range to min/max of range, ensuring range is extended to 0:
charge_state_range = (min(charge_state_range[0], 0), max(charge_state_range[1], 0))
guessed_charge_states = list(range(charge_state_range[0], charge_state_range[1] + 1))
for probability_dict in sorted_charge_state_dict.values():
probability_dict["probability_threshold"] = probability_threshold
if return_log:
return guessed_charge_states, list(sorted_charge_state_dict.values())
return guessed_charge_states
def get_ideal_supercell_matrix(
structure: Structure,
min_image_distance: float = 10.0,
min_atoms: int = 50,
force_cubic: bool = False,
force_diagonal: bool = False,
ideal_threshold: float = 0.1,
pbar: Optional[tqdm] = None,
) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
Determine the ideal supercell matrix for a given structure, based on the
minimum image distance, minimum number of atoms and ``ideal_threshold`` for
further expanding if a diagonal expansion of the primitive/conventional
cell is possible.
The ideal supercell is the smallest possible supercell which has
a minimum image distance (i.e. minimum distance between periodic
images of atoms/sites in a lattice) greater than
``min_image_distance`` (default = 10 Å - which is a typical threshold
value used in DFT defect supercell calculations) and a number of atoms
greater than ``min_atoms`` (default = 50). Once these criteria have
been reached, ``doped`` will then continue searching up to supercell
sizes (numbers of atoms) ``1 + ideal_threshold`` times larger
(rounded up) to see if they return a diagonal expansion of the
primitive/conventional cell (which can make later visualisation and
analysis much easier) - if so, this larger supercell will be returned.
This search for the ideal supercell transformation matrix is performed using
the ``find_ideal_supercell`` function from ``doped.utils.supercells`` (see
its docstring for more details), which efficiently scans over possible
supercell matrices and identifies that with the minimum image distance and
most cubic-like supercell shape. The advantage of this over that in
``pymatgen-analysis-defects`` is that it avoids the ``find_optimal_cell_shape``
function from ``ASE`` (which currently does not work for rotated matrices,
is inefficient, and optimises based on cubic-like shape rather than minimum
image distance), giving greatly reduced supercell sizes for a given minimum
image distance.
If ``force_cubic`` or ``force_diagonal`` are ``True``, then the
``CubicSupercellTransformation`` from ``pymatgen`` is used to identify any
simple near-cubic supercell transformations which satisfy the minimum image
distance and atom number criteria.
structure (Structure):
Primitive unit cell structure to generate supercell for.
min_image_distance (float):
Minimum image distance in Å of the supercell (i.e. minimum
distance between periodic images of atoms/sites in the lattice).
(Default = 10.0)
min_atoms (int):
Minimum number of atoms allowed in the supercell.
(Default = 50)
force_cubic (bool):
Enforce usage of ``CubicSupercellTransformation`` from
``pymatgen`` for supercell generation.
(Default = False)
force_diagonal (bool):
If True, return a transformation with a diagonal
transformation matrix.
(Default = False)
ideal_threshold (float):
Threshold for increasing supercell size (beyond that which satisfies
``min_image_distance`` and `min_atoms``) to achieve an ideal
supercell matrix (i.e. a diagonal expansion of the primitive or
conventional cell). Supercells up to ``1 + perfect_cell_threshold``
times larger (rounded up) are trialled, and will instead be
returned if they yield an ideal transformation matrix.
(Default = 0.1; i.e. 10% larger than the minimum size)
pbar (tqdm):
tqdm progress bar object to update (for internal ``doped``
usage). Default is None.
Ideal supercell matrix (np.ndarray) or None if no suitable
supercell could be found.
if force_cubic or force_diagonal:
cst = CubicSupercellTransformation(
return cst.transformation_matrix
except Exception: # cubic supercell generation failed, used doped algorithm
print("Could not find a suitable cubic supercell within the limits: ")
print(f"min_atoms = {min_atoms}, min_image_distance = {min_image_distance}")
print("Attempting doped supercell generation algorithm...")
# get min (hypothetical) target_size from min_atoms and min_image_distance:
min_target_size_from_atoms = int(np.ceil(min_atoms / len(structure)))
# most efficient min_dist from volume is FCC with min_dist = lattice vector lengths = 2**(1/6) times
# the effective cubic length (i.e. cube root of the volume), so use this to get min target_size:
min_target_size_from_min_dist = int(
np.ceil((min_image_distance / (2 ** (1 / 6))) ** 3 / structure.volume)
target_size = max(min_target_size_from_atoms, min_target_size_from_min_dist)
optimal_P, best_min_dist = supercells.find_ideal_supercell(
while best_min_dist < min_image_distance:
target_size += 1
if pbar is not None:
f"Best min distance: {best_min_dist:.2f} Å, trialling size = {target_size} unit cells..."
optimal_P, best_min_dist = supercells.find_ideal_supercell(
# check if supercell matrix is ideal (diagonal expansion of primitive or conventional cells), otherwise
# extend search by threshold amount:
if round(supercells._min_sum_off_diagonals(structure, optimal_P)) != 0:
max_target_size = int(np.ceil(target_size * (1 + ideal_threshold)))
for alt_target_size in range(target_size + 1, max_target_size + 1):
if pbar is not None:
f"Best min distance: {best_min_dist:.2f} Å, trialling size = {alt_target_size} unit "
alt_optimal_P, alt_best_min_dist = supercells.find_ideal_supercell(
if (
round(supercells._min_sum_off_diagonals(structure, alt_optimal_P)) == 0
and alt_best_min_dist > min_image_distance
optimal_P = alt_optimal_P
best_min_dist = alt_best_min_dist
target_size = alt_target_size
if pbar is not None:
f"Best min distance: {best_min_dist:.2f} Å, with size = {target_size} unit cells"
return optimal_P
class DefectsGenerator(MSONable):
Class for generating doped DefectEntry objects.
def __init__(
structure: Structure,
extrinsic: Optional[Union[str, list, dict]] = None,
interstitial_coords: Optional[list] = None,
generate_supercell: bool = True,
charge_state_gen_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
supercell_gen_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Union[int, float, bool]]] = None,
interstitial_gen_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
target_frac_coords: Optional[list] = None,
processes: Optional[int] = None,
Generates doped DefectEntry objects for defects in the input host
structure. By default, generates all intrinsic defects, but extrinsic
defects (impurities) can also be created using the ``extrinsic``
Interstitial sites are generated using Voronoi tessellation by default (found
to be the most reliable), which can be controlled using the
``interstitial_gen_kwargs`` argument (passed as keyword arguments to the
``VoronoiInterstitialGenerator`` class). Alternatively, a list of interstitial
sites (or single interstitial site) can be manually specified using the
``interstitial_coords`` argument.
By default, supercells are generated for each defect using the doped
``get_ideal_supercell_matrix()`` function (see docstring), with default settings
of ``min_image_distance = 10`` (minimum distance between periodic images of 10 Å),
``min_atoms = 50`` (minimum 50 atoms in the supercell) and ``ideal_threshold = 0.1``
(allow up to 10% larger supercell if it is a diagonal expansion of the primitive
or conventional cell). This uses a custom algorithm in ``doped`` to efficiently
search over possible supercell transformations and identify that with the minimum
number of atoms (hence computational cost) that satisfies the minimum image distance,
number of atoms and ``ideal_threshold`` constraints. These settings can be controlled
by specifying keyword arguments with ``supercell_gen_kwargs``, which are passed to
``get_ideal_supercell_matrix()`` (e.g. for a minimum image distance of 15 Å with at
least 100 atoms, use:
``supercell_gen_kwargs = {'min_image_distance': 15, 'min_atoms': 100}``). If the
input structure already satisfies these constraints (for the same number of atoms as
the ``doped``-generated supercell), then it will be used.
Alternatively if ``generate_supercell = False``, then no supercell is generated
and the input structure is used as the defect & bulk supercell. (Note this
may give a slightly different (but fully equivalent) set of coordinates).
The algorithm for determining defect entry names is to use the pymatgen defect
name (e.g. ``v_Cd``, ``Cd_Te`` etc.) for vacancies/antisites/substitutions, unless
there are multiple inequivalent sites for the defect, in which case the point
group of the defect site is appended (e.g. ``v_Cd_Td``, ``Cd_Te_Td`` etc.), and if
this is still not unique, then element identity and distance to the nearest
neighbour of the defect site is appended (e.g. ``v_Cd_Td_Te2.83``, ``Cd_Te_Td_Cd2.83``
etc.). For interstitials, the same naming scheme is used, but the point group
is always appended to the pymatgen defect name.
Possible charge states for the defects are estimated using the probability of
the corresponding defect element oxidation state, the magnitude of the charge
state, and the maximum magnitude of the host oxidation states (i.e. how
'charged' the host is), with large (absolute) charge states, low probability
oxidation states and/or greater charge/oxidation state magnitudes than that of
the host being disfavoured. This can be controlled using the
``probability_threshold`` (default = 0.0075) or ``padding`` (default = 1) keys in
the ``charge_state_gen_kwargs`` parameter, which are passed to the
``_charge_state_probability()`` function. The input and computed values used to
guess charge state probabilities are provided in the
``DefectEntry.charge_state_guessing_log`` attributes. See docs for examples of
modifying the generated charge states.
structure (Structure):
Structure of the host material (as a pymatgen Structure object).
If this is not the primitive unit cell, it will be reduced to the
primitive cell for defect generation, before supercell generation.
extrinsic (Union[str, list, dict]):
List or dict of elements (or string for single element) to be used
for extrinsic defect generation (i.e. dopants/impurities). If a
list is provided, all possible substitutional defects for each
extrinsic element will be generated. If a dict is provided, the keys
should be the host elements to be substituted, and the values the
extrinsic element(s) to substitute in; as a string or list.
In both cases, all possible extrinsic interstitials are generated.
interstitial_coords (list):
List of fractional coordinates (corresponding to the input structure),
or a single set of fractional coordinates, to use as interstitial
defect site(s). Default (when interstitial_coords not specified) is
to automatically generate interstitial sites using Voronoi tessellation.
The input interstitial_coords are converted to
``DefectsGenerator.prim_interstitial_coords``, which are the corresponding
fractional coordinates in ``DefectsGenerator.primitive_structure`` (which
is used for defect generation), along with the multiplicity and
equivalent coordinates, sorted according to the doped convention.
generate_supercell (bool):
Whether to generate a supercell for the output defect entries
(using the custom algorithm in ``doped`` which efficiently searches over
possible supercell transformations and identifies that with the minimum
number of atoms (hence computational cost) that satisfies the minimum
image distance, number of atoms and ``ideal_threshold`` constraints
- which can be controlled with ``supercell_gen_kwargs``).
If False, then the input structure is used as the defect & bulk supercell.
(Note this may give a slightly different (but fully equivalent) set of coordinates).
charge_state_gen_kwargs (dict):
Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``_charge_state_probability``
function (such as ``probability_threshold`` (default = 0.0075, used for
substitutions and interstitials) and ``padding`` (default = 1, used for
vacancies)) to control defect charge state generation.
supercell_gen_kwargs (dict):
Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``get_ideal_supercell_matrix``
function (such as ``min_image_distance`` (default = 10), ``min_atoms``
(default = 50), ``ideal_threshold`` (default = 0.1), ``force_cubic``
- which enforces a (near-)cubic supercell output (default = False),
or ``force_diagonal`` (default = False)).
interstitial_gen_kwargs (dict, bool):
Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``VoronoiInterstitialGenerator``
class (such as ``clustering_tol``, ``stol``, ``min_dist`` etc), or to
``InterstitialGenerator`` if ``interstitial_coords`` is specified.
If set to False, interstitial generation will be skipped entirely.
target_frac_coords (list):
Defects are placed at the closest equivalent site to these fractional
coordinates in the generated supercells. Default is [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
if not set (i.e. the supercell centre, to aid visualisation).
processes (int):
Number of processes to use for multiprocessing. If not set, defaults to
one less than the number of CPUs available.
defect_entries (dict): Dictionary of {defect_species: DefectEntry} for all
defect entries (with charge state and supercell properties) generated.
defects (dict): Dictionary of {defect_type: [Defect, ...]} for all defect
objects generated.
primitive_structure (Structure): Primitive cell structure of the host
used to generate defects.
supercell_matrix (Matrix): Matrix to generate defect/bulk supercells from
the primitive cell structure.
bulk_supercell (Structure): Supercell structure of the host
(equal to primitive_structure * supercell_matrix).
conventional_structure (Structure): Conventional cell structure of the
host according to the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (BCS) definition,
used to determine defect site Wyckoff labels and multiplicities.
``DefectsGenerator`` input parameters are also set as attributes.
# SpglibDataset warning introduced in v2.4.1, can later remove when pymatgen updated to avoid this:
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="dict interface")
self.defects: dict[str, list[Defect]] = {} # {defect_type: [Defect, ...]}
self.defect_entries: dict[str, DefectEntry] = {} # {defect_species: DefectEntry}
self.structure = structure
self.extrinsic = extrinsic if extrinsic is not None else []
if interstitial_coords is not None:
# if a single list or array, convert to list of lists
self.interstitial_coords = (
if isinstance(interstitial_coords[0], (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
else [interstitial_coords] # ensure list of lists
self.interstitial_coords = []
self.prim_interstitial_coords = None
self.generate_supercell = generate_supercell
self.charge_state_gen_kwargs = (
charge_state_gen_kwargs if charge_state_gen_kwargs is not None else {}
self.supercell_gen_kwargs: dict[str, Union[int, float, bool]] = {
"min_image_distance": 10.0, # same as current pymatgen-analysis-defects `min_length` ( = 10)
"min_atoms": 50, # different from current pymatgen-analysis-defects `min_atoms` ( = 80)
"ideal_threshold": 0.1,
"force_cubic": False,
"force_diagonal": False,
self.supercell_gen_kwargs.update(supercell_gen_kwargs if supercell_gen_kwargs is not None else {})
self.interstitial_gen_kwargs: dict[str, Union[int, float, bool]] = (
interstitial_gen_kwargs if interstitial_gen_kwargs is not None else {}
self.target_frac_coords = target_frac_coords if target_frac_coords is not None else [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
specified_min_image_distance = self.supercell_gen_kwargs["min_image_distance"]
if len(self.structure) == 1 and not self.generate_supercell:
# raise error if only one atom in primitive cell and no supercell generated, as vacancy will
# give empty structure
raise ValueError(
"Input structure has only one site, so cannot generate defects without supercell (i.e. "
"with generate_supercell=False)! Vacancy defect will give empty cell!"
pbar = tqdm(
total=100, bar_format="{desc}{percentage:.1f}%|{bar}| [{elapsed}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]"
) # tqdm progress
# bar. 100% is completion
pbar.set_description("Getting primitive structure")
try: # put code in try/except block so progress bar always closed if interrupted
# Reduce structure to primitive cell for efficient defect generation
# same symprec as defect generators in pymatgen-analysis-defects:
sga = symmetry._get_sga(self.structure)
if sga.get_space_group_number() == 1: # print sanity check message
"Note that the detected symmetry of the input structure is P1 (i.e. only "
"translational symmetry). If this is not expected (i.e. host system is not "
"disordered/defective), then you should check your input structure!"
prim_struct = symmetry.get_primitive_structure(sga)
if prim_struct.num_sites < self.structure.num_sites:
primitive_structure = Structure.from_dict(symmetry._round_floats(prim_struct.as_dict()))
else: # primitive cell is the same as input structure, use input structure to avoid rotations
# wrap to unit cell:
primitive_structure = Structure.from_sites(
[site.to_unit_cell() for site in self.structure]
primitive_structure = Structure.from_dict(
pbar.update(5) # 5% of progress bar
# check if input structure is already greater than ``min_image_distance`` Å in each direction:
input_min_image_distance = supercells.get_min_image_distance(self.structure)
if self.generate_supercell:
# Generate supercell once, so this isn't redundantly rerun for each defect, and ensures the
# same supercell is used for each defect and bulk calculation
pbar.set_description("Generating simulation supercell")
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="The 'warn' method is deprecated")
supercell_matrix = get_ideal_supercell_matrix(
**self.supercell_gen_kwargs, # type: ignore
if not self.generate_supercell or (
input_min_image_distance >= specified_min_image_distance
and (primitive_structure * supercell_matrix).num_sites
>= self.structure.num_sites
>= self.supercell_gen_kwargs["min_atoms"]
if input_min_image_distance < 10:
# input structure is <10 Å in at least one direction, and generate_supercell=False,
# so use input structure but warn user:
f"\nInput structure is <10 Å in at least one direction (minimum image distance = "
f"{input_min_image_distance:.2f} Å, which is usually too "
f"small for accurate defect calculations, but generate_supercell = False, so "
f"using input structure as defect & bulk supercells. Caution advised!"
# ``generate_supercell=False`` or input structure has fewer or same number of atoms as
# doped supercell, so use input structure:
) = symmetry._get_supercell_matrix_and_possibly_rotate_prim(
primitive_structure, self.structure
self.primitive_structure, self._T = symmetry.get_clean_structure(
self.primitive_structure, return_T=True
) # T maps orig prim struct to new prim struct; T*orig = new -> orig = T^-1*new
# supercell matrix P was: P*orig = super -> P*T^-1*new = super -> P' = P*T^-1
self.supercell_matrix = np.matmul(self.supercell_matrix, np.linalg.inv(self._T))
self.primitive_structure = primitive_structure
self.supercell_matrix = supercell_matrix
self.primitive_structure = Structure.from_sites(
[site.to_unit_cell() for site in self.primitive_structure]
self.bulk_supercell = Structure.from_sites(
for site in (self.primitive_structure * self.supercell_matrix).get_sorted_structure()
self.bulk_supercell = Structure.from_dict(
self.min_image_distance = supercells.get_min_image_distance(self.bulk_supercell)
# check that generated supercell is greater than ``min_image_distance``` Å in each direction:
if self.min_image_distance < specified_min_image_distance and self.generate_supercell:
raise ValueError(
f"Error in supercell generation! Auto-generated supercell is less than chosen minimum "
f"image distance ({specified_min_image_distance:.2f} Å) in at least one direction ("
f"minimum image distance = {self.min_image_distance:.2f} Å), which should not happen. "
f"If you used force_cubic or force_diagonal, you may need to relax these constraints "
f"to find an appropriate supercell - otherwise please report this to the developers!"
self._bulk_oxi_states: Union[bool, dict] = (
False # to check if pymatgen can guess the bulk oxidation states
# if input structure was oxi-state-decorated, use these oxi states for defect generation:
if all(hasattr(site.specie, "oxi_state") for site in self.structure.sites) and all(
isinstance(site.specie.oxi_state, (int, float)) for site in self.structure.sites
self._bulk_oxi_states = {
el.symbol: el.oxi_state for el in self.structure.composition.elements
else: # guess & set oxidation states now, to speed up oxi state handling in defect generation
if prim_struct_w_oxi := guess_and_set_oxi_states_with_timeout(self.primitive_structure):
self.primitive_structure = prim_struct_w_oxi
self._bulk_oxi_states = {
el.symbol: el.oxi_state for el in self.primitive_structure.composition.elements
"\nOxidation states could not be guessed for the input structure. This is "
"required for charge state guessing, so defects will still be generated but "
"all charge states will be set to -1, 0, +1. You can manually edit these "
"with the add/remove_charge_states methods (see tutorials), or you can set "
"the oxidation states of the input structure (e.g. using "
"structure.add_oxidation_state_by_element()) and re-initialize "
pbar.update(10) # 15% of progress bar
# Generate defects
# Vacancies:
pbar.set_description("Generating vacancies")
vac_generator_obj = VacancyGenerator()
vac_generator = vac_generator_obj.generate(
self.primitive_structure, oxi_state=0
) # set oxi_state using doped functions; more robust and efficient
self.defects["vacancies"] = [
Vacancy._from_pmg_defect(vac, bulk_oxi_states=self._bulk_oxi_states)
for vac in vac_generator
pbar.update(5) # 20% of progress bar
# Antisites:
pbar.set_description("Generating substitutions")
antisite_generator_obj = AntiSiteGenerator()
as_generator = antisite_generator_obj.generate(self.primitive_structure, oxi_state=0)
self.defects["substitutions"] = [
Substitution._from_pmg_defect(anti, bulk_oxi_states=self._bulk_oxi_states)
for anti in as_generator
pbar.update(5) # 25% of progress bar
# Substitutions:
# determine which, if any, extrinsic elements are present:
if isinstance(self.extrinsic, str):
extrinsic_elements = [self.extrinsic]
elif isinstance(self.extrinsic, list):
extrinsic_elements = self.extrinsic
elif isinstance(self.extrinsic, dict): # dict of host: extrinsic elements, as lists or strings
# convert to flattened list of extrinsic elements:
extrinsic_elements = list(
chain(*[i if isinstance(i, list) else [i] for i in self.extrinsic.values()])
extrinsic_elements = list(set(extrinsic_elements)) # get only unique elements
extrinsic_elements = []
host_element_list = [el.symbol for el in self.primitive_structure.composition.elements]
# if any "extrinsic" elements are actually host elements, remove them from the list and warn
# user:
if any(el in host_element_list for el in extrinsic_elements):
f"\nSpecified 'extrinsic' elements "
f"{[el for el in extrinsic_elements if el in host_element_list]} are present in "
f"the host structure, so do not need to be specified as 'extrinsic' in "
f"DefectsGenerator(). These will be ignored."
# sort extrinsic elements alphabetically for deterministic ordering in output:
extrinsic_elements = sorted([el for el in extrinsic_elements if el not in host_element_list])
substitution_generator_obj = SubstitutionGenerator()
if isinstance(self.extrinsic, (str, list)): # substitute all host elements:
substitutions = {
el.symbol: extrinsic_elements for el in self.primitive_structure.composition.elements
elif isinstance(self.extrinsic, dict): # substitute only specified host elements
substitutions = self.extrinsic
f"Invalid `extrinsic` defect input. Got type {type(self.extrinsic)}, but string or "
f"list or dict required. No extrinsic defects will be generated."
substitutions = {}
if substitutions:
sub_generator = substitution_generator_obj.generate(
self.primitive_structure, substitution=substitutions, oxi_state=0
sub_defects = [
Substitution._from_pmg_defect(sub, bulk_oxi_states=self._bulk_oxi_states)
for sub in sub_generator
if "substitutions" in self.defects:
self.defects["substitutions"] = sub_defects
if not self.defects["substitutions"]: # no substitutions, single-element system, no extrinsic
del self.defects["substitutions"] # remove empty list
pbar.update(5) # 30% of progress bar
# Interstitials:
self._element_list = host_element_list + extrinsic_elements # all elements in system
if self.interstitial_gen_kwargs is not False: # skip interstitials
pbar.set_description("Generating interstitials")
if self.interstitial_coords:
# map interstitial coords to primitive structure, and get multiplicities
sga = symmetry._get_sga(self.structure)
symm_ops = sga.get_symmetry_operations(cartesian=False)
self.prim_interstitial_coords = []
for interstitial_frac_coords in self.interstitial_coords:
prim_inter_coords, equiv_coords = symmetry._get_equiv_frac_coords_in_primitive(
(prim_inter_coords, len(equiv_coords), equiv_coords)
sorted_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = self.prim_interstitial_coords
# Generate interstitial sites using Voronoi tessellation
interstitial_gen_kwargs = self.interstitial_gen_kwargs.copy()
interstitial_gen_kwargs.setdefault("stol", 0.32) # avoid overwriting input dict
interstitial_gen_kwargs.setdefault("clustering_tol", 0.55)
vig = VoronoiInterstitialGenerator(**interstitial_gen_kwargs)
tight_vig = VoronoiInterstitialGenerator(
) # for determining multiplicities of any merged/grouped interstitial sites from
# Voronoi tessellation + structure-matching
# parallelize Voronoi interstitial site generation:
if cpu_count() >= 2 and len(self.primitive_structure) > 8: # skip for small systems as
# communication overhead / process initialisation outweighs speedup
with Pool(2) as p:
interstitial_gen_mp_results = p.map(
[(vig, self.primitive_structure), (tight_vig, self.primitive_structure)],
cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = interstitial_gen_mp_results[0]
tight_cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = interstitial_gen_mp_results[1]
cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = [
tight_cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = [
structure_matcher = StructureMatcher(
self.interstitial_gen_kwargs.get("ltol", 0.2),
self.interstitial_gen_kwargs.get("stol", 0.3),
self.interstitial_gen_kwargs.get("angle_tol", 5),
) # pymatgen-analysis-defects default
unique_tight_cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = [
for cand_site_mul_and_equiv_fpos in tight_cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos
if cand_site_mul_and_equiv_fpos not in cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos
# structure-match the non-matching site & multiplicity tuples, and return the site &
# multiplicity of the tuple with the lower multiplicity (i.e. higher symmetry site)
output_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = []
for cand_site_mul_and_equiv_fpos in cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos:
matching_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = []
if cand_site_mul_and_equiv_fpos not in tight_cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos:
for (
) in unique_tight_cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos:
interstitial_struct = self.primitive_structure.copy()
0, "H", cand_site_mul_and_equiv_fpos[0], coords_are_cartesian=False
tight_interstitial_struct = self.primitive_structure.copy()
if structure_matcher.fit(interstitial_struct, tight_interstitial_struct):
matching_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos += [
# take the site with the lower multiplicity (higher symmetry). If multiplicities
# equal, then take site with larger distance to host atoms (then most ideal site
# according to symmetry._frac_coords_sort_func if also equal):
[cand_site_mul_and_equiv_fpos, *matching_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos],
key=lambda cand_site_mul_and_equiv_fpos: (
# distance to nearest host atom (and invert so max -> min for sorting)
/ (
# return the minimum _frac_coords_sort_func for all equiv fpos:
sorted_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos = []
for _cand_site, multiplicity, equiv_fpos in output_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos:
# take site with equiv_fpos sorted by symmetry._frac_coords_sort_func:
sorted_equiv_fpos = sorted(equiv_fpos, key=symmetry._frac_coords_sort_func)
ideal_cand_site = sorted_equiv_fpos[0]
(ideal_cand_site, multiplicity, sorted_equiv_fpos)
self.defects["interstitials"] = []
ig = InterstitialGenerator(self.interstitial_gen_kwargs.get("min_dist", 0.9))
cand_sites, multiplicity, equiv_fpos = zip(*sorted_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos)
for el in self._element_list:
inter_generator = ig.generate(
insertions={el: cand_sites},
multiplicities={el: multiplicity},
equivalent_positions={el: equiv_fpos},
Interstitial._from_pmg_defect(inter, bulk_oxi_states=self._bulk_oxi_states)
for inter in inter_generator
# check if any manually-specified interstitials were skipped due to min_dist and
# warn user:
if self.interstitial_coords and len(self.interstitial_coords) > len(
f"\nNote that some manually-specified interstitial sites were skipped due to "
f"being too close to host lattice sites (minimum distance = `min_dist` = "
f"{self.interstitial_gen_kwargs.get('min_dist', 0.9):.2f} Å). If for some "
f"reason you still want to include these sites, you can adjust `min_dist` ("
f"default = 0.9 Å), or just use the default Voronoi tessellation algorithm "
f"for generating interstitials (by not setting the `interstitial_coords` "
pbar.update(15) # 45% of progress bar, generating interstitials typically takes the longest
# Generate DefectEntry objects:
pbar.set_description("Determining Wyckoff sites")
defect_list: list[Defect] = reduce(operator.iconcat, self.defects.values(), [])
num_defects = len(defect_list)
# get BCS conventional structure and lattice vector swap array:
) = symmetry.get_BCS_conventional_structure(
self.primitive_structure, pbar=pbar, return_wyckoff_dict=True
sga = symmetry._get_sga(self.conventional_structure)
symm_ops = sga.get_symmetry_operations(cartesian=False)
# process defects into defect entries:
partial_func = partial(
if not isinstance(pbar, MagicMock): # to allow tqdm to be mocked for testing
_pbar_increment_per_defect = max(
0, min((1 / num_defects) * ((pbar.total * 0.9) - pbar.n), pbar.total - pbar.n)
) # up to 90% of progress bar
_pbar_increment_per_defect = 0
defect_entry_list = []
if len(self.primitive_structure) > 8: # skip for small systems as communication overhead /
# process initialisation outweighs speedup
with Pool(processes=processes or cpu_count() - 1) as pool:
results = pool.imap_unordered(partial_func, defect_list)
for result in results:
pbar.update(_pbar_increment_per_defect) # 90% of progress bar
for defect in defect_list:
pbar.update(_pbar_increment_per_defect) # 90% of progress bar
pbar.set_description("Generating DefectEntry objects")
# sort defect_entry_list by _frac_coords_sort_func applied to the conv_cell_frac_coords,
# in order for naming and defect generation output info to be deterministic
defect_entry_list.sort(key=lambda x: symmetry._frac_coords_sort_func(x.conv_cell_frac_coords))
# redefine defects dict with DefectEntry.defect objects (as attributes have been updated in
# _get_neutral_defect_entry):
self.defects = {
"vacancies": [
for defect_entry in defect_entry_list
if _defect_dict_key_from_pmg_type(defect_entry.defect.defect_type) == "vacancies"
"substitutions": [
for defect_entry in defect_entry_list
if _defect_dict_key_from_pmg_type(defect_entry.defect.defect_type) == "substitutions"
"interstitials": [
for defect_entry in defect_entry_list
if _defect_dict_key_from_pmg_type(defect_entry.defect.defect_type) == "interstitials"
# remove empty defect lists: (e.g. single-element systems with no antisite substitutions)
self.defects = {k: v for k, v in self.defects.items() if v}
prim_sga = symmetry._get_sga(self.primitive_structure)
prim_symm_ops = prim_sga.get_symmetry_operations(cartesian=False)
named_defect_dict = name_defect_entries(
defect_entry_list, element_list=self._element_list, symm_ops=prim_symm_ops
pbar.update(5) # 95% of progress bar
if not isinstance(pbar, MagicMock):
_pbar_increment_per_defect = max(
0, min((1 / num_defects) * (pbar.total - pbar.n) * 0.999, pbar.total - pbar.n)
) # multiply by 0.999 to avoid rounding errors, overshooting the 100% limit and getting
# warnings from tqdm
for defect_name_wout_charge, neutral_defect_entry in named_defect_dict.items():
if self._bulk_oxi_states is not False:
charge_state_guessing_output = guess_defect_charge_states(
neutral_defect_entry.defect, return_log=True, **self.charge_state_gen_kwargs
charge_state_guessing_output = cast(
tuple[list[int], list[dict]], charge_state_guessing_output
) # for correct type checking; guess_defect_charge_states can return different types
# depending on return_log
charge_states, charge_state_guessing_log = charge_state_guessing_output
neutral_defect_entry.charge_state_guessing_log = charge_state_guessing_log
charge_states = [-1, 0, 1] # no oxi states, so can't guess charge states
neutral_defect_entry.charge_state_guessing_log = {}
for charge in charge_states:
defect_entry = copy.deepcopy(neutral_defect_entry)
defect_entry.charge_state = charge
# set name attribute:
defect_entry.name = f"{defect_name_wout_charge}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}"
self.defect_entries[defect_entry.name] = defect_entry
pbar.update(_pbar_increment_per_defect) # 100% of progress bar
# sort defects and defect entries for deterministic behaviour:
self.defects = _sort_defects(self.defects, element_list=self._element_list)
self.defect_entries = _sort_defect_entries(
self.defect_entries, element_list=self._element_list
# remove oxidation states from structures (causes deprecation warnings and issues with
# comparison tests, also only added from oxi state guessing in defect generation so no extra
# info provided)
for defect_list in self.defects.values():
for defect_obj in defect_list:
for defect_entry in self.defect_entries.values():
if not isinstance(pbar, MagicMock) and pbar.total - pbar.n > 0:
pbar.update(pbar.total - pbar.n) # 100%
except Exception as e:
raise e
def defect_generator_info(self):
Prints information about the defects that have been generated.
return print(self._defect_generator_info())
def _defect_generator_info(self):
Returns a string with information about the defects that have been
generated by the DefectsGenerator.
info_string = ""
for defect_class, defect_list in self.defects.items():
if len(defect_list) > 0:
table = []
header = [
"Guessed Charges",
"Conv. Cell Coords",
defect_type = defect_list[0].defect_type
matching_defect_types = {
defect_entry_name: defect_entry
for defect_entry_name, defect_entry in self.defect_entries.items()
if defect_entry.defect.defect_type == defect_type
seen = set()
matching_type_names_wout_charge = [
defect_entry_name.rsplit("_", 1)[0]
for defect_entry_name in matching_defect_types
if defect_entry_name.rsplit("_", 1)[0] not in seen
and not seen.add(defect_entry_name.rsplit("_", 1)[0]) # track unique defect names
# w/out charge
for defect_name in matching_type_names_wout_charge:
charges = [
name.rsplit("_", 1)[1]
for name in self.defect_entries
if name.startswith(f"{defect_name}_")
] # so e.g. Te_i_m1 doesn't match with Te_i_m1b
# convert list of strings to one string with comma-separated charges
charges = "[" + ",".join(charges) + "]"
defect_entry = next(
for name, entry in self.defect_entries.items()
if name.startswith(defect_name)
frac_coords_string = ",".join(f"{x:.3f}" for x in defect_entry.conv_cell_frac_coords)
row = [
info_string += (
+ "\n\n"
conventional_cell_comp = self.conventional_structure.composition
formula, fu = conventional_cell_comp.get_reduced_formula_and_factor(iupac_ordering=True)
info_string += (
"The number in the Wyckoff label is the site multiplicity/degeneracy of that defect in the "
f"conventional ('conv.') unit cell, which comprises {fu} formula unit(s) of {formula}.\n"
"Note that Wyckoff letters can depend on the ordering of elements in the conventional "
"standard structure, for which doped uses the spglib convention."
return info_string
def add_charge_states(self, defect_entry_name: str, charge_states: list):
Add additional ``DefectEntry``\s with the specified charge states to
defect_entry_name (str):
Name of defect entry to add charge states to.
Doesn't need to include the charge state.
charge_states (list): List of charge states to add to defect entry (e.g. [-2, -3]).
previous_defect_entry = next(
entry for name, entry in self.defect_entries.items() if name.startswith(defect_entry_name)
for charge in charge_states:
defect_entry = copy.deepcopy(previous_defect_entry)
defect_entry.charge_state = charge
defect_entry.name = (
f"{defect_entry.name.rsplit('_', 1)[0]}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}"
self.defect_entries[defect_entry.name] = defect_entry
# sort defects and defect entries for deterministic behaviour:
self.defects = _sort_defects(self.defects, element_list=self._element_list)
self.defect_entries = _sort_defect_entries(self.defect_entries, element_list=self._element_list)
def remove_charge_states(self, defect_entry_name: str, charge_states: list):
Remove ``DefectEntry``\s with the specified charge states from
defect_entry_name (str):
Name of defect entry to remove charge states from.
Doesn't need to include the charge state.
charge_states (list): List of charge states to add to defect entry (e.g. [-2, -3]).
# if defect entry name ends with number:
if defect_entry_name[-1].isdigit():
defect_entry_name = defect_entry_name.rsplit("_", 1)[0] # name without charge
for charge in charge_states:
# remove defect entries with defect_entry_name in name:
for defect_entry_name_to_remove in [
for name in self.defect_entries
if name.startswith(defect_entry_name)
and name.endswith(f"_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}")
del self.defect_entries[defect_entry_name_to_remove]
# sort defects and defect entries for deterministic behaviour:
self.defects = _sort_defects(self.defects, element_list=self._element_list)
self.defect_entries = _sort_defect_entries(self.defect_entries, element_list=self._element_list)
def as_dict(self):
JSON-serializable dict representation of DefectsGenerator.
return {
"@module": type(self).__module__,
"@class": type(self).__name__,
def from_dict(cls, d):
Reconstructs DefectsGenerator object from a dict representation created
using DefectsGenerator.as_dict().
d (dict): dict representation of DefectsGenerator.
DefectsGenerator object
def process_attributes(attributes, iterable):
result = {}
for attr in attributes:
result[attr] = MontyDecoder().process_decoded(iterable.pop(attr))
return result
def decode_dict(iterable):
if isinstance(iterable, dict) and "@module" in iterable:
class_name = iterable["@class"]
defect_additional_attributes = [
attribute_groups = {
"DefectEntry": [
k: defect_additional_attributes
for k in [
if class_name in attribute_groups:
# pull attributes not in __init__ signature and define after object creation
attributes = process_attributes(attribute_groups[class_name], iterable)
if class_name == "DefectEntry":
attributes["defect"] = copy.deepcopy(decode_dict(iterable["defect"]))
decoded_obj = MontyDecoder().process_decoded(iterable)
for attr, value in attributes.items():
setattr(decoded_obj, attr, value)
return decoded_obj
return MontyDecoder().process_decoded(iterable)
if isinstance(iterable, dict):
return {k: decode_dict(v) for k, v in iterable.items()}
if isinstance(iterable, list):
return [decode_dict(v) for v in iterable]
return iterable
# recursively decode nested dicts (in dicts or lists) with @module key
d_decoded = {k: decode_dict(v) for k, v in d.items()}
defects_generator = cls.__new__(
) # Create new DefectsGenerator object without invoking __init__
# set the instance variables directly from the dictionary
for key, value in d_decoded.items():
if key not in ["@module", "@class", "@version"]:
setattr(defects_generator, key, value)
return defects_generator
def to_json(self, filename: Optional[str] = None):
Save the ``DefectsGenerator`` object as a json file, which can be
reloaded with the ``DefectsGenerator.from_json()`` class method.
filename (str): Filename to save json file as. If None, the filename will be
set as "{Chemical Formula}_defects_generator.json" where {Chemical Formula}
is the chemical formula of the host material.
if filename is None:
formula = self.primitive_structure.composition.get_reduced_formula_and_factor(
filename = f"{formula}_defects_generator.json"
dumpfn(self, filename)
def from_json(cls, filename: str):
Load a DefectsGenerator object from a json file.
filename (str): Filename of json file to load DefectsGenerator
object from.
DefectsGenerator object
return loadfn(filename)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
Redirects an unknown attribute/method call to the defect_entries
dictionary attribute, if the attribute doesn't exist in
# Return the attribute if it exists in self.__dict__
if attr in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[attr]
# If trying to access defect_entries and it doesn't exist, raise an error
if attr == "defect_entries" or "defect_entries" not in self.__dict__:
raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{attr}'")
# Check if the attribute exists in defect_entries
if hasattr(self.defect_entries, attr):
return getattr(self.defect_entries, attr)
# If all else fails, raise an AttributeError
raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{attr}'")
def __getitem__(self, key):
Makes DefectsGenerator object subscriptable, so that it can be indexed
like a dictionary, using the defect_entries dictionary attribute.
return self.defect_entries[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set the value of a specific key (defect name) in the defect_entries
Also adds the corresponding defect to the self.defects dictionary, if
it doesn't already exist.
# check the input, must be a DefectEntry object, with same supercell and primitive structure
if not isinstance(value, DefectEntry):
raise TypeError(f"Value must be a DefectEntry object, not {type(value).__name__}")
defect_struc_wout_oxi = value.defect.structure.copy()
if defect_struc_wout_oxi != self.primitive_structure:
raise ValueError(
f"Value must have the same primitive structure as the DefectsGenerator object, "
f"instead has: {value.defect.structure} while DefectsGenerator has: "
# check supercell
defect_supercell = value.defect.get_supercell_structure(
dummy_species="X", # keep track of the defect frac coords in the supercell
defect_entry = get_defect_entry_from_defect(
charge_state=0, # just checking supercell structure here
if defect_entry.sc_entry != value.sc_entry:
raise ValueError(
f"Value must have the same supercell as the DefectsGenerator object, instead has: "
f"{defect_entry.sc_entry} while DefectsGenerator has: {value.sc_entry}"
self.defect_entries[key] = value
# add to self.defects if not already there
defects_key = _defect_dict_key_from_pmg_type(value.defect.defect_type)
if defects_key not in self.defects:
self.defects[defects_key] = []
if value.defect not in self.defects[defects_key]:
except ValueError as value_err:
if "You need at least" not in value_err.args[0]:
raise value_err
# just test based on names instead
if value.defect.name not in [defect.name for defect in self.defects[defects_key]]:
# sort defects and defect entries for deterministic behaviour:
self.defects = _sort_defects(self.defects, element_list=self._element_list)
self.defect_entries = _sort_defect_entries(self.defect_entries, element_list=self._element_list)
def __delitem__(self, key):
Deletes the specified defect entry from the defect_entries dictionary.
Doesn't remove the defect from the defects dictionary attribute, as
there may be other charge states of the same defect still present.
del self.defect_entries[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
Returns True if the defect_entries dictionary contains the specified
defect name.
return key in self.defect_entries
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of entries in the defect_entries dictionary.
return len(self.defect_entries)
def __iter__(self):
Returns an iterator over the defect_entries dictionary.
return iter(self.defect_entries)
def __str__(self):
Returns a string representation of the DefectsGenerator object.
formula = self.primitive_structure.composition.get_reduced_formula_and_factor(iupac_ordering=True)[
return (
f"DefectsGenerator for input composition {formula}, space group "
f"{self.primitive_structure.get_space_group_info()[0]} with {len(self)} defect entries "
def __repr__(self):
Returns a string representation of the DefectsGenerator object, and
prints the DefectsGenerator info.
return (
+ "\n---------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ self._defect_generator_info()
def _first_and_second_element(defect_name):
Return a tuple of the first and second element in the defect name.
For sorting purposes.
if defect_name.startswith("v"):
return (defect_name.split("_")[1], defect_name.split("_")[1])
if defect_name.split("_")[1] == "i":
return (defect_name.split("_")[0], defect_name.split("_")[0])
return (
def _sort_defect_entries(defect_entries_dict, element_list=None, symm_ops=None):
Sort defect entries for deterministic behaviour (for output and when
reloading DefectsGenerator objects, and with DefectThermodynamics entries
(particularly for deterministic plotting behaviour)).
Sorts defect entries by defect type (vacancies, substitutions,
interstitials), then by order of appearance of elements in the composition,
then alphabetically, then (for defect entries of the same type) sort by
charge state (from positive to negative).
if element_list is None:
host_element_list = None
extrinsic_element_list = []
for defect_entry in defect_entries_dict.values():
if host_element_list is None: # first iteration
host_element_list = [
el.symbol for el in defect_entry.defect.structure.composition.elements
for el in defect_entry.defect.defect_structure.composition.elements
if el.symbol not in host_element_list
# sort extrinsic elements alphabetically for deterministic ordering in output:
extrinsic_element_list = sorted(
[el for el in extrinsic_element_list if el not in host_element_list]
element_list = host_element_list + extrinsic_element_list
return dict(
key=lambda s: (
_list_index_or_val(element_list, _first_and_second_element(s[0])[0]),
_list_index_or_val(element_list, _first_and_second_element(s[0])[1]),
s[0].rsplit("_", 1)[0], # name without charge
-s[1].charge_state, # charge state
except ValueError as value_err:
# possibly defect entries with names not in doped format, try sorting without using name:
def _defect_entry_sorting_func(defect_entry):
unrelaxed_defect_name_w_charge = defect_entry.calculation_metadata.get(
if unrelaxed_defect_name_w_charge is not None:
name_from_defect = unrelaxed_defect_name_w_charge.rsplit("_", 1)[0] # without charge
name_from_defect = get_defect_name_from_defect(
return (
element_list, _first_and_second_element(defect_entry.defect.name)[0]
element_list, _first_and_second_element(defect_entry.defect.name)[1]
defect_entry.name.rsplit("_", 1)[0], # name without charge
name_from_defect, # doped name without charge
-defect_entry.charge_state, # charge state
return dict(
key=lambda s: _defect_entry_sorting_func(s[1]), # sort by defect entry object
except ValueError as value_err_2:
raise value_err_2 from value_err
def _sort_defects(defects_dict, element_list=None):
Sort defect objects for deterministic behaviour (for output and when
reloading DefectsGenerator objects.
Sorts defects by defect type (vacancies, substitutions, interstitials),
then by order of appearance of elements in the composition, then
alphabetically, then according to symmetry._frac_coords_sort_func.
if element_list is None:
all_elements = []
host_element_list = None
for _defect_type, defect_list in defects_dict.items():
for defect in defect_list:
if host_element_list is None: # first iteration
host_element_list = [el.symbol for el in defect.structure.composition.elements]
all_elements.extend(el.symbol for el in defect.defect_structure.composition.elements)
extrinsic_element_list = list(set(all_elements) - set(host_element_list))
# sort extrinsic elements alphabetically for deterministic ordering in output:
extrinsic_element_list = sorted(
[el for el in extrinsic_element_list if el not in host_element_list]
element_list = host_element_list + extrinsic_element_list
return {
defect_type: sorted(
key=lambda d: (
_list_index_or_val(element_list, _first_and_second_element(d.name)[0]),
_list_index_or_val(element_list, _first_and_second_element(d.name)[1]),
d.name, # bare name without charge
for defect_type, defect_list in defects_dict.items()
def _get_interstitial_candidate_sites(args):
Return a list of cand_sites_mul_and_equiv_fpos for interstitials in the
structure. Defined separately here to allow for multiprocessing.
args: tuple of arguments (to work with multiprocessing.pool)
to be passed to the function, in the form:
interstitial_generator: InterstitialGenerator object
structure: Structure object
interstitial_generator, structure = args
return [*interstitial_generator._get_candidate_sites(structure)]